Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 183

Chapter 183: The People That You Meet

There was a crucial thing that he had forgotten.

[ Name: Han ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Total Class Levels: 14 ]

[ Status Points Available: 0 ]

[ Will: 30 ]

[ Talent: 35 ]

[ Comprehension: 30 ]

[ Luck: 22 (Boosted By Temporary Favor) ]

The young man looked at the screen with a slight grimace. He already had used up all his remaining status points into learning the [ Light ] Spell just today. He was doomed wasn't he? Not doomed in— he was going to die, but there were no points left for him to invest, oh god why couldn't he level up yet? That kind of 'doomed'. 

It sucked a lot.

"Do you not like the food?" Ellynn asked.

He switched his attention back to her and managed a sheepish grin, "Nah— I mean yes, well, sorry I was just wishing I leveled up." Han inwardly sighed and picked up his fork, shovelling some of the morsels of the mashed root-crop looking meal into his mouth. "I could get stronger once I do that."

"Hey, I think you'll level up soon. It gets a little harder each time but just keep what you're doing and eventually you'll get it."

"Thanks, I'm just impatient." He wanted to level up now even though he hadn't actually done substantial. Han Jing was used to convenience— fast food, fast service and fast life. But it wasn't exactly applicable here unless they were some kind of special person weren't they? He was sounding hypocritical when he had told Timothy that levels weren't everything.

And yet here he was, the little piece of shit he was in right now. He remembered Sir Leon's words in regards to levelling up easier— facing insurmountable troubles in regards to his Class. He knew what he wanted, it was easy enough to know that he wanted to take advantage of his current Classes. But what kind of trouble could he do without exactly endangering his life?

He idly twirled the fork around his finger.

Psion Class seemed to be mind related, from telekinesis and that kind of stuff and yet it enabled him to control mana too. Not exactly a Mage Class though. But it was also nifty too if he could finally level up there again or actually be able to use his Skills. Hmm, there was another Skill that he hadn't been using. What exactly had it been? The [ Telepathy ] one wasn't doing too well, but [ Mana Control ] and [ Mana Sense ] were leveling up which left— 

[ Detect Thoughts ]

A head-numbing pain exploded and seared through his head. An inferno of a blaze singed into his forehead. Thoughts. Thoughts. Thought. Clang. He dropped the fork and knocked his head against the table at once. The wooden table banging against his head made him calm down. Its pain knocked him out of the Skill. And it made him dizzy but it wasn't because of a thousand thoughts going through his head all at once.

"...Han?" Even her voice was similar to plunging a nail into his eardrums.

His sensitivity with sound and even another person's voice made him want to cover his ears and lumber forward to a safe spot. But he needed to be mature about this. Or at least more… just less stressed. He didn't have to run away at all. He rubbed his forehead and felt for the bump.

It was a good thing that he hadn't hit the bowl of food, and where was his fork. He picked it up from the ground with a sigh, until he blinked and glanced at Ellynn, "Did I bend the spoon— fork?"

"No." Ellynn's face was blank.

But he could probably attempt doing this. "I think I'll be able to do it with some training." No more lounging around at all or thinking that he was stupid for trying to pick up things with his mind, he'll keep doing this and then he'd get it done.josei

… At least not with Ellynn around.

"I'm not exactly sure how that is helpful, but I wish you luck."

"Yeah, you'll just see it when it happens." Han began to finish up his meal first. "But uh, maybe I won't take too much of your time now. If you need to do something else or...something." He coughed at the end. Compared to Han Jing's encounters with Chan Lee, this was the first time that a girl was staying far longer than he thought she would be. Bo Lifen didn't count that much.

Ellynn looked back at him, she shook her head. "Ah, I don't mind."


"...You don't have to make me say it." She sighed and placed her own fork down the table. Her tone was a bit sullen, "Except for you, I don't have any other person I can spend some of my time with— so I don't mind. At least I'm able to help you out in my own way with you catching up with our lessons."

Right. Han had let that one slip through his mind didn't he? He scratched his head and glanced past the Half Elf for a moment. He could see some of his classmates in Physical Class, well, mostly Sir Leon and his entourage. There were some people who didn't seem to exactly like her— Penelope did tell Han that she didn't dislike the Half Elf that much, and Sir Leon was kind of open minded?

What were the chances…?

He cleared his throat, "How about I help you this time?"

"Help me?" She tilted her head at him.

Han stifled a grin, "You don't have to sound unconvinced— I'll help you make more friends. I mean, you can probably already count Timothy as another one right? He's not that bad and I bet you two both sit in the back in your classes, so you got there a seating buddy already."


It wasn't like Han wanted to sit with the others again, he didn't mind that it was just him and Ellynn— but if she felt lonely then he'd do it. It wasn't fair for him to be the only one who takes up most of her time, especially when he felt that he could intervene in this manner. Sans his current [ Fame ] status. Maybe he couldn't change how they thought of Half Elves as to whatever they think Half Elves were… but Ellynn's own character was enough for them to give her a chance.

They needed to look past her outward appearance. 

And he'd do his best to make it possible.

.. .

Sending [ Messages ] cost him around twenty pieces of copper. Once again another unexpected expense on his part, but that was alright. In a way, this was his chance to prove to the Cook that he was right and make a potential profit for Rockfall Village. If he could help them out, he'd do it. 

Timothy glanced at the older man who also sent a message— the older man had come along with him to the Mage's Guild. Which he hadn't exactly been able to appreciate, but this was some place he'd have to visit more often right?

Well… if he was going to stay at his village, there wasn't much of a need for it. And so far, things were going fine in his Potions Class. But he still couldn't figure out why he wasn't gaining the Alchemist Class yet, or even just a derivative like Potion Maker? Would an Apothecarist fit him better and he was looking at it differently?

Why couldn't his Professor tell it to him and get it over with? He sighed and lugged his bag around his shoulders. He needed to return as soon as possible back to the Academy and grab dinner, get the pillow and deliver it to Iola. He also needed to confront her about the tome now. The man had a lot of things on his plate.

"Oh, you're done too." The old man said. His voice was gruff. 

Timothy looked up and nodded, "Ah yes, sir." Now that the both of them were able to do what they wanted, there really wasn't a need to talk with one another now did it? This old guy wasn't going to be like old man Joe would he? He really had no time for long and idle talk. "If you'll excuse me, I'll get going now."


He halted in his steps. Great, just great. What else did they need? He had already helped them get here earlier. Timothy turned back around, "Ah yes? Is there anything else I can do for you?" Wasn't there some kind of rule that told him he shouldn't be talking with strangers too much…? And he really wasn't some kind of person who'd help other people for no reason either, it'd just end up troubling him. But his mother told him to respect people and so here he was.

"You mentioned that you were from Kraelonia Academy, didn't you?"

… the guy was eavesdropping earlier? No, he needed to look at it another way. They couldn't help but hearing it while they were eating? Some people really needed to mind their own business. Timothy still nodded, "Yes." He gauged the older man a bit more carefully. On most occasions, one can tell another person's Class based on what clothes they were wearing. And yet the old man's manner of dressing was weird. The fabric looked good, but they were trying to blend in by choosing simpler designs of some sort. 

This wasn't some dangerous fellow right? 

"Do you happen to know a young man with dark hair and green eyes?"

"...that's really vague, old man." They weren't talking about Han, were they…? "And what do you even need them for?" He really wasn't liking how their conversation was going on. 

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