Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 292

Chapter 292: Officially Back In The Game

When Han Jing finally returned to the otherworld, blearing open his eyes to see the familiar sight of a screen hovering in front of him. He only managed a weak grin and sat up from bed to stretch. He was finally back this time to see how much he had missed. 

How were the others doing? Any news about Iola's whereabouts and did Timothy ever actually send a message at least?

While he had been touched by the Demon Lord's—out of all available people in the room—words spoken… he still felt the need to be here. At least, it was almost similar to a game that he wanted to look back on every now and then.

He was interested in knowing what would come especially more because when he was here, the immersion was also immense. He knew he was Han Jing from Earth, but when he was here, he could almost imagine himself as somebody else. And wasn't that what people wanted now and then?

If he could be anybody else for a day, with no consequences to his current life… how many wouldn't have taken that chance? 

Similar to an Ogre that once wanted to feel like an Ogre again and experience his life to the fullest, Han wanted to live to the most of his ability. This was living the life and actually seizing it from day to day.

[ Welcome back to Races: Online, Han the Human. You are currently inside one of the  available rooms in Dewrowan Tower. Territory of the Human King Indrus Sargon ]

[ Current World Time: 7:00 ]

[ You Have Logged In After Some Time... ]

[ Check (New) Han Progress ]

"New Han?" Han rubbed his chin, but decided it was because he had left some time and let this body run around to do auto-collection or something. Whatever the case, he ended up checking it and came across some bewildering stuff.

[ You Have Leveled Up! ]

[ You Have Leveled Up! ]

[ Numerous Notifications of Same Message ]

Han tried to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes to check if he was still dreaming, or maybe he had gotten into a different body? No? Yes?

The screen still showed it to him. 

[ Congratulations! You Are Now A Level 6 Peasant ]

[ You Have Learned New Skills ]

[ Congratulations! You are now a Level 10 Student ]

[ You Have Learned New Skills ]

[ Congratulations! You are now a Level 12 Rogue ]

[ You Have Learned New Skills ]

[ Congratulations! You are now a Level 6 Psion ]

[ Conditions Met: Rogue to Apprentice of the Shadows! ]

[ Class Consolidation: Peasant removed. ]

[ Class Consolidation: Student removed. ]

[ Apprentice of the Shadows Level 20 ]

[ Skill - Advanced Agility Obtained! ]

[ Skill - Advanced Reflexes Obtained! ]

[ Skill - Greater Endurance Obtained! ]

[ Skill - Shadow Cloak Obtained! ]

[ Skill— 

Too many notifications that he had to take a moment to breathe in and take it all in

"What the actual flying fu—" Han raised a hand to his forehead and tried to actually consider how long he had been gone. Were things actually better if he just let life pass by here and then come back to reap the awards?

Jilanya already told him to find people to order around to make things easier for him.

It wasn't satisfying to him.

This was similar to the annoying mobile game apps that had an auto-collect feature. He wanted to do all the hard work, enjoy the challenge of getting through different events and tasks and then getting rewarded for it and those kinds of games took it away from him.

But it was still good… at least what he had now.

"My Soul must be better than me, no procrastination and stupid feelings to get in its way." And that was how Han saw it. This was simply the way of letting his Soul guide the body into acting, simple and efficient. Others like Jilanya might have enjoyed this kind of function well. 

It was weird because it did get in the way of connecting with other Races though.

Han Jing still thought it was best that someone still steered the ship, even if he could input coordinates to it—if one had to go with boat analogies. Maybe it was just backward thinking, because Han was clearly excited and thrilled to see it.

His new Class sounded really cool. It wasn't anything close to becoming a Reaper of Death, but it was still pretty great. Did it really mean he was Apprenticing over someone? The memories began to seep into his mind and relayed the most recent events with amazing clarity.

"I told… Professor Liddell?" Han's forehead creased, but then he had been able to get stronger so what was wrong with this?

The young man sprang up to his feet and found himself lighter, faster and it was like the floor underneath his feet was stable. Which it was. But now he felt like he could run across slippery surfaces and still maintain his footing and stability which was great.

Han looked around his room and also noticed some new additions.

First and foremost were the large pile of books on his table. Some dirty dishes piled with them—typical Han, but he still wrinkled his nose. "Had I been eating here in my room like Timothy used to? Yuck."

Well, he had done it to study more properly.

But now he needed to get the dirty dishes to the dining hall and maybe gain a dirty look from the Dishwasher. He padded over to the bathroom to prepare for his day.




Han plopped down into his seat at the startled looks of the other Students. It was as if they had seen a skeleton rise from a catacomb or a grave—which was too much. But he pretended to ignore it as he placed his breakfast in front of them and smiled. "Hey, what's up?"

Why did he act like he was dead? Distant maybe, but dead.

"We're doing fine…" Sir Leonardo de Harrington quirked a brow. His thoughts were torn away from a specific woman he had in mind, and was seating several tables apart from him, before he shifted into conversational mode. "And how about you? It's been some time since you've joined us."

"I'm good, good. Been busy studying you know?"

"Yes, we know that." Penelope eyed him sorely. "You still punched me in the face last week ago and I cannot forget that."

The memory of a match between him and the Mage flickered in his mind, a sensation of throwing a jab right at her face was shocking. He did all of that. "Uhh… did I ever say sorry?"

Penelope Primrose harrumphed at him, and began eating. "Well, I suppose you've made me start thinking about Flash Movement Spells, so it is something you have no need to apologize for."

Donovan looked up. "You never thought about that when we were fighting!"

"Well, she never needed it when she was battling you." Lady Angelika shrugged. "She already knew what to expect from you, but Han's sudden burst in speed was incredible."

"I just got a new Skill."

"Well, that makes sense." Russel suddenly nodded along. "Is it something like [ Flash Step ] or [ Hastened Steps ]?"

"Something like that." Han hadn't actually been able to check everything yet.

Unbeknownst to him everyone else in his class and even others knew how the sudden departure of Timothy made things different for Han. So even the usually prickly Lady was willing to look over the punch. Some people poured out their grief in different ways. 

In the end, Penelope thought the two of them shared the same sentiment.

Han scooped up some of the eggs into his mouth and chewed unaware of any feeling of camaraderie.

Truth be told, he felt the opposite of it. 

It was weird. Sometimes one could avoid talking to a person for a couple of months and then resume talking to them without missing a beat, not so much in this case. Sure, everyone was considerate and even sympathetic at the young man burying his time into books and studying, but they still had their own concerns.

"You've been rising up the ranks steadily, Sir Diov." Donovan eyed the man across from him.

"It's nothing commendable, only necessary." 

Theresa smiled briefly. "Maybe Sir Harrington needs to watch out."

A little rivalry had taken place while he was gone. Or it had always been there and Han just didn't notice it. 

Sir Leon only laughed. "I think that's great, a little challenge is always fun. I do admit that I've always been worried about Miss Ellynn, but she doesn't seem to hold much interest in ranks. What about you, Han?"

In addition to an increase of Skills, it might have just been Sir Leon who noticed the change of aura around the man. Somehow it was more refined, almost… not present? It flickered. There was no doubt he leveled up—but maybe he gained a better Class?

"Er, I'm a Mixed Class—if I don't actually improve in spellcasting, I'll probably just stay where I am now." Han scratched the back of his head. Maybe he could also get expelled by the Headmaster? "What's the benefits again of ranking high?"

"Special rewards. Training too?" Lu Rei answered for him. "I once heard that before, a map could be given about adventuring places, dungeons and stuff. Or you'd get to work with Adventurers and learn the ins and outs." While she and Kai didn't talk much, she did still get tips from the Illusory Mage every now and then. "Sometimes, you get to visit the Castle too."josei


"Of course it is, although it's just a way for the best Students to get more training. I'm just looking forward to the end of the semester." Russel leaned back against his seat. "Finally get some time to kick back and relax at home." 

"It's a little early to think about that." Theresa rolled her eyes.

"We're already past a month or two of the middle of the semester. A little more and we're done." the young man interjected. "Got any vacation plans? You, Calum?"

The man looked up and quietly said. "Near Endvil, the forest there."

"Wait you mean you have a home in the forest? Like a log cabin? Sounds fancy. Take us there sometime."

Han ignored those talks, and instead focused on one thing. He was aware that he and Timothy came late, but not this late. It was a miracle that he started growing faster in Levels, but in the end, was it enough for the requirements of the academy…? 

"So, is there a final exam that we have to worry about? Any ideas on what it contains?"

"You really became studious, did you get the Scholar class all of a sudden?"

Han looked put out at the assumption. "No, but like I said, I'm taking things seriously."

These folks really exaggerated what he was doing. It wasn't like he couldn't take things seriously if he wanted to? Geez. Han still remembered the time when he was in university and studied two hours before his exams. He had actually passed all of them.

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