Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 325

Chapter 325: About That Party

"Did you guys just say party? Why aren't we invited?" Russel raised a brow. "Are the seniors throwing some sort of gathering when they graduate? I thought I heard something along those lines. Diov can you ask your cousin?"

"Ugh, go ask her yourself." Diov grunted.

"To clear things up, I'm not graduating yet. Education isn't something to be rushed, there's no need to hurry up. It's not a race at all." Kai rolled his eyes and scoffed at Russel's words before he rubbed his chin. "As for the party itself. It's a different one that certainly isn't for the likes of… Well, depending on your family's status, you might get invited."

"What about my family's status?" Russel frowned. "Is this for the rich people again? Gah, how snobbish—uh, no offense to you, Sir Harrington and Diov."

"None taken."

"Eh, I can hit you as payback." 

Han himself only stayed silent at the Illusionary Mage's words. It was a rather simple hint that told anyone involved the Nobility. How Kai managed to gather such information in the first was up to anyone's guess.

And yet Han himself didn't know what to say.

Right now, he just wanted to stay in his seat and keep his head down while eating lunch. Sometimes it was hard to understand why Han was doing something—anything at all, really. 

Here he was seated with his classmates, acquaintances and friends but the mention of Timothy Crowel's debut was supposed to make him go up and inquire of the new-Noble?

If Timothy never bothered to contact him… then why should he?

Han thought about that and yet a certain part of him was still attached to the guy who he kind of felt… obliged to? Honestly, it was a wonder sometimes. Han could stay here and focus on his studies. Level up, gain more magical spells and just grow stronger.

This mattered more than anything at all.

But the questions still came in for both his friend and even the Princess as well. 

How was Timothy holding up with all of his new responsibilities? Did his older sister—half-sister treat him well or was she as terrible as Han remembered? 

What about the Princess' current state and condition? Did she really jump off the balcony? And what about that marriage?

It swept his mind back and forth and tossed him into a fluctuation of emotions that never did anyone good. This reminded him of times when he was concerned about how his old classmates' life were doing after college. He just ended up regretting checking up on their socials.

Some things were supposed to actually just pass him by and leave him wondering. And that was all it would amount to be. And so he finally said it. "No."

"It also depends on your territory, and considering the estates of your father—" Kai did a double-take and looked at Han. "What did you say?"

Han scratched his head and then glanced at his plate. "I'm not interested in this dumb party at all, I don't do well with them either so you can count me out of this one."

"How can you even say that when you don't even look like you get invited to them?" Kai scrunched up his face at Han. 

The sources Kai held on Han was that he grew up in Rockfall Village all of his life. So unless there was a Wood Elf throwing parties inside the Enchanted Forest, Han had never been to one.josei

A harried cough escaped from Russel at the sudden words from Kai, even Calum raised his brows piqued at the sudden turn of conversation. Han only stared back to shrug before he resumed eating and drinking. Right now, he was just blase about it.

Kai continued. "These parties are different from the small festivities that your village might celebrate during harvest or other special seasons. It's something you shouldn't be missing."

Han sighed and finished his drink. "Say I listen to that and actually think I want to go—it's not like I can just head over there and pretend to be some fancy schmuck to get a free pass and waltz over there, can I?"

"Which party are the two of you talking about?" Sir Leon cleared his throat.

Kai threw Han a look that probably said that it was this guy they were waiting for. In Han's opinion, Leon might have gotten a little out of the loop about having no clue of such things since this was around his forte. 

Sir Leon de Harrington smiled. "There are several banquets that will be hosted during the period after the semester's end. I suppose depending on the arrangements and number of invitees to said party, perhaps I can be of assistance to the two of you?"

"And why would you help us out this much?" Han asked, then swallowed back his words. It was starting to come out a little too sharply, and he already didn't want to regret things. He cleared his throat. "I don't think there's much I or Kai can do to repay you."

"Well…" Sir Leon blinked a little but then smiled briefly. "It's not the first time that people questioned my intentions—Donovan did the same before, but I like to help people when I can. If there's an opportunity for you to repay me, then perhaps I'd request you… otherwise, I just do what I can."

Donovan coughed from the other end of the table. Before he could choke on some t-bone, the man gulped some water down. "I don't have anything to say to that."

"Well, you could have backed me up." Sir Leon rolled his eyes. "Regardless, my offer still stands. I'll look into it the best that I can, although I might be busy on some affairs as well if I do well during our finals."

"Is that on the prize for the top-ranking Student in our year?" Diov smirked slightly.

"We'll see." Sir Leon sheepishly grinned. "Miss Ellynn has been a bit distracted from what I heard." The young Noble glanced at Han's way.

"What?" he asked.

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