Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 361

Chapter 361: Agatha (59) <2-in-1>

By the grace of Sariel, the Goddess of the Moon, the real features of these gods became visible. All of them had ethereal and beautiful appearances that could instantly make mortals feel awe and devotion in their hearts. Right now, curiosity and amazement could be seen on their immaculate faces.

The God of War Gadreel, a tall heavily armored man with brown hair and blue eyes appeared a few meters outside the range of the light, staring into the vague figure seemingly meditating in the middle of it.

A moment later, he turned to the yellow-dressed fair lady with wavy long blue hair, sapphire eyes and cherry lips who gently floated down beside him. "Good evening, Penemue, it's a surprise to see you here. You came to see the excitement?"

The Goddess of Wisdom gave an elegant smile before curtsying. "It's my pleasure to be in your presence, God of War. I'm here as it is the first time that a mortal ascended to the same level as us since the death of our master. It's something I couldn't wait to witness and write in my church's archives. I would love to personally congratulate this young man too."

Looking at the excited gleam from Penemue's eyes, the famed god nodded, "My intention is the same. And I am shocked. This kid is very young. It's a wonder how he managed to do this."

"Senior Araqiel said he's an outsider."

"Oh? I didn't notice." Gadreel only narrowed his eyes for a second but didn't do anything more. "My powers did not react since he is not malicious to our world."

Penemue smiled softly then nodded. At the same time that a pen and parchment materialized in front of her, she lowered her head to record what the other had just said. 

"You two seem to be forgetting something, that even though he's a master of the Law of Water or Ice, he is also very proficient in Black Magic. That's what I'm puzzled about. Why didn't he choose to occupy the seat for that Law?" said Armamos, the God of Mystery. The man dressed like a normal courtier, with top hat, tailcoat, and cane walked over to them. The two greeted him with a nod.

Several other figures appeared by their side. The discussion became livelier as more deities joined in the conversation.

The last to arrive, Araqiel, the God of Earth and the most senior amongst them spoke in a grumbling tone, "I remember now. This little guy here is the person who stole something from Master's Church. How daring."

"Oh, that's news to me. He also stole some of the precious books in my grand library." The awkward voice was from the Goddess of Wisdom. She also began to note down this piece of information.

Meanwhile, a wry expression immediately surfaced on the faces of everyone around. The Master Araqiel spoke of was the deceased Great Deity, the person who created the world and everything in it. Towards Jiang Li who did something outrageous to one of the original church's remaining relics, they really couldn't help but feel some awe and annoyance.

For a while, a debate on whether they should make the guy pay for the stolen goods ensued.

"He is really daring. And I like it," Yeqon, God of Plague, laughingly interjected, earning the hostile glances from the ascended angels. He shrugged after. The man knew he was not well-liked by this prideful bunch because he was the first and only Fallen Angel to gain godhood. He was also the reason why dark arts and witches still exist in the continent.

"Weird. Another pillar of light rose from the village ahead."josei

Penemue exclaimed in surprise, stealing the attention of every deity present. She turned to Armamos, "God of Mystery, what is going on?"

The other froze then asked back, "Shouldn't it be a question yours to answer as you are the keeper of all wisdom in this world?"

"My dearest brother Armamos, even the wittiest sage needs details and clues first before they could piece out the truth. I believe it's in your jurisdiction to answer queries like this. It's a mystery and I truly have no idea what's happening there," the woman answered. She also made clear she was feeling lazy to teleport over there since the God of Mystery was here.

To this, the called god felt helpless. He was silent for a long time before saying to the Goddess of Wisdom and the others listening attentively to their conversation, "Another person is ascending. It's…. the wife of your fake messenger, Penemue."


"I think these two have a prior arrangement. The other ascender is a witch who mastered dark arts from the Eastern Continent. When this kid appeared near the coast, he commanded a magician from there to inform his wife through magic."

While these busybody-gods were leisurely watching and exchanging insights about the event, the mortals in the surrounding areas felt so suffocated from the heavy auras that kept pressing down on their souls. Their breathing became ragged. Many had begun to look away from the pillars of light. The others, especially those in the sand village, prostrated on the ground the moment they realized who the other ascender was.

'Our village has produced a goddess!' The village head exclaimed in his heart, excitement oozing out from his eyes and aged body.

Adam and the two other leads were staring blankly at the direction of the light. The former's eyes were narrowed as much as he could to lessen the pain felt by his eyes. He had not blinked even once. He wanted to confirm by himself the person confronting Heaven to gain a spot in the divine kingdom.

The seconds that passed felt like a century. 

At the palace, the king of Holon looked once at the nearest pillar of light before his eyes went down to the card he had drawn from the Tarot deck. Upon seeing The Sun there, his eyes reddened from jealousy. He knew the first person ascending.

It turned out the jerk who froze a friend in ice due to the slightest misunderstanding was about to be a deity. The card just now ascertained success.

Francis IV fell into deep thoughts, frowning, 'If I give Divination route a go, maybe I will be able to succeed? My age is worrisome though.'

Not long after, to the west of the village where the majority of the gods were gathering, the blinding pillar of light slowly receded.

A figure of a man was then revealed. Tiredness could be seen from him as if he just went through a tough unseen battle. Even so, the air around him had become much holier, not the least bit inferior to Penemue's and the others.

Some of the gods wanted to go forward to congratulate this new god and see his attitude towards them. Yet they suddenly realized they couldn't step up.

They felt it. Going within a ten-meter distance from the man would mean getting caged in ice and not even them could guarantee a successful escape from it.

"Sure enough. This one is the embodiment of frost," After being taken aback, one of the busybodies commented with a wry expression. To this everybody else, nodded, on their faces were varying expressions. Some were annoyed as if their pride had just been provoked. The others were neutral, only there to see the show.

They saw the scholarly man stared in the direction of the other pillar of light. Like the others, he was patiently waiting. Several deities spoke with Jiang Li. Unfortunately, the guy was like a statue with his sight fixed in that place. Thankfully, these gods had mild tempers, largely because he was not an enemy. Upon being ignored, they only thought the newbie was very anxious for his wife, which was actually the truth.

The wait did not last long. Just like what happened to him, the light receded, only leaving a shower of sparks that vanished a couple of moments later. Revealed was a dazzling lady with a face that made all the female deities there gasp and widen their eyes in disbelief.

They said Sariel was the most beautiful Goddess in the world.

But when Margarette ascended, the Goddess of the Moon had no choice but to let go of that title.

Upon becoming a local deity, Margarette left the previous shell to Aliyah so she and her personalities could continue to get along within that. Margarette created a new body for her, modeled after her real appearance, with a cold ice-goddess-like charm that was more fitting to her face than the mushy sweet look Marian did with it from time to time.

The woman's closed eyes opened, just in time to see a man dressed in blue commoner clothing walking towards her. The other gods that popped up were automatically filtered out from her sight. She froze almost immediately.

Looking at Jiang Li now, she knew she lost in her self-made battle.

But anyway, does it matter?

Her eyes softened and a calm voice came out of her mouth, reverberating throughout the land for all mortals to hear.

"Finished having fun outside Mu?" she asked.

He replied after a chuckle. "I'm done with my first touring of the outside world, yes." 

She looked at him, ignoring the strong auras sprouting around them. Her voice was still calm as she said, "You waited for me, right? To reach this point before crossing the boundary to godhood yourself. I remember years ago, you are already so near to being at the same level as an angel."

"Well, yeah." He laughingly explained. "I vowed to myself I will only see you again once I become another god of the land. But I figured since you are on this road to divinity too, I couldn't appear before you ascend. This is how I fulfilled the vow and gave you enough time to realize what you really want."

A hint of nervousness could be seen from Jiang Li's face when he continued, "So... How have you been... wife?"

The new goddess was overwhelmed by emotions, especially after recalling it was twelve years ago when she last heard of his voice. She couldn't speak for a while.

She wanted badly to tell him that he had been a huge jerk for not seeing her for a dozen years, that even though she had done wrong, his retaliation had been too much, and that he should feel threatened because even though she was stuck in a remote village, there were still countless men asking for her hand in marriage. However, when she found her voice, she couldn't say those words. She stood there, trembling.

In the end, the wife just opened her arms and hugged the other with teary eyes. "How have I been?"

"The days had been unbearable for me… I… Before I know it, it has been my dream to have you back. I used to be a haughty princess, but since that day, I became a little wife praying every day for you to remember where you belong. I frequently asked myself, is it because I am a witch that no god is hearing me out?"

Jiang Li laughed at her resentful tone, "Don't worry, I'm here now."

System: ... That sounds like a response from a bastard.

Sure enough, Margarette thought so too, her eyes still red and full of resentment.

Jiang Li coughed in embarrassment, and hurriedly added, "I mean, the curse of the continent did not make me a man with Alzheimer's. I did not forget where my real home is. I guess, it's because there's someone in this land that I am not allowed to forget."

"Actually, I also brought back many gifts. I left it them the care of your subordinate and we can retrieve them any time. Would you like to see them now?"

There seemed to be a tacit understanding between the two, probably due to the strengthened spiritual connection. Nobody brought out the reason for their separation or the suffering from the past twelve years. From now on, it would be a new beginning. They would be treading a new wonderful life ahead with each other. 

To his latest question, Margarette shook her head. She buried her head in his chest and tightened her embrace of him as if she was afraid he would disappear again. 

She was crying when she said, "I'm really happy that you return to me."

"Welcome back. Husband."

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