Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Cut Scene of His Decision (Includes 'Journal Entry')

"Both," Han Jing muttered to himself. If it was either to become one or the other, forced to be serious all the time or not pay any heed to the world then he'd rather not choose at all. It was hard to be one thing. He could do both and continue with what he was doing—except for some minor adjustments.

Maybe he could try forgetting about the worries and struggles of him being in another world and have a good time? But it wasn't in his nature to forget about it. Even if he tried. He'd end up thinking about it before he slept or when he brushed his teeth, every time he did something idle. No matter how much he could try to escape, at the end of the day, problems would always be there.

Even if he did overindulge in things.

That short-lived amount of pleasure wasn't worth the long amount of pain. It would come back and be an even worse problem to deal with. A good example was his work.

Orr lack of it.

A notable amount of time had already passed since he graduated, and he hadn't been able to get into a stable career. Well, it didn't mean that he had stopped looking for a job. He wasn't trying to be a bad son or anything. Or maybe he was making excuses. The man knocked his head against his bed's headboard. Every single thing he was thinking right now were pathetic excuses—

But he needed to quit thinking and actually do something.

He raised his phone and checked the time. Han Jing still had an hour or so before he needed to login and prepare for his classes, with that amount of time he had on hand... he opened a notepad app. Putting his thoughts into paper, it almost felt comical. He couldn't help but remember the book about a boy claiming he wasn't writing a diary and that it was all a journal.

And perhaps he could claim that this was all for note-taking purposes.

But it really was a diary in all essence, there wasn't anything wrong from claiming that and so he started typing:

'My name is Han Jing, today is September 7 and I'm a Player. Not the player sleeping with multiple women kind, the Player, with a capital P one. Gaming. That kind. But in a virtual world—another world? Isekai? Transmigrated? Anyway, let's just start from the start. I received a strange email last Sunday, and it said that I got a thousand dollars, it was obviously a scam—but when I checked it, behold it was actually there! So I downloaded the game...'

"I used start twice in the same sentence!" Han Jing rubbed his face and looked at the spew of words. If he did that, would he even have enough time? The Academy started exactly at 8am and though he could run to the classroom. Not much to miss when you could read about the High Mage Pierce's lecture, he was interested in breakfast.

Well, at least Han's body wouldn't starve.

Han Jing placed a hand on his stomach and sighed, did he not get satisfied with the dinner? He should drink more water, maybe he was going to die of dehydration if he kept himself going like this… which led to another question. If by any chance, his body's state, while he was away in Races, suddenly went for the worst, he wouldn't be able to return, would he?

Was it possible to get a heart attack without his Soul?

But the water first.

Okay, he pocketed his phone, got up, and soon drank two glasses of water. He wiped the corner of his mouth and returned to his bed. But now he wondered if his body needed to go to the bathroom—he didn't want to wake up with a wet bed either. He sighed and rubbed his face, small questions that nagged him, but these questions were important ones too. Still, the answer was easy. He'd go to the bathroom before leaving, a simple solution. So not-so-important after all.

...At least, not as important as getting everything to paper. Would it be better for him to do it in a bullet-point format?

] Day One, Got A Game Online, $1000, Got Sucked Into A Game

*Free-Reign Mode

] Day Two, Got Out Of The Game, Went Back Into The Game

*The way to logout is by saying 'Ikikaeru'

] Day Three, Looked For A Job irl, Attending Magical School—fought a Colossal Wyvern and met other Players Online

*Still unemployed, how will my $900 last me?

] Day Four, Talked With The Moderator About My Soul Strength? Saved Elynn and Timothy in the Secret Library

*Soul Waves help steer Han while offline, but questionable decisionsjosei

** If I die while Playing, my family will get a monetary package?

*** Same thing if I decide to live in the otherworld permanently. How much tho?

] Day Five, Body Synched With Han's/Soul Calibration, Knocked out Mou Gu, Got Into Timothy's Room And Saw Someone

*Level Up In-Game, Level Up In Earth to some degree

**What about other Human Players? Are they evil? What if they spill the beans to everyone?

] Day Six, Talked With Wood Elf aka Hazelleaf, Visitation, Veiled World, Mou Gu Is a Cultivator

*Prepare for Wood Elf arriving, avoid Mou Gu and going outside

**Autumn Festival is on the 24th, 17 days left. Avoid. Promise to help with grocery

***200 RMB paid by 'Wang Liquin'? (Boyfriend of Chan Lee? Just a friend?)

**** Chan Lee looks like Timothy's friend, exactly. Moderator thinks it's unlikely

*****No Job yet, look for a side job or… get into the cultivation world, society, or whatever.

Han Jing blinked. He paused from writing another entry as he considered the last bit. It contradicted with him not going out—100% opposite. But he couldn't stay like this forever, could he? His money wasn't going to last him and his Skills wouldn't do him any good. Well, most of them weren't useful in the 'real world'. But if he involved himself in the cultivation world there was bound to be a way to make money, right?

He would probably need to come clean to Mou Gu about him remembering everything.

...after all the effort the guy did to make him 'forget' what he'd seen. Was Mou Gu even a good guy or was he just doing his job? Well, it didn't matter. He was going to tell the truth and—nope. He typed again.

'Still too weak to even defend myself against Mou Gu, need to get stronger before I actually do anything stupid like fight a dragon or a qilin maybe. I'd be toast. Wait, is Monkey King real? I mean, did Sun Wukong exist. Ask Mod. But yeah, stronger first. But I have [ Gather Ingredients ]... but yeah, I don't have my [ Inventory ] yet so Trade is useless. I need to get it as soon as possible. Ask Mod. Time to become a Hunter or a man for hire.'

And now it was finished. And he still had half an hour to spare, Han Jing did the first thing on his list—and pulled up the messaging app. He sent a message to the Moderator, again. What would she, Han Jing assumed the Mod was a she, think if she learned that he already encountered the 'big fish in the pond' that she meant?

Han: Hi again, I forgot to ask something. Don't kill me, but the [ Inventory ] feature is locked… that's a feature I can access, right? And does it connect with the two worlds? It does, right?

It would be a great thing to have Inventory. Even if it wasn't connected to the Creators' World, but he'd find it more useful if the two were linked. He wondered about the chances of them paying for an ultra-rare Sage Grass… something like that would be far and few in between on Earth, right?


The Wood Elf mentioned the Mermaid on Earth. Was there any chance he could trade for pearls? He could get rich! Or maybe not… the Wood Elf mentioned that she doesn't leave her place, but she probably can have someone deliver it, right? Some Supernatural Expressway? Surely that's got to exist. He needed to jot that one down in his notepad again, he could be a jewel supplier or something.

Not his first choice of a job, but if there was actually any chance—

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