Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: Cutscene of Twice the Offer

It was in the park full of green, where the two fellows stayed. The gift was yet to be placed or seen. Nary a choice yet to be made. Not a clue on how things would bade. A humble man would have asked for more time, and yet it would not be had for a quarter or dime.

"I present two options—which one will you have?" the Wood Elf asked. "This one or that one. Not everything is up for you to grab."

The memory of Han's task at the Kraelonia Academy came to mind—he needed to impress Professor Howard Carnus or get chased down by the Elemental Orbs again. And it sent a shudder down his spine,recalling the test. But not only that—if he had a magical wand in the Yegarian Kingdom, it meant that he could cast Spells more easily.

Maybe he'd be able to throw a fireball without a problem at all.

Back here, he wouldn't exactly be able to use it freely, and he was pretty sure that Cultivators didn't use wood this way. Wood was broken and chopped off with a slice of a hand, it wasn't using wood with a flick of a wrist and making a feather float in the air. No. He'd have to use it privately… when all he knew was the [ Light ] Spell?

How exactly would that affect his safety here?

Not much.

But if he could use the wand and learn Spells back at Kraelonia Academy then he'd be able to unlock them here too? There wasn't much yet unlocked, but more would surely be unlocked—even more Soul Synchronicity for sure.


Han Jing ran simulations in his mind—which would be more better for him. He wanted the wand in his hands, regardless of the promise of a better wand in Kraelonia Academy. But he'd be failing the test and that would make him lose his chance of impressing the Professor. Without a wand—how exactly would he pass the tests there? 

"This feels like the marshmallow test. Danggit."

"Marshmallow test?" the Wood Elf raised a brow. 

"If I choose to eat the dessert now, I'm satisfied—but if I wait a little longer, I get two desserts." Han Jing explained. "That's how the test is made, a chance to get more by waiting for an undetermined amount of time. But of course it doesn't exactly fit here, I get one usable here whereas the other one…" 

A wand made from the wood from the Enchanted Forest and promised to be more powerful. That meant that based on the wand one used—it amplified magical power. The memory of the kind but weird lady at her magical shop came back to his mind. She said that kind of wand was ancient? He had almost forgotten it, but probably the one that the Wood Elf would give was what the shopkeeper said to be unavailable.

Classical wands rather than specific ones.

"—interesting experiment. I guess I could get you two wands for you to use if you choose the second choice." the Wood Elf suddenly offered.

Han Jing's eyes widened and it might have been comparable to the full moon above in the skies. Did he really hear the man correctly? ... two wands?!

One for him and then the other as a spare?


His mind immediately went towards Timothy—the guy needed a wand more than him. At least because he was in the Mage Class. If the young man was overpowered enough, well, he could always sell the wand too for gold. He could do it here too, Han Jing, but to prove the authenticity was another thing.

"Pfft, you're taking awhile. I've given you a far better option now haven't I?"

"I'm minmaxing—why did you have to offer two?" Han Jing rubbed his face. He was positive that he'd choose a wand he'd get now, regardless if he needed to run around the Academy and avoid the Elemental Orbs. And yet presenting him with two wands made it a lot harder to say yes to one wand in his hands.

"You're only thinking about current circumstances I assume."

Han Jing raised his head, "How did you figure—"

"It's a natural direction for humans. One is not often assured that they'd be alive in the future unlike me, so they focus on the present and the near future. I think you're also blinded by one thing, but it's pleasant to observe."

"Then you just gave me a hint." Han Jing took a deep breath and paused. What other things did he need to worry about in the future… Well, the Demon Lord was one thing. Would the wands he get now in the Creators' world help him fight off future attacks? It might, especially if the quality was as good as what the Wood Elf—

"Not necessarily."


The Wood Elf shrug, their appearance quite lacklustre if not for the expression on his face. "I did point the common human nature out, but whether it is of help to you or not—"

"You're just making me confused." Han Jing slapped a hand over his face. 

"Precisely." the Wood Elf grinned.josei

That exact face made Han Jing frown. He crossed his arms over his chest and eyed the man up and down, "And yet you seem to be so proud of announcing it like I'm not going to figure it out without you."

"Well, I think the answer is easy. The more the merrier—get the two in our game and you'd be able to use it more and one spare. Oh, how about a Dual-Wielding Wand Mage? That sounds fun, right?"

He hadn't thought of that at all.

"I've already considered that, but if I have one here then—"

"What?" the Wood Elf prompted. There was an arrogant smile on his face, as if there was a secret or a joke that he couldn't understand at all.

The condescending look was enough to make him a tad annoyed. "Two is usually better than one, but not in this case." At the end of the day, this was his home and world. This was the world where Han Jing wanted to be stronger and be more of use. Maybe he could trade the Mermaid the wand and get more precious pearls?

Maybe he'd give it to Mou Gu regardless of their skills.

Based on the Moderator's confirmation that there was mana in the world, then it meant that there should be at least other Wizards, Witches and Mages about, right? In addition to the Cultivators he had already met. And yet Han Jing felt like he was close to something. Something nagging him—or maybe it was his mind trying to find answers to what the Wood Elf had said.

"You desire to use magic in this world?"

"Not so loud."

"My presence is enough to clear out most people you know?" the Wood Elf gestured around them and found that the park was indeed mostly abandoned. His eyes glowed mischievously in the night, a shade of green that might have made trees look on in envy.

Han Jing couldn't help but gulp lightly. It wasn't that obvious now, but the surroundings became ominous once he mentioned it. He needed to get home. The lightbulb was something he needed to buy—but he still needed the wand.

"What is it?" the Wood Elf held his hands out, gems and stones appearing in his hand. "Would you prefer treasure more than wands? A wealth more unimaginable than that you can fathom—a chance to become King in this world. Is that far more tempting?"

"Now you're just messing with me." Han Jing narrowed his eyes at him, but he stole a glance at the precious jewels in the Wood Elf's hands. "They're rocks."

"Of course, they were unearthed—"

"I mean useless rocks." Han Jing sighed, "The thing about us is that we have a lot of information—or what we think are information about others of your kind and then some."

"What do you mean?"

"Fantasy books and movies—there won't be a complete movie without at least a Dragon or an Elf."

"Books and movies."

"You should at least know what a book is!"

"Yes, I do. But ah, books written about us?" the Wood Elf looked particularly preened at this moment. He rubbed his chin, "I suppose it is only natural that your people write about us—we have been here far longer than you have, but we have left. Surely some do remember our time and age here. We were once your friends, yes, I think there has been a time like that where I had been nothing but a small wee Elf."

… Han Jing tried not to imagine a Christmas Elf. And thankfully managed to keep his face calm. Once again the Elf before him was caught in reminiscing, he hadn't even asked about what movies were. And it was a strange thing for the Wood Elf to know terms like 'games' but not of a movie.

Well, games didn't just mean electronic ones.

"Ah, times truly have changed, but our laws remain the same. So what shall it be, boy? One wand or two wands?"

"Can't I possibly have three?"

"One thing that hasn't changed is human's greediness as well." the Wood Elf shook his head. "I give you a present worth the one you've given me. A gift you've given is one offered to brethren and kin, thus I present the chance to give an additional wand for a person of your choosing. Fair is fair, Han."

… Han Jing tried not to cough. This guy never realized how much donuts were worth. 

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