Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 265

Chapter 265: Selena Tang (14)

Tang Jingyi wanted to facepalm and sighed. 'The guy is my client. But I'm sure he knows now I'm the man-hater's cousin so he won't sign. Damn, this sharp-tongued witch!'

The agent made the conclusion after realizing Jiang Li heard the exchange between him and Selena. He watched as the singer blinked at the woman twice. After a while, he heard Jiang Li spoke calmly.

"You seem to be thinking ahead unnecessarily. Why will I need an excuse? More important right now is a solution for my suit. No matter if it's my fault for expecting you to have eyes on your back or what, it's a fact that you bump into me and caused my drink to spill on me. For your information, everything is spilled on me because I held your waist and made sure no drop would fall on you."

He bluntly said it. 'You're safe and sound because of me, and you don't have to be drenched in liquor or sauce. Shouldn't you be grateful?'

'Ungentlemanly!' Selena Tang, the cousin of the agent, cried out in her heart. She looked at the other man with disgust.

If he knew how a true gentleman acted, he wouldn't bring up that and used it against her. Heck, he wouldn't even argue with a lady. Were real gentlemen all already extinct? It would be tragic if only boorish, uneducated, or stupid men were left on earth!

The woman knew there was a bit of flaw in her thinking, but the anger brewing in her heart did not let her admit it. 

"So you think you saved me?" She asked in a prickly manner. "In the first place, there wouldn't be a collision if you're just a bit more intelligent and did not appear behind me. For Pete's sake, you could use so many ways to reach your seat! So why did you just have to pop out of nowhere? You even almost cause me to fall on top of a table full of dishes?"

'Coz I can.' The man answered in his head to the first and second questions. A smile almost formed on his lips. After a couple of exchanges of words between them, he had gradually adapted to her personality. He even found it quite refreshing.

Of course, he still had to hide his thoughts and suppressed the urge to express his amusement.

"Miss. I didn't know instead of simply saying thank you and that you'll be responsible for the dry cleaning of my vest, you'll be like this… Like a…."

Jiang Li shook his head, his eyes showing disapproval, and acted like he couldn't find the word to describe her.

He turned to Tang Jingyi who was sporting a dumb face on them. "Mr. Tang. I heard from earlier that she's your cousin? Is this for real? Pardon me, but I am just having a hard time believing it. You were so polite and well-mannered whereas she…."

Once again, he left his sentence hanging. When he looked at the other man, he saw awkwardness. But more than that, in the other's eyes was pity… for him? This agent was pitying him?

Jiang Li turned his head to the girl again and only saw her still throwing unfriendly looks at him. But deep inside, he could see resentment… and a bit of embarrassment. Oh, he knew why. The 'talk' had proceeded for quite a while so a few customers were already looking at their direction.

Many probably saw what happened and from their perspective, the woman was a bit too much. After all, she was saved from becoming a mess. However, since she turned around without warning and bumped into him, his clothes got dirty. Yet instead of saying sorry, she was the one demanding an apology.

When was the last time she had been shamed like this? Having a guess of what was in the other customers' mind, she, of course, became a bit resentful of the man. Nonetheless, knowing this wouldn't end if she didn't say a thing, she irritatedly extended her palm to the man. "Since I can't seem to beat your shamelessness, pass me your phone."

"Oh? What's with this?"

"Can't you just do it? This is what you want, right? So you can contact me for the money you'll need."

Jiang Li's lips curled up. "Here." He swiftly fished out his phone and unlocked it before handing it to her.

With a few presses, she finished adding a string of numbers in his phonebook. Jiang Li noticed though that in the process, she never withdrew her chilling aura and dagger-like stares at him.

Once done double-checking the number, she wordlessly returned the dark blue device to him. After that, she gave him one last glare.

She didn't see him fiddling with the phone as her eyes were too focused on imprinting the face of this shameful man in her mind, planning to give him a difficult time in the future if ever they met again.

"I hope your conscience would let you sleep at night for what you did to a lady like me." In that same glacier-filled tone, she spat out.

After that, she turned around. The female assistant naturally followed, but not without first giving Jiang Li a brooding look. Tang Jingyi said his goodbye, waving a hand uncomfortably.

"Hmmm." Jiang Li, on the other hand, a slight smile on his face.

'Sorry, I really don't want to let you go just like that.'

He tapped a button on his phone's screen, which immediately caused a mechanical voice to reverberate in that part of the hall.

"The number you have dialed is incorrect or not yet in service. Please check the number and dial again…."

"The number you have dialed is incorrect or not yet in service. Please check the number and dial again…."

"The number you have dialed is incorrect or not yet in service. Please check the number and dial again…."

Time seemed to have stood still when the woman heard that recurring message. Many busybodies stopped eating and focused their ears on that, Tang Jingyi included. Meanwhile, the woman froze in her tracks. Her skin crawled. A foreboding sense of danger welled up from within her.

'Don't tell me…'

From behind her, around ten steps away, the man's voice echoed clearly despite the music filling the place. "Hmm? Strange…" It followed a melancholic sigh. The man seemed to have realized the truth and became disheartened by it. He said, "Hah… I didn't expect this… Miss…."

Tang Jingyi walked out from behind the table. He also had speculation about what happened. And actually, he felt ashamed. For a while, he didn't know whether to approach his cousin or the prospective talent.

Selena Tang heard the younger woman next to her called out her name in a concerned manner, "Miss Tang…"

Gritting her teeth, the woman said. "Let's get out of here fast."

She was about to take a large stride towards the exit when the man's voice rang again.

"Hey, Miss…"

Jiang Li stood in his spot, trying his best not to laugh. The situation right now was very amusing, plus it was a rare chance when he could see her both very cold and very angry.

He also noticed her behavior where after being busted from crime, she wanted to run away and leave the trouble behind. So after all these, even though she was the one who wanted to deceive him, she just wanted to wash her hands off of the matter?

As if he could let that happen! Why wouldn't he take advantage of this god-sent opportunity?

Thinking of this, he faked surprise and even though deep inside, he wanted to roar in laughter, he forced himself to looked so frustrated as he asked. "Is your impression of me that bad that you have to give me a fake number? Are you really that unwilling to take responsibility for me?"

The words came out quite loud.josei

Selena Tang trembled. It took him so long to summon back her reason.

But even so, when she turned around, her eyes and face were red due to embarrassment and rage.

'This damnable animal!!!'

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