Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: ROEHSC001's Decision

'The individual labeled ROEHCS001 will now begin his initial synchronization.'

'Pain receptors lowered to zero to avoid ear-splitting induced screams, adjusting optical receptors.'

It started out as a minor occurrence, the lights went out for Han Jing. He had been playing on his phone when it happened—and now everything was covered in a canopy of darkness.

"Power outage again?" His brows furrowed as he took note of the absence of light from the light bulb in the ceiling. He couldn't help but sigh, and as he glanced at the window, the thick curtains prevented any ray of light to come through.

Although it was already night time outside.

But… everything was clear.

Crystal clear.

People were naturally able to adapt into the night after some time and he once heard that Pirates wore eyepatches to help one of their eyes to see better whenever they launched attacks during the night.

But this was way too clear for him!

He shouldn't be able to see this well at all! And though he didn't need to wear prescription glasses, he was sure as hell that all the countless hours spent using his phone meant that his vision wasn't twenty-twenty either.

So this was…?

The door clicked open before he could finish his thought. A burst of light poured in from the outside—a blinding white that shone down on his form.

Han Jing hissed for a moment at the sudden brightness, he raised a hand and covered his face from it. He squinted his eyes as well. What was happening right now?

"Han Jing, it's a blackout. Why aren't you bringing out the candles?" His mother's voice snapped at him from behind the light.

A snort came as well, "He must be doing some kind of freaky thing." Jinjing's voice added.

So it wasn't the after life after all. If someone else had been at the end of the white tunnel of light, he may have believed that he ended up dying while using his phone for some reason. And so that only meant—he felt jitters run down his spine as he barely stood up without a word.

This couldn't be possible could it?

When did he ever develop dark vision, no, it was called something else wasn't it… [ Night Vision ]?!

He took a few unsteady steps towards the cabinets. Gravity seemed to be missing as he felt both weightless and yet seconds away from collapsing on the floor.

Even as he turned his back away from his family and wasn't in the light's direct path, he was still able to see clearly as he reached for the handle and pulled out the available candles, matchsticks and the spare flashlight as well, 

Han Jing sighed heavily before exhaling, he needed to concentrate. "Do you need the candles or the flash—"

"Didn't I just tell you to bring out the candles, Han Jing?" His mother retorted.

Why did he even bother to bring another suggestion up? Han Jing inwardly sighed. Plucking out the candles from the cabinet's drawer, he pulled out the matchsticks as well and drew closer to their dining table to light it up.

Once he got there, he finally noticed that their meal had already been on the table after all. His mother must have finished cooking before she went to pick up his sister. As of now dinner consisted of a fish dish sauteed with a hefty amount of vegetables along with a large platter of rice.

Han Jing would then proceed to strike up the match and light the candle before finally placing it as the centerpiece of their dinner table—a tingle ran up his spine.

In the corner of his vision, he watched his younger sister drop off her bag at the couch. Before the girl's brows raised as she bent to pick up his phone, "Hey, you left your—"

Han Jing leapt towards the couch and snatched off his phone from her hands, "Thanks, don't touch my phone."

Han Jinjing's face would scrunch up as she glanced at her hands, "Ew, were you watching something—"

"Ahem, do wash up Jinjing," Their mother's voice cut in sharply, "We'll have dinner now."

"I really have to wash my hands, mom." His sister shuddered, "I may even take a bath."josei

He wasn't sure if such an assumption were in his best intentions, but he couldn't help but be worried that his little sister was already aware of such things… What were kids doing these days?

Well, he would have to put it behind as he pocketed his phone. He'd be having his dinner first and then afterwards...? What should he do next? He thought about how far he had already managed to accomplish in the simulation. He somehow managed to level up after the recent events that had happened.

There really wouldn't be trouble attending his second day at Kraelonia Academy would it? He felt his lips twitch for a bit as he shook his head, the case was settled for him then.

.. .

'Vital signs are stable. Heart race is normalizing for ROEHCS001.' The young child clad in her white dress was seated on a chair resembling something from a gamer's wet dream as she monitored the statistics in front of her. 'Initial synchronization is considered as a success.'

She propped a hand underneath her cheek as she held back a sigh, glancing away from the screen would allow her to see her colleagues.

They were accompanied by a multitude of other individuals that ranged from what appeared to be kids, teens, adults and even elderly, they were all different in outward appearances—but each one of them was monitoring a singular screen.

'... ROEHJT027 failed the synchronization.' An elderly man shook his head and watched the screen before them turned black for a moment before it sprang up back to white. 'Further tests will be conducted however.'

'ROEDAC000 is trying to break through the restricted area.' A young woman intoned.

Numerous information were being shared between each one of the individuals present as time flowed seamlessly around them. A soft sigh would leave the lips of the young child as she monitored the dummy, but in another space within the chambers of their mind—other details were being processed as well:

'ROADL066 is trying to communicate and find information about ROEHCS001.'

'Representative from the Celestial Realm, Eastern Faction is looking for an access point to RO. Deny.'

'Counter-attacking the Abyss Realm, Hellbringer's influx of Infernal Energy.'

'Invitation of collaboration from the Fae King, sent to higher body of power.'

Compared to the others within the same space as her that were working without even blinking an eye, the young child yawned and stretched for a moment. She rubbed the corner of her eye and sighed as multiple notifications sprang up within her mind's eye.

It was boring her.

The developments surrounding her assigned area was actually slow for the past millennium—it would have been fun to see the Dragon actually make a move but they retreated to their cave. Whilst the others were more content to accumulate power or wage internal strife with one another.

It was exactly the same scenario that would occur if the restricted barriers between the multiple realms and worlds were to be lifted: destruction.

As far as she was concerned, the Creators' Will would never be… she stopped herself from finishing the thought and merely clicked her tongue.

Free thought. Free will. Free potential.

What exactly could they do with such things? The answers all laid themselves before her.

.. .

A flicker of the flame danced in the center of the table as the three family members consumed their dinner in silence. It was as if nobody of them were now pointing out the lack of light. Han Jing had half a mind to ask his mother if their electricity bill had been cut—but he would have to ask it when Jinjing had gone asleep.

There wasn't much use worrying the girl's mind.

Although he took notice of something. Perhaps this was how the 'benefit' came into play as he glanced at his phone. Its battery was completely recharged and it was never losing even a single digit from the wonderful hundred percent.

Somehow this seemed more of like the benefit that he could actually believe and grasp properly. Quite unlike the fact that he… he could see clearly in the darkness like some sort of cat. 

But there was another for him to consider as he opened the messaging app, Han Jing stared at the unreplied message. It was the Moderator telling him that albeit their penchant for lies—they ought to trust them.

Han: Thank you for your words, I'll consider them

Alright that was done. Based on Peach's words, he shouldn't have been able to experience the backlash that occurred earlier. His Soul was strong enough for the necessary transmigration process. Should he trust Peach and continue playing this game with the Free-Reign mode or the Mobile mode?

"Han Jing quit looking at your phone and continue eating your dinner." His mother told him with narrowed eyes.

His little sister stuck a tongue out at him before she continued eating her meal.

Once again, he held back a groan and rubbed his face. Somehow this incident might make him consider Free-Reign mode more favorably than Mobile—at least his mother wouldn't nag him that way.

Well, that was an easy way to settle his problem.

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