Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: Selena Tang (17)

"...Also, the other day, I gave her a precious necklace, but she felt more happy receiving that man's cheap bouquet… It's making me feel complicated," said the painter with a disheartened expression in his face.

Those nearby gave him a brooding look. No, there were hints of smiles and laughter in their eyes and lips. "Mr. Painter, you really are an artist."

"Yeah. So romantic."

"But a pitiful one."

"Can you all not butt in? I'm talking to Mr. Jiang." Gao Jing said gloomily. Heaven knows that he badly wanted to pick up a brush right now since he got inspired and wanted to paint thugs with these men as the models.

"Sorry, he seems busy musing about some funny matters. Look at the grin in his face," commented Qin Tai in a laidback manner.

The guy was the same one Jiang Li met at the sunset terraces of a mall near a mountain. He used to be a lovelorn fool, but a word of advice woke him up months ago. Now, he had to thank that the people in the party were already busy talking to their cliques and were not looking at him or else, many would have seen his unsightly sitting posture unbefitting his position as a future chairman of a whole conglomerate.

Jiang Li who had been called out let out a soft 'huh' and then parted his chin from his right palm. He subconsciously asked, "Who talked? I think someone called me. What did he say again?"

Young master Qin chuckled while the painter surnamed Gao covered his face, the latter looked as if he wanted to cry. When he repeated what he said earlier, his tone became a lot heavier, and with a hint of annoyance. Who would want to repeat an embarrassing history to someone?

"Next time, you listen and don't let your mind wander around." Because the others were laughing, when he finished parroting the words earlier, he grumpily added.

Jiang Li shrugged. Since his brain was on what the other had consulted about, his eyes were now the ones wandering around. "Mr. Painter. Your problem is actually very easy to solve. Only give something and appear before the girl whenever she's annoyed by your rival."

"… Don't make me think I'm an idiot for not getting what you mean…" Gao Jing answered, annoyed.

"Comparison done at times when she's feeling down should be effective in making her see how better you are compared to him. Don't you think so?"

Laughter rang after, coming from the other idle guy, who was chasing another woman of the male lead.

The person was the son of a politician. He was Wen Hui, the one courting Tang Yu Yan, the adopted sister of the famous scriptwriter Selena Tang. "Mr. Jiang. I'm sorry, but I have to say that while you make sense, what you said is not easy at all. How can we know when those opportunities will present themselves to us? Or if those opportunities will ever come?"

At the time, Jiang Li was concentrating on the entrance and waiting for a certain girl's arrival. He grumbled internally upon hearing the politician's son's retort, 'Do I have to tell them the obvious?'

The question might have shown directly on his face. It was Qin Tai, the one no longer head over heels for one of Liu De's woman, who was able to think of the answer clearly. "Actually, you don't have to worry that an opportunity won't come. If it didn't, why don't you just create it? Although you would have to be super meticulous. It's tried and tested on my part; the bastard has outstanding luck. So maybe if you're going to stage a scene where you'll be the one shining, you should make it appear as if it's very coincidental."

"CEO Qin, even you are now giving cryptic answers. Is that really based on experience? You should elaborate more!"

The people at Jiang Li's side exchanged their views about the matter. It was pretty comical since these men of high statures were all troubled by love and were treating the same man as their rival.

A while ago, they were all joking about stuff, sharing interesting stories, and congratulating Jiang Li for his return to the capital. The latter clinked his glass with theirs for a toast, not acting inferior to them at all even though he garnered many looks from other guests puzzled by how an unknown man like him could stay with famous and reputable people.  

From time to time, some acquaintances of the other guys near him would come to greet them and each time, Jiang Li would introduce himself as a mere online singer. The change in the kind of look in those people's eyes was entertaining to watch. Not few had disdain flickering discreetly across their faces. However, several insightful ones guessed there was more to him based on the unusual attitudes of his friends. 

Time passed. Unfortunately, he caught no glimpse of the person he was waiting for. Maybe the woman was busy amending her work or was simply not having any urgency to acquaint herself with the local powers and big personalities in the country.

He saw Liu De and his ex-wife. But he didn't approach them nor create troubles for them. He was too kind for that. And it would be troublesome. Why would he directly fight someone with abnormal luck?

He heard somebody clicking his tongue. "I really hate seeing that man's face."

"Well, we all do."

"… But somehow women love it and I don't get it," retorted the painter to Wen Hui.

Jiang Li heard Qin Tai laughing at them. "If you guys are that bothered, then stop being a loser and snatch back your women from him. Better do it at the same time, so he will feel the pain. Hurry and save your love of your lives from him!"

Towards that malicious remark said in a joking manner, his friends fell into silence and looked at the Qin heir solemnly. Jiang Li stood up and also laughed. Judging that the girl would not show up, he bade farewell. "Boys, I'm leaving now. CEO Qin, don't forget my contract. Both for my songs and for me to become your signed artist."

The politician's son gave him a weird look. "What kind of game are you two playing?"

Jiang Li only laughed and looked at Qin Tai. The latter shrugged and explained the matter to the others while the former started heading towards the exit.

In his mind, as he walked out of the lively place, he was remarking to himself in a cynical manner. 'Young Master Qin sure lives up to his name. Brainy. He easily managed to deduce my simple plan.'

Towards this man who stayed with them despite no longer sharing the same characteristics, being in love with somebody from the male lead's harem, Jiang Li felt appreciation. In times when the rest were lost or purely thinking about chasing their love of their lives, Qin Tai could supply useful opinions or be the voice of reason. Like what happened earlier.

Jiang Li walked towards the parking lot and got inside his vehicle. He did not see Selena Tang that eve, and even seemingly had his eyes burned after seeing his reborn ex-wife's happy expression as she linked arms with the cheat Liu De.josei

However, he left the place in a pleasant manner. After all, apart from being amused by his friends, before reaching his car, he got two calls from the other guys he was in contact with.

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