Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: For The Sake Of Others ( Primarily Han )

There were things that an individual must know while residing in the Veiled Continent—and even more so as a human residing in its lands. Yes, to go beyond mere survival from day to day, there was a need to vanquish and reign over one's surroundings. Information was the answer to all the successful Races making their place in this new world.

Without knowledge, without its retention and memory, then they would fall behind their peers. It was how empires fell, forgotten wisdom of old that had brought them to rise in the first place, their weaknesses exemplified and enemies unremembered that brought about destruction and setbacks.josei

It was in the mind of the Cleric and the reason as to why she taught. All in hopes of that the next generations would succeed where they had not, a better life and future in the ever changing world. A chance for them to utilize the knowledge and experience gained by their seniors, it was what institutions of knowledge were supposed to do—prepare one for life.

And so she tried her best to explain what she considered important and also approved by the Academy.

The foremost of them all was this: A continuous struggle existed in this land between distinct Races. The fortunate thing was that the Yegarian Kingdom and other smaller nations, not necessarily all Human, those who could not offer grand scale wars, were behind the Endless Passes.

Even mighty Elven, Dwarven and Demon races would think twice in passing it—they had done so in the past, but now the squabble emerged between Races and their nations that bordered with one another. It was for this reason that conquering of Humans had been tumultuous, for those who travel in it, few might ever return.

And yet Human in their arrogance sought to conquer more—

Professor Jeanne didn't say it like that, but perhaps that much could be derived from her explanation in the eyes of an unbiased observer. Perhaps not truly impartial, but Han finally caught up to some of what was happening in this class.

He would hear things that Timothy Cook had scoured through before in the old library back at the village, the library being more of a poor quality chest that contained old books. Iola's tutors gave more grandiose explanations of a King rediscovering lands and gathering more resources for his people.

The victors wrote history.

Well, survivors also shaped it.

The two were not necessarily the same thing.

Alliances were trifling things, even quite unknown for the number of people all living close together. It was much more believable that the Dwarves who lived close to High Elven lands were in conflict—as for the reason for it, it may have already been lost and muddled for eons past.

All were mentioned in passing as the Professor moved on to her second point.

But Han knew that there were other continents besides this one, but even one was enough to give some a headache. And one hadn't even considered those that belonged to the depths. What if each continent held one server?

It was something that he would take note of and verify again later.

Somehow the irony of things in this world was a little depressing—give man another world and he would conquer it. It applied not only to Humans but for the rest. Each one considered themselves as superior and above everyone… well, he might have been exaggerating, but the answer to the most recent Beast Uprising had been this.

There were Races once considered inferior, Beastkin looked upon as second-rate people. Humans considered puny and powerless compared to long-lived fellows, and even then were those refused to be seen as nothing more than monsters.



"—most of these creatures band together to form tribes and sometimes even settlements if left to fester and undetected." Professor Jeanne said it with a frighteningly calm face. "In your third and fourth years in the Academy, it's not rare for you to form squads and teams to exterminate them as missions. It's good training for Students before they graduate."

Civilized versus Uncivilized. Short-lived and fleeting Races in between the ancient and long-lived ones. There had been a time where Elves ruled all over the entire lands—only falling through schisms between their own people. A time where Demons covered the land in fire and brimstone until they were secluded at the ends of the earth.

Races fought for freedom and recognition—the Beastkin uprising had earned them their peace. Perhaps they had already had kingdoms before, but most were unrecognized. Indeed, there were numerous things to learn and consider. Almost an endless fountain of information to consume.

It was all well and good.

Han knew there was much to be learned—but so far, he really was worrying about how to do his spells. What Spell in particular? And more than that was even how he used magic. The Battle Mage had called his method of absorbing mana and turning it into a spell as crude and shamanic, and told him to change his ways.

Shamanic magic that was used mostly by goblins, trolls, and other varieties.

He didn't think they would insult him for his method—he was only trying to do what he could in his limited state, shouldn't he at least get recognized for that? It was a tough thing. Perhaps this was the second most important thing: personal power.

Not necessarily strength alone. Han glanced at the esteemed Noble on his left with the Axe wielder beside him. Status, wealth and esteem also gave influence. Maybe even more than brute force. It was the same here in this world as it was back on Earth.

… Well, he still wanted to be a damn Mage and cast [ Fireballs ] or even that elemental orb he had faced despite all of this.

Han Jing had personally enjoyed mobile management simulations games—and this one was similar. He needed to micromanage everything instead of relying on his Soul Waves that basically functioned like 'Offline Mode'. Based on his experience, it gave him from poor to passable results.

If his hunch was right, then as his Soul Synchronization rose, then the better his Soul Waves would function here.

He needed to find Timothy and study with him… well, what if he asked Ellynn? She probably knew better Spells that would impress Professor Carnus, didn't she? Would it be too much of a bother if he did? He didn't want to trouble her too much if she had other plans and such.

Who else did he know? Penelope. Her brother? No. It was a no to that—the only other Mage he knew, well there was the Mage who helped him find Timothy and Ellynn, but he didn't think that the other man was trustworthy. Pretending to be another person didn't exactly strike him as someone who'd you rely on.

He remembered that Diov's friend Russel was also a mixed-curriculum Student like him, but he didn't know his capacities either. Who knew? Maybe the guy was up to task? Han could always strike a relationship with more friends—he got little a chance last night with one of the top three Students last night.

It was an opportunity missed.

He shook his head—a paralysis of options. Well, not actually that much. His best shot was Timothy if the guy showed himself up. But he'd surely pop back into his room. He had someone in there and needed to give her dinner.

Her name was Iola… Han hoped she wasn't that bored cooped up in the room. What exactly had landed her with Timothy? He didn't know, but it was another thing to figure out, maybe. Once he was actually finished with other things.

Soon enough class ended, and he was free to go—




[ Earth Time: 9:00: You Have Been Logged In For Eleven Hours ]

[ Earth Status: One Individual Is Shaking Your Body ]

[ Earth Status: Forced Logout ]

"Wake up!" a young girl's voice sounded in his eardrums.

Han Jing sat up straight and then proceeded to glare at his sister, "What was that for? I was having a nice dream."

The look on the child's face was displeased, even exasperated as she shook her head. She crossed her arms over her chest, "Mother told you to tutor me and you told me to wake you up at 9am on the earliest."


Now he actually remembered that this was the case, but he had left his body there on Soul Waves—so he wouldn't exactly just flat out be gone and trip himself over. But even then it was unpredictable. Two bodies for him. One would work with his Soul Waves and this one gained skills from the otherworld thanks to the Creators of Races Online and whatever system they had done.

"I'm also put out about this like you."

Han Jing eyed the girl sleepily and yawned. He covered his mouth. He stretched and rubbed his shoulders; he got up on his feet. "If that was the case, then you shouldn't have woken me up, geez. I'm the only one getting reprimanded anyway if I didn't teach you."

She gave him a pout.

He rolled his eyes and looked around their tiny studio apartment. If it had been any other place, then surely this was too small for a three-person family, especially if it were four. And he wanted privacy. Maybe there was something wrong with all of them living together—even if they got individual beds.

It was for that reason that he needed to do better.

Han Jing enjoyed the other world, but he padded over to the kitchen table and lifted the food cover.

"Mother cooked porridge for us." she informed him.

He wished he at least had eaten dinner at the Academy—it didn't exactly make his body full here, but at least there might have been some more variety. He glanced over his shoulders, "Bring your butt here and sit down, tell me what you're having trouble over while I eat breakfast."

Family obligations and his duty as the eldest son, even just being the only constant male in the household. He couldn't exactly just ignore it. It was as much for their sake as it was his own.

Han Jing could only hope that he could actually pull this off.

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