Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 312

Chapter 312: Cutscene Aspect of the Moon

Dai Song Lan's reasons for hiding information from the rest of the Four Pillars in Shen Society was unknown for anyone save for himself. Perhaps he might have said it if Han Jing had asked it—but since the man failed to do so and was happy to accept money from him, then it was unnecessary.

He did not like speaking too much.

The black pearl in his hand was tiny and almost like a marble, but because it had come from the depths of the oceans, the concentration of the ocean's essence was supreme. He already made plans to purchase the rest that Han Jing was going to acquire from the Mermaid.

The city that both Dai Song Lan and Han Jing lived in already had its own fair share of troubles… and expanding to other creatures, or races, that certainly did not come to attack their jurisdiction meant that Song was more than alright to let it go.

Be wary of poking into things that were far too bigger than what one was.

He had already lived long enough to understand that.


Han Jing and the others spent the better hours of the day in the amusement and theme park. While the rides were now a complete flop, even Odele's idea of vomiting herself didn't work—the pressure underwater was more troublesome than a spinning wheel-ride, they were content to wander around.

Jilanya kept the little dragon stuffed toy tucked underneath her arm.

Han Jing noticed that a vast majority of the male population's gaze fell on her or Odele… and sometimes Faeran. It was a little uncomfortable being around them, but he tried not to care about it. Let them stare all they want!

"Ooh what about that tunnel—let's explore that!" Odele pointed at one of the slower-rides.

It so happened to be the love tunnel. Han Jing scratched his back and asked, "Are you sure? There's really nothing fun to do there. I mean, it's pretty slow and there's no exciting sight or anything at all to make it worth it."

"Are you sure?" Faeran chuckled. "I think I have an idea on what's happening there between those young folks and even elderly couples entering into the dark. It's quite easy to tell."

Jilanya rolled her eyes. "Kissing."

"And fondling."

Han Jing stared at the two of them with an expression that he wasn't even sure he was making. Respect for figuring it out quickly? Or perhaps acting like it was a special ride when it was just a boat ride in the dark? He sighed. "You guys don't happen to have x-ray vision or do you guys do? Wait, nevermind. It's kind of obvious, you don't have to answer—"


Unlike the others whose object of contract with the Creators were more or less safe and unknown, Han Jing's was his phone. A phone that'd probably outlived him by virtue of magic or divine power. "Wait a sec, guys." He pulled it out and checked for a text message.

There were actually a couple of them.

One of them was from his mother—which was actually last night. He hadn't been able to reply to that… and that  was because he was tired and his mother was only checking up on him if he got to their location safe and sound.

She didn't need to check up on him that much, but he figured that she said that because of her next text. 'Wish you were home for the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's really been awhile since all of us have been able to get together as a family :['

Even used an emoji to make him feel bad about being away for the weekend.

Or mostly to drop hints about how his father was already there and asking about his whereabouts. She didn't even need to specify for him to get at what she was trying to say. 

And then the next text was about Chan Lee coming around and giving them two boxes of mooncakes. This text from his mom was less subtle. 'That girl is all alone for the festival, I'm going to invite her to dinner. She was actually looking for you, I told her that you were gone—she seemed sad.'

The memory of their conversation last Friday about stargazing and watching the moon together returned to his mind. Han Jing didn't think she'd actually put into any effort or was looking forward to it at all. That maybe it was just something friendly she'd tell him as the resident slightly-older neighbor.

He was too caught up in his phone that Han Jing missed the shared looks of the three other Races behind his back. Han Jing reluctantly made a reply for his mother at last and then checked the other sender.

"Huh, it's him."

It was someone he didn't think would text first, Mou Gu's coworker, Dai Song Lan who texted about the pearls. He was looking forward to getting everything available? Han Jing frowned and then looked at Odele, "Is there something special about the pearls?"

The Mermaid blinked and then rubbed her chin. "Hmmm, for my people, it's usually to retain our youthful appearance. As for your own, I believe it can help extend your lifespan if you consume it in large amounts?"

Han Jing stared at his phone and then back Odele. "Say that again?"

"Extend your lifespa—"

"What the actual fuck." Han Jing had sold magically grown flowers, but the pearls that Odele had given him helped lengthen one's lifespan? It didn't even matter if it was in large amounts, this was like paying for one's life! He glanced at Jilanya. "Your people can give me a contract for unimaginable wealth, fame and power right?"

"Yes, in exchange for your Soul." the Demon Lord crossed her arms. "Did you suddenly have the interest to wager it? You won't be able to access the Creator's World when I collect it." Her smile was a little threatening, but having the red dragon stuffed in her arm made it less likely so.

"There's that immeasurable wealth, and then there's the elixir for life." Han Jing decided. He weighed the pros and cons, and nodded. "It's now officially better to make a contract with a Mermaid or something."

"Well, it's not immortality but simply extending by a couple of years," Odele said. "It's nothing too special."

Nothing special?

This was a guarantee to increasing one's years! 

"I mean if I sold this to—" Han Jing stopped himself. What was he going to do next? Start selling medicinal items to increase one's lifespan? Was this going to be his next line of work? He shook his head in dismay. "No, there are cultivators here. So they probably have their own methods for longevity. But this doesn't require me cultivating or anything at all, doesn't it?"

"Um, no?" Odele tilted her head at the question. 

"The lazy way out then." Han Jing grinned. "Dang—and I'm just selling one of these for about two hundred bucks? I should charge this cultivator more or something. I wonder how well-paying their job is to get this much money. Is it his job or is it his family?"

Faeran and Jilanya glanced at one another this time. Humans. The two of them already understood how caught up these people were with the idea of living long. Odele on the other hand, was actually pleased to just lend an ear to Han Jing, fascinated as she was with how humans looked at life. It also helped that he was talking about the cultivator from yesterday. 

Well, it really didn't matter to Han Jing where the money came from—unless he'd gain access to how they earned that much. But Han Jing momentarily snapped himself out of it and grinned at the Mermaid, "Better count the chicken once the eggs actually hatch. Can't count the money, unless you give me the pearl by batch."

Jilanya snorted at him and muttered something underneath her breath.

"Then we'll do something else, Han?" Odele asked. "... and not the ride from earlier?"

"Yeah, actually—do you want to build lanterns?"


Han Jing nodded. "I mean, Faeran here is asking for us to do something memorable and it's the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow. Tonight there's going to be some fireworks I guess, people also make lanterns and decorate their houses. I'm not sure if you guys do moon worshipping—"josei

"Moon worshipping? I like the moon," Odele said with a quick smile. "The water rises whenever the moon is full and for that the Undine are always grateful for the additional strength, but are you referring to Luna, Selene or Artemis? Someone else? Although, a number of my people actually like Mani, the male aspect of the moon."

Jilanya shook her head. "By that, she is trying to ask which one specifically? Did you wish to celebrate with all of them? Or rather are you referring to an aspect or an embodiment?" She wasn't actually that receptive to the idea, but she still offered her thoughts.

Faeran chuckled. "Celebrating the counter of years, it's been quite awhile. Our place actually has more than one, so it's silly now that you've mentioned it. I do believe that I'm quite taken by the idea."

"I actually haven't thought about it that far—we usually just light an incense for Chang'e and call it a night." Han Jing scratched his head. He should have expected it'd be something like this. He had been in a Universal Chat for peach's sake. "But maybe we can actually have one for all of the—"

"We'll be making an immeasurable amount of lanterns or spend days lighting incense if you try to give one for all of them."

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