Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Xie Na

The surrounding is full of people who were also stranded here with him. Everyone couldn't exit because the lass, Xie Na, blocked everyone from leaving. Also, no one dared to get close due to the spine-chilling cold she was currently emitting around her.

And this cold aura coming from her intensified by tenfolds when she saw the person she wanted to beat up today!

"Bastard Jiang Li!!!!!!!!!"

As he faced a beautiful raging girl screaming at the top of her lungs, Jiang Li only stared at her calmly as if the one called bastard was not him.

He even hummed a reply, "Yes?" which mysteriously angered the girl further.

Unfortunately for her, her anger didn't have any effect on the guy who was still busy wondering why she invested her little money to gloomy dresses and all-black makeup.

After inspecting the woman in front of him for a couple of moments, with eyes which say as if something didn't live up to his expectation, he amusedly told himself,

'To be able to catch that Cheng scum's eyes and uplift his company to a new height... I thought she's a smart girl... Maybe, I received a false set of memories?'


In some TV dramas that he had accidentally watched before, this kind of scene always escalates into the girl throwing something to the guy.

It could either be her shoes or anything heavy and sharp. If not then some scathing remarks, or even her fist. He didn't dare claim things as absolute because he had considered what if the scriptwriter had something in mind which would bring forth a plot twist.

Anyway, usually after the throwing slash confrontation act, the man put in the hot seat would develop hatred or bad impression towards the woman which would mysteriously turn into deep interest.

Jiang Li once again didn't dare say anything final because even if this ridiculous setup has a high likelihood to happen, it is normally reserved for the male lead.

The question though, is he the male lead? No, right? If not, then what should be the best course of action here?

The best friend of the girl a heartthrob rejected blocked the path of everyone in the department just to confront the bastard heartthrob which just happened to be him.

'Hehe, what an awesome scene,' he thought as his lips curled up, his mind conjuring thousands of mockeries to whoever made up this plot.

"Bastard Jiang Li! How dare you!!! You made my best friend cry!" Xie Na marched towards him with footsteps mysteriously as heavy as an elephant's.

The young man did not act fazed because, despite her slightly weird appearance and weird way of charging, he was still just facing a normal girl. Of course, he held contempt against her getup and makeup. He was even thinking that it was no wonder she's friend with that violet wigged weird girl.

Birds of the same feather flocks together. Weird girls befriended the same kind of people, same with how corrupt politicians befriended their kind. And this was why the country was not improving.

Cough, okay, this guy was just too nuts to have thought of that comparison.

But anyway, he was not in any way, form, or manner, intimidated by the gothic-loving woman. That would never happen because despite dying early to a zombie bite, he was still someone who had already experienced an apocalypse. At least, none who had already seen or probably even unconsciously eaten many people alive would be fazed by a mere gothic-dressed girl.

Back to the girl.josei

Given that she's here to settle some grievances for her friend, what else would be on her face, if not anger?

Xie Na really disliked the indifferent look on the handsome face of the campus heartthrob.

Now she didn't even bother wondering whether this heartless-looking guy knew he just broke somebody's heart into innumerable pieces.

His handsome face just told her that he doesn't care!

So infuriating!

However, while she was feeling like this though, Jiang Li almost laughed because her entourage consisted of girls in which half were bashfully looking at him, a third squealing and the rest puzzled why they had to line up and block people from leaving the building.

The only one truly furious at him was Xie Na who unreasonably shouted, "Everyone. We shall not let that bastard pass! We'll take revenge for Cao Hua!"

Jiang Li gave the girl a reproaching look. Ignoring the angry stares threw back at him, he turned around and started walking away.

He could not understand why all the bystanders nearby chose to stay there and torture their eyes with Xie Na's current look. It was just really stupid. Even if they couldn't think of taking the other exit, why was there no one who thought of calling the professors or admin staffs?

Had they been too shocked by the girl's actions? Or were they just eager to see a drama because their school lives had been too stressful, so they need a good laughing slash gossip material?

"Jiang Li! Face me, you damn coward!"

He disdainfully thought as he continued walking,

'If bravery means having one's eyes burnt by your appearance, then I prefer to be a coward. At least, I'd save myself from the trauma and nightmares.'

Behind him, since he had his back turned against them, he didn't know that the angry woman was disregarding everyone's pieces of advice and swiftly marching towards him.

Maybe he could guess it based on what he could hear from his spot, however, he chose to disregard it too. If worse comes to worst, a woman was still a woman, so she should be easily subdued.

Jiang Li was someone who knew a thing or two about self-defense because he was born to a prestigious family. So if the woman really charged at him with her fist, he doesn't believe that he would be easily knocked out.

Not long after, since none dared to cross path with the crazy woman, she eventually drew nearer and nearer to Jiang Li until she was only two meters away from him.

"Jiang Li!!!"

That roar came from behind the nonchalant male student just when he had just turned to the left corridor. He rolled his eyes and turned around. That was exactly when Xie Na jumped from her spot with her small fist raised in the air.

"So predictable," he said as he watched the balled fist come down to him. Her distorted face came to view, making him question this world again.

It was really just out of reason and it was just hard not to ask who the heck made this woman become like this. She was supposed to be a Cinderella...or at least, that was how she should initially be according to the memories.

Fine, she ultimately became a villainess, but the thought that this kind of woman contributed greatly to a corporation greater than his family's, it was honestly too far-fetched, especially as he looked at how instead of confirming things with her friend, she chose to confront him.

'What a stupid woman.'

'I must review the memories again once I get home to see what happened in her university days. To complete this damn mission I must see what catalyzed her personality overhaul...'

Behind the incensed girl, he heard many gasps and screams. If he was not only in that scene right now, he would have assumed that it was them who was about to be beaten up.

Jiang Li casually sidestepped to the right, which made it certain that he would be out of range of her sloppy attack. He then extended his hand and was about to grab the annoying hand of that girl to yank it on her back when someone suddenly also came running into that corridor.

The person came from the direction where Xie Na was from, probably missing the warnings from the other people there due to a reason that Jiang Li was not aware of.

Anyway, actions just happened faster than words.

He didn't know if he was just blessed or the villainess was just destined not to have things happened her way, but the punch intended for him suddenly ended up landing on somebody else's head...


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