Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: Su Luxi (32)

The Creator refused the post so her parents were made the leader of the gods. The reason for it was that one of them was in charge of the law of Life, while the other handled the laws of Death, two of the most powerful laws.

During their reign, many rules were created, like one could no longer go back and forth the two realms anymore. And that to gain followers, a god could not manifest by himself, only create miracles or aid the believer in magic. josei

One way or another, the world became a bit chaotic and religions kept clashing against each other. Gods competed for supremacy and faiths. Yet the situation gradually became the norm as the gods and humans both became accustomed to it.

This persisted until all of a sudden... the Creator went mad.  

He said several thousands of years suddenly very dark in his prophetic visions and the records he had was no longer showing any dates and events. He thought it was due to the lesser amount of mana in the mortal and divine realm caused by the gods fight for faith.

To gain faith, miracles were needed, and to create miracles, mana had to be spent to create divine power. Since the Creator determined that the world he created would end due to the gods, he then exterminated them.

It had to be said that his madness had ushered in a nightmarish era for both the deities and the humans.

"I was kept alive because he is too injured from all the fights and the world he painstakingly wanted to preserve will die without somebody maintaining it a bit. When he is about to retreat from the scenes and sleep to regain his power, he captured me, the lucky survivor. Since then I had to guard the mortal world and make sure no wars or anything destroy it."

The Goddess' tone became heavier. Her face remained fascinating and beautiful, yet it was obvious that her eyes darkened a bit.

What she did not mention was that she only became a lucky survivor as she was a princess protected by many other gods.

When her parents were in the frontline fighting against the madman, she was at the very back, far from the deadly attacks that decimated hundreds of gods.

"What do you plan to do from now on?"

Jiang Li asked after a long period of silence. He would have not minded staying silent and just looking at her for hours.

Unfortunately, when he accidentally raised a part of his left arm, he saw that his fingertips were starting to turn transparent.

'I can't remain here any longer.'

The girl whose eyes were in the mirror replied, "My plan? Since you have read those books and the other texts, you should have an idea about what happened. I'm drained of my power. So I have to be a good captive. What else?" Since she was rolling her eyeballs around slow, it seemed her answer was really perfunctory or joke-like.

It made Jiang Li laugh and almost ask, 'Why did you create an avatar if it is as you said?'

Thankfully, he didn't truly voice it out. Her actions told him that she must be wary too of extra ears eavesdropping.

Frowning, he inquired, "Is the Saintess summoned because somebody else told you to?"

"En. Why else would I do that? That old guy said he saw the end of the world again and only after simulating thousands of possibilities did he see hope. Snatching a poor soul from another world is the solution he got." The Goddess sneered.

"However, he's just woken up and is afraid the summoning will make him enter deep slumber again, so he passed the task to his hostage?"

The girl shrugged at his guess. If possible, she truly did not want to talk about that damnable geezer.

Jiang Li pressed his lips into a thin line, complying with her wishes.

However, he stood up and tried to look for a weapon around. Nothing satisfactory entered his sight after a long while. He could not create an ice weapon. So he could only turn to the goddess. "Could you create anything that can break the chains?"

She looked at him like he was a great idiot. Jiang Li also realized the question he asked was weird.

If given the chance or if she could, why would she not want to create a weapon like that and free themselves from the chains?

She shook her head. "It is useless. It's not like I don't want to, but that I can't. The chains are created by the Creator using his unique power of creation. These days, he could no longer create anything divine since he has exhausted his powers to create that prophetic book of his. Unfortunately, the item on me was something he made before the era of gods."

The man's brown eyes darkened as he lowered his gaze. 

By that time, his left arm had already turned into white particles joining the light butterflies around to light up the huge but barren hall.  

"You..." The Goddess who saw him vanishing little by little panicked a bit and reached out to him. 

He lifted his head and laughed. "I'm not dying. Don't worry. It's just that my time here is up."

Even though she clearly heard his explanation, she still looked reluctant and tried to grab his still intact shoulders. She even yelled, "I'm your Goddess! I'm telling you not to go back! Hey!"

"... The real world where I belong is now calling me back though."

Dreams always had to end. He was a mere mortal so there was no way to extend his stay there. Feeling the strong pull on his soul, he sighed and said softly, "See you later..."


He had completely turned into small dots of light by then. Now, she back to being alone. There was no way to describe the sudden weight that pressed on her heart.

Her tone was quite aggrieved when she murmured in a sad tone, "... I won't really ask you how you come here. So why can't you just stay here for good? Or for just a little longer?"

She inspected the spot where he used to stand and then pursed her lips. A couple of moments passed before she noticed that something was there. Presence of magic.

With light footsteps she walked towards it and bent down, one hand on her knee, the other reaching out to the small object. The gloomy face she had immediately turned into a bright one as a smile which could light up even a whole town appeared there.

A second later, she was already laughing.

"It's made of ice."

"...but the craftsmanship is quite good." Her eyes twinkled in both delight and haughtiness at the cold item in her palm.

The Goddess's chains made annoying noises again when she walked back to her bed, but she didn't pay it much attention as her eyes couldn't move away from the little statue that he crafted and left behind.

It was a small statue of her.

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