Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 263

Chapter 263: Selena Tang (12)

The two of them had experienced kinds of meeting from the past worlds, yet Jiang Li seemed to feel that the one in this world was very odd. It was a chance encounter at the exit of a random restaurant.

Their eyes met. That lasted for more or less three seconds. Yet it was enough to make him hold his breath and feel that his mind was slowly getting blank. 

'I found her, at last,' feeling moved, he exclaimed in his heart.

However, while the man was feeling a whirlpool of emotions within him, the woman showed no interest in him and swiftly looked away… Her gaze did not stay on him that long, treating him a normal stranger that one would cross paths once in her life... whose face and name she wouldn't know or remember.

While it was nothing but a normal reaction, Jiang Li hated it. The smile that almost appeared on his face promptly froze. A while later, his lips pressed into a thin line. He thought, wasn't it unfair?

While he was a bit shaken, and even feeling guilty for dying without spending more time with her, here she was, passing by him, treating him like air.

He was fully aware she didn't know him so it was normal.

But it was just quite disheartening because once again, it was only him who could remember!

Had it been a man from a drama and he was at the same situation, even though he was also feeling sad, he would still say, 'It's okay… I can bear with this.' But Jiang Li was not like that. He was selfish. And if he could, he would openly state his resentment to her about their situation.

It just happened that right now he couldn't. Because she wouldn't get what he meant, if ever. What a damnable situation.

He was really angry at was her circumstance. 

Even now, it was a puzzle why she was in every world he visited and why they, even though they were the same person, were not sharing the same memories. What was her true identity? 

Watching the elegant and smartly dressed woman walked passed him, the man thought to himself. 'Keep calm, idiot. Be content with at least finding her.' 

'You're already fortunate to have found her again.'

Jiang Li tailed the woman and then found out that she was headed for the second floor where an audition was being held. The way he went after her was quite obvious, but it seemed the woman was too busy to care. As for the other girl, she noticed him but did not pay him any more attention. It was probably because he was not the only one nearby.

The two women went inside a large hall and then got greeted by a few ladies and men of ages ranging from late twenties to mid-forties. It seemed 'she' was quite an important person since those other people kept respectful faces as they conversed with her. Her whole person emitting frost that made even him feel awkward, yet the smiles of those people did not waver, even as she stared at them with her cold hazel eyes. 

Jiang Li was secretly watching them from the hallway. He was standing by the sophisticated balustrade, his back facing the direction of the double-doors. His head was bowed and tilted to the left. People who would see him from a distance would assume he was watching the floor below when in reality, his eyes were at the woman and the people surrounding her. 

'I know that guy. He should be a fairly popular director. A few notable films and commercials have been produced by his hands.'

'And that middle-aged dude with huge beer belly... If I'm not mistaken, he is known as the owner of that large company owning up almost 60% of the liquor industry. Since he appeared here, he should be an investor. So just who is she, that even a person of his status is doing his best to flatter her?'

His hand was not idle as he wondered about this. A moment later, he shook his head at the results. 

The only thing he managed to confirm was that this time she was a lady of influence. Perhaps, she was from a giant family. If not, maybe she had a very high status in a particular industry which could intimidate even old fogies. Good. At least it meant she would not be easily bullied. 

Perhaps, the only problem would be that she was extremely cold…

When she was greeted passionately, her poker face and freezing stares did not rescind. She didn't engage in any more perfunctory talks with them. There was also no change in her expression when she passed by those people. 

He saw that their smiles turned stiff. It was a given. Yet none of them dared to complain. Instead, they pretended as if they had just not been snubbed. They continued talking to each other as they headed deeper into the room where the actors were already standing by. 

Jiang Li hated that he couldn't go inside. But who asked him to have no relation to anyone in the audition? 'I should have said yes to the staff earlier!'

Left with no choice as he also didn't want to leave, he simply pretended to be busy with his phone as he waited outside.

An hour after, the woman walked out of the room, still followed by her assistant. She elegantly walked down the stairs… no. There was an elevator nearby so of course, that was what she used to reach the ground floor. Jiang Li did not hesitate to follow, not caring when she glanced at him twice.

The girl surely had a superb memory and since it would be the third time she would be seeing him, she might take note of him, most likely in a less favorable way. But so what?

What he wanted right now was to leave an impression. So of course, if joining her in the elevator after that another eye to eye contact from the hallway could help, he would be more than happy.

Otherwise, he also wouldn't mind being the stalker today... and if worse comes to worst, for the next days to come. 

Time proved that he was merely daydreaming. At least, for what he was initially hoping. 

There was no impression left.

The cold lady did not even spare him a glance which left him an odd and uncomfortable feeling. After all, he was such a hot and mature guy, cough, not boasting since it was true.

However, despite this and even though everyone else had already checked him out thrice, she was the only one who didn't even turn her head in his direction once. 

In that short stay inside the elevator, the other ladies had even sneakily taken a photo of him whereas she never looked at him! Crazy!

He gritted his teeth as he asked himself, 'Did my charm diminish so much that she no longer takes interest in me?  Even if it's normal coz it's our first meeting… Still, this is too much!'

The poor man simply didn't want to admit. But his ego was bruised since the woman he wanted most to notice him didn't. Instead, he got treated like air. How high was her standards?josei

He discreetly followed her on the first floor. Since the elevator was on the other side of the restaurant, he immediately saw Tang Jingyi and discovered that still waiting at the table. Jiang Li got surprised when the other man stood up in shock upon seeing her.

But what made his pupils dilate for a second was when the woman marched with full momentum and grace towards this agent.

"Tang Jingyi!" It was the familiar voice, sweet and pleasant like music to the ear, yet it was very cold, way colder than when she, as Jiang Ying Yue, urged him to kill her on their first official meeting.

The face of the man called out paled. However, in three seconds he changed his expression into a flattering one.

"Hello, my beautiful cousin Selena!" Tang Jingyi stood up and welcomed her with wide arms, attempting to hug her. "It's been a while. Nice to see you here! How have you been?"

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