Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 202

Chapter 202: Su Luxi (1)

'Am I in the next world already?'

When close to ten minutes already went by, impatience blossomed in his heart, hence the question. In his opinion, so much time already passed.

Usually, after the transfer, he would be assaulted by headaches or stuff which were the after-effects of inhabiting a body not really his. However, none of those happened to him this time. He couldn't even tell if he had already arrived since he couldn't open his eyes and couldn't feel his body too.

He unmuted the system, and just as expected, the mechanical one or probably mode of the foreigner thing in his head was gone, replaced by the childish one he had been used to.

"Hello, host. Congratulations on passing both the trial phase and the tutorial phase. As of now, your total points are 2520. 10 points had been deducted for the sending of some files from the disciplinary school before. The new world is an official one where you can get up to 5,000 points! Host, please work hard!"

Jiang Li suppressed the annoyance in his heart as he once again asked, "Are we in the next world yet?"

"Er, yes. But since there are certain circumstances about your current identity, host is advised to first look into the plot."

Just what the heck happened? Was he stuck in the void or somewhere similar? He couldn't open his eyes no matter how much he willed it. He was also not really getting any feeling from his body. This was why he had assumed he was yet to get one. But the weird thing was, he could hear a heartbeat and some other static frequency-like noises.

Which was the truth? Was he actually already in his new Original's body and he was just in a coma? That sounds so troublesome and maddening.

Feeling that there was nothing else he could do, he could only roll his imaginary eyes and hope that he was not in a dangerous situation. Afterward, he chose to heed the system's advice and ask for the memories to be transferred to him.

Half an hour later...

'It's a western setting, with magic, but with more romance. And my current identity is... wait, what?'

The system had long withdrawn in some corner of his brain, hiding. No matter what the host thought of the memories transferred to him, it didn't want to risk being scolded. And it seemed to have done the correct thing, since Jiang Li began laughing like a maniac after going through the plot.josei

Jiang Li couldn't believe what just happened.

He did not actually transmigrate! The body and its future identity was really his, not from a designated Original! He didn't know if this was a perk of having entered an official world, or the system was just pitying him who was sometimes having some identity crises. In any case, it chose to give him an incarnation of himself.

But the downside was that he was a mere baby!

And damn. A very newly conceived one at that, hence the lack of eyes, and limbs to move about.

'Should I feel intrigued? I'm not even sure if I'm already qualified to be called a baby since I'm probably just like a meatball in my current mom's belly. Wow. In the whole history of this whole multiverse, I'm probably the only baby in the germinal stage of prenatal development who can think, and like an adult one at that!'

He once again laughed like crazy, and like how the system predicted, violent thoughts were swirling in his mind. He had become very angry. But how couldn't he?

According to the memories, he was not even one week old! It meant that he would have to stay like this for more or less nine months!

'I can already see himself dying of both anger and boredom. Damn you! System!'


Jiang Li went through an uncountable number of troubles and annoyances after that. He endured extreme boredom for nine months.

All he could do while waiting to be officially human was to sleep, or recall the memories in his brain, either the plot or his previous lives. It was extremely excruciating for somebody with a mind of an adult to be trapped in a body that could barely move around in the endless but warm darkness. There was little to nothing for him to do.

The long-awaited childbirth happened at last, but when he got out, he realized only another episode of awkwardness and suffering would be waiting for him.

Imagine. His mentality was that of a more than 300 years old man, okay fine, around 20 if his pettiness and occasional fits of immaturity were factored in. Still, how easy would it be to accept that he had to watch his body always crave milk, wet the bed, make stupid noises, and do all strange and embarrassing things in the first few weeks?

He couldn't easily move around due to the weak body. But when he got to the point where he could walk and crawl, he still couldn't move around much due to being watched by at least 2 nannies, 2 maids, and 3 guards. Yeah, the household was quite rich so they could splurge money this way. But...

"Damn," he cursed out, at least he tried to. Yet in the eyes of the maids smiling and making faces at him, he was merely spouting his usual 'cute babblings'. Every time he saw that he just wanted to go back to being a zombie.

By now, he could probably get a Guinness record for being a baby that had sighed more than cried in his first year in the world.

One time the system cheered the extremely pissed off him. "Host, don't be too sad. Or angry. And please stop sighing like an old man since you are currently a baby. At least you will only have to suffer a little bit, then once you are three or four years old, you can start enjoying many carefree years of childhood and adolescence. It's amazing, isn't it?! You don't know how many troubled and stressed adults in the whole multiverse always wish to go back to their childhood years. Also, your identity will definitely ensure you a life of unparalleled comfort in your early days!"

'...You don't know what's awaiting me. Even as a cannon fodder little marquis of this western medieval world, I can't have a comfortable and leisurely childhood. Now I know why most transmigrators who became people of high birth always wanted to escape from their households.'

"Host, er, sorry. But starting from this world, you can only change the plot three times. Any successful attempt after that will garner a punishment from the system..."

As he stood up wobbly inside his crib, one of the wet nurses noticed that the future young lord who looked very adorable in his diaper while sucking on his pacifier was throwing knife-like gaze at one of the toys in front of him. 'Is our dearest baby angry with ducks? It's cute though. Hmm.'

The wet nurse random thoughts got interrupted when the senior maid of the marquis' heir called for her for some errands.

As for the odd baby, he just spoke with the system to clarify the rules in the place. Afterward, he sighed for the last time today before muting the system again. When he got very bored, he went back to glaring at nowhere.

One of the rational guards who witnessed his weird behaviors watched him for some time before asking himself, "Why does this baby look as if he had a grudge against the world?"

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