Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 251

Chapter 251: Su Luxi (50) <3-in-1>

Author's Note: Good day. Hello, everyone. The chapter is long because I decided to just end the arc in one go. Sorry in advance coz I know this is not the ending the majority would want. If you're the type who hates tragedy, please proceed to the next arc, that one, I promise a happy ending. Anyways, for this chapter, you've been warned. Thanks for reading. 


The other place she was referring to was actually Jiang Li's. She was alarmed because the Creator changed directions. The latter must have predicted or sensed her prophet's location. Remembering that the Goddess was not really the one who dealt him the greatest blow today but Jiang Li. The god did not think twice to come after him.

After all, it was the prophet who messed up the rebellion. It was also the prophet who stopped the monks and his believers from taking over the capital and burning down the Holy Church.

He was also the one who transported the Saintess away. Now, the book of prophecy was still showing no predictions thirty years from now on.

How could the Creator not feel hatred against him?

He really wanted to kill Luke Wade more than his family or anyone else.

Likewise, he was also aware that the other felt the same way to him, especially now that the Mansion belonging to his family was captured.

The battle at the center of the Empire's capital was slowly tilting to the Emperor's favor and nearing its end, courtesy of the male lead's halo. Meanwhile, another battle was just starting miles outside.

Jiang Li dismounted from his horse and rained ice attacks on his family's head knight that appeared in his vision. He had long guessed that the older guy was the new vessel from the traces of blood from the corner of his eyes and mouth.

Of course, the other did not let him do as he pleased. The Creator ordered his forces to mob the white-haired man. There was no way the latter could repeat what he did to the enemies at his mansion because the number of people this time were not just in tens or twenties, but more than a hundred.

What to do then? Jiang Li briefly looked around and then came into a decision.

Thankfully, the place was a forest. After isolating himself and the Creator with a barrier, he called out all the poisonous and dangerous animals within a mile radius and had them distract the monks. This way, he managed to focus on exchanging blows with the knight.

Jiang Li made sure to use deadly attacks, raining down ice of all shapes and sharpness to the other while evading metal weapons the other conjured on the spot.

The enemy was naturally as good as he was, if not better, in melee fights. So of course, none of Jiang Li's magic, arts or physical attacks struck him. It was a bit regrettable.

However, the deadlier it was and the more concentrated it was on the fatal spot, wouldn't the more the Creator would also expend effort to deflect them? Wouldn't the enemy need more divine power then?

This was the reason why even after so long, even though he himself was running out of stamina and mana, he kept the attacks coming.

At a glance, Jiang Li's goal was actually very obvious! Render the vessel unusable! Have the Creator wreck the current body again!

He had to thank the fact that the other wanted him dead so badly and did not give a damn whether his current body was giving up on him. The Creator must be thinking nothing mattered more than erasing Jiang Li's existence and that he could just scour the world for another vessel if the head knight's body turned unusable.josei

The terrain around them was destroyed. Outside the wall of ice, growls and howls of both men and beasts were filling the place. The white-haired man's eyes glowed faintly when he dealt the last blow which pushed the vessel to emit more divine energy that then ruined the body.

Yup, the Creator accidentally had to pour more divine powers into the body which then ruined it completely!

'Finally! He fell again! He must be quite injured! So it should be okay even if he escaped before I could capture him and lock him up in the body. He should be not appearing for some time.' Jiang Li madly panted for breath and turned around to face the monks.

When his goal was achieved and the Creator's believers who were still fighting the wild and berserk wild beasts saw this, they naturally couldn't believe it. The distraction caused these people to lose focus on what was in front of them. At places like this, a moment of hesitation and lack of concentration would spell death.

However, which devotee wouldn't be put at a loss if they suddenly discovered that their god, even if it was in a vessel's body, had died?


There were a few people who shouted this name after. One was the approaching Goddess, the rest was the angry supporters of the Creator. He was a bit surprised by the girl since she finally appeared in a mortal body. She knew it was her through his gut feeling. Also, Rumina Bolden, the female lead, was still confined in the church, guarded by her father and some holy knights.

'She's alone. So she must have left my family somewhere far ahead,' he thought, a bit relieved.

However, worry and fear could be seen painted all over her face.

And he realized the reason for that unusual expression of hers a bit late when she noticed she was widening her eyes behind him. When he looked back, a thought flickered in his mind. 'Damn I've been had!'

Reality taught the man a steep lesson today. No matter what, where, and when, you should not let their guard down and let complacency ate on your hearts. As it would most likely be helping your enemy strike you down. 

The angry shouts from the monks became like a joke or perhaps diversion.

"You... violated the world's laws...?" Eyes widened and with great difficulty, he asked the unfamiliar person who suddenly appeared before him.

The man looked especially imposing... And divine... and out of this world. And this newcomer who popped up out of nowhere was glaring daggers at Jiang Li before staring at the girl materializing a dozen meters behind the white-haired man.

The man was the Creator, in his real form. A real divinity in flesh.

Jiang Li's eyes dilated at the realization.

"Crazy...." The Goddess was bewildered as well and stiffened on the spot. She then kept shaking her head in disbelief and fear. "Y-you... I thought you wanted to preserve this world... Why, why did you materialize here?! You know the mortal realm can't handle a god's direct appearance!?!"

Her voice started off weak, until even she didn't notice that she was getting hysterical.

Long ago, thousands of years before the dark ages, all the gods, including him, used their power over the laws of nature to alter the rules governing the material world.

It would crumble once a deity invades it. Various calamities would begin all over the world to claim the lives of the inhabitants and no amount of magic or human intervention would be able to stop those. Floods, landslides, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, beast tides... Piece by piece, the world would fall into ruins and disintegrate, going back to the state of origin. Nothingness.

The rule was added so those having designs to use their divine bodies to do something unspeakable or overboard in the realm of mortals would immediately back out.

No god would want the mortal realm to be destroyed as it was the only place where they could get faith power. Also, if they happened to cause the great collapse, they would definitely be hunted down by all the other gods. In short, the rule had been effective. And it was still showing effect even now.

Among those who heard the Goddess, only Jiang Li and a few sober individuals within the enemy ranks felt like their hearts would burst out of their chests from the tension and fright.

The rest were so devoted that even though they also felt alarmed at what they heard, they still immediately kneeled to the handsome and valiant blue-eyed bald man now suspended in the air above them. After all, he was their patron deity.

The Creator though, after hearing the Goddess' words became dumbfounded too. Right... He was also stunned silly... and fear also engulfed his heart. 

The world he loved so much and wanted to save from doom... would actually meet its end due to him?

"No!" He denied. This was not what he wanted! Never in his wildest dreams did he consider it!

Yet it was a fact that he let his anger and emotions got the better of him.

As a result, he subconsciously materialized... without using a vessel.

So he was actually the reason for his own prophecy?

The Creator looked down for some time. Jiang Li by then, was running towards the Goddess. In his mind, he asked the system what would happen if the mortal realm turned into dust and if the inhabitants could be moved to the other realm. However, before the child-like voice could answer, the man saw the stupid god raising his bloodshot eyes at him.

The Creator hated both of the Goddess and her prophet. One forced him to materialize. The other was the daughter of the two gods that made the rules and had all the gods of the ancient time, including him be bound under that stupid rule.

"Since it's your fault, you should die!" That angry voice reverberated throughout the whole realm. The god's wrath descended onto the world. 

Whether it be Jiang Li, the mortal, or the Goddess, who was in a mere vessel, none of them would be able to stand against a god in his real form.

Seeing that a huge hand which seemed like a Shaolin temple attack  from a movie from Ye Xinya's world was coming down towards the Goddess, Jiang Li didn't hesitate to push the woman away. The latter was still too shocked, so even though she could teleport away, she didn't manage to do so on time. Before she knew it, her body was already flying back several meters.

"Noooo!" She shouted upon seeing what happened after. 

The next scene was like in a slow-mo in her eyes. Her prophet shoved her away. And then a huge hand made of purified man chopped him, separating his chest part to the rest of the parts below. Actually, there was a bit of muscle and bones barely ensuring Jiang Li's body was still in one piece. Yet the blood was pouring out like a fountain and the sight was just too unbearable to look at.

She trembled in horror as she had been observing the humans for so long and knew people could die from severed body parts and blood loss. "Luke Wade!!!!"

"Tch. I'm aiming for the Goddess so she can't interfere later once I start torturing you." The Creator said in irritation.

As Jiang Li's consciousness slowly fade due to the pain and the feeling that he would soon be dying, he tried his best to look at the now crying Goddess.

He was relieved to see that she was alright. She was standing up slowly and calling out his name, 'Luke Wade.' As for him, he was a ghost since long ago so it wouldn't matter if he died. The pain was, of course, killing him. But if worse comes to worst, he would simply wake up in another's body in another world.

However, her case might not be the same as his. Although he could meet her in other worlds, he had a hunch that he still couldn't let her die. Even if this hunch was not accurate, he still didn't want the Goddess to die or be injured. In this world, she was too stupid and naive, like the sheltered princess that she was, despite living for so many years.

His hand reached out to her face and he weakly shook his head. There was something he wanted to say but his mouth refused to move.

After the Creator who seemed to be hating him to death, the system spoke, "Host, the body is just too damaged and could not hold your soul anymore. I'm sorry. We can't stay any longer in this world. We'll be leaving. Emergency transfer commencing..."

Leaving? Wait, even though a while ago, he told himself it would be okay for him to die accidentally since he could just go to the next world, it didn't mean he wanted to be transferred away just like that. 

Before everything around him blackout, he managed to curse the system,

Hey, stop! Stop! Is there no way for me to just pay points so I could repair it?'

The system replied to the bloody man, 'Er... Sorry, it's too damaged, and even if you repair it, the enemy is right behind you and will be more than happy to pulverize you again.'

His breathing was getting fainter and fainter. 

Jiang Li felt angry at the reply. And at the current situation. He was dying. Yet the Creator was still alive. Thinking that the mana in his body could at least bring some damage to the crazy dude before the Goddess reached them, he willed his body to explode. 

"You want us to die? Thankfully the feeling is mutual!" Craziness flashing across his eyes, Jiang Li shouted. 

The man did not even hesitate when he decided this. After pushing himself back towards the mad god using magic, he immediately set himself to detonate. It was an ability that all magic users could do once in their life. 

"You crazy bastard!" The horror-filled voice of the Creator, who stared at him wide-eyed before fleeing, rang in his ears.

"NO!!!!" A tragic cry resounded after. 

An eerie explosion followed. Time seemed to have stilled as the Goddess watched a white-haired man's body turned into a colorful mess.

'My prophet... is gone?' A moment later, she began to hold her breath shake her head in utter disbelief.

Her whole body was trembling. And she was crying as much as she did when she witnessed her parents and all the other gods dying.

Before Jiang Li's soul truly disappeared from that world, his voice seemed to have rang in her ears, speaking so softly.

'Sorry... It's my fault for being complacent and unprepared... I wish I could stay longer. I hope I don't have to leave this early...' 

That time, the Creator's threat was forgotten in her mind. No, her mind was actually blank, too bewildered to process what happened. . 

'Do you know, in this world, I still want to be husband and wife with you again?' 

The Goddess naturally looked around, yet found no one. Without him on sight, she couldn't help but sob more. She couldn't believe how much tears a divine being like her could shed for a mere mortal who had been acquainted with her for only seven years.

What were seven years compared to the countless centuries she had already lived? Negligible. Not worth mentioning.

However, for this person, especially when she heard him ask something absurd, her heart just couldn't stop trembling. "Hey... y-you're around, right? I, I don't want you to go?! I can heal you!"

The Goddess hurriedly chanted a healing spell , the light of her magic illuminating the place. But where would she use that spell when he didn't even leave an intact part?

"I-If you are now a spirit, I, I'm ordering you as y-your Goddess! Show yourself to me!"

She didn't know he was barely conscious, even as a soul, and the system was merely waiting for him to faint before transferring him away.

His voice echoed once again, this time, as if it was from somewhere far away. And the reply seemed to have nothing to do with her command as it sounded like somebody speaking while lost in a daydream.

'... Hey.. Do you know that I was always hoping you can recover your past?...'

The Goddess didn't know what past he was talking about, of course. In her blurry vision, she saw a hateful figure trying to stand up. It was the creator of course. He was not yet dead...

Not dead yet? Why? What right does he have to live after everything he had done?

The Goddess' heart was grieving and full of anger. So she subconsciously conjured a sword made of light and walked towards the heavily injured guy. She didn't bother checking how a mortal's mana managed to damage him this much.

No one could come close to her who had literally become a walking light bulb. Every stab was accompanied by a soft murmuring in her ears which made the tears keep running down.

'I really hope you can remember our past lives... So that we can talk about the past... So that I won't be the only one remembering the beautiful memories... It doesn't seem possible now.'

The voice got fainter and fainter, even her sight was blacking out, and when the last thing she heard, '...It's my fault and idiocy. I can't accompany you any longer in this world... Sorry.'

It seemed that the last word was uttered when the weakened Creator breathed his last.


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