Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Su Luxi (36)

A joke of a coronation ensued, taking place before a crowd separated to the scene by a transparent ice wall. When it ended, only the crown prince, no, new Emperor had a smile put on. The proud arc formed by Rome's lips irritated the Pope and the former Emperor.

Jiang Li briefly looked down. The fight was still ongoing. Not many civilians were killed since he made sure his family knights prioritized evacuating them. Still, the number of people present below had been halved, and more were leaving the premise. Faced with such, it was unknown how the male lead could still look proud.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty," In any case, he greeted him without even a slight smile.

That time, Rome was in a good mood so the white-haired man sitting in a wheelchair before him appeared more pleasant to the eyes. "Thank you, Mr. Prophet," he replied.

He didn't know behind him, his father had been dying to crack his skull open to see if a brain was inside it.

"Let's proceed with the crowning of the Empress and the Royal Concubine." Jiang Li said, turning to the nervous Saintess.

Unlike the Emperor, the girl who came from another world still had some common sense hence despite the trembling of her lips, she voiced out. "Y-Your Excellency, I think what the His Majesty the former Emperor said is correct. We can postpone the next part of the ceremony and evacuate first since the real important part has already been complete--- "

"It's the Goddess' will." Jiang Li fiercely said, interrupting her. The others were surprised as it was not a daily occurrence that the prophet spoke like that.

In this world, there was no other man more qualified to utter this phrase. The Saintess was taken aback but even she was in no position to question him as he was the currently more trusted and real messenger between them.

Without warning, the prophet threw something on the ground. It was a scroll which slowly turned into speckles of light and spread outward to form a huge yellow magic circle.

Jiang Li's countenance was very serious. No emotion could be seen from his face, not even remorse as if the item he threw was not something he bought for another hundred system points.

When the complicated layout of the magic circle completely got revealed on the floor, his hazel brown eyes slowly went to the Saintess. There was an expression of confusion on everyone's face since this was never part of an Empress' crowning ceremony.

Su Luxi couldn't remove her gaze from the beautiful and intricate circular patterns. 'Why do I feel like I have seen it somewhere already...? Where is it?'

"Before I formally declare you the Empress, may you please cooperate with me first and stand at the center of that?"

"This..." Su Luxi visibly hesitated.

Rumina also looked at the magic circle on the ground. She frowned. 'What is going on? Putting the rebellion aside, this also did not happen in the previous life.'

The newly crowned Emperor and the former Emperor looked at them without saying anything.

It was the Pope standing near the prophet who spoke, "Is this truly necessary?"

Jiang Li seriously reasoned, "Your Holiness, yes. It's the first time in history that a woman from the Church, the Saintess even, is to be instated as an Empress. The Goddess spoke to me last night and instructed me to do this."

A huge fire spell from who knows where suddenly blasted outside, specifically, against the wall of ice. Everyone's heart turned cold. When Jiang Li saw they were more inclined to escape from the scene, he immediately shouted, "We should hurry! Once they focused more firepower here, my barrier will only buy us at most three minutes! We have to complete this fast as to not disappoint the goddess!"

Because the prophet shouted, something he very rarely did, the minds of the people nearby became more confused. Their brains were telling them that something was not adding up.

However, as more and more attacks landed against the transparent wall, their reasoning also faltered.

In the end, one of the maids started urging Su Luxi to do as Jiang Li told. "Your Highness, please!"

Once one leads, mostly everyone follows. In no time, there were many eyes and mouths telling the girl to enter the magic circle. The female lead couldn't truly be bothered so she only watched, but the rest were literally forcing Su Luxi to make a decision. Under their collective voices, could the Saintess have a choice?

"Don't worry. I swear in my reputation as the heir of House Wade and the prophet of the Esteemed Goddess that I harbored no malicious intention towards the Saintess."

Once these were said, even though the villainess felt like there was something really wrong, Rome signaled her using his eyes so she had no choice but to take a few steps forward.

Gritting her teeth, the sixteen-year-old girl prayed, 'I hope my instinct is betraying me this time! Please!'


Outside the scope of the ice wall, the heir of House Lilac, a man with fiery red hair and black eyes, commanded to his family's magicians, "Make that wall tumble!!! Blast it with more magic!!!" 

In the midst of the confusing mixed of people several robed individuals turned to him and saluted. They then silently went forward, joining the other soldiers from the same camp attacking.

The red-haired man was left there to give more commands to the other personnel. The person was Marcus Bien Lilac.

To the outside world and people from the aristocratic circle, he was merely a person with great talents and wisdom. Who would have thought right at this moment, when the crown prince who he used to hang out with regularly was crowned, he would lead an uprising? Just where did he get the guts?

Well, in the younger generation, he was not truly inferior to Luke Wade. At least, publicly, they were both. While some were pitying him for being eclipsed by the prophet's reputation, in reality, the man was a secret big shot.

House Lilac rose to rebellion. They dared to do so not solely of their ambition to replaced the royal family, but because Marcus, their heir, was the Creator's prophet!josei

This explained why there were many monks guarding him and doing his bidding and why he helped them stepped foot into the capital by giving them the identity of House Lilac's personal soldiers.

"Be blasted to oblivion!!!"

"Fall down! Fall down! Fall down!"

Some of the monks who had temporarily freed themselves from enemies started delivering fist blows on the icy surface. Unfortunately, the wall was too tough and only the masters managed to leave a few dents on it. This made the forces of the rebels and the Creators to leave the job to their magic users.

"Milord, the palace has fallen to our hands, shouldn't we head there now?"

"No. I'll remain here. Just send more people to guard those places. And ensure there won't be any more mishaps in the plan."

"Milord?" Confused, or maybe, in a state of disbelief about what he heard, the mustached man blurted out.

The leader of the uprising refused to see the palace that had just been captured? What if there were some important stuff to recover there that only people of his personality and caliber could determine? No, even without that, wasn't it the norm for a rebel leader to declare victory of the revolt by occupying the throne?

"Even if the crown prince and the Emperor are alive, if the main church of the Goddess, the palace, and the several Houses are in our hands, they wouldn't be able to make a comeback. I think we should just leave one of our magician units here," suggested a viscount retainer who had been enticed to side with House Lilac in this rebellion.

'What do you know?' The icy expression of the Creator's prophet barely hid the frustration he was feeling right now.


Marcus started being a prophet seven years ago, a few months after Luke Wade was declared as the prophet of the Goddess of Light. Unlike the other ducal heir's patron, his was the vicious one. The so-called Creator was a deity who loved giving him orders and every time he failed, there would always be punishments delivered in the form of extreme torture and body pain. Since the first time he tasted it, he became afraid of receiving the same treatment hence he always made sure to do a great job when doing the Creator's bidding.

People only see his excellence and not the blood and sweat poured out to reach where he was.

'Kill Luke Wade! Throw the whole capital in disarray! Cripple their government and economic system!' Originally, these were the orders given to him a year ago and he had been very faithful in carrying everything out, triple-checking the plan and their progress every day.

If this rebellion became a success, all the objectives would be cleared which meant he would be able to breathe with ease again.

However, just now, he heard the Creator's baritone voice again, adding a task to his already full plate.

'At all cost, stop the Goddess' prophet from chanting his spell! Don't let it be successfully completed!'

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