Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 347

Chapter 347: Agatha (45) <2-in-1>

The medium was just a couple of steps away, her hand reaching for his head.

Alarm bells were ringing inside to warn him of the oncoming danger. Yet his eyes were still speaking to Margarette.

Jiang Li wondered. When did the medium's weight in Margarette's heart become greater than his? His wife was standing by that woman's side!

Was there something going on behind the scenes that he just didn't know?

Everything had been odd in his eyes. Only a few hours ago, he was with the girl and they were okay. Then all of a sudden, she began acting so not like her which led to this situation. Why couldn't she just continue lying at home? Did she know her actions disturb many people's sleep and caused him so much trouble?

'Your husband is in danger.' Before the fortune-teller reached him, he gave the girl one last look of pleading. 'Go to me, alright?' his gaze said.

He was ready to forget all this madness and treat it as her being manipulated by the medium, as long as she heeds his eyes. In his imagination, already playing was her figure repenting for the hesitation she showed earlier by immediately going to his side. Once that happened, he would then use whatever means in his disposal, the system if needed, to leave that space.

However, what he was hoping in his mind did not happen. Margarette stayed where she was. "Teacher, I'm sorry for troubling you to rouse his memories."

Laughter rang. "It is no trouble if it's for my dearest student. After all, I am the older one here and it's my job to understand a young woman's longing for a chivalrous and manly knight. In a moment, he will be the honorable man you wanted to see in him, a general, and not the homeless fake messenger who loves to deceive people."

That simple exchange made Jiang Li silent. He was shaken. He didn't know what to say after discovering that his wife's incarnation in this world was only fierce in commerce and black arts, and extremely stupid outside of that.

However, when he determined that Margarette really had no whatsoever plan to move, he knew there was nothing more to consider. His face fell. The world instantly became monochrome in his sight and he suddenly wanted to become crazy. 

'Host.' The mechanical voice rang when Jiang Li was throwing the fortune-teller a death stare. 

The guy jolted out of his thoughts and his eyesight regained clarity. Right. He was betrayed. So he was still in danger. He was in a bitter situation where nobody would save him.

'Yeah, I can only count on myself now.' He laughed, telling himself too that there was no way he would allow another being to tamper with his brain.

A second after that, all urges and emotions disappeared from his eyes. The youth seemed to have sobered up.

At that moment, Jiang Li had come up with a decision and his aura suddenly shot up, it became very suffocating for those around.

A flash of surprise crossed the fortune-teller's eyes. "A takeover?"

She was referring to Jiang Li's abrupt change that made him seem like a different person, a person possessed by a higher being.

The fortune-teller's hand that was only a couple of inches away hurriedly withdrew. She retreated a few more steps and then gave her previous spot a dumbfounded look.

"Margarette don't come near. It has become dangerous!" In a grave tone, the woman said.

Margarette's body shook. She watched with wide eyes as Jiang Li suddenly escape from the chair where he was supposed to, bound with some invisible power. When he reappeared several meters back, only a few steps away from the exit, he was no longer looking at her.

"General?" Like a foolish girl, she called out upon seeing the unnerving change in him.

However, the man did not reply to her. He did not even look at her.

Jiang Li, whose eyes and hair turned white, locked gazes with the violet-dressed woman.

"I hope the Heavens punish you with death, Fortune-Teller," he said to her, his rage barely concealed by his icy voice.

The fortune-teller replied after recovering her calm. "I'm afraid that wouldn't happen. I violated no law as I know about it more than you. When you asked me where Margarette is, I later showed you that she is here."

She looked at Margarette and signaled for her to step back again.

"Is that so?" he asked emotionlessly. He let out a satirical laugh, "How shameless. What do you call your ridiculous deeds towards Margarette and the others? And just now, was that what you meant for saying you came for me in this world apart from Dong Lan?" He referred to the attempt to mess with his memories.

Seeing the ice that was spreading throughout the room starting from the side nearest to him, the woman also repeatedly backed away.

The ice was unforgiving, devouring living and non-living things on its way before shattering them into ice powder. It perfectly showed its creator's mood.

Jiang Li had prepared for this situation ever since he inferred the other's presence in this place so he had inquired from the system what he could do to increase his strength to the limit. This was the result. An answer that of course began to burn his points faster than ever. While Jiang Li did not protest, he felt a searing pain in his heart, both for the depletion rate of his points, and the reason why he had to burn those points. 

The uncontrollable rage and pain manifested into something no mortal could achieve.

Prompting the fortune-teller to say, "It seems, it is you who have violated something."

"Teacher, did you succeed?" On the side, Margarette asked anxiously.

The girl was aware to ask this at this moment was stupid, but she could no longer suppress the uneasiness in her heart. Despite knowing the 'general' was not an ice magician, there was something within her hoping that Jiang Li's change was because of the medium's spell.

'That f*cking general again.'

Jiang Li inhaled deeply, his hands balled into fists, and the cracking sounds from the materials turning into ice and powder became louder. What Margarette asked just now almost made him lose control of the temporary power lend to him by the system. Warned that losing control was not only deadly but could bring harm to his soul too, he tried his best to calm himself. It took him a great deal of effort to not look at the girl.

Yet his actions resulted in small red veins appearing in his eyes. The place was seventy percent made into an ice world.

He saw the fortune-teller shook her head to Margarette. "It failed." 

It seemed there was something more the woman wanted to say. However, in the end, she could only utter her name with alarm."Margarette." 

The youth made a move just then. He tried to snatch the girl from the fortune-teller after conjuring several small lifeforms and weapons made out of ice which he waved towards the latter. Not even a second passed, the garden giving off a vibrant and fresh beauty a couple of moments ago completely turned into a beautiful ice world. However, the woman was very fast and had managed to pull the girl over to her side. 

She put the princess in front of her, temporarily escaping the fate of being encased in an ice cube or reduced into some sort of ice powder. The young man obviously had the intention to kill the fortune-teller after bringing the girl away so the former wanted to make Margarette her shield in case the man turned more berserk

What she failed to consider though was him not completely canceling his magic. Jiang Li did pause. Nonetheless, his hesitation only lasted a moment before he began pushing it forward again.

And thus, the girl who was still wallowing in disappointment could only let out a yelp as a cold fog made of finely pulverized ice floated over and devoured her.

"So decisive," the fortune-teller couldn't help but comment, her eyes not concealing her bizarre admiration. 

Jiang Li, empowered by almost a thousand points, became really too powerful, at the level of the acclaimed God of War. It gave him a new perspective of how odd and mysterious the system was, and changed the opinion of the violet-robed woman about him. 

Before the fortune-teller could move away, the fog that wanted to turn her into ice before breaking her into innumerable shards came before her.

She breathed in quite deeply and then smiled wryly. 'Wow. This brat forced me into a corner. I might have to leave this world before I could meet Dong Lan.'

A second after that, the three people in the icy garden suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Li succeeded in taking Margarette from there.

Moreover, before leaving, aside from pushing the icy fog to its limit, he made sure to rain blocks of ice in the direction of the violet-robed woman. He wanted that entire special space to be destroyed. And if possible to kill the fortune-teller.

But of course, he himself knew that this thought was crazy since there was no way somebody of her caliber would die from an attack like that. And he was actually right about it.

The fortune-teller used a part of her real power to teleport out of that special space. She managed to get outside of the tower even faster than Jiang Li. Yet although escaping unscathed, she was not really pleased. When she reappeared near the palace, she watched with a frown as the observatory became covered with frost at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye.

A moment later, she looked up, her lips parting a bit for an irritated sigh.

She could feel the pressure in her soul upon being discovered by the world's consciousness. In Jiang Li's term, he called it 'Fate' or most of the times, 'The Plot'. She was no longer welcomed by it so she started to feel uncomfortable, especially since she was not in her real body.

"The first teleportation here was permitted, only causing me to be confined in a very weak vessel for the entire duration of my visit."josei

"But the second usage of outside power, since it was a bit more than the highest local power in this world, it was considered an offense."

"How ridiculous."

The woman felt annoyed. She felt even more annoyed because  Jiang Li seemed to be allowed to stay longer than her.

Was it due to the difference in their statuses? Because she was a tad weaker than the spirit servant posturing as Jiang Li's system so she could not enjoy the same treatment?

Or was it because Jiang Li's current identity was not even that of a cannon-fodder and thus he was more tolerated by the world's consciousness?

The woman's train of thoughts began to wander until she started pondering whether that child spirit had a special ability allowing its ghost to linger for decades.

Later on, though, she gave up thinking about it, shaking her head before marching towards the palace where she would enjoy her last hour in this world.

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