Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Breakfast at Kraelonia Academy 3 (Han)

When Han glanced back to check who it was, it would turn out that he would come face to face with a notable woman. It was Xanthe Brande with a small frown in her lips. 

He immediately moved aside and managed a grin. "Oops, sorry about that." He hardly even noticed her until she spoke up!

The woman quirked her lips at him but then nodded in acknowledgement. Until she glanced at his left, "Good morning Leon. It's good to see that you indeed have a lot of friends, you really have grown up." A smile finally curled on her lips as she said those words and then she walked past the four of them.

It didn't leave that much to one's imagination.

Especially for some like him. Han glanced at the Noble and held back his tongue, only waiting until the woman was out of earshot before he spoke up. "You know her?" He should have expected Sir Harrington to know a lot of people, but he was even on speaking terms with one of the top three students?

There was no immediate answer.

Sir Leon de Harrington was actually rendered speechless.

The Noble's gaze stayed on the much older woman until Xanthe disappeared over a turn in the hallway. It took him a second or two to recompose himself, and it was there that he managed a sheepish smile and even scratched his cheek. "Ah, yes. I know her a bit." He did not elaborate any further than that.

Han would have wanted to grab the man by the collar and shake him to get more information—but he decided not to do so. Somehow, the look in the Noble's eyes… it was almost a gut-wrenching familiar thing to him. "I see, well that's cool." At least it didn't give anyone a chance to ask about his age.

He really didn't think or feel like he was the oldest one.

"Weren't you there yesterday when she said that she's from the Brande House?" Donovan asked, the man butting into the conversation. The man even eyed him with a condescending look.

Han rolled his eyes, "I wasn't paying that much attention."

"What did you say—"

"If you two are going to bicker, I'm going ahead of you two." Timothy stepped past the two of them and continued down the hallway.

Compared to them—he was in a hurry.

"I have to agree with Timothy," Sir Leon laughed and took a step forward. And his one step immediately matched Timothy's several steps. He was using his Skill. "I am famished, I'll see the three of you there." 

He ended up moving faster than any of them and left in a matter of seconds.

"I guess someone got left behind." Timothy snickered, taking the opportunity to cast a look at Donovan.

The man in question simply narrowed his eyes, "Well if it weren't for someone meandering in the hallways—we could be eating already." Without another second's delay, Donovan also left the two of them together, chasing after the Noble.

Han shook his head in disbelief. It only took one small event for everyone to go on their own merry way—now that was something. He glanced at the young man in front of him, "Let's go, you're in a rush to get food, no?"

"I know that idiot," Timothy grunted.

The two of them then ran for the dining hall.




When Han stepped into the hall, he was once again met with the sight of a multitude of Students in it and all were gathered around their tables and chairs. The same orbs gave light within the hall and cast a light on them. Breakfast was already in session. Each one of the Students now eating with the gusto of their meals and each of colorful variety.

He didn't know all of them, others now did indeed look older or younger, but at least he could recognize some. And he could even recognize the preferred seats taken by the people he knew quite well—the first and foremost among them was Ellynn.

She'd eat all by herself in an inconspicuous space at the corner of the wall...except for the fact that Ellynn right now was sitting with 'glowstick' guy and 'top three' guy.

He blinked.

Han didn't think that Ellynn would sit with someone else. But maybe, just maybe things worked out in her favor from last night's game? Although why did it have to be higher leveled than their peer group… did that mean they were less prejudiced than Sir Leon and the others?

Actually, where were those two now—

"Are you going to keep staring at them or are you joining them for breakfast?" Timothy grumbled. "I'm going ahead now."

"Wait, let me join you," Han answered back with a sheepish smile. He motioned to one of the empty tables in the corners of the hall. Whether it was a lack of appropriate light orb fixtures, there were places where the room was much dimmer.

"What?" Timothy narrowed his eyes at him and then shook his head. "Whatever, do what you want."

At the very moment that they sat down was when an enchanted cart moved right in front of them. 


Han didn't give much thought to it before as he lifted the food cover to see his first meal of the day. In the white plate was a small bowl which had some kind of soup, on the side was roasted and buttered vegetables and finally was the strangely colored meat. It looked appetizing despite its purplish shade.josei

He raised a brow and asked, "Who decides on who makes the meal plans? Didn't Leon say that he ordered for us during the first time?"

"Why are you asking me now?" Timothy rolled his eyes. He picked up the plate from the cart and stood up. "The Chefs or whoever is in charge have a list of what food to serve Students. It's called a menu not whatever you call it."

Han sighed and stood up as well, copying him. "Just making conversation you know? I guess you aren't a waiter in Grandma Moe's tavern with that personality of yours."

"...what did you just say?"

"Er, nothing?" Han cleared his throat and tried for a smile, "We should hurry up, we got fifteen minutes to scarf our food down with your friend."

"You're not going anywhere with me." Timothy narrowed his eyes at him. "Stay here and approach whoever you want. You can sit with anyone you want so don't bother yourself with going with me."

"That's not really true…" Han raised a brow at him. Did Timothy see him as some kind of sociable kid? He wasn't that popular. "Anyway why shouldn't I not join you? You're wasting time talking with me, might as well have me go with you so there's more food to share?" He managed a grin.


"I have a healing potion?"

"And what would I do with that?" Timothy frowned. "I can make my own."

"Right..." He wasn't so sure why he was insisting on meeting up with Timothy's friend either. But maybe it was because he didn't think that this guy would risk his stay here in the Academy for someone else's sake.

Even if it was a girl.

But this was for Timothy's sake.

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