Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Heading Back To Kraelonia Academy

A ball of fire ricocheted off the walls and darted back and forth as Han ducked along with Miss Lilia behind some chest and boxes. The woman looked a bit frazzled as she scratched her forehead and looked at him, "It might not have been a wise choice to demonstrate the capacity of this fire wand."

"I'm more concerned why the walls are not being burned down?" Han asked as he followed the flame move around until it finally extinguished. Magic fire obviously—normal fire didn't jump around like that.

The store owner coughed as she pulled herself up, "This is an Arcane Shop, young man. What kind of silly person would I be if I did not at least have the walls warded against magical attacks? I'll let you know that this place is sturdy."

"I see, that makes a lot of sense too." Han nodded, he bit back the urge to ask a question like—how would the walls fare against the never-ending bolt of lightning attack from a Colossal Wyvern.

But he was just curious, he glanced back at the wand in the owner's hand. A fire wand… "Er, can I ask what's in the core of the wand? Is it something like the plume of a phoenix?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lilia gave him a strange look as she stepped back towards the counter, their coast was clear once again. "The Phoenix is something that probably doesn't exist. A legend told by our ancestors like they did with Dragons."

Han raised a brow, "But we have Wyverns here."

"They're not the same! Wyverns are creatures that live by their instincts while stories tell that Dragons are far more intelligent than any Race in the world." Lilia tut-tutted him as she placed the wand on the table, "But that's not why you're here are you? You're here to buy a wand or a spellbook so if you could make a choice now that would be appreciated—killing dust bunnies is a tiring task."

"...killing dust bunnies?" He wasn't sure if there was some stuffing in his ears but then again, who was he to doubt her? He had fought off actual fruits and vegetables before. So what was her weapon of choice in this situation? A feather duster?

Lilia gestured towards the entire surroundings around them, "Yes! It's because of all the mana in this place! It's turning the accumulated dust into dust bunnies," She sighed and plucked out a gray fuzz from the back of her head.

Mana in the air…? 

He frowned and tried to sense it—and he was quickly sent into a world of pain. Han's entire world spun as his vision was filled with numerous bright colors and he clutched his head. It was like his brain was throbbing and being seared with a hot iron as he cut off the sensing immediately. "What the—?" He cursed underneath his breath, "Er, Miss Lilia the mana in the air is…" How was he going to say this without offending her?

[ Mental Strength Increases! ]

[ Mental Fortitude Lvl 2! ]

"It's a bit too much I know and that's why most magical objects like wands are kept inside these chests to prevent much mana from spilling." Lilia sighed and pinched the tip of her nose, "I may have gained some immunity or some resistance as I'm used to the mana levels in this place—but for a young Mage like you, it's easy to be overwhelmed."

If there was something like that… why hadn't a warning been placed? Or was he seriously that crippled with mana that it made him feel queasy. Han sighed and nodded, "That fire wand, how much does it cost?"

"Fifteen gold coins."

Han blinked and wished he could choke up blood—that was so expensive! Although he had no idea what the minimum wage was here, he could already tell that it was mighty expensive compared to the daggers that the Weapon Shop Owner had called an investment, "Er… isn't there some sort of student discount or anything?" He asked with a wince.

"No, we don't do that here." She frowned.

Wait! There was something else he could do and it might work, he cleared his throat. "Would you accept some labor along with money? I was hoping to buy a spellbook but if a wand costs like that, I don't think I can afford both."

Lilia's expression was skeptical, "Labor?"

He gave his most winsome grin, "You said that you were having some troubles with dust bunnies right? What if I take care of it for you now and on other times to cover some of the gold coins?" Surely even if he was inside of the simulation, what happened when he was playing on mobile was possible, some kind of similar situation would—

A red screen appeared in front of him with glaring big words.

[ Mini Event Requirements Still Locked ]

[ Relationship Level With Quest Giver Too Low! ]

"No, I can handle it on my own, young Wizard." Lilia told him with a polite smile as she picked up the fire wand, "I can't give you a discount at all either. It's quite a decent price for this kind of wand and it would be a shame to lower it down. Not because I won't have a markup but the wands deserve more than that."

Han stared for a moment.

Whether it was at the screen or at the Arcane Shop Owner—he wasn't exactly sure but either way, he was stumped in this spot. Would he buy this wand now and save for a spellbook later?

Much later, Han realized it was to head back, he hadn't followed the curfew before so it might do him good to follow it now. He reluctantly headed back to Kraelonia Academy with nothing but his two daggers in stow. It may have been a bit of a waste of time to head to the Arcane Shop and not buying anything but he'd learn about how magic items functioned as well as working out a feature. It really has been some time since he last had a decent mini event, "I should try to get close to some other folks. Who knows what I'll get?"

.. .

She couldn't believe it, she was alone with him. As soon as they'd learn that they had no classes with Sir Liddell, Donovan had asked her to talk with him. The two of then were in a less visited portion of the Academy, Her heart pounded slightly as she held on to her staff, "Yes?"

"Oh, I was curious about your relationship with the Illusory Mage." Donovan had swung back his axe on his shoulder. 

The Illusory Mage. Kai. Her enthusiasm fizzled out a bit, he hadn't been the only one who had asked about this. She'd told a couple of folks before and it was often met with skeptism or judgement—as if she'd do something similar. But perhaps he was asking because he was truly interested in her? This was Donovan she was talking about. He was honest and frank to a fault. He had gone into lots of trouble for speaking his mind.

And she respected and admired that.

Lu Rei managed a smile, "Kai and I came from the same kingdom, we're not actually close but he was able to put in a good word for me at the administration and helped me get in when my relatives asked him. To some extent, I owe him a lot for this chance."

Donovan's fingers twitched slightly over his axe. Perhaps out of reflex or not exactly liking what he heard, "I see, I didn't know he had a side like that… you've been seeing all the trouble he'd been causing for other Students right? He doesn't exactly have a stellar record as say, compare it to Sir Harrington. Do you know why he's doing such a thing?"

Lu Rei felt her composure break slightly. She knew that the two were different but did Donovan have to really bring up Sir Harrington? The guy was a Noble. Of course he'd have a 'clean' and even 'stellar' record. She shrugged, "I think Kai likes it maybe. I mean we're not close personally, our family and friends kind of know each other but as far as I know, he's always been like that."

"But why did you think he talked to Half Elf? And Timothy too. We all saw them earlier during lunch and I can't help but be—"

She coughed, "His tastes are eccentric."josei


"The Aste Kingdom has a lot more peaceful stance regarding different Races and I think he has a penchant for chasing after them." She tried not to wince at the memory of a young man being thrown out as he followed a Lamia.

"I see, that's… nice, I guess." The man sighed and clenched his weapon uncomfortably.

Lu Rei softened up at that action, as much as she learned before coming here—numerous families had suffered during the wars before. She tentatively reached out to him, "I can't exactly say what's right or wrong but the other Races here tried to invade this land so… I understand the less welcome stance." 

The man before her stayed silent.

She wanted to whack her head with a stick. She didn't have any right to even say anything as an outsider. Her friends were going to tease her about this as soon as they bug her to tell them about this talk and yet it was kind of worth it. Lu Rei never had the chance to talk with him like this.

"Thank you," He nodded and averted his gaze, "I have to go ahead of you, Lu Rei. I'll see you around."

And then he was gone.

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