Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Cut Scene of an "Escort Agency"

A rapid blow shot towards Han Jing, it made him jerk to the left as he felt the strength behind the punch. Why was he on the defensive already? He reached for Mou Gu's arm to counterattack but the man threw another shot with his left fist. Han Jing instinctually ducked down and avoided the blow and pushed his right leg forward. He swept a low-kick at his opponent—Mou Gu leapt upwards.

The man's head nearly touched the ceiling.

Han Jing blinked at the dexterity and met a shoe in his face as a reward. He tumbled backwards and recoiled. It took him a moment to understand that he was on the floor as his surroundings spun. Pang! A flash of pink went over towards him that made his body tense up to move, until they spoke up. "W-Woah, I am so sorry—" 

Right before the pink-haired could kneel down, he caught the man's arm and twisted it as he aimed to grapple them down. But he half-succeeded in immobilizing them for this moment as a yelp escaped the man's throat. He put some pressure into the attack. "Ow, let me go! How dare you take advantage of my concern for you!"

"Are we done?" He asked.

Mou Gu grumbled, "Of course we are, jerk!"

He released his grip and sat up—his head had hit the floor and by all means he should have gone… something glittering caught his eye.

[ Soul Calibration Complete: 10% Efficiency ]

[ ROEHCS001 Synchronization Success ] 

[ Skill - Instinctual Dodge Used ]

[ Skill - Lesser Resistance Used ]

[ Skill - Unarmed Combat Active ]

[ Skill - Basic Reflex Active ]

[ Skill - Basic Agility Active ]

[ Skill - Basic Endurance Active ]

"Woah." He felt his jaw drop for a moment. He had always seen it as Han and in the world of Races: Online but to see it right in front of him now was—

"Woah, what?" Mou Gu frowned at him, he rubbed his arm. "You got a steel grip, you know that?"

Han Jing closed the screen and gave them a grin, "Didn't know you were good at 'qigong' that much." He actually didn't care that much right now but his assumptions were right. He hadn't been able to fully grasp it last night during the blackout but the reality was appearing right in front of him.

Mou Gu coughed, "Well you've gotten rusty no doubt. Perhaps this senior of yours can do better."

Han Jing blinked, "You know about Bo Lifen?"

Mou Gu shrugged, "Even if I didn't stay too long at our uni, doesn't mean that I haven't heard of the Blossoming Destruction."

"What?" He wasn't sure if he heard correctly.

The pink-haired guy pursed his lips, "A nickname."

"That's the worst name I've ever heard—did I get a nickname too though?" Han Jing scratched the back of his head.

"Um, no."

Han Jing sighed and pulled himself up from the ground. "Guess they only care about hot girls kicking butts."

"Actually no, there's this Black Tempest guy, it just happens that you're mundane." Mou Gu's lips curled into a smirk.

Han Jing dramatically raised his hands above his head and shook his head, "Ah, that's exactly what I wanted to hear, Mou Gu. You have my undying gratitude."

"I'm kidding. Are you sure you're not injured though? Let's get to a clinic or a hospital?" Mou Gu gave a look-over at him from head to toe. Despite them sparring because Han Jing asked for it, this guy was concerned about his state.

He shook his head, "Thanks for the concern but I'll be fine." He didn't have anything like a true RPG character's body but he could tolerate this much.

He had to deal with this much.

"If you have broken bones then it's not my fault, okay?" Mou Gu wagged a finger at him. "Can't bring my family name down due to this when news sprout of Mou's Family Diner being a place for gang fights."

What the heck was this dude saying?

He'd let it go though. "It sure isn't your fault." Han Jing rubbed the back of his head and winced slightly. It still hurt, of course, but there was no external bleeding and neither would it have—

"I guess there's nothing to protect there." Mou Gu whistled as he began to fix up the tables in his shop. It was a silent signal that he didn't want to go for another round of fighting.josei

He snorted. "When did you ever become the King of Jokes?"

"Quite recently actually, I filled in a spot—"

Han Jing pulled out his wallet and cut them off, "How much for the meal?"

"For you, free of charge!" Mou Gu gave him a blatant wink and thumbs up.

"...I don't want free things." He coughed. How much was this guy going to make him uncomfortable? He already met the soles of this guy's shoes regardless of his Skills.

Mou Gu pouted. "You accepted my money last time."

"I hardly had anything that time." Han Jing pulled out some bills, a good amount with a sizable tip and pushed it towards them, "But now I'm paying so take my money bastard."

"Geez, such a temper. I wonder who you've been spending your time with." Mou Gu accepted the money and pocketed it. "If you want to get your butt kicked next time, let me know. You haven't changed numbers at all did you?"

Han Jing blinked and narrowed their eyes at the man, "How do you have my number?" He called him a friend but they were more acquaintances and classmates. Especially when he left their university, Han Jing didn't keep in touch that much.

"Huh? Don't you remember? Our classmates invited me to the after-graduation party! I was there and you were in the corner of the bar muttering how you didn't like your course?" 

"...." He could remember something vague like that. The sucking during the graduation portion—but, of course, this dang dude would get invited!

Mou Gu ran his fingers through his hair, "Good times. You gave me your number since you wanted to keep in touch but I never did?" He gave a sheepish smile, "Sorry about that."

"It's fine, I've been able to get by." Han Jing didn't exactly like the direction of their conversation now but he dealt with it. 

"Although since I heard you worked nearby, I still tried getting in here." When was the appropriate time to leave now? All of the hidden rules in society made it a bit hard to tell if he should excuse himself now. "But I'm fine, thanks for the meal again, Mou Gu. I'll go ahead now."

"Don't be afraid of dropping by here—with a message of course! Actually why don't I leave my number on your phone now?" His friend smiled.

"You can dictate it."

Mou Gu tilted his head, "Do you have a good memory?"

"Just say it and I'll type it myself." Han Jing reluctantly pulled his phone out and kept a steel grip on it. Once Mou Gu was done with giving his number, he finally walked out and left the man's diner and started heading back to his own street. 

Right in time to see another man head the opposite direction, right towards Mou Gu's street. The man was taller than him by about a head's height, which was a thing, and they had a bored expression on his face, although their face was—he didn't check it out too much as he walked further away. And then stopped to give a surreptitious glance backwards. Han Jing would have assumed that they were passing down the street, but they stopped approximately outside Mou's Family Diner and gave a knock.

His brows furrowed together.

Were the rumors about Mou Gu truly real? "Swung both ways but preferred men?" He muttered to himself and eyed the man at Mou's Gu door one more time. Their back was turned away from him but he looked pretty fit. "Looks like the type of guy from an escort agency. B-But that's not my business." Han Jing slapped a hand over his face before he continued back to his house's direction. He was fully satisfied with his meal and that was that.

Until another thought arrived in his mind.

"Wait, what if Mou Gu's working as a gigolo with that guy!" He gasped and noticed the aghast look from some passersby. He coughed and whispered it to himself with some contempt, "Is he saying that I can't work there because I'm too ugly?! I could work there if I wanted to, heck must be why he's able to pay for his diner."

Han Jing soon reached back to his own apartment and stepped into the first floor. He scratched his cheek. "I probably meet the standards if I were to be honest—not that I'd work, probably only old ladies are interested in that kind of thing with money to spare."

"Huh? Is there something you're trying to say, young man?" A familiar voice made him freeze.

"Hahaha, good afternoon, Madam Dongxia! What a lovely… day is it not?"

.. .

Mou Gu was cleaning up the tables when he sensed a figure outside his shop. He looked up and saw a familiar face, he perked up immediately and walked towards the door, "Song~ How's it going? Why'd you come to pick me up?"

The younger man grunted, "We have an assignment."

Instead of feeling tense about it, he sighed in relief and waved a hand, "It's a good thing my acquaintance already left, I'll just grab my stuff then we're good to go. What's our boss got for us today?"

"Your arm is kind of stiff." Dai Song Lan pointed out. 

Mou Gu glanced at his arm, it did feel kind of painful but he kicked the guy in the face so they were even. He shrugged, "I had a small scuffle. Nothing bad."

"Did you fight with a—?"

"Just an acquaintance." Mou Gu wasn't strong enough to pick fights with anyone. 

His coworker's tone was firm, "You're not supposed to do that."

"We ended it quickly, they wouldn't have noticed it." Mou Gu assured him and smiled, "I didn't know you cared~" 

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