Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 323

Chapter 323: Conversation with the Boys


"Seriously, not this again," Han said as he ran across the hallways of the Kraelonia Academy. While his so-called gains during his Offline Mode or Soul Waves Mode allowed him to do better in the Academy and even earn brownie points with his Professors—it barely helped him with navigating across the Academy.

Which was fair—because the spiralling hallways made him dizzy and he was sure that this was some kind of spell or rune that kept him spinning in one place, but he eventually bolted backwards and phased through a phantasmal cement wall.

This wasn't Theodore's [ Daedalus Eyes ] or anything like it, this was just his clumsiness, luck and… really just doing everything he could to stay away from the prying eyes.

But could he really just keep running and running?

He'd eventually need to show his face again and that was the exact moment that these folks were probably waiting for in order to arrest him. Han groaned and leaned against the wall, finally finding a little breathing room.

Why did that guy suddenly have to pop all of the sudden?

Han couldn't even catch a break, could he?



Truth serums.

Boaz thought that the Professor was joking, but after taking a sip—he really found himself talking much more than he should have let on. "I don't think they are related at all, unless the Colossal Wyvern was stored away somewhere close by and one of those other Races were Beast Masters, then maybe. But if they had a Wyvern, why would they even try to go through the gates?"

"To scout naturally… Mister Boaz? Mister Bo?"

"If they were going to scout then they were the worst people hired for the job." Boaz exclaimed but then frowned. The memory of the fight made him wince. "Although, I don't think it was a necessity when they seemed more than capable of capturing the city for themselves."

"You say that in the presence of a Professor of Kraelonia Academy with an accomplished background?" 

"I've seen Cleric Oreleans fight them and so did Ryden—he's one of the lowest leveled Guardsman, but he had a great combat Class that more than made up for it. Both of them would have been nearly eliminated if it weren't for the kid from here."


"Well, they're all brats as far as it concerns me." Boaz frowned. "I mean, I was nearly peeing myself from—damnit, that kid arrived weaving a white flag and trying to give up the city? At that moment, I might have thought it was a bold but still stupid move… and yet it worked." 

"All of them stopped fighting and were said to have retreated?"

"I mean you could probably talk to Cleric Orleans for this—"

"She's… a bit, her memory is currently somewhat compromised for reasons probably relating to the incident. Maybe it was her mind failing to comprehend the situation and just barring down, refusing to remember a single thing. It's a liability, but now you're here and you're wonderfully useful. Would you like to drink some more?"

"It tastes weird and it looks like piss—"

A chuckle erupted. "My apologies, I was in a bit of a rush when I heard that you arrived. Someone else might have come to interrogate you and they prepared better drinks, but it had to be me."

"And why is that?"

"Naturally, my concern is with the well-being of Kraelonia Academy above all."


Han looked around the dining hallway and frowned slightly. There was no sight of Kai and Theodore, the two of them were probably caught up in whatever it was they were doing. He stabbed at his sliced sausages and chewed on it.

"I don't get why all those girls are gathered there and ten tables away from us—what would they even talk about without us?" Russel grumbled underneath his breath.

"Obviously topics that they wouldn't want you to hear." Han said after he swallowed his food and drank some juice. 

His taste buds now were accustomed to the strange thick consistency of this special shake of blended mana-enriched drink. Han forgot whether he got this during the time when he talked with Calum or was this another thing entirely.

"Maybe they're going to talk about guys they like or something. Anything that crossed their mind."

"And how would you even know that?" Russel asked. "It's not like you've got a sister or anything right—or do you?"

"Yeah… I wish I had, but I lived in a small village so it's like everyone is family you know? It's not that hard to figure out." 

Now it wasn't as if Jinjing started talking about that and he eavesdropped on it—she'd probably choose to clean the toilet rather than engage in a conversation about him. But she did find a lot of amusement in messing up his relationships whenever he brought people over.

"So you say, but do you guys agree about that?" Russel dismissed his answer.

Instead, he prompted the other men in the round table. 

Calum shrugged in reply. 

"Except you—I know you don't have anything neat to offer, but what about you, Diov? Sir Harrington?" Russel clasped his hands together. "You guys surely know about this more than us plebes."

Han rolled his eyes. A bit affronted, but also slightly curious on what the two did have to say. He'd actually like to think that he was the one most experienced with women based on his age, and yet… someone like Mou Gu or Sir Leon here had more to say.

He was immediately proven wrong.

"Well, I was raised in a mostly-male household with my brothers," Sir Leon said with a sheepish smile.

"But you get along with a lot of girls." Russel pointed out. "I mean even Penelope is kind to you—"

"Miss Primrose for you." Donovan interrupted without even looking up from his plate.

"Geez, well, Sir Harrington already knows what I mean," Russel said.

"Hmm… I'd like to think that most of the women who gather together all talk about things that they are also interested in, but from the ones I encounter in parties… They revolve around gossip, social rankings and the like. I guess it depends on the upbringing you know?"

"Really? What about you, Diov?"

Diov just shrugged. "Eh, I guess it's mostly the same as he said—although my cousin Xanthe, well she usually doesn't shut up about music. The Brande family is focused on military procedures and strict upbringing even when were kids, so festivities were far and few in between… but that one time a travelling bard visited us by chance since his donkey took the wrong turn, she fell in love—"

"With the bard?" Sir Leon blinked.

Diov wrinkled his nose. "No—with storytelling, music and the arts. It also helped that the bard used his lute to scare off a bear that somehow wandered out Yarpon Woods. I admit that was a cool moment." 

"I really thought that Diov was going to say, donkey." Russel chuckled.

"What the heck? Falling in love with a donkey—"

"I mean, there are Beastkin people, you know?" Russel shrugged. "You never know unless you ask."

Before Han could say something about that, or at least ask about cat ears—because for the life of him, he didn't see any whiskers on their supposed classmate that was part-cat tribesman, he was beaten to it by someone who wanted a word in.

"There's not really much difference between men and women." Donovan spoke up.

"Oh really? I'd beg to differ—" 

Donovan had a thoughtful look on his face as he cut Russel off. 

"Most of the topics that we talk about is something that naturally engages them and keeps them happy. Maybe it's about guys, gossip, music or even just weapons… but if you ask, most of the girls will be more than happy to include you in the talk."

"That's the most unrealistic thing I heard so far—the last bit. Maybe it's just you, Donovan… but most of the women I encounter will just giggle and give me a dismissive look if I were to attempt and converse with them."

Han wanted to say 'me too' at that moment, but then… he sometimes had his luck with women back in his college days. It was usually because they thought he was funny and even cute.

—and Han Jing took whatever compliment they gave him. 

"...was only by luck that Teresa talked with anyone and Lu Rei was new to Yegarian King and was a perfect addition to our group. But other than that, you can see how even Ellynn doesn't like being around me."

"You talk like it's some sort of recruitment." Donovan frowned. 

"And I don't think Ellynn really hates anyone," Han said. "I mean, I can be wrong—but as far as I've known her, she's a great person. That's why I really can't understand why you guys were always excluding her."

"... You're an orphan aren't you, Han?"

Han frowned lightly. "What does it have to do with anything we're talking about, right now?"josei

"I mean, I guess it's because there's no one there to uh… well—imagine this, maybe your parents were supposed to be alive and eager to raise you up, but then all of a sudden the Beastkins all came in and your father was recruited to the army. Maybe your grandfather would show you an eyepatch which he now wears because an Elf Sniper hit him in the eye. You didn't experience that."

He hesitated for a moment. "That's just—"

"Han." A voice sounded behind him. 


Author's Note: Somewhat messy chapter. Or that's having too many events in one chapter? I tried to make it clear, but expect trouble as usual… and make it double? Man, I want to watch Pokemon.

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