Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 246

Chapter 246: Su Luxi (45)

The Goddess did not hesitate to create a real avatar, one of blood and flesh of mortal which could accommodate her divinity. She did not question the urgency she was feeling as she did so. Her delight in the process made her miss the slight changes in the divine realm again, or maybe the amount slipping from her was just very minuscule for her to notice. 

Meanwhile, Jiang Li was silently waiting for the woman to appear before him. He had confidence that she would not betray his expectations. Even though all this while, the time they spent together were only in listening to each other's voice, no one would be able to say a thing to the seven years that they spent doing this. Moreover, their souls were not actually only together for that duration.

It was seven years here, but it was more than fifty years in every other world they had been through. Which couple would be able to say their relationship could come close to that total of years when added up? 

The time was more than enough for two people to build a bit of soul connection to each other. The concept was vague and there were no clear indications apart from guts and inexplicable attraction. Still... or maybe this was the reason why Jiang Li could say with confidence that the Goddess would want to be with him, just like he wouldn't consider other girls other than her. It was a trust and affection built through lifetimes of being together. 

It was definitely something to be proud of. Even though, it was unknown whether this trust which they had built over the years had done them a bit of bad.

There was no problem to long for each other, especially if a lot of time passed before they could meet, and the meeting was even only two-hour long. Sadly, the yearning to be together clouded their minds for a while and made them miss the Creator's escape. Without their notice, the one they dubbed as an evil god, albeit heavily injured, had already gone back to the divine realm.

Jiang Li was only able to realize something when a name that should not exist in this world suddenly rang in the altar.

'Jing Mo...'

He subconsciously traced the direction where it comes from. However, the voice had already vanished.  His eyes roamed around several times yet he found nothing.

Did he just mishear?

The idea sounded far-fetch, but he felt like he didn't. Had the voice from a woman, he would have attributed it to him hearing things, that he had unknowingly imagined the girl from the previous world uttering the name. However, he was sure the voice was from a man. Also, Ye Xinya had long been accustomed to calling him Jiang Li.

This just meant the voice was from a man. But who?

"Who just spoke?!" He yelled to those present in a hurry regardless of whether his connection with the Goddess was still on or not.

In the realm, the Goddess halted momentarily to check the scene below. Confusion flashed across her eyes. But she didn't ask what was wrong since it would be against her pride to not know it before him. Instead, she looked around too.

'Hmm. The damn old man?' The girl reviewed the scene before and asked, 'Hey, are you referring to him saying the words Jing Mo?'

Jiang Li automatically frowned. With his brows knitted he walked towards the bars that were still glowing brightly. Seeing the bad state the person inside was in, he remembered that there was a chance, instead of dying too, the Creator might be able to escape if the body died. He naturally felt a sense of uneasiness blooming in his heart.

'Damn. I'm an idiot! The death of the vessel might be his chance to escape!'

'No. More important than that, why does he know my previous name?!'

Feeling that he had to interrogate the guy about that last one, he hurriedly roared to the group of clerics who treated his injuries, "Hurry! Medics! Heal this guy! At least make sure he's not dead or else the evil god would escape from the body!"

Maybe the people in the church were just too used to listening to the orders of those above them so none questioned his decision and just immediately went to his side to administer the treatment.

A minute later, with beads of sweat on his pale face, the bishop turned to Jiang Li. With an apologetic expression on his eyes, he shook his head. "Your Excellency, we're too late. He's already dead."

"Damn." Jiang Li's eyes dilated at the report. He felt like an idiot for not reminding the ones nearby to watch out for the man dying. The item from the system was wasted just like that, detaining a corpse. The priests did not have the ability to revive the dead.

Watching the scene from above, the Goddess repeatedly blinked. She had completely stopped coughing up divine power to create a mortal body for her. Perhaps, because some time already passed, the discomfort from the lessening of the density of purified mana around her woke her up from her trance.

She muttered unconsciously, '... It's turning less dense around me again... The mana is slowly being pulled towards another location.'

The Goddess went silent for some time. Jiang Li was staring coldly at the corpse inside, not minding the smell of iron. The man not aware that Dong Lan took over Marcus' body for a couple of minutes heard the woman saying 'It's heading towards your family's mansion!'

Feeling his heart constricting and getting halved again, he ran out of the place, leaving the others confused by his action.


Even amongst the families he had transmigrated into in the past, the Wade household stood out for being the warmest and caring to him. This was why he really hated it when he realized, through the Goddess' words, that the Creator was planning to get back at him using them.

How dare he?

He wouldn't question why the damn god would resort to such low methods. After all, there was really no way to tell what a cornered person would be able to do. Still... What kind of god was the Creator that he would involve the innocent in their feud?

Every passing minute, Jiang Li's thoughts kept getting darker and darker.

'Connect me to the Creator!' In a cold voice, he told the system.

'Are you sure? It means points will be spent again?' The child-like voice rang, confirming, since it knew its host was somebody very thrifty. It had taken him an official world to be able to make him spent more than 300 points. And most were spent on the scheme to free the Goddess from her confinement. Would he really take out any more from his stash for people not related to his mission?

The system was surprised but did not say any more words. It patiently waited for the reply.

As Jiang Li rode a horse towards Wade mansion, he thought for a moment and then realized contacting the Creator wouldn't ensure his parents' safety. How he wished his heart was just as cold as before and that nothing could affect him like the situation right now. He gritted his teeth. He didn't take back his words earlier but added another request.

"Help me show the Creator how the Saintess is doing. It doesn't have to be me speaking. A letter or a projection with lines. I leave it to you!"

"Tell him I have the means to call the woman back. But I also have the means to just destroy his world if he doesn't stay put and do what he should not!"josei

After a long while, the system couldn't help the silence as it thought,

System: ... My host is scary and sick... Blackmailing without having the means to do what he said.

In any case, no matter the opinion it had about Jiang Li's order, the system carried out his request faithfully as it knew he was hoping to make the Creator hesitate, that the enemy's hesitation would buy him some time. Afterward, even though the man did not say anything, it quietly retreated after announcing the number of points left.

Miles away from them, the Creator who possessed the head knight of Wade household sneered at the message he received.

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