Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Ranking Test

[ Evaluation: Extremely pitiful, the bottom of the bottom-feeders, expulsion is nigh ]

Han stared at the menu for a second, the words that seemed to flash brightly in his head. To anyone, it looked like he was staring at thin air. Professor Carnus gave them another look before he moved on from the two of them. He marched towards the first people that were lined up.

"Are you okay, Han?" 


The bottom of the bottom-feeders.

Timothy elbowed the man lightly in the gut, "Hey, are you alright?"

Han Jing turned towards Timothy and mustered a grin, "Never been better."

"Hah, it really is hard to keep someone like you down. I'm the only one who gets pissed about this." Timothy shook his head, a resigned sigh from him. He ran his hand through his fingers. "Seems like we have to work hard to catch up with the others if we can't even perform [ Spells ] yet. We might need to approach someone for help."

Han scratched his cheek, and glanced at his companion. "Considering to kowtow back to Penny are we?"

"Not necessarily." Timothy responded, their gaze looking past him. "If you manage to befriend this Ellynn, maybe we can ask help from her." 

Han raised a brow, "I thought you were against that."

"Well, our reputation is already kind of marred plus look at that." Timothy motioned behind then.

Professor Carnus flicked out his wand, the temperature around their vicinity began to drop. The immediate grass from where he standed began to freeze up, the green blades of leaves were covered in thin sheets of ice.

Han blinked.

Several ice spears coalesced in the air before they zoomed towards the students. It was akin to missiles hitting targets. Their classmates were mustering their best to put up their [ Mana Shield ].

Professor Carnus was no kind teacher.

The mere impact of the spears propelled most of the students backwards. The [ Mana Shield ] shattered with weaker students. Some students managed to block one spear before another volley of spears threw them back and they fell to their knees.

Penny was holding herself out there, one could see beads of sweat on her forehead as one ice spear and another thrust themselves toward her.

She actually wasn't that bad—

"Watch your back." Professor Carnus started.

And that was how Penelope Primrose dropped to grass as an ice spear flew behind her.

At least she managed to dodge.

But she failed to perform another [ Mana Shield ] in time.

Out of them all, only a few were able to survive and were holding out with the barrage of spears.

And out of them was a shining star.

Ellynn hadn't simply placed up a [ Mana Shield ] but she had managed to perform a [ Mana Barrier ]. Enclosed around her was a shimmering orb that deflected and deterred the ice spears that launched themselves against her.josei

If anything, to Han's eyes—most of the spears flew around her. Trying to pierce the barrier from all sides. It was a testament to her strength.

It cracked but with another move of an arm, it repaired itself.

On top of that, she had no wand.

Professor Carnus withdrew his own wand back into a sleeve as he looked at the different array of students.

"Hmmm… pitiful." He shook his head.

To be fair to the Professor, he had to attack multiple targets all at once. Han knew that it called for precision and accuracy. He had a feeling that if the [ Spell ] had been simply cast, Timothy and him could have been attacked by a stray ice spear or two.

But it didn't happen.

"First rank to Miss Ellynn, I will post the rest of the ranking later. But for now, our class is now dismissed. I hope all of you learned something today." Professor Carnus clapped his hands to rouse them up and then he left the arena.

Han could see some of the students groan as they picked themselves up from the grass and other spots.

Others would grumble and complain.

And once again he could see a few of them eye Ellynn with not so favorable looks.

"You're staring." Timothy pointed with a shake of his head. "But yeah, I think it'd be great if we can get a few pointers from someone like her."

Han laughed and slung an arm across his friend's shoulder. "Hey, I'm not in the same course of study like her. I'm Mixed Course, so if there's really someone who ought to befriend her, it could be you."

A sigh would escape Timothy's lips as he removed the arm from him.

"It's a good reminder that we'll go our separate ways—I hope you can tell where your next classroom is." His friend eyed him with suspicion.

Han was quick to wave a hand, "I know so."


And that was where he scrambled around for his schedule, "A minute, I think I tucked it in somewhere." He turned around and then grabbed it from the inventory "Voila!"

Basic Physical Combat

Swordsman Uriel Griffith

He stared at the familiar name and held back a sigh of relief, there might be some hope for him after all. It was the teacher swordsman that he had encountered yesterday during the test.

Now the place where he needed to go to was supposed to be—

"The classroom is just here in the same place, dummy." Timothy rolled his eyes and waved a hand, "I'm going now, try to keep out of trouble with class."

Han watched his friend make his way out, or rather walked back inside the castle alongside other students. Like him, there were a few students who stayed—in the same course as him.

And of course some who were just arriving.

"Ah, Han! Good to see you!" Sir Leon de Harrington waved at him.

He could already notice some people looking at him… if he kept hanging around with this guy, would their reputation plummet or would his skyrocket? Han Jing wanted to slap a hand over his face—he never cared about these things, but having your reputation put on a stat screen or a menu was a different matter.

[ Fame: Kraelonia Academy: 2 ]

[ Fame: Rockfall Village: 100 ]

It was quite a contrast to one another.

He was a gamer, he wanted his stats to rise. 

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