Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 244

Chapter 244: Cutscene with the Demon Lord

Han Jing would have wanted to pretend that he didn't have an idea on who it was who called him—but he reluctantly turned around and waved. "Hey, Bo Lifen what's up?" 

Nobody else would have called out to him so energetically except her. His former senior in university and club member was out of her work clothes and in sports wear. The woman wore a white shirt, black shorts and sneakers. One could even see that she had an earpiece plugged in her ear thanks to her hair up in a ponytail.

But it was still weird to see her out. It was a Saturday, didn't she have work?

The older woman's gaze however wasn't at him, but at the Demon Lord behind him. There was a frown on her face, the initial smile fading away. "My bad, I didn't think that you would be out with someone. I'm Bo Lifen, a pleasure to meet you miss…?"

"Anya," came out from a honey-smooth voice. The Demon Lord stepped forward and extended a hand, "I didn't think that this man would have a lovely friend."

"Nice to meet you, Anya. If I could borrow this man for a moment." It was at this time that Bo Lifen threw Han Jing a look, and then leaned closer to him. She tugged his ear, "What's up—did you finally get a girl or are you a boy toy for hire?"

Han Jing blinked and then threw his hands up, "What kind of conclusion is that?!"

Bo Lifen smiled at the person away from them before looking back at him, "Some people get lonely, and other people need money. It's not that hard of a conclusion to arrive at."

"Do you really think that I'd do some kind of job like that?!"

She gave him a shrug and wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead. "Well, you don't look half bad for it. And money can make you do a lot of things."

He stared blankly at her but then shook his head. As much as he'd like to tell her that he was forcing a Demon Lord to accompany him, he didn't want to look cuckoo at all. "She's a gamer like me—there's actually one more friend. They happen to be around the area and we decided to meet up?"

"Huh, the strangers you do meet online," She pursed her lips, "You either landed yourself a lucky one or…" her voice lowered. "Are you sure that's a woman?"

"Oi, I didn't know you would come to a conclusion—"

"Hey, I didn't mean anything bad." She pulled out earpiece and crossed her arms, "I'm just saying. Well, whatever. It seems like the two of you left your other friend to sneak here, I'm going."


Bo Lifen made a face, "Do you honestly think I'd stick around? If the two of you got something going on then why would I bother?" She shook her head again and muttered something underneath her breath. "And here I thought that you're actually getting serious in life but you're meeting up with some girl you talked online with, well—I'll catch you around punk."josei

Before Han Jing could even say a word, Bo Lifen turned around and let him. She jogged off and it was like she moved even faster than he thought was possible, or he had stared out far longer than he'd like. He had heard everything, even the grumble that she said. And yet what else was she supposed to conclude?

"She seems like a strong lady," Jilanya said. The Demon Lord reappeared beside him and then she let out a snort. "I heard everything though. She must be insecure to see me, I can make every man get on their knees like dogs in heat."

Han Jing threw a look at her. He might have said something along the lines of 'Don't approach my friend'—but that would have made this Demon even more interested in Bo Lifen. He instead turned back to the convenience store, "Let's just hurry it up, can't let that rotten Elf stay with my family too long."

He would fail to see how the Demon Lord spluttered but then walk after him, an irritated look on her face. She was probably annoyed with how a mere human had ignored and cut her off while she was speaking, but it only proved how belligerent people were.

Once Han Jing had purchased everything he needed, and managed to stop himself from throwing a can at the cashier's face for gawking at a murderer—the two of them would return home. He had no idea of how long they were staying, but his initial plan was still in his mind. Before they stepped back into Madam Dongxia's place, he addressed the Demon Lord.

"I'm not sure whatever is your agenda now, but I would rather not have the two of you at my house when it's night." His grip tightened around the plastic bag containing the drinks. "Surely there's something else more important to do than just sticking around at my place, isn't there?"

"Of course!" the Demon Lord said. She walked past him and stepped into the apartment, "I have no idea what it is that Wood Elf would like to do, but I do not plan on staying long. However, I would like to repeat my intention to you—that pitiful Race of yours in the Yegarian Kingdom and throughout other lands accepting your kind, not only you, I'll plunge them into flames."

Han Jing stared at her… and for a moment, he tried to understand why she was like this. But if anything at all, she just reminded him of an overly zealous and competitive player, and when you put it like that. He just wanted to scratch his head, "This is why I liked life simulations better."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing of importance."

She harrumphed and began to make her way back up the stairs. If he thought about her as a Player like him, and with her concern right now only being defeating him in the world of the Creators… it was almost enough to put himself at ease. He still had the option to stop playing if things actually go well with his agreement with the Mermaid.

He had no idea what the gift the Wood Elf had for him.

Maybe it was a little too much to put his hopes up for something powerful like a branch from the Wood Elf's world that was perfect for a wand. If he judged things by the fey lore he had watched before, he might just give Han Jing something mundane like rocks and pretend that they were gold.

He needed to be on guard and point that out if that was to occur.

But more importantly, if he were to consider how long until the Demon Lord would attack him again—he needed to get everything in order. What else could he do to level up faster? Should he venture back into the Hidden Library if one could still squeeze themselves there? Maybe he could gather information on how to defeat the Spectre from the Wood Elf.

What he really wanted the most was the Inventory Feature.

If he could only get that and ensure that the magical properties were retained even as they were transported back on earth—surely cultivators would find use for healing potions, wouldn't they? What else could he make? He needed to ask Timothy for recipes and gather as many ingredients as he could.

But more importantly…

A coloured fingernail nearly stabbed him in the eye.

"Why are you so distracted? It's vexing to see you with such a scheming look on your face. If you have any plans of stabbing me in the back then it won't work at all." The Demon Lord gave him another look. "Your punches are too weak to even hurt me and you don't even have a single weapon in your hand. I still do not understand how you were chosen."

Han Jing slapped her hand down and sighed, "I wasn't thinking of such a thing. I know better than to attack you, I'm not that dumb as you think. Besides, it would be dishonourable to attack you while you're unprepared."

"Only individuals with high power could even think about fighting with something mundane as honour and pride." She scoffed at him. "The longer that I stay with you and bear with your presence, the further I see that you are terrible in actual combat. You might as well have decided to play as a Courtier or something like a Jester to the current King."

His eye twitched for one moment, "Well, how about you? What's your Class?"

"You dare ask me for information?"

Of course, she wouldn't give any information away—

"I ama Demon Lord, surely you should have gathered that from our chats. Are you even dafter than I thought?"

"But isn't that supposed to be some kind of superior Demon race?" Han Jing raised a brow. "Like an evolution?"

"It is as you say… 'evolution', but I am still Lord over all of my Demons in that illusory realm. What else could be the proper Class for someone like me? And yet what do I see you as? Fighting foolishly after some Colossal Wyvern with those brats. Hah, I would have stayed in your stone village and leveled up your people there instead." She snorted and then began to sashay again. 

… this Demon Lord was giving information away like the last time.

He walked after her and smiled, "Well, I actually have a Companion with me—does that mean I can level him up too?"


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