Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Breakfast, the Lass and First Class

There was a certain flair to how the two sisters walked side by side towards their table. A girl donning a full Paladin-like costume accompanied by a girl in their Lolita dress was a sight to see. Right behind them, a good distance away was Ellynn and she had been the one who caught his attention first though. Han wanted to call her out but hesitated for a moment, he might have to do it later. Who knows if she was upset at him or something?

As for the two sisters' catwalk, it had been disrupted as Timothy quickly moved past them without even so much as a blink of an eye. He was concentrating on not dropping the plate, or perhaps retaining its heat? Although Han had no idea what had happened with his friend—the look on Penelope's face was priceless.

Well, until she arrived and threw him a ferocious glare.

It was thanks to her that a misunderstanding had occurred and became full-blown. Albeit it was also his Soul Waves' fault for being too blunt with them, Penelope looked displeased while Angelika simply had an uneasy smile on her face. "Good morning, we've run a little late haven't we?"

"It's always a pleasure to see the both of you regardless, Lady Angelika and Lady Penelope." Sir Leon de Harrington greeted with a bright smile. As if he wasn't seeing the narrowed look on the ginger haired girl's face.

Donovan chuckled as he munched on his loaf of bread, "Probably because you took so long wearing that bulky armor of yours."

"Say that again when I beat you in a battle, Donovan." Angelika rolled her eyes as she sat down on her seat. "Not everyone of us has the opportunity to bear battle scars."

The man beside Sir Leon de Harrington shrugged and motioned to his upper arms, they were filled with several long scar lines, "You call these scars? They're hardly the ones you'd get in a real battle—these ones are just scratches."

"You could have mitigated that with a [ Healing Potion ]." Penelope muttered as she received her breakfast from one of the moving carts, took a seat and began to eat.

Donovan gave a look at the girl and snorted, "Ah, are your tastes in boys the ones without a single scratch one them? Thin lanky boys without a single blemish even on their asses."

"Are you perchance talking about me?" Sir Leon de Harrington coughed slightly with a smile.

The [ Axe Wielder ] would detract his statement as he laughed, "Nah, you're good Sir Harrington, I'm just questioning Penny's taste in men."

"I didn't give you permission to refer to me so lightly like that." Penelope narrowed her eyes at him.

Angelika waved in between the two of them, "No fights please, we can't have another food fight in the cafeteria."

Han raised a brow at that and fought back to urge to grin, "How often do those happen?" Now that would be something worth seeing—magic and all that, he'd actually get to see a real flying saucer.

"Fairly enough." Sir Leon de Harrington gave him a bemused smile. "Have you forgotten yesterday? It was a good thing that a Professor came along."

He was right, Han slapped a hand over his forehead, someone had thrown something in Ellynn's direction. Han found the girl located in one of the corners of the room once more, it wasn't actually that hard to see her with them being mostly the only one with the cloa—

"Good morning," Another cloaked figure appeared in front of him—midget version though. 

A smile curled on Penelope's lips, "Ah, Eli, you've finally woken up."

"Hmm, I should say that an introduction should be in order, but the two of you have already met yesterday?" Sir Leon de Harrington glanced at him before the [ Noble ] moved a bit and allowed Elliot to take a seat beside him.

"H-hello again! I was only introduced to your good friend Timothy, but he isn't here right now?" The young boy actually seemed pleased about that as they flashed him a smile, "The two of us had already encountered each other but pleased to make your acquaintance." 

"Nice to meet you too."

Elliot took a seat as he soon received a meal from Angelika, "Yesterday had been an insightful opportunity for me to learn, I owe you that. You have my thanks."

Han didn't expect them to act this prim and proper, then again—he was from the family of Primrose. The Creators had a canny way of naming people here, didn't they? "O-oh, yeah, same to you." 

Unlike yesterday where the boy had acted demure, they were showing their true colors here huh? Han wasn't sure if he appreciated that notion, then again, this guy was at least better than always perfect Sir Leon maybe? He didn't know, Han proceeded to eat his breakfast first and worry later.

.. .

Coming to the class of [ Introduction to Magical Theory ] was a bit weird, Timothy hadn't come back even after the end of breakfast time and so Han ended up walking with Penelope and Elliot all by himself. It was the most awkward situation to say the least—instead of Penelope talking to her brother, she was talking to him reluctantly.

"Do you think Timothy had gotten upset with me?"

"Why would he get upset with you?"

She sighed and fiddled with her thumbs, "Well, I assumed that something terrible had happened—it was your fault for bringing Ellynn with her in your arms while she was passed out. What else am I supposed to assume? You've drugged her or something and offered her to me as some sort of tribute."


"I don't hate that [ Half Elf ] that much." Penelope frowned and grumbled underneath her breath on what seemed to be something like 'better than me.' She sighed and glanced at him, "I got upset at you and I'm afraid that Timothy might have felt hurt as well, that's the reason why he didn't choose to eat breakfast with us."

"You think so?" Han raised a brow at her and glanced at her brother. Elliot was quiet and keeping to himself but surely they would have thought that his older sister was a bit delusional right?

"I'm afraid that might be the case, so since the two of you happen to be best of friends… Can you put in a good word for me? Check if he's truly that upset?" Penelope sheepishly flashed him a smile.

He didn't get this girl, the two of them had barely known each other but she had quickly become concerned of Timothy. Was his friend a lady killer or what? The memory of Becky came to mind and he dropped the idea. Donovan was right, Penelope's taste in men was questionable… then again, an answer came to Han Jing's mind.

It was all thanks to the soap operas that his mother would watch.

Penelope decided to focus on Timothy since Sir Leon de Harrington seemed to care more for his sister? Now that sounded scandalous—

"Excuse me, are you even paying attention to me?" Penelope let out a sigh.

Han blinked and scratched the back of his head, "Oops, sorry. I mean, I don't think my friend's upset with you."

"You really think so?" Penelope's green eyes lit up as she even smiled a lot more brighter this time. "I hope that's the case."

Although he didn't exactly like the woman beside him and he was keenly aware that his feelings were reciprocated in that manner. He didn't have the heart to be too cruel with her and feed her with misinformation, he doubted that Timothy would be the type to hold a grudge against women. Becky had punched him one time and Timothy had called her the beauty of their village.

Han glanced at Penelope and decided to keep that information hidden. The image of getting pummeled with magic didn't seem appealing. Soon enough, the three of them would finally arrive at the classroom and it was there that they parted ways and Han clambered to the back. Ellynn was in the opposite row and there was no Timothy yet. This was his opportunity, he cleared his throat and inched towards the girl, "Hey Ellynn—"

The [ Half Elf ] would glance at him but said nothing.

He tried not to feel awkward, he thought that things would be different with them interacting more closely during the Colossal Wyvern incident but maybe they didn't like the rumors that happened? He coughed and waved again, "Would you like to talk with me about—"

"It's better that you keep your mouth shut for now." Ellynn spoke at last, it was just in time as Han noticed the arrival of his friend.

"Quit loitering in my seat." Timothy sighed at him before making his way to his seat and resting his head on the table. josei

Han threw Ellynn a look that he hoped sent the message that 'We're not done yet' before taking his seat beside his friend. Now that he could finally pay attention to them, it looked like they were tired. "You look like you haven't eaten breakfast."

"I didn't." Timothy grumbled.


"...I fed it to a cat. But I'll live."

"Huh, I haven't seen any animals yet around here," Han remarked but before he could say something else, their [ Professor ] arrived.

… And she actually looked way worse for wear than Timothy.

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