Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: Back-to-Back Revelations (Han)

There were many things that happened all at once when Han arrived into the hallway and greeted them all with a good afternoon—the Lady turned to him and squinted her eyes. It was as if she was trying to comprehend something, but she approached at the same time that the old man behind him finally stopped chasing him down. There was a bird perched on her arm that gave Han a pointed look.

Was he feeling cuckoo?

He felt like he deserved a stab in the gut for that joke, even as he warily bowed to the Lady in front of him. What did she want from him? He wasn't into older women at all, even though she had a certain chuunibyou look to her with her bangs hiding one eye. 

"... Is he the one, Gesth?" The Lady asked. She didn't even speak to him and looked over his shoulder.

The man that chased him, answered. "Yes, Lady Andromeda."

Han blinked and involuntarily stepped back. Was this some kind of trap and the two were working together—he could run off now, but the Headmaster and others were giving him pointed stares that told him to stay right where he was. And the armed men with them also looked like they would run a sword through him if he tried to escape.

The woman pursed her lips at him. "It is you then, young man. What is your name?"

"What exactly is happening?" One of the Professors finally asked. He said it much louder than what he should have, but there was a look of bewilderment and confusion amongst the crowd.

Han wanted to say, "Same bro, same bro," but he glanced back at the old man and then the woman. "Er… this feels like you've gotten the wrong person, but I'm Han." He scratched his cheek and looked around—Timothy had left when nobody was paying attention.

Of course the guy was going to run away from a crowd.josei

"No, I can tell." The Lady said. She had a hand over her chest and then leaned down at him. "I wouldn't have expected emerald eyes, but you are my brother."

Han blinked, "What?" He took another step back and raised his arms. Did this body he adopt into have some sort of quest like this? A hidden bloodline mission? This didn't feel right, but then again, what were the chances that it wasn't? He hadn't read the complete manual at all, and his method of accessing the world of the Creators differed from others.

"The old man behind you is your maternal grandfather too." The Lady said. She gestured behind him to the man she talked to.

He glanced back to see the old man. There was a mildly tired, but relieved look on his face. He didn't say a word.What was this? Back-to-back revelation? Was this confirming what Han Jing didn't want to know right now? Footsteps echoed and the two other men arrived. One was the young man from the market, "Gesth—ah… " 

He probably recognized the Lady or was surprised by the crowd.

"This way!" The burly man shouted and pointed down a hallway. The two of them moved past them: the Crowel House and faculty, before finally going on their merry way.

The last arrival was the Professor who accompanied them earlier. A grimace was on his face. "Ah… it seems like we've come to a certain situation," He then bowed. "Greetings to the Crowel House and faculty."

The Headmaster looked at the young.

"There is a good reason to let them go," Professor Owen answered. But even then everybody's head turned to the echoing sound of a booming shout that sounded like 'murderer!' and then back to this man's serious look.

It was like telling a kid that the Tooth Fairy existed but was negligent about explaining why fairies would like to collect bloodied teeth in the first place.

Han hoped it wasn't about Timothy—the guy probably wouldn't survive such an encounter… but he had to focus on the situation in front of him. He was still silent. Perhaps to anybody else he appeared shell-shocked.

And there was a good reason for it.

His mind was going into numerous directions at once—the Moderator was wrong. Or he should have said it last time. This was a bug. He was the bug… no. Han was the parasite in this body! He had the urge to pull up the Chat Screen, but the Moderator might just ignore him. Whatever it was… Han Jing had a feeling that it wasn't only him here.

Or he had ejected the actual owner of this body.

But since Han Jing designed the looks and even the name… didn't that mean he was a father?! He was overthinking right now when he had to get his wits together. But this was probably why his Soul Waves were weird, weren't they?

"Are you okay, lad?" The old man approached him. His two companions had left him, but the man stayed because of Han.

Well, because he thought Han was his grandson.

He blinked and managed a weak grin, "Peachy. But I'll survive… er, Grandpa?" What was he supposed to do now? Besides panicking internally, should he hug the man or cling to the older Lady? Wait. The Lady of Crowel House didn't address the man in front of him as a grandfather. He pursed his lips and gestured, "I'm not sure how this… you and the Lady…"

"You are my half brother if I were to be precise." Lady Crowel said, and then she turned to the crowd. "My apologies for not being honest, but the reason for my visit is not to sponsor a new batch of Students. I came here under the order of my father to look for him."

So she wasn't happy about this, Han should have guessed that. And he hadn't exactly accepted it yet. There was something wrong nagging him here. Wrong about this situation too, and not just him.

The Lady then turned back, only calling after him. "Let us leave now, Han. We shall be departing back to the House in order for you to meet our father. He will be eager to see you."

Wait, just a second—

"Hold on, you can't just take him away." His grandfather said. 

Han was somehow getting comfortable at the idea of a grandfather. He hadn't exactly remembered his own real one, but there were some fond memories. He wasn't so sure about having a half-sibling that was older than him, though.

He was used to being the eldest.

Lady Crowel glanced back at the old man. A half smile formed on her face. "You are free to visit the House, Gesth. But have you not asked us to give this boy a better life? He has a long way to go before he can become a proper Lord."

This wasn't what Han had in mind when he considered becoming a King—did that mean he was supposed to marry the Princess? Well, if there was a Princess. He wasn't so sure about the politics here. There didn't seem to be other Human Kingdoms, though, if his assumptions were correct.

"He promised his mother to study here, you can't just take it away."

Mild horror came over Han's face and he held a hand over his face—this old man remembered that story he made up! Wait, was the reason why this old man gave him gold was because he thought he was related to Han or that sob story? 

"Well, that was before he learned that he is of Crowel House." Lady Andromeda Crowel sniffed. "What greater honor is there?"

"Has anyone bothered to ask what he wanted?" A low voice spoke up. It was the Headmaster, and his gaze bore on Han with a certain distaste. Was he doing this because of Old Man Joe? This was the man who used to be the Hero's right-hand man, wasn't he?

Lady Crowel clicked her tongue and gave him a look, "We found you. And surely it is a shock and difficult to comprehend, but you must come with me. Or do you not wish to meet your father?"

… Han wasn't so sure about what he wanted. Heck, he didn't even know who he was in this world at this point! And yet he had to make a choice now. What was better? He could leave Kraelonia now and be some Lord like Lord Harrington? Han could probably get lessons from him and Diov, couldn't he? There was always the studying to be a Mage… but a rich family could get a tutor, right? Would he just leave Timothy and the others?

And yet he could meet his 'so-called' father or something if he came with this woman.

Something answered the question for him—and it was a growl of his stomach. The hallway was quiet enough that everyone heard it and Han coughed, "Uh… can I eat first? I'm starving."

The Lady's face twisted slightly, but then she sighed. "I suppose we could attend the banquet that the Kraelonia Academy has prepared for the Crowel House's arrival, and I suppose there is also a good reason why the servants of His Majesty Sargon are here. It wouldn't hurt to stay for a while."

Servant of the King?

Han glanced back and only saw Gesth… and quickly put two and two together. "Wait, you're serving the King?"

The old man nodded, "A Bodyguard."

"That brash and loud-mouthed manner will need to be fixed, " Lady Crowel commented. "There is a time and manner to these kinds of conversations, but either way—we shall dine first and save this question for later. Surely, Gesth is interested in dining with us? Or his grandson, at least."

Gesth shook his head, "I need to catch up on those two. If you will excuse me, Lady Andromeda… Han. I'll see you sometime again."

The old man then left him behind without another word or look.

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