Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: A New Perspective [ Warning: Worldbuilding Chapter? New POV. ]

In a world fabricated by the Creators, there was a certain order to how things worked. If one threw a rock into a certain direction then it would go that way, rain fell down and waters rose up with heat, there was reason and rhyme—or that was what it would seem to the lens of those who wished for it to be seen that way. Whatever man may wish to call it, be it harmony or discord: everything was under their whims.

And for that very reason, there was no time to spare.

It was apparent in the air and it could be felt by everyone.

Akin to a single drop of water that fell into the ocean, it would continue to make ripples across its surface.

In the Kraelonia Academy, in a place where young men and women were not allowed to visit, somebody threw the door open. Another [ Mage ] came barreling into the office, their robes completely drenched with sweat. The man looked as if they had run from one end of the Tower to another. He panted hard like a dog and wiped the sweat off their brows and bowed his body low in respect, "[ Headmaster ]! There is a [ Message ] from the [ High Commander ]!"

Within the forest outside of the City of Gloria where multiple [ Players ] gathered in one spot. Where a Han was discreetly trying to swat off the lightning bugs that were aggressively flying around him was where a certain [ Wood Elf ] rubbed their face tiredly and turned to address him. His gaze was sharp and his voice was low, and it called for attention. "My daughter is lovely, thank you very much. I think we're getting sidetracked here though." 

For the ones above would not bend their will to heed or listen to the wishes of ants. So as the sun rises and the moon ascends—a foul beast awoke and took flight into the night. Its cries echoed throughout the Endless Passes and reached into the heart of the Yegarian Kingdom.

It was in search of its prey.


The world was far more than just a simple Capital City or even Kingdom of the Human Race—although most of them would like to believe that the world revolved around them, that was not the case. There were more that one could reach if they wished to do so if they desired. 

Both men seeking for either glory and conquest would find themself travelling further than their own Kingdom, going beyond into distant lands where the melody of crusades, adventure and thrill beckons them forward. And it was for that reason why it so happened that both [ Adventurers ] and [ Explorers ] would find themselves side by side with [ Soldiers ] and [ Commanders ]. 

It was only through hardship and trials that one may continue to grow, expand and level.

And for one to venture far, their first trial started within the Endless Passes. When one reached the furthest border of the [ Yegarian Kingdom ], they would find themselves separated from the rest of the continent. If they wished to go beyond it would only by going through the series of connected mountains and it only had a single path to travel, a foggy and elusive one.

Some have attempted to scour its heights but would eventually give up and remark that it was impossible to surpass, if they decided to come back before a certain height. They would tell and say that Dragons of old would tire their wings, renown [ Mages ] would fall to chasms or prey to the creatures that lived within their homes. And for the others, they were to be considered good as dead. They would have gotten lost in the Mist and be devoured by the inhabitants if they reached and ventured past it.

And if one actually survived?

Nobody has yet to come back to tell the tale.

So for the few that dared to leave their homes and go beyond their daily lives, the only way to get past the Endless Passes was through the only canyon within the mountains. Despite the dangers… at least they were known ones.

Deadly but something that one can prepare for.

Now a certain ruffian was gathered in one of the settlements a safe distance away from the Passes. He was part of a band of men that dared to travel and risk their lives and explore beyond their simple peasant lives. A chance to make it big. It was a large contrast to one of the [ King's ] camps that were settled nearby to it. Men and women that left their Kingdom in order to serve, venturing to serve their [ King ] and people.

But at the moment, that certain ruffian was trying to rub shoulders and get together with one of the people called to serve the [ King ].

Or perhaps that was too inaccurate of a term.

They were trying to get laid.

A man leaned against one of the wooden outposts of the [ Soldier's ] camp. With a bottle in hand and a flushed face, he called out to one of the people currently on watch duty, "Relyea! Why don't you visit my tent tonight, there's no stars out tonight but—"

Some snickers, sniggers and shoves were thrown by the people accompanying the woman standing tiredly. She raised her head and looked at the man as she hoped for them to have some reason. "Please head back to your band of merry thieves before I throw you out myself." She tried not to rub her temple as she gave him a look of annoyance.

There was no need to make such a scene.

A few oohs and aahs were sounded at the woman's reply but the man, Kaden, was undeterred. Drinking for his good spirits and even gathering bravado, he was determined to have the lovely lady join him tonight. "Well you can try doin that…though I didn't think you were the dominatrix."

Some soldiers slapped a hand over their faces and shook their heads.

Until finally one spoke up, Theodrick gave the man a glare, "You heard the lady, get out of here before you want to get yourself in some sort of trouble." He had already enough of this thug trying to fool around with his friend.

Kaden chuckled and pointed at the man, staggering for a good moment. "Can you believe this guy? Ah, I didn't know that we have a simp—" He hiccuped for a moment, "Simpering lad after you, Relyea." They glanced at the other [ Soldier ] that walked in front of him, "Surely you don't think of yourself as some white knight? I bet she can whoop your ass and mine too."

"If you know that, why don't you get back to your camp. Or can't you even walk back on your own?" The woman sighed as she watched the drunkard trying to look smooth while nearly toppling off on his own feet. Glancing furtively at her fellow soldiers and the ruckus that was happening, she crossed her chest and gritted her teeth. "I'll get this lout back to his camp before the [ Commander ] comes back."

"You don't have to do that!" Theodrick protested.

"Ah, so you've decided~"

Giving Kaden a glare, the [ Soldier ] grabbed one of the torches as she stalked out of her post and towards the dirt trail. "If you try to do anything funny, I'll deal with you myself and cut your little friend off."

"Er—Yes ma'am!" The man stuck a tongue out at Theodrick and staggered after the woman, he gave her a grin and waggled his brows, "But my friend is not exactly little if you know what I mean."

"No. I don't." She answered him with a flat tone.

He chuckled and bumped shoulders with her, "Hey lighten up a bit, you'll look ugl—well you don't actually look bad with a frown."

It should have been impossible to get along with one another. His men and him were rowdy and not the most honest of men, while she was part of the [ King's ] men, studied and graduated in the prestigious Kraelonia Academy… but she really wasn't that bad. Kaden kicked a stray stone in the earth and let out a sigh, "Ah this is dizzying…"

"Stop staring at your feet." Her voice was curt but there was also a resigned sigh that accompanied it. Somehow he managed to get past her defenses—not that she admitted it aloud.

Well he was fine with it. He kicked another stone and saw it shake far longer than it was supposed to, he glanced at his companion, "There's an earthquake."

"I don't feel anything." She gave him an unamused smile. "Please don't try tricking me and latching onto me as some kind of excuse."

Kaden eyed the woman beside him and frowned, "I bet you think I actually had a lot to drink, don't you? I'm still sober I swear." He hiccuped and covered his mouth, "I just need water."

"I left my water pouch unfortunately."josei

The entire earth began to actually shake, she stumbled for a moment and glared at him. He was right and he fought the urge to tease her for it, "Hah I told you so—" The man drew silent and dove for Relyea.

The two of them thudded into the ground, she was pinned below and she threw him a punch. "What are you—"

He covered her mouth with a hand and hushed her. His [ Dangersense ] had been screaming into his drunken self now but he stayed calm and lifted his head. He glanced around their surroundings and found nothing dangerous before he slowly raised his gaze towards the darkening sky—the roar became more apparent as within the blackness it came out from the distance, within the Passes. 

A creature unfurled its wings and took flight.

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