Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: Cut Scene of a Plan Gone Wrong

Han Jing.

The man's name was Han Jing. The one who represented the Humans in the Creators' new world was someone with the name of Han Jing and had gone with calling himself as Han. It was ridiculous.

Even now as he thought about it.

The Demon Lord had gotten that information from the Being that interrupted his meeting with the Wood Elf. Yes, he had finally gotten their name, and it was met with internal gloating. Nobody could stop him! Compared to the Wood Elf who needed to gain access into the Fae Portals to arrive back into the planet earth—he had an advantage.

He could go where he pleased, and the human's world was where his people went to the most. The Lord of Darkness didn't care that much about him, most other Lords taking precedence in the hierarchy. And so he arrived back into the realm in his true form.

The Succubus left her post in the Abyss and arrived at Earth.

Except there was a mild problem.

Really, it was so minuscule—Jilanya hadn't even noticed at first. Perhaps she had been so gleeful that someone had given the name of the Human despite the Wood Elf trying to hide it from her. And yet the truth of the matter revealed itself once she crossed the in-between and arrived. The Demon Lord gritted her teeth as she glanced across the seven continents before her.

"Han Jing—why did it have to be such a common name."

She had no reading on his Soul or exact information about his location; it was just a name. There was power in the name, surely, but it was too vague. Mursiel had assumed that the brat's allegiance was with him for providing the information, but in the end they fooled her. Was that bratty Being laughing to her heart's content now with tears in their eyes?

Jilanya's face twitched for a moment.

Irritation took over. The Humans were a vast number, but finding the exact person shouldn't have taken this too hard. Demons were far greater in power, powers that Humans as a whole had already lost in the past.

In a blink of an eye, she stepped into the city on one continent.

The Demon taking on flesh and form, a voluptuous woman with dark hair and red eyes. She stood in the midst of these prey, stifling the urge to find someone to consume. Around her were numerous Souls, a multitude of them. Each one of varying strength, power and most importantly in various states. Some were tainted, tortured souls and others were healthy—humans that walked the plane with no hindrance from her people.

Their aura was strong to fend off demons, but once they experienced trouble—it would thin. A moment that most of her kind would seize to consume. And so, Gaia's Veil that protected humanity's mind from seeing darker entities did not blind the Demon Lord. For the veil that separated earthly spirits and humans from one another…

Jilanya saw it as one.

Demons and other spiritual creatures moved and walked side by side with the humans, unbeknownst to one group and usually unapproachable by the other. She shook her head and moved through shadows and figures, bypassing useless foot and earthly technological traffic. There was no need to trouble herself, she only needed to find the man and then things would be done.

If the Human was stupid enough to use 'Han' as their nickname, then it was easy to assume that their appearance did not differ that much from the one they used in the world of the Creators. She could read him like a book, that much was easy, and all that was left to find him—

A spear of golden light flew a centimeter over her shoulder and struck the building in a distance, little flames of light erupting all around it. The humans all around her however continued with their day to day lives, unaware of what was happening.

Some attack from the Veiled World.

The Demon Lord turned and glanced over her shoulder, seeing a group of men. A good number of them wore priestly robes, others in simple gray tunics. Golden blessed weapons in their hands and others with scriptures tomes in their hands.

Her lips thinned at the sight of them.

How the hell did they move so fast? She barely just arrived, and now a faction was sent to send her back into her world?

"You wicked being! You have no—" one of them cried out. His voice was joined by others of his people as if they were of one choir.

A loud sigh escaped her lips, her appearance offered no taunting to them. Well, it didn't matter. If they wished to fight her, then she would overcome them and then she would find this Han Jing. Fighting a small group was not a problem. She laughed and watched the light in their weapons dim lightly, "You do not know who you face—call me by name and grovel underneath my powers! I am the Demon Lord Jilanya, fear for your lives and hope your prayers are heard!"




He didn't think that he would find himself in this spot, but Han Jing had said yes. And so he and his neighbor were on a bus together, it was somewhat cramped but she was seated to his left and somehow he wasn't exactly a nervous wreck as he was back in high school or university.

Since the two of them were sitting side by side, her shoulders brushed his and he could even take note of the fragrance that emanated from her long dark hair, a scent that resembled… not flowers, but something like a peppermint. He didn't exactly expect her to smell that way, or maybe she also enjoyed the cool sensation when taking a bath.

The two of them weren't exactly talking.

Her gaze was on the window, taking note of the buildings and streets. She was unfamiliar with the place, unlike him. That was probably the reason why she had asked him in the first place, didn't she? He felt kind of used, but it also meant that she sort of trusted him—so it wasn't exactly that bad.

Well, it was still bad. Horrible, even.

At least in terms of his wallet's miserly state.

Han Jing was planning to walk to his destination and not take a bus or any other transportation. He sighed a bit and tried not to move too much… he didn't even exactly have a clear destination in mind.

A carnival for the Mermaid and a gift for the Wood Elf.josei

He hoped that the Wood Elf would respond in regards to his arrival—he had promised to say when they were going to visit, but surely there was going to be some kind of interstellar or realm differences between them. So it just meant that he needed to hurry up and find a perfect gift.

"By the way, big bro—er, Han Jing, where's your stop?" Chan Lee turned to him with a sheepish smile on her face. There was a sense of some awkwardness in her manner of addressing him.

Han Jing scratched the back of his head, "Well, you see I have this friend who's going to visit from a faraway place. I need to get him a gift since it's somewhat of an important visit. Well, the dude's probably just going to mess around."

"That's quite kind of you—is it by any chance an online friend of sorts?"

"What?" he blinked. How did she…?

"I uh, play games too, sometimes—and there are people in our guild chats who decide to meet up." she coughed. "I'm probably saying too much, it's a jumping of a conclusion. Please forget about it, uh, to make it far, I'm going to one of the malls in the city," she said with a sparkle in her eyes. "It's one of the bigger ones with a lot of neat spots. It's probably where you'd head to if you're going to look for a gift? Or somewhere else?"

Well, it wasn't only him who would end up speaking too much in social situations. Between the two of them, it somehow made a bit of sense that she was the more nervous one. Or maybe it didn't? He had to consider the fact that she was new and he wasn't. And yet he rubbed his chin, "That actually sounds possible."

What exactly was he going to get a Wood Elf at a mall?

The money that he got as a bonus for being a beta-tester would go down the drain when he was trying to make it last for at least two months or so. And yet it was kind of nice just talking with her. Dang it, this was going to be one of those times where Bo Lifen would hit him in the head for crushing on someone. He slapped a hand over his face.

She was just nice even to him, who was practically a stranger.

Who wouldn't exactly like a person for that reason alone?

"Um, are you okay?"

"Just having trouble thinking of what to get him—I don't know him that well." And there was a lot at stake with that gift, 'hospitality of a host,' or something sounded important to them.

"Maybe there's still something you know about him despite that?"

"He likes nature, I guess. A bit flamboyant? Almost assumed he was a girl." Han Jing muttered. "I don't even know why I ended up with him… as a friend." he glanced at her to clarify his statement.

The look he saw on her face was precious as she stifled a chuckle. "Sounds like a metrosexual to me, I might be wrong? Maybe he'd like something like a scarf? I'm not so sure myself."

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