Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Humanity's Will To Survive

If one monster could change and upturn the fate of one realm, how much more could others? When a Colossal Beast awoken deep from its sleep, its brethren—minions, underlings, family—would also be roused. From their own caverns, much smaller than the Colossal Winged Wyvern's but still larger than any city were the sounds of squawking and screeching as thousands of wyvern flew out of their own caves.

For if the biggest monster would be marching out of its territory, then there must be some greener, or rather better place for them.

And so they flew out from the Endless Passes, shaking the entire army and groups of people that camped around its border. And unlike the Colossal Beast with its destination in mind, the others were much more willing to frolic around and snatch up some tasty snacks while they followed after their 'big boss'.

It spelled mayhem and bloodshed across the camp.

The earth had shook and trembled that it threw off most of the people, they had barely seen a Colossal Beast that flew quickly through the cold night air but the flock of other wyverns that began to take flight was something that was easy to spot.josei

They seemed to cover the entire dark sky that it even seemed to hide the stars and moon from sight. A stray wyvern or two were not uncommon as some did attempt to prey on humans and other creatures but to see such a large number sent many a person shaking on their knees and weakening for a moment.

Even the bravest of adventures would pale.

"What the heck is that—are they immigrating?" A [ LongBow Archer ] tried not to piss to himself as his companion put out the flames to their campfire. They didn't want to attract unnecessary attention but it also blinded most of them.

But not being able to see was much better than being seen.

A [ Thief ] cursed to herself as she gazed around the people she was with, only her [ Cat Vision ] had enabled herself to look around but she only realized that someone was missing right now, "Danggit where's Kaden?" She hollered.

Screams echoed not too far away.

Unfortunately, Wyverns didn't need too much to see through the darkness, spending much of their time in caverns. They plunged down from the skies and began to feast on the flesh bags.

.. .

Traps lie in wait.

Outside the City of Gloria there lay a forest with a sizable amount of resources, it was in no way larger than the Oaken Ashwood but it could also be slightly bigger than the Enchanted Forest. Some lumbermen did visit this place but most of the time, its inhabitants were able to live in peace and flourish. As such, though silent the forest may have been during the arrival of intimidating presences—that were the [ Shadow Elf ], [ Tiefling ], [ Light Elf ] along with the [ Mermaid ] and [ Wood Elf ], it was also the home to a number of animals that ranged from the pesky lightning bug, black rabbits to even the larger variety of deers.

A certain [ Wood Elf ] was hugging the neck of a brown-spotted deer, giving a pout towards the Human, "You know, I actually care about the creatures and using them as bait is…"

"You can't really expect that one of us is to act as the bait," Han scratched the back of his head, "Wait you actually had that plan from the start."

"Correction, I was only asking you guys to lure them for me so I could trap whatever beast comes our way." The [ Wood Elf ] answered back as he let the uncomfortable deer return to its fellow group.

Multiple deers and other herbivores were grazing outside the forest, near its entrance thanks to his ability to call them forward and it didn't sit well with him that he had to ask for their help. If he had any choice, then he would have used the [ Shadow Elf ] as bait or maybe even Han who suggested such a horrific plan anyway.

Alas, his own mission needed his [ Ally ] to be safe so that was crossed off the list. While his daughter in this realm, the only [ Member ], from as much as he could remember, Ellynn unfortunately decided to stay with them for some reason instead of returning to the city where he was sure was much safer. The City of Gloria had their own protective spell, and if they were going with Human ratings for magic, it was at a whopping Tier 7—not that a lot of people knew that.

But even then, he eyed the Human in front of him.

The concept of 'aura' wasn't actually something the [ Wood Elf ] personally believed in, at least not the one that the Creators had made available for them to use. Perhaps if he were more aware of the terminologies on earth like a certain [ Mermaid ] did then he might have understood that he had been doing a 'vibe check'.

An air of seriousness hung around them as their gaze swept across the animals.

It wasn't actually that long since the Human had entered into this world. He could still remember them throwing themselves at the Gargoyles as bait to save a puny village as well as the time they had agreed to form an [ Alliance ] with him. It was such a fleeting moment actually. If they were to count it in terms of Han's own time, it had only been four earth days.

Barely a moment in the eye of an Immortal.

He couldn't say nor understand the method of the Creators at all.

But this Human, 'Han' as he referred to himself as, well he was somewhat interesting to watch after all, the other Races were more predisposed to simply watch and observe but they were taking actions. Maybe that was how most Humans were. He fought back the urge to yawn and covered his mouth, regardless of his own thoughts—the Human was still really that willing to use other living beings for bait despite the looming danger that posed over them.

Now whether that was genius or simply Humans will to survive, he would have to see how it would play out.

.. .

Owen Liddell ignored the crowd of people that swept across the streets of Gloria, panic and chaos spread too easily. Instead the man travelled through building roofs, leaping from one structure to the next as he recounted the place where Orleans had placed herself into. "South Gate, North?"

He hurtled past an alley where a young man and woman were stuck together. But he was too consumed with his thoughts to even give any notice, there wasn't anything interesting or important anyway except for what he concerned himself with.

The [ Cleric ] really was too eager to throw herself into danger didn't she? The man wanted to shake his head as he finally located the woman amidst the crowd of men and women lying down on the ground as [ Healers ] rushed around them in a frenzy. He clicked his tongue at the sight of a [ Healer ] that was too close to the woman.

Finally he reached and landed close to them, the attention of the people wasn't on him as they focused on their work, he walked towards the woman and frowned. "Miss Jeanne!" He called out to her, she looked up momentarily and there weren't any signs of injuries on her person, only the beads of sweat that rolled down her temples.

"Owen!" Her expression brightened up for a moment, her already glowing aura strengthened around the area, but it flickered as her gaze turned serious. "You came...just you? What about the others? I had sent a [ Message ] for reinforcements but none came, and the fight's already over."

Irritation flared within him, not directed at her, but with the ones at the Academy. Even if Jeanne was a high-leveled [ Cleric ] from the Temple—it didn't mean that she could handle everything on her own. He sighed and stepped towards her, ignoring the [ Healer ] that greeted him, "Something happened at the Academy. I should have been with you, why didn't you call for me before coming to the streets on your own?"

She gave a croaky laugh, "Yeah, maybe we could have fared better if you were here. I would have been nearly defeated if they hadn't left…" Her eyes widened, something coming to mind as she stood up, "Owen, you need to get out of the city and save a child. They abducted someone and I couldn't even defend them." Bitterness filled her face.

"Miss Orleans you're keeping everyone alive here," The [ Healer ] tried to comfort her.

Owen Liddell blinked and stared at her, "Abducted?" He wanted to say that if they already grabbed someone, then the person was already a goner but the look on her face made him stop from saying that. Instead he looked out into the city gates, "Do you think I can still track them down?" And though he didn't want to admit it aloud, he had to say it as well, "I'm not sure if I can do it alone, there were three of them weren't they? It might even risk the person's life more if I were to try and save them."

"Then let's do it together, the others should have come here as well." Jeanne answered as she glanced at the [ Healer ], "Do you think you can handle the people here for a moment? The poison's effects are slowed down but researching the tome has been helping right? Elven medicine is really more advanced than ours..."

Owen kept quiet, the woman was hiding something but he wouldn't call her out. Glancing at the [ Healer ] showed that even they were unwilling to have the [ Cleric ] leave and have their [ Aura ] gone but they bravely nodded their head as they glanced at the tome, "Don't worry Miss, we'll do our best to save them."

"They fought for the city, they deserve this much." Flashing a smile at the [ Healer ] and nodding her head, she glanced at Owen Liddell, a more solemn expression on her face, "Let's go save them."

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