Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Cut Scene of a Han-gry Man (It's Bad I Know)

And so the events that happened in Kraelonia Academy right after the incident in the Hidden Library was this—

Han Jing woke up.

The young man bolted out of his bed and nearly fell down. He came to see the room devoid of anyone else except for him. What day was it anyway? He woke up like he had a splitting headache but it was becoming a bit of a norm.

Han Jing checked the calendar on his phone and saw the notifications:

[ Earth Status: Time: 13:00 You Have Been Logged In For Fifteen Hours ]

[ Earth Status: Abrupt Logout ]

"I really stayed there for more than half a day? Dang." Han Jing's stomach grumbled aloud. He really shouldn't have stayed overtime if he kept getting headaches too.

He stretched for a moment and yawned.

"I wonder what happened… hopefully nothing bad right?" Han Jing didn't wish to jinx it. He could only be relieved that whatever the actual creature they encountered at the Hidden Library decided to just seal himself up.

But he didn't wake up to spend his time on that.

The man staggered up and approached the table for food that his mother left… there was none. "What the? Didn't she always cook before leaving?" Han Jing rubbed his face. But there was a more useful question. "Where did mother go?" He grumbled along with his stomach.

He sighed. "A neighbor? Somewhere else?" There was no use asking questions without answers. He had managed to stand but he felt a bit lightheaded.

How was Han Jing going to spend the day inside their cramped apartment when it didn't even have any food? "Argh, time to go out." His mother probably rushed somewhere and he was a grown man who wouldn't starve if she didn't leave him food.

It didn't mean that he didn't still wished she had left something though.

He went through the necessary shower and other preparations to make himself look civilized. And now he was ready to go. He looked for his cargo shorts from yesterday and pried out his wallet. He could go to a convenience store or… the thought of home cooked food was appealing.

"I'm too hungry to cook for myself…" Lazy was another word he'd use as well. "This settles it, I'm eating out." 

There was only one place he had in mind.

Han Jing visited Mou Gu's Family Restaurant.

The memory of his last visit was still ingrained in the back of his mind—his classmate made it a thing to make him uncomfortable with innuendos but the guy could cook a salivating piece of steak probably.

The shop was closed.

"Danggit." He muttered to himself. Still what if the guy was just holed up in there and having lunch all by himself? Han stepped to the door and knocked his fist against it—

Something came over him.

Han Jing felt a certain wave of energy roll through him and made him stumble for a second. It was similar to how his [ Mana Sense ] worked which was odd as he stopped himself from knocking again. He had his suspicions last night when he saw clearly through the dark but— "Mou Gu, are you in there?! Heeey!"

Now really wasn't the time.

He looked surreptitiously around at his surroundings. The Mou's Family Diner was located in the residential areas so he doubted anyone would complain—not when there could still be some neighbors shouting as well. But it made him a bit awkward.

Was he seriously going through all of this for food?


Han Jing blinked and knew that there was someone inside the restaurant. If it wasn't Mou Gu then it could be some stray cat that upturned all the pots or something? He waited for a couple of more seconds until the door opened.

He was met with a fresh sight of pink hair and green eyes. Mou Gu looked up at him with a slightly frazzled expression, the guy leaned against the doorway. "Hey, Han Jing. I didn't expect you to come running back into my arms so soon."

"....was that noise earlier, you?"

"Ah, I was doing the dishes and a couple of pots and a wok fell."

"Okay. Can I come in?" Han Jing wasn't sure if he believed the guy—the door wave thing made him suspicious but he'd let them keep it to themselves whatever thing they thought was necessary. "I'm hungry and I was looking to eat here."

His stomach growled.

Mou Gu quirked a brow at him, "You came here to eat free food?"

"I'm willing to pay!" Han Jing narrowed his eyes at the guy. He had money! Just because he had no job didn't mean that he'd come here for charity or expect to be treated by them. He rubbed his face, "Just give me anything to eat, I'm starving and I'm not me when I'm hungry."

His friend teased him, "You want me to grab you a choco bar?" 

"I'd eat that if it made me full. Now let me in, surely even if you keep this restaurant closed—you'd have cooked for yourself right?" Han Jing would have wanted to eat something specific but whatever his friend had would be good enough. He wasn't picky.

"Uh, actually no."

"Wait, did you not eat lunch?" Han Jing stared at him aghast, "Are you fasting, detoxing or something?!"

"Er, maybe something similar." Mou Gu shrugged, "I'll try to see if I can whip something up quick for you so don't complain." The man headed back to the kitchen and pushed the door slightly, "And don't follow me in! It's employee's access only now so find yourself a seat."

It was weird when the guy invited him in the kitchen before. Han Jing rolled his eyes, "Why? Are you hiding a dead body there?"

"Haha, no. Just stay in your seat if you want me to feed you." Mou Gu slammed the door when he went inside of the kitchen.josei

The guy also had his fair days of acting a bit prickly. Still, Han raised a hand to the main door once again and prepared himself for the sensation of energy when he made contact with it.

But it was gone.


"What was that?" Han Jing frowned to himself before he found a seat. He already made a decision to not pry into things—but the wave thing disappearing made him more suspicious. He took out his phone and contacted a certain someone.

Han: There's mana in the world right?

The answer wasn't immediate this time but he had a feeling that it was a yes. He felt the urge to login Races: Online if only for the mobile version but he stopped himself. He spent a good chunk of time on it already—what if his real body started weakening or something?

Han Jing looked out the window and tried to read the signage in the distance. It was blurry. "Night Vision and not Clear Sight." He reminded himself. He pulled up a word document and typed some things he had noticed from last night.

'The Moderator mentioned having benefits to staying as a beta-tester and Player in Races: Online and I think it's this: 

I'm Gaining My Game Skills in Real Life

My Night Vision had been extremely sharp last night when there had been a blackout.

My Agility and Reflexes Were Good Too.

I Didn't Get Tired Carrying and Doing Laundry'

And if he put it in another perspective… "Then it makes sense why the other Races are in it too. If they gain in-game skills in their own world, well that's pretty impressive right?" Heck. He was speaking to it now but if he went down this path…

Wouldn't he be able to change the world? Han Jing slapped a hand over his face. "Not right now of course. But if I can bring it all the way here—I'm probably not the only one doing this though." He was at server sixty-nine and that meant there were at least sixty-eight other people who were starting to grow stronger on Earth too.

Of course some might have died already or were stuck in the game. If he had been a little younger, if he was sixteen or some orphan who had no attachment to this place—he could have left Earth and be done with it.

The Moderator had even said it before.

But he wouldn't do that because he was born here? Han Jing still enjoyed his life here with all the technological advancements of computers, television even if he was kind of a loser. The thought made him wince. "Way to go self-esteem."

He had to think of other people too.

The door swung open as Mou Gu walked out with lunch. "What were you babbling on about, dude? Some game?"

Han Jing bit his tongue and cursed himself mentally but nodded, "Yeah, it's pretty cool. I'm doing beta-testing on it so I can't show you." That was a good excuse to not show it around.

"Geez, that's a shame." Mou Gu played the tray of food in front of him. He plopped down in front of Han and gave him a closed-eye smile. The type of smile that wanted something in exchange.

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