Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: [ Choose Your Curriculum! ]

If the test had ended on a jovial note, the jury and the council did not convene quite nicely. Arguments and debates were spewing out from one teacher to the other.

Headmaster Pierce tried to ignore the blabbering and chattering, instead choosing to stare at the scrying mirror. Somehow, the first two winners congratulated the last two—although the first and second had been butting heads awhile ago. 

The third placer, Han also knocked heads with his companion Timothy. Complaining about how friends should wait for each other.

"Youth." He spoke with one word, shaking his head. Memories of adventure and a bright and shining companion at his side.josei

Even the girl, despite perhaps being as old as him was still a young child through and through. He finally stood up, he had to announce the results of the obstacle test.

"Sir, you're not going to pass the two of them right? It was clear that the two students are much more capable than those new arrivals."

"Have you been blind? Did you not see how that third placer came up with the idea to get through the axe?"

"It was a little unfair that the girl didn't have to deal with the axe."

"She came back to check on the boy…"

"What's the name of the second place? Timothy was it, his method of using his [ Skill ] is ingenious, and feel like he would do well in the Mage class. I can see him taking the wizardry course."

.. .

The end of the corridor was simply furnished, a few sofas for them to relax in, some art painting on the walls—Timothy avoided them, and he also eyed the jars filled with plants uneasily.

Han chuckled, "I don't think either of them would attack us." Despite that, he was eyeing the floor around them for any slits. He wouldn't want to imagine this room getting filled with rats.

It was a good thing that his stomach was empty. "So how does it feel coming in second place?" He prodded his friend.

Timothy scrunched up his face, crossing his arms over his chest. "It doesn't sit well with me, if that's what you're asking. I would have wanted to pull that man down from his pedestal."

"I see ehehe…" Han scratched his cheek, trying to chuckle over that matter. Was he like this before in the village? Han couldn't exactly recall Timothy being this competitive.

Or maybe he turned a blind eye—

One of the walls rumbled and opened, a secret door and passageway. Honestly, like any good magical academy if you asked Han Jing. The four of them stood up to greet the Headmaster and other adults that came in with him.

"Congratulations on finishing this obstacle test, the two of you are free to join the Academy." Headmaster Pierce announced briefly and nodded towards the people with him. "They shall determine which curriculum you will be undertaking in."

One of them looked like the typical wizard, the long robes and even the hat at that. They wore round spectacles that made them look like an owl, this figure immediately approached Timothy.

"Young man, touch my staff." She was carrying a long staff, or perhaps it was a rod that had a magical orb in it. The orb resembled a pure white pearl. 

As soon as Timothy's fingers came in contact with the orb, it lit up like a miniature moon. A pleased expression appeared on her face. "This one should definitely take the Primary Mage curriculum, what abundant mana!"

A man in his thirties approached Han, he had a greatsword strapped in his back. "You seem capable enough to join the Primary Combat course."

"Really...thanks?" Han sheepishly smiled back and glanced at the glowing orb. He wanted to test his mana levels. "I'm not really sure if I'm interested in pure combat though?"

The man shook his head dismissively, "Mixed Course then, a shame. But if that's what you want."

"Er…" Han thought about it, before nodding. "I'll take that, sir." Even if he happened to be good at magic, it would be a shame for him to not at least learn combat.

The man grunted but nodded, "Welcome to the Academy. Han is it?"

[ Han has obtained the [ Student ] Class! ]

"Yessir!" He grinned. Finally! A new class! "And what is your name, sir?"


The swordsman soon went off on his own, joining the other adults in their discussion. Sir Leon de Harrington was receiving praises and slaps on the back while Ellynn seemed to have disappeared into the secret passageway.

"Hey, Timothy what are you going to take?" He approached his friend who was still discussing with the wizard lady. 

"If you choose to pursue the Primary Mage curriculum, you won't only learn the basic combat magic but will also have the chance to learn about other forms of magic. Perchance your current [ Class ] will consolidate? I have a feeling that it would!"

"Professor Lavelda, I think you can lecture the boy inside a classroom." One of her colleagues called out good-naturedly. "Give the boy some rest!"

The lady pushed up her frames, a pout appearing on her lips. "Don't be a meanie, I'm only suggesting things. You don't mind, do you, dearie? Timothy?"

"Well, erm…" Timothy for once, fidgeted. After getting all the attention that he clearly wanted, this was the time he didn't feel comfortable with it. "I mean, it sounds great and all… but I still really want to learn how to use a weapon? I don't want to leave myself in the open."

"Nonsense! You can use [ Mana Barrier ] and other Shielding [ Spells ]." Professor Lavelda fussed over him, gesticulating to her orb. "It's been quite awhile since I've seen such an abundant amount of mana, in a commoner no less. It's usually the [ Royal ] and [ Noble ] families that are blessed with this or being another [ Race ]! You don't happen to have any mixed blood do you? Well,  think about it!"

Han tried not to laugh, his friend was quite popular with this lady.

Timothy looked over at him, "What do you think, Han? You're doing a combination of Combat and Mage curriculum, right?"

He started to answer before a bright red notification popped out in his field of vision:

[ Warning: Response Will Affect Companion's Future Growth! ]

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