Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 242

Chapter 242: Su Luxi (41) <2-in-1>

Jiang Li didn't know what ran within the female lead's mind at that time. However,  he was clear of what was on his own.

Looking at the red-haired man continuously vomiting blood, there was no emotion showing in his face or eyes. Yet, deep inside him, he was actually glad that the Creator got caught in the trap. He didn't care if the other was swearing profanities to him or doing something a being of his standing should not be doing. What mattered was that the crazy god was now like a dog put in a cage.

But with all of these done, he felt quite exhausted. The current body had been trained, but since it was strapped in the wheelchair for years, the stamina built up was still a lot lesser than Lu Ling's, the general who lent his body to him in Jiang Ying Yue's world. There was also how he had confirmed that the system was more mysterious than the so-called gods of this world. 

With only hundreds of points, it helped him deal with a local god. How strong was the system then? 

'The fortune-teller still seems to be a lot more powerful than the Creator even though I never saw her fight. It's just a gut feeling.'

'Just what kinds of worlds am I going to experience in the future?'

His goal did not change. Although, the system kept making him cross paths with the woman he liked, which he was very thankful for, the desire to go back did not truly diminish. It was just that he was now learning to think more about living. 

But was this also manipulated by the system? 

On one hand, one part of his brain asked, 'Who told you to jump into the firepit and bound yourself with a suspicious thing?' On the other, 'You are given a goal, a chance to experience many lives and become more humane, and met Na Yu and her incarnations. Why the heck are you not satisfied?'

The clashing thoughts and feelings were making him angry and helpless. 

To uplift his mood, he shrugged off the thoughts from his mind. And then said thrice to himself that he had done something worthy of celebration today. The plot had been f*cked up big time by him. 

Su Luxi was sent back to her real world. The Creator, who might even be the subconscious or will of this world would not be able to scheme against him or the Goddess for the time being. Rumina Bolden, the female lead had yet to be crowned.

The system in his head also reminded him that all his three chances to change the plot had been used up. But he was okay with them. The last change, of course, pertained to the Creator's current situation.

The Pope was panting for breath by the side. The others were gaping at him or the man entrapped within the cage of light which suddenly appeared after the Pope injected more than half of his light mana in the magic circle. Rumina was already unconscious. Thankfully, the Pope had pulled her outside the circle right before the Creator entered.

Before she fainted, the girl must be feeling wronged after hearing what Jiang Li said. Why she was used as bait? Which part of her deserved this treatment? 

She had no idea it was the guy being petty for all the unwelcomed intrusions she did in the past, plus there was the annoyance at how the Goddess died in the Original timeline partly because of her, even if she had no awareness of her part there.

"Is it over?" After a long while, Rome strode towards the altar and asked weakly to no one in particular.

Many eyes went to him, including Jiang Li's. To this useless person whose role was only to make him laugh at the initial part of the ceremony, he replied solemnly. "Your Majesty... I'm sorry to inform you. But it's not yet over... Not until the rebellion outside is stopped."

Several individuals inside the room subconsciously nodded at the prophet's reply. The former Emperor's face darkened and stared intensely at his son. "We  have to reclaim control of the capital as soon as possible."

Rome was silent for a full minute. He then recollected his calm and admitted, 'Fine, the Wade family's heir had a point.'

A while ago, he didn't have any idea what to do since the palace had already fallen. But now, faced with a caged red-haired guy, an idea came to him. He spoke with the Duke and the others. Jiang Li did not participate as he was receiving treatment from the clerics.josei

Helped by two priests, the Pope stood up and looked around. He too refrained from joining the discussion. He let the male lead shone. In all fairness, at this moment, Rome's IQ seemed to have returned as he was now making sense as he led the talk with the others. Later, coupled with his luck, he should have no problem fighting against a headless group of rebels. After this, he would reclaim the palace, stabilize the situation, and then perhaps... pester the church to call back his Empress. Once that time comes, Jiang Li would definitely watch the spectacle with folded arms and a mocking smile.

"What are we going to do about Miss Bolden?" the bishop from before asked his leader upon seeing Duke Bolden worriedly casting healing magic on his daughter.

The duke's face was wreathed in helplessness. Rumina was not waking up and it must be as his healing magic was not helping. A reason for this might be that his affinity with light magic was not even half as good as his daughter.

However, the duke was reluctant to ask help from the Pope.

He had yet to forget it was the old man who wanted her daughter to be sacrificed. The Duke had already borne a grudge in his heart and even promised himself to cut the donation his fief gives to the church yearly by three-fourths.

The Pope was not aware of the nobleman's thought. He hated the headache which assaulted him again, hence he immediately turned to the second-highest authority of the church. "Your Excellency?"

When Jiang Li heard the Pope calling out, he knew the other was not only asking for his opinions but update on the Goddess' instructions. With the failure of the Goddess' takeover, if a takeover had even occurred, the old man must be feeling confused and at a loss.

However, the Goddess still could not communicate with him and that one which the Pope heard was merely a faked recording from the system.

The young man raised his head. When the familiar voice did not come after a dozen or so seconds, he shrugged and then shook his head, replying, "As we can all see, things have become complicated beyond comprehension and several unexpected changes happened. Miss Bolden is one of those affected much. And so for now, I suggest, we just let her be nursed to health. It is unfortunate, but it seems she is incompatible with the Goddess. But it is not her fault at all, since everyone is subjected to fate, and Miss Bolden just happened to be not fated to be the Esteemed Goddess' vessel."

A frown appeared on the old man's face. Afterward, he looked at the young man seriously. Was the prophet telling him that he chose wrong? But the girl was directly mentioned by the voice that he heard earlier. He could be not mistaken about it!

"What say you, The Pope?" The man who had no qualms digging pits for the elderly asked with a smile. No one knew if he was finally taking revenge for the several matchmaking attempts before, with the Saintess' being the latest, or if he was merely doing things on a whim. 

"Your Holiness." Timely, the male lead interjected. Even though Rome was quite far from there, since there were so few people in the place, his voice was clear and was even echoing throughout. Or maybe this was another small effect of the protagonist's halo?

In any case, the new Emperor spoke, "Forgive me for I might be too forward in saying this, but how about you joined us, Your Holiness, in discussing the current situation in the capital?" He briefly glanced at Jiang Li, then added, "The Prophet is correct. Until the rebellion outside is dealt with, the crises won't be over. We would be more than happy to hear about your opinions and ideas... The holy knights... We would like to request their service to aid us..."

The old man thought for a while and then waved a hand at the bishops and priests. He reluctantly followed the prophet's suggestion and then joined the group of important personages.

Jiang Li briefly glanced at the Creator who was showering him with deadly glares and poisonous words. He couldn't truly hear a thing since he used black arts to make the other silent. Surprisingly it worked, which must be due to the receiver of the curse being confined in a weak body.

'Well, this situation is not bad. Let him be muted for as long as possible.'

System: Hello, mate. Welcome to my world. 


All this while, the Goddess of Light was watching everything transpiring in the capital through her mirror. She was especially attentive to her prophet and Saintess.

To be honest, she was quite baffled when the girl she summoned with all her strength got sent back just like that. And when things somehow ended in the Creator being trapped in a mortal's body, she unknowingly held her breath. Her mind was a bit of a mess. She didn't know what to feel back then.

'It's unknown how he did it... but this preposterous mortal transferred a complete person to another world? And even trapped a god in a dying man's body?'

The Goddess was feeling lightheaded. Even she could no longer recall how many times she had shaken her head today.

Then she remembered what took place a minute ago. To lure the Creator into a snare, her prophet made it appear as if he was preparing the duke's daughter to be the Goddess' vessel.

Would he be pulling another miracle or unknown magic? Back then she wondered.

She had expected the prophet to help her descend onto Rumina Bolden's body, the avatar she secretly created decades ago, but purposely forgot as she had been under the strict monitoring of the Creator.

However, he didn't.

The disappointment was quite huge since the man used the woman as bait instead. The Goddess was late to realize that Luke Wade, or Jiang Li was bad for doing that to a woman.

Anyways, on one hand, she expected to be summoned down, so she could escape from here and be in a mortal's shell. That way, she could not only... be with him, but also confront and perhaps, finish that old bastard in one go.

Now, when this did not happen, she was put at a loss. Yet, she also felt complicated, because, in the end, he still managed to accomplish what he told her a few hours ago.

'I'll see you.' He had said smilingly.

It was hateful to admit, but the words he said got burned in the back of her mind. She remembered that the tone he used back then was very firm. Confidence was oozing in it and one would just be compelled to wonder where he was getting that from.

How would he make her see him? How would he see her? Dream again?

When the ceremony and the chaotic rebellion started, a guess formed in her mind. Especially when talks about vessels flew around. Of course, this assumption had been crossed out.

Now she knew what the man truly meant. He indeed wanted her to descend. But not in the way she initially guessed. At least, not in somebody else's body, especially one which had already established a connection to another soul...

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