Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: They Were On Their Own

Due to the limit of available Professors in the entire Kingdom, and even just Kraelonia Academy, the Classes between Pure Magic Curriculum, Mixed and Fighter Curriculum were joined together on some occasions. Defenses Against Mages and Defenses Against Physical Combatants were all under Professor Owen Liddell.

But the man wasn't currently around yet—he had gone elsewhere after his class in 'Preparation for Class Advancement' and promised to return as soon as possible. It didn't leave a lot to the imagination of Students who were in the know.

However, for most of the Students, it was a certain amount of freedom and a short break.

Almost everyone was now gathered in the courtyard, groups of people seated together in clusters and forming their own cliques and groups. Most of the Magic Curriculum Students in one place and the Physical Combatants on the other, a small rivalry on their own. It was a natural development when you spent most of your time with those in the same class.

But some people didn't care about that.

As one of the youngest Noblemen in the Harrington family, Leon de Harrington could have been nothing but considered as a spare. His older brother was the one to succeed the family and the older man did it well. He could never measure up to that—and so he was here. This kind of situation was much better for him. Surrounded by a multitude of people who looked up to him, he could be said to have held a significant amount of influence for all the first year Students.

The Noble wouldn't deny it.

If one were to make him say how it felt to be a Student in Kraelonia Academy… It was similar to becoming proud that he became the most notable individual in a large group of people. A lion in a cave of hyenas? Sir Leon de Harrington fought back the urge to smile. He understood that he was much more privileged than others and it made him realize that he was indeed lucky—and yet things were upturned with just one revelation and arrival of a certain woman.

Did this Diov Brande still have his Noble Class?

Whether or not he did, the mere fact that the man was able to hide their affiliations to their House was enough to make him feel inadequate. He thought that he had scouted all of the potential rivals with much success. He was able to discover information about Ellynn, he was keeping tabs on the two newcomers and he was aware of the politics of the higher-leveled Students. But his attention flitted past the gauntlet wielding guy. And not only that but—

"Are you alright, Sir Harrington?"

He glanced at Donovan and nodded, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Even the way he said it was a complete confirmation that he wasn't doing alright. But the Axe Wielder could at least tell that he didn't wish to discuss this as the man nodded and paid attention elsewhere. It was honestly funny that this situation was enough for him to temporarily forget about Han.

Speaking of which…

As usual, the young man was staring off into the air for no reason. It was almost like they were reading things that he couldn't see from the naked eye. Perhaps a Spell? But the man had no affinity to magic, so he ruled that out. Any available artifacts? None were available for someone like Han. An invisible one? Unlike the day when they first arrived, Han was now seating all by himself on the grass despite his invitation.

The Noble wanted to ask the young man on what was keeping them busy but he also didn't feel the urge to do so.

He needed to start prioritizing things according to their importance didn't he? Sighing inwardly, the man waited for their Professor to come around. He'd either try talking more to Diov but if possible—he'd much prefer to talk to Xanthe. 

There were things that Han needed to do more regularly—besides getting through the lessons of Kraelonia Academy, he needed to take advantage of certain aspects of being a Player. And so he checked the screen as discreetly as he could—Professor Owen wasn't present yet, so he could focus his attention on it more.

[ Gathering Resources… ]

He had really been stupid when he dumped most of the items he gathered before into that Colossal Wyvern's mouth in an attempt to distract them, but at least the important things were still there.

[ Inventory ]

Timothy's Memento


Miscellaneous Types of Coins (Gold, Silver, Copper)

Fighter Combat Basic Guide

Healing Potion

He still had enough gold left to buy another dagger if he wanted to. And it all happened because he made a sob story—it was kind of true. But it didn't happen to him but Timothy. Anyhow, he hadn't exactly expected for the old man to give him money that time, he just wanted to get away.

So the gold was a surprise, but he was taking advantage of it.

Maybe there really was something called free lunch? At least in this world, some of the tropes that he had noticed in movies were still occurring here. Back on earth, nobody would be stupid enough to give money to some stranger they met on the road.

Anyhow, that wasn't all of it.

Han hadn't exactly been checking the Companion System as well, which was practically a Party System to him—with only one companion. He didn't understand why he wasn't checking the page, but it was because his wish for the guy to just tell it to him. Honestly, he didn't get why Timothy had to hide it. But at the same time, he understood it. If Earth had Classes, Han Jing was probably a Classless guy or some NEET Class if that was possible. 

One wouldn't exactly be proud of parading around that fact.

He wasn't that stupid to notice the hesitance—or maybe Timothy really did have a point that it was best not to go sharing around your Class. The element of surprise was always useful. Bluffing people was possible if they didn't know a thing about you. He wanted to use that.

But speaking of which… 

Where was Timothy? He glanced around the present people in the courtyard and frowned slightly. The few familiar faces of Sir Harrington on the front with Donovan, Lady Angelika with her sister and brother and the other familiar students nearby. The girl with the long stick, Diov the gauntlet wielder, Calum with his bow and two other more people were together. But he couldn't see—

"Is this seat taken?"

Han looked up and saw Ellynn dipping her head slightly and meeting his gaze. He wasn't seated with the Noble group but he didn't expect her to make a move… was he starting to become a friendly figure for her? He managed a smile, "Nah, feel free to sit down. I think Timothy's running a little late."

"Ah, was this meant for him?"

"He can sit on my other side—honestly, the guy can sit wherever he wishes." Han shrugged, "Mister Popular at the works." He couldn't still forget how Penelope seemed irked with him, but the woman was so kind to Timothy. Did she have a certain type or something? Han Jing didn't make his face ugly here, did he?

The Half Elf plopped down on the grass and sighed softly, "I think your friend talked with Professor Lavelda."

"...the one with the rod?"

"Yes. Yes, the Professor with the rod." Ellynn sounded a bit weirded out but agreed with him.

He chuckled and shrugged, "He must be asking her for some advice, the both of us need to catch up after all." Han needed to become a Mage… being in the Mixed Curriculum meant that, didn't it? He didn't actually know anyone in the same curriculum as him. Sir Leon and his friends were all full Physical Combatants while Penelope, Ellynn and Timothy were full Magic Curriculum. 

"That makes sense."

"Oh, but what about you?" Han turned to her, "What are you… doing right now? Focusing on? I feel like I keep talking about myself." He coughed, "So uh, yeah? How'd your day go?" Everytime that they met, he was the one directing the conversation—she hardly got the chance to say anything. Maybe it was because she was shy, or maybe it was because she wasn't being asked. 

Ellynn tilted her head at him, "It was fine."

"Oh." Han coughed. "Fine… ah, that's good. Same here." What else should he bring up right now? She wasn't the type to share too much information, so he really did need to think of something else.

She suddenly spoke up, "By the way, I can't help but notice...have you used the healing potion already?"

"Oh, not yet."

"I see, I thought you already did—you had it with you during lunch before we parted ways but now you don't have it."

He really didn't think she'd ask about that. The Healing Potion was in his Inventory—but he doubted that he could take it out of his Inventory without her noticing, he instead shrugged. "Yeah, I uh… slipped it back into my room so I don't shatter the bottle."

"Oh, the bottle isn't one to shatter easily." She sounded a little disappointed, "I gave it in case of an emergency, you should keep it on your person, Han. You shouldn't be too relaxed."

Han didn't understand why she was that concerned, but he scratched his head before nodding, "Thanks, you have yours too right? In your belt bag?"

"I do. It's...it's always necessary to have your things with you when you're not exactly that well-liked." Ellynn folded her hands together in her lap, her voice was hardly audible. "Sometimes, they want you to go away quickly… but I guess that doesn't apply to you—but you still need to be prepared."

Han's brows knitted together. Where was her father at times like this?

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