Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 219

Chapter 219: The Tri-Elemental Orb

Han stared at the man.

"For now, I will accept that the two of you have learned to at least even cast one spell, but that is not enough." Howard Carnus looked at him, "Especially for you, there is a certain method to using mana. Follow it."

He nodded numbly.

"Alright, let's continue with our discussion."josei

Whether it was fortunate or not—Han did end up realizing that his Psion class wasn't exactly a Mage class. That should have been obvious from the start. Especially when the High Mage didn't give it as an example earlier during her short discussion about learned and innate magic.

But that also meant that despite him and Timothy performing the same Spell in front of everyone in the class, one was reprimanded and the other wasn't.

Timothy gave him a look before the younger man took his seat on the grass. Penelope had motioned for him to join her along with her brother Elliot, but didn't offer the same courtesy to him. Ellynn was seated all the way in the back again and before he could make a move towards her, he was stopped. 

Unfortunately the man made them sit in front to see and listen to the lessons upclose—or perhaps the Battle Mage only wanted them there so he could keep an eye on them or something.

Han could only inwardly sigh as he plopped down the grass.

Professor Howard Carnus refused to allow the other Students to wait for him and Timothy to catch up and so the lessons that occurred after the [ Light ] performance was simply a continuation of those in the last three days. They had gone from performing the [ Mana Shield ] spell to block off arrows and even other spells to attack spells once again.

"In the past months, all of you have started to learn how to use elemental magic under the evocation style—be it fire, water, earth and others. You all have learned how to block magic as well. Some might say that the house of evocation and all of its spells are something that can be outperformed by other houses of magic but what comes to mind when one hears the class Mage?"

Somebody raised their hand.

"It was a bit of a rhetorical question—but very well, Russel."

Han looked back and somewhat recognized the name. Wasn't this guy… part of the people following Sir Leon and the others? He didn't know this guy was here.

"When one thinks of Mages, they think of someone casting [ Fireball ] in a battlefield, Professor?"

Professor Carnus mustache twitched slightly and he flicked his fingers at him—sending a thin sheet of fire above the man's head as it licked up stray hairs. "I guess that is the most iconic of all the spells, fiery power at its finest. The evocation house is the most popular and predominantly used out of all the types of spells that a Mage can have in his arsenal of spells. This time, all of you will be learning how to perform the [ Tri-Elemental Orb ]."

Han raised his brow at the name.

"While a single fireball can cause a normal platoon of soldiers to scurry away from it if they lack the resources to have anti-magic armor, using multiple elements to your advantage is even better in the long run. Perhaps you encounter a high-leveled soldier with a resistance to fire spell or wearing an artifact to defend himself against it, then having more elements at your side will benefit you."

Now Han could understand that, elemental combinations could work to one's benefit—but this was still in basic combat? Did the Professor just want them to cower away or something along those lines?

"Now for a demonstration," The Battle Mage raised his wand and flicked it once but it was enough to change the atmosphere to someone who could sense the energy in the air.

Han stretched out his hand to feel and grab ahold of the energy, and he did manage to grab some but the rest of it followed the direction of the Professor's wand. Akin to the pied piper making rats follow after him with his instrument, even he had to consciously hold onto the one he held or watch it slip away.

A certain amount of mana being siphoned to fuel the man's spell.

In a matter of seconds it created the orb in the air. 

It was a simple orb of a null gray shade akin to simple cement—and then it changed to a sharp yellow. A charged bolt escaping from it and turning the grass to ashen. "Let's start with lightning and then change to—"

The yellow orb changed its form, color and even its substance—to a blue hue, in time for a lash of water to strike against another patch of grass. "Water and back to—" Another bolt of lightning zapped the drenched grass, exploded for a moment.

Han blinked and stared at it. 

The Professor sighed and shook his head, "It's not that impressive when you do it to a patch of grass, but there is a reason why it's dangerous to go to bodies of water when there is a lightning storm. The blasts are even deadlier than usual."

"What about Pirates and Sailors?"

"Those buffoons have Skills that help them avoid lightning or an enchanted ship to survive storms—for a regular Mage without any artifacts or such, simple combinations of attributes like lightning and water can produce even more disastrous effects than a ball of fire. A ball of fire can be evaded but even getting your opponents drenched in water and missing your charged shot, well, the lightning works in your favor. The water acting almost like a beacon for it to follow."

"That's just two element—"

"We're not done yet, obviously." The Professor narrowed his eyes at one of the Students behind Han and Timothy. Compared to their earlier class, it seemed like the Students were more than willing to ask questions in his class. 

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