Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 357

Chapter 357: That Funny Feeling

There was no amount of excitement in his face at all. 

A part of him should have long realized that it was only a matter of when the others around him would discover his secrets—such things could never be hidden.

The truth always came out, sometimes in unexpected ways and sometimes in trivial events that didn't seem so big at first. Maybe it was underestimating an opponent. 

Han knew for a fact that this world around him was as real as Earth, but somehow, he still expected that he could fool others here and reside as a simple person here for his own benefits.

That was a naive way of thinking.

The young man sat with his classmates in his first afternoon class, a certain sense of unease at what might actually happen… but with it never actually coming to fruit. The dread and anticipation of punishment was more aggravating than the actual consequence.

It was a common trick to play with one's mind.

"Now, some of you may or may have not yet experienced Class Advancement or Consolidation. There's nothing wrong with that." Professor Owen stood in front of the chalkboard and addressed his students with a smile almost as if he was genuinely supportive despite their lack of progress. 

Saying that it was absolutely alright for them to not experience Class Advancement was a little hard to believe.

Han imagined that the Professor was throwing looks his way, but maybe he was wrong. Han already experienced Class Consolidation, so that wasn't the problem.  josei

He shouldn't be thinking that the man was still out to get him.

Han already knew that his friends and classmates weren't thinking about him as much as he thought they were and it was up to him to stop with the incessant worrying.

On his right side was Sir Leon de Harrington who kept up with the lessons with a certain hard look on his face that made Han assume that maybe this guy hadn't consolidated his Classes yet.

So even though Han encountered Owen Liddell and the Professor found out about Han's ties to other Races… it wasn't enough for the Professor to drop the ruse of a teacher and stare out openly at him and have every little statement be a jab at Han.

That was frankly ridiculous.

Han finally paid attention to the Professor and kept his gaze on the chalkboard, listening hard to each word.

"While there are activities we do in order to carve a path or shape what kind of Class we will receive, it is also important to take advantage of another individual's lack of knowledge regarding such things. Your education does make a difference, far much more than you think."

Alright, now that was something Han heard from his own classes in the past. Did his somehow required Philosophy class actually help him before? All it ever did was make him question everything.

Thus it was a little different here in this world—after all, he did learn how to use magic and combat.

Professor Owen continued with his lecture.

"Let's go with an example that might not come so obvious to everyone, how does one hide their Class? Most people are expected to and do share such things, to friends, family and also to work colleagues… but there are occasions where the hiding of it is invaluable to the situation. How does one do it?" 

It never occurred to Han to hide such things before. He didn't even have a Class before, so there was nothing to hide in the first place… but of course, it made sense to hide it. 

Whether it was to downplay one's weakness or to unveil strength at a later time. 

That was like the standard move of every underdog protagonist before they proceeded to slap everyone's faces. Han stifled a snort at the thought of it.

Professor Owen's stare landed on him, and then nodded. 

Crap. Was the Professor asking him to answer the question?

"Uh…" Han began.

"Sir Harrington?" The older man prompted with a little smile.

So, it wasn't Han but his seatmate.

He sighed inwardly in relief, taking note that maybe the Professor was a little sadistic, right before he watched the Noble beside him stand up. 

"While there are Skills and Spells that can help hide or deceive others, most often, there are various artifacts and gems that can be acquired which can help those who do not have any helpful Skill or Spell," Sir Leon de Harrington said. 

Owen nodded a little. "Anyone else?"

Han noticed and it was almost just like any regular class, that not everyone was actually willing to stand up and volunteer an answer. If someone already answered within the crowd, then it became a little unnecessary, right?

That was how it operated.

The chances of saying a wrong answer aloud in class was also mortifying, so Han could understand the silence… that was until Diov pulled up to his feet. 

A guy who Han thought was just someone who liked using his gauntlets and knocking people out with it changed his demeanor when people discovered that he was from the Brande family.

It was probably the burden of holding up to the family name.

"While you can probably buy a black obsidian enchanted to hide one's Class… depending on the Skill user, they might be able to penetrate the effects of the charm and artifact. So even among the Nobility, not a lot purchase such items unless it's worth thousands in gold and highly effectives for even High-Leveled individuals."

"Your conclusion then, Diov?"

"It's not that useful or practical in most cases."

"Are you forgetting about Strategists and Tacticians then?" 

"Most battles do have wards against Class and Level detection," Diov replied. "But even then, you can probably purchase information if the army has funds for that and that's where Strategists and Tacticians make deductions, Professor." 

"Those two are not the only ones who can acquire Skills related to that, but ah, I digress." Professor Owen smiled. "You have made good points. But there is still another way to fool most people from determining your Class that doesn't involve Skills, Spells and artifacts. Take your seat, Diov."

"Yes, sir." 

"Does anyone know what I'm referring to?"

Han knew that Professor Owen was referring to himself as someone else who could read Classes and realized that the Professor's confidence stemmed from here. 

If you knew what an enemy's Class was and if you can even tell what Skills they have then one could easily make preemptive moves and calculated strikes.

This time around, one had the advantage of being prepared for a fight.

Did Professor Owen read the Classes of those three 'fugitives' during their last encounter?

It could help, Han would admit that. 

And he didn't know the full capacity of Kraelonia Academy when it came to battling those of other Races if they had some advantage he wasn't aware of. 

But if there was still a great difference in levels? 

Would it make that much of a difference?

...Well, Professor Owen would level up much faster than them, so once again, it was hard to say if the man had the numbers against those three.There was counter leveling. 

Not to mention, envisioning three versus a hundred wasn't fair play and it made Han's head hurt.

Knowledge of the enemy's possible moves were just one thing.

"—Thus it is also important to hide one's appearance and stereotypes. For example, a Bard may perhaps bring a harp or lyre and it is important to conceal the instrument—but so can a Rogue bring out one in the open to hide their darts. Or an Archer that has customized it to fool their enemy. Invisible arrows for example, have been quite daunting to avoid."

Han wasn't as rattled as yesterday anymore at the thought of them fighting, but there was still a lingering amount of dread when the encounter would actually happen. 

It wasn't like he actually liked either the other Players or the Professor more, surely there should have been a good answer to that. 

Humans backed up Humans, and those three let ordinary people die in Rockfall Village die because of them not interfering.

And yet he was still stupidly afraid of the consequences. 

Han wanted to think it was about deceit—that lying to other fellow Players about inviting them over to an unsuspecting fight was wrong. 

It wasn't knowing for a fact that a battle was unavoidable and caused by his own actions. On the contrary, it was his lack of intervention. 

Han was just afraid of what might come after.

Han was just standing by.

Letting life take him on a ride through a raft on a river. He had never experienced riding one, but the waves tossed him and he went along with it—in fear, knowing that things were too much for him to handle.

Just afraid to try and thrash against the waters' directions and stir himself away.

What was he supposed to do next?


Author's Note: I like adding references to some songs, last time on Chapter 322 it was [ All Eyes On Me ] by Bo Burnham and once again, it's "That Funny Feeling" by the same artist. Being able to portray certain emotions through words, especially a song is remarkable. I think That Funny Feeling captures a part of Han Jing's perspective. *cough* 

If you somehow reach all the way here, I think I'm contemplating on doing another POV to show the story more comprehensively. I'm already doing that, I know ;-; but ah, writing slump. If you drop by the Discord server, I gave a more in depth explanation for the update sched as of late. Thank you!

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