Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 270

Chapter 270: Cornered Like A Mouse (Timothy)

Travelling through the passage was enough to make him recount when he and the others had been underground in the library, but before Timothy could even ask about why a Student like Theodore had access to Kraelonia Academy's secret passages. The person asked a question first.

"Would you mind if we make a quick stop first?"


Theodore moved to the right and touched the walls, "I doubt that the people who are chasing after us, well you, know the Academy like the back of their hand—so let's grab something to eat first." It took only a couple of seconds before the wall opened and soon revealed the view of the dining hall of the Academy. "Oh look, it's buffet-style this time. Some important people must be here."

Without even a hint of concern, the Enchanter left the safety of the passage and stepped out into the hall. Timothy gritted his teeth, but then quickly followed out. He looked back and realized that the secret passage opened in an inconspicuous space that except for a few people—nobody paid much attention.

This was the only good thing about this huge number of Students, he and Theodore wouldn't exactly be hunted down by those two crazed men with such a crowd.

Theodore was already far ahead of him and approaching the banquet table now laid out in the middle of the dining hall. Never in his short life that Timothy thought he'd be following after a cloak-maniac, but here he was. He tried not to attract any attention, which wasn't that hard in the din of the dining hall and with the number of people gathered around. 

"I mean I could approach one of the Professors, can't I?" he muttered.

He couldn't do that.

This involved the Princess of the Yegarian Kingdom, and what were the people going to say about that? If they had to chase someone down and ask for the whereabouts, it wasn't him but—


He jerked back and realized it was Penelope standing behind him. "Ah… Miss Penny. Hello there." Did she have something like [ Eagle Vision ] or anything to find him? Timothy looked over his shoulder and realized he had lost the Enchanter amongst the sea of Students all trying to get some food at the banquet. Timothy wanted to ignore her and chase after Theodore.

But he really didn't have a plan, did he?

Would the people who were chasing down after him actually stop—he grunted and stopped himself from panicking. He needed to get his wits together and find a way out… and it might just mean that he needed to stop running away and work together with the stinky Noble. Timothy made his way past Penelope and the others on the table. 

He had already spotted Sir Leon de Harrington and Donovan.josei

The two of them needed to work with him or so help him—he was going to throw a fireball again if the people who were hunting him found him again. He knew it was dangerous to throw fire, but he had good reason to think that the two survived the flames. Anyhow, he needed to keep his eyes open for any rats, but he soon stared down at Sir Leon de Harrington. "We have a problem."

"It appears that we have," There was a befuddled look on Leon's face, but he nodded in greeting. "But do you know how Han ended up—"

"This is more important than whatever's happening with Han." Timothy snapped and ignored the stares he earned from the people around the table. "I need to talk to you and Donovan alone."

"Er, don't you want to take a seat first?" Someone from the table asked.

Timothy ignored Lady Angelika and focused on the Noble in front of him. Until Sir Leon sighed and then stood up, "It appears that it's very important then… we'll be leaving first. Have a good lunch to everyone, we'll try to be back as soon as we can."

The man's nonchalant attitude only made Timothy's blood boil further—and it carried on even when the three of them soon left the comforts of the dining hall and into a quiet and empty hallway. Donovan had his axe with him for some reason, but it only made Timothy warily eye it before glancing at Leon, "Do you know what happened—"

Sir Leon de Harrington held up a hand, "Please hold on just a second, Timothy. Is it not taught in your classes that there is a spell and even Skill for eavesdropping people? You must agree that a [ Private Party ] is the primary step to a good conversation without any people disturbing us."

He had already experienced this before—almost entrapped in a spell that bound him in place when he encountered the shadow faction of the Academy. Trapped and interrogated to give information. But unlike before, it was more like a private circle that enshrouded them and he had a feeling that if he were to step out of a space, he would fail to hear whatever it was they were saying.

He stayed silent for a good minute until the Noble sighed.

"What's the matter, Timothy? Has something happened that needs attention?"

Timothy had never bothered to ask him why Leon and Donovan managed to find the Princess in the first place—but it was probably a Skill. He went directly in for the kill. "There are people hunting down the Princess and they're tracking me down now. I managed to escape, but they're still here."

Leon de Harrington blinked and then gaped slightly. "What? Trackers?"

It was such a human reaction that it almost made Timothy smug for some reason—catching this bastard off guard was great. But that didn't solve their problems now, did it? He cleared his throat and nodded, "Yes. There were two people, one Beast Tamer I think and not too sure for the other, but I've managed to elude them… I had to take care of a lot of rats last night when the Princess and you guys left. The Beast Tamer is pretty damn upset that I don't think even Donovan with an axe could deter it."

Donovan grunted and held his axe tighter, "He's older and has probably had more levels than me. But it shouldn't matter since the Princess is gone now, isn't she?"

"I could get interrogated—and if I wanted to, I can have the two of you dragged with me." He fumed at the Axe Wielder, but then stopped. Especially when he noticed the narrowed look from the usually calm Noble.

Sir Leon de Harrington crossed his arms, "You could, and I suppose that you might have been even rewarded if you were to reveal such information. You've managed to hide her for how long? It's both impressive, but can also make some other people wary… however, since you're talking to us then I take it that you have no interest in endangering Her Highness."

Timothy grunted. "Of course, but how will we even deal with this? I doubt that they won't stop until they get their hands on me and when that happens, the two of you will eventually still be tracked down. There are interrogation skills, I'm sure." He didn't want to endanger Iola… Princess Iolathane, but he didn't want to get strangled by some Beast Tamer for killing rats. Who in their right mind would send more than a dozen into a room of a Student?

He hadn't even gotten the chance to clean up all the mess—

Before an answer could come from the Noble, the young man paused and looked over his shoulder. "We seem to have an uninvited guest." Donovan already had his hands on his axe, but didn't immediately make a move.

"Timothy Cook." A voice suddenly pierced through their conversation.

The Cook paused and then looked over his shoulder; it was the old man from the city. "How did you get here… but more than that, haven't you already found Han?" His words elicited some sounds from the Noble, but he paid more attention to the older man in front of them warily.

"Yes, I've found him." he agreed. The man didn't exactly look satisfied, but nodded.

Timothy frowned and watched him. This was someone who managed to break through a Noble's skill? It only added more danger and suspicion to Timothy, and yet how much did the man hear? "Then what do you need me here for?"

The old man, Gesth Carter, shook his head, a small smile on his face. "You've managed to outrun and outwit both Liam and Byron when I found the two of them in the hallways—their description of the 'rat killer' matched yours, and so I found you."

That didn't make any sense—and it probably showed on his face.

"It's a class-secret." The man said, but he soon narrowed his eyes at them. "But who would have thought that there would be three conspirators that were helping Her Highness? If you tell me where she is then I'll let the three of you off without much trouble."

"I'm afraid that we are unaware either." Sir Leon de Harrington said. There was a calm smile on his lips. "We chose not to ask her."

Timothy blinked and then stared at the Noble and Donovan—these guys didn't know either? What went through the mind of Iola for not even telling a singular soul? What if she got in danger now…? How could these two bastards just let her run off without even giving any clue or hint to where she was going? He tried to rack his mind, and yet he didn't have any idea where she'd go. But it certainly wouldn't be in the Kingdom, right?

Gesth Carter grunted, "A perfect way to bypass the truth spells and stones now?"

"Indeed. How can you find her if we have no clue at all either?" Sir Leon shrugged and never lost his composure. "Feel free to interrogate us, but the end would still be the same. You and the others are better off leaving now to find her if I were you. Although I assume it's a lost cause."

Timothy wanted to choke the Noble for having this all prepared beforehand—and yet he still didn't like this.

The noble continued. "But ah, good sir… before you take your leave. What is the relation between that of the Crowel House and Han? It seems that you're both affiliated with His Majesty and the Crowel House."

Timothy wanted to be curious, it was about Han and he was harangued before by Gesth for this, but only the Noble could be interested right now. Iola was gone and he would never see her again, would he? How confident was Sir Leon de Harrington that she would be alright?

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