Rakuin no Monshou

Volume 2, 3

Volume 2, 3: Her Royal Highness’ Gladiator

Volume 2, Chapter 3: Her Royal Highness’ Gladiator

Part 1

The following day and the day after that, Orba refused all invitations from Ineli and Rogue Saian.

He secluded himself in his room, where the work he did amounted to—nothing.

He loitered alone in his room. The main section of his room was far larger than the quarters he had stayed in when he was a sword-slave. Several times larger. The balcony that extended from his room also served as a garden. But going there would allow himself to be seen and he wanted to avoid raising questions as to why he was not sick. That was why he walked within the room.

On the first day, and the second day as well, Orba paced around as if a beast prowling in search of game. Each passing second felt long. Even his meals were carried out in silence. And whenever some faint noise was made, he would immediately direct his eyes at the door, to find that it never opened. By the second day, a shadow of impatience flared across his face. The sky outside the window was already dimming. Just as he had given up hope, a lone messenger came running into the room.

He’s here.

Orba’s feet ground to a halt. As Dinn began to call out to Orba, he caught sight of Orba’s visage and held his breath. Orba's eyes tore straight up, and his lips curled upwards to reveal his canine teeth. It was a terrifying appearance rivalling that of his mask.

With the information he received from the messenger, Orba handed down new orders. They were to be deployed to the entrances of the palace and main buildings, and also throughout town serving as intermediary points, similar to information relay, and provide for two-way transmission of intelligence.

The location was two alleys down from the main road, in a ryotei[1] at the very end of a street lined with brothels.

In short, Noue had not shown up personally. The one Oubary dined with was his messenger. The location was a private room situated on the third floor. Any person in the store wishing to enter had to, without exception, ring the bell and obtain permission. It was ideal for confidential talks.

Orba first had several sword-slaves infiltrate the store. Naturally, he had handed them money and prepared them in the appropriate attire. After drinking several glasses of wine, they started an uproar at the set time. They even dragged the people in the store into the fight, though they took care not to create a bigger commotion than necessary, and then immediately vacated the store. In that time, the light-footed gladiator Aeson climbed over the fencings and walls and aligned himself against the balcony of the room Oubary was situated in. Aeson was a pirate born in the northern Zongan seas and experienced in climbing up and down the mast.

He stealthily listened in on the middle of the conversation without making a sound. The meet lasted approximately thirty minutes. What Aeson could make out was no more than the mere five minutes at the end. Still, there was some harvest. About the same time as the two finished their meet, Aeson got off the balcony.

Roughly three hours since the first report from the messenger, Orba heard the report from Aeson.

“—I see. Not a word of this to anyone.”

“I understand.”

Unaccustomed to this manner of address, Orba called out once more to Aeson, about to leave with the compensation money in his hands. “Sir?” he responded, turning around to find a gun pointed at him. Aeson turned stiff.

“I’ll say this one more time, just to be clear. Not a word to anyone.”

“Y-Yes, sir.”

“No drinking during the festival. No leaving Solon. You don’t know where my eyes and my ears lie. In exchange, if you keep to it until the festival ends, I’ll give you the same amount of money as I did now.”

A joyful countenance formed across his pale face, and he responded, “Sir!”

“...What’s this all about?”

Dinn said after Aeson took his leave, his face also drained of colour.

“Nothing is clear right now and anything is still possible.”

“B-But, this doesn’t make any sense. General Oubary is a general long serving Mephius. Besides, he doesn’t want peace with Garbera. The princess...couldn’t have possibly come here from the beginning with this purpose, but then—Mmpphhmmfuu.”

With a plate of grapes stuffed into his mouth, Dinn was for the meantime preoccupied with chewing.

“I said nothing’s clear yet. We only have pieces of information after all.”

Even as Orba calmly said so, his heart raged turbulently.

The contents of the conversation Aeson heard were as followed:

“The incident with Kaiser was truly fortunate. It appears to have spurred on Zaat’s incitement. But I would never have thought this situation would arrive so soon. Rather, because the matter with Kaiser exists, Noue will not have to work for his accomplishments, is that not so?”

“It is as you say,” the messenger replied. “Lord Noue is steadily progressing with his preparations. Zaat Quark, and the setting fire to the slaves’ room as well, all proceedings are coming along.”

“And amongst the proceedings, I should also be accounted for, am I not?”

“For the general’s cooperation...”

“That’s far enough. The thanking will come after everything has ended. It’s fine to leave the handling of the matter regarding Zaat to me, but the situation with the slaves worries me. That man called Pashir. We seem to have gained his cooperation, but he is participating in the gladiator tournament after all. Were he to lose his life, won’t this be for naught?”

“There is no need to worry. The fire is already smouldering within Mephius. As it were, we are at best no more than ventilation. Even supposing Pashir were to lose his life, the already bursting flames will not be put out so easily.”

“Already in Mephius, hmm. You are exactly right. To this end, the search will also determinedly be met within Mephius. Of course...so this was Noue’s aim. The sword-slaves are an unfortunate bunch. They are the same as children provoked by wicked adults into fruitless opposition.”

Oubary stifled a laugh.

“After this, there will be nothing to trouble the general. Your cooperation in the concealment of the instigator has also left Lord Noue marvelling at your bravery and ability to take action, General Oubary. I pray for a lasting relationship of camaraderie and trust amongst us that can cross beyond our countries.”

“Hmph,” Oubary snorted. Because his figure could not be seen, it was not possible to tell what emotions he held at the time. josei

“But what will you do with that princess of yours? If you move poorly, her life will be in danger.”

“If only the princess were to escape ahead of time, Garbera’s involvement will be suspected. It is not a matter of moving poorly—that would just be how it ends up.”

"Ho," Oubary’s voice quivered slightly.

It had been a short while. Then Oubary cleared his throat.

“—The hour is gone. Let us depart. To which banquet has Noue been invited this evening?”

“I believe it was called the Moonlight Palace. A great many envoys from numerous countries have been invited. If I remember correctly, Princess Vileena has also gone. Will the general also go there?”

“No, it’s the opposite. I would rather not meet some strange faces. I shall ascertain Zaat’s situation—”

He stood up from the seat and walked away from the room, barring any more of the speech from being heard.

Orba played back the conversation he heard from Aeson once more in his head.

His chest throbbed.

Oubary and Noue were scheming something outrageous during this festival. And to add, it was something big enough to shake the very core of the Mephius’ foundation—no doubt about it.

Oubary is selling out his country, and Noue who should be promoting peace, is bringing trouble to Mephius.

He did not know what their common goal was. At the current phase, he could not even offer a guess. But two points were made clear in the conversation. The first was,

The princess’ life is in danger—

Of course, the princess in this instance was Garbera’s third princess, Vileena Owell.

And the other point was related to the keyword, Pashir. The Pashir that Orba knew of was the gladiator who was the top contender for the championship. Oubary had also mentioned he was ‘participating in the tournament’, so there was no mistaking it.

The names of these two people, at first glance, appeared to have no connection; but, it was clearly evident that these two were caught up in some plan that was, even now, steadily making way.

If it was something that would only simply bring troubles to Mephius, Orba might have even smiled upon it. He hated Mephius. If it meant burning the nobles in flames and causing them suffering agony, he would jump at the chance, even if by himself. However, if Oubary had to do with this, then that was a different matter. He would never go along with that bastard’s wishes even once.

And also...

The image of platinum hair crossed his mind. And with it, a pure, extremely honest irritation.

Orba folded his arms as usual while deep in thought. Zaat, whom Oubary said he would go see. The Moonlight Palace, where Noue was said to have gone. Which one should he go for now? He wasn’t going to bother with the pretence of directly asking questions. The information he held was too little. That was especially why he had chosen to meet him directly to try and shake him up.

“Dinn, prepare a change of clothes.”

“Are you going out now? Where to?”

“The Moonlight Palace,” Orba replied. He had for some reason said it in an embarrassed tone, having decided to go there.

“That place has a large number of envoys present,” Dinn said, focusing on the task at hand. “Ummm, then formal attire suitable for a party...but if it’s the prince who would do nothing but show off about his first campaign, then donning a military outfit would be—”

“A cuirass, sandals, and bangles.”

Orba picked up the object he hid when guests were present. It was the mask of the Iron Tiger.

Dressed in clothing fit for a gladiator, Orba headed towards the Moonlight Palace alone.

The Moonlight Palace—its original name was ‘The Palace of Moonlight facing the Dragon’s Left Wing’. It neared the Imperial Dragon Eye Shrine, contained one of the most magnificent gardens found in Mephius, and was more than often used to host large parties.

The guard at the gate saw Orba’s mask and bowed. He wasn’t a man with much of a prominent character, but in accordance to the rules, performed an inspection for weapons and then granted permission for Orba to enter.

No sooner than he had entered the garden, all the men and women called out to him. The name and appearance of the gladiator said to have defeated Ryucown had become well-known. The nobles, as guests of the party hosted in this mansion that came second to their own, welcomed him.

It wasn’t that they had never foreseen encountering a savage person until now, but Orba had become the talk of the crowd. For all the hard work he put in as the prince’s body double, it was the least he could be rewarded.

As he headed further in, Orba came across the two princesses, Vileena and Ineli. He stared in wonder. The two were facing each other and chatting happily. And as they appeared to do so, open hostility could be seen within those two pairs of eyes.

Part 2

Vileena Owell burned with ambition. The prince, who she thought would finally rise out of bed on the festival eve, had immediately withdrawn back into his room. She would no longer depend on him.

As if I would depend on him. There’s nothing to depend on!

She stood in front of a mirror fitting on her dress, and while Theresia busily arranged her hair, tightly clenched her fists.

“The prince’s absence is actually convenient. I will assess the envoys from all the countries by myself, and strengthen connections with Garbera even as I stay here in Mephius. That’s right, and I can also use this opportunity to remember the names and faces of the Mephian nobles. First, I’ll have to find myself a new acquaintance, a close friend. If I don’t establish my own foothold, I won't make any progress.”

“Oh my. Princess, you’re making a scary face,” Theresia said, looking at the mirror. “If you’re like that, then all the effort I put into preparing you as Mephius’ best woman will come to nothing. You’ll scare all the men away. Even that far-off prince would surely quake in fear in his room from seeing such a demonic face.”

Ignoring Theresia’s sarcastic remark, Vileena’s violent emotions flared up even further.

That emperor’s way of doing things...I don’t like it.

Kaiser Islan’s execution was said to be scheduled in a few days. Moreover, it was in the course of the gladiator tournament, where the masses could watch as he would be made out as live bait for the dragons. Having heard this, Vileena’s skin crawled in disgust and horror.

Kaiser practically wasn’t even given a chance to defend himself. At best, he had only expressed his opposition to the emperor’s proposal to relocate the shrine and erect a new building in its place. If such things came to pass, even the country’s management would spiral out of control.

‘These men of high stature who know only to stare at their master’s countenance in fear of incurring his anger are the ones participating in the country’s politics—I would never think such a country would last this long in a warring society.’ Grandfather would most certainly say such.

Vileena ascertained while in the midst of attending the hosted party held at the Moonlight Palace this evening. No matter how savage a country Mephius was, there should be those that could not ignore their feelings of opposition towards the emperor’s conduct.

I will make sure of each and every one of their positions and views, and so that I may use it to somehow benefit Garbera, I must determine my own standing.

The party began exactly at sunset. In the halls and the garden, mountains of food and people were prepared and readied. And amongst the constant chattering and music being sounded, Vileena revealed herself to the finely dressed people of the party. To the Mephian nobles who called out to her, she started off with an affable smile.

“My, another beauty has joined us this lovely evening.”

“The prided day for all Mephians will not be long to come. I pray with my heart that the wedding with the princess, praised as Garbera’s white flower, will come even one day sooner.”

“Dear me! What a charming princess. A well suited match for our crown prince.”

Just keep smiling.

She struggled to prevent her emotions, which took the form of a venomous spider nested deep within her, from appearing on her face as she politely responded to each and every one of them. However, mention of the issue relating to Kaiser never came up. Vileena had also grown familiar with some of Mephius’ customs, and so knew full well that the women far from preferred to stick their noses into politics.

If I can at least get someone from their side to broach the topic...

She understood that it was hard for them to bring mention of this topic with a foreign guest. Vileena bitterly regretted the ambiguous position she found herself in. Were Gil Mephius to have come here together with her, the circumstances might have been somewhat different. As she thought so, her fury towards the prince, and also towards his incompetence, grew even more.

She decided for a change in location. And if this topic came up somewhere along the way, she would attempt to join in.

Between the Moonlight Palace and Main Palace, a small, but strangely unusual forest stretched out and made the garden view much more enjoyable. In the centre of the garden was a water fountain where a flock of people gathered and were having a friendly chat. And in the corner, a group of musicians took up their positions and produced a melodious symphony as they played their instruments. Couples, young and old, embraced each other and danced.

Oh? Vileena stopped her feet. She spotted Noue Salzantes. In Garbera’s palace, he was a man popular amongst the young ladies and children, and it seemed to be similarly so in Mephius. He was showing a magnificent dance with one of the ladies, as the surrounding groups of women threw glares of jealousy and envy.

Once the dance ended, Noue came to realize Vileena’s presence. He offered his greetings if not one second earlier, and for some reason quickly drew towards the direction of the party.

"Good day to you, elder sister[2]."

The one who flipped up her skirt and did a light curtsy was Ineli Mephius, Gil Mephius’ stepsister and an imperial princess of Mephius.

Vileena remembered her innocent and yet charming appearance. And with it, the extremely rude comment Theresia had made, “I wouldn’t think she was only two years apart from Vileena-sama.”

“Ah, could it be I’ve yet to introduce myself to my elder sister? I hope you bear it no mind, as it is only a difference between fast and slow. I felt it would be better to exchange greetings as early as possible, for the both of us.”

“Yes, I think so—Ow!—Yes, I couldn’t agree more.”

The ‘ow’ was because Theresia had elbowed her. It was a delicate situation in which they determined their relative standings, but right now, it was better to conduct herself with the standing of a guest. And also, Theresia had intuitively grasped that this girl Ineli was someone her mistress would not come to like.

“Just now, I have had the pleasure of entertaining a dance with Lord Salzantes, and as expected, Garbera has such refined characters. His dancing techniques and of course, his ability to escort a lady, are far superior to the likes of Mephius’ men. Elder sister, say....will you not also entertain yourself to a dance? Surely, everyone present here will gladly come to arms.”

“No, I will not. Dancing is one of my more inexperienced areas.” Vileena smiled in modesty. “I have had the pleasure of witnessing this a moment ago, but Princess Ineli is extremely skilled. It is not in my place to participate.”

“My, is that so. So that’s how it is. Well, it’s best not to fret over it. I have been taught by a dancing instructor since I was three. That instructor is a master dancer of the Arion imperial court. That person has been praised with having talent at the age of three.”

“That’s amaz—an amazing feat.”

Before she knew it, a group of girls—most likely the daughters of distinguished nobles—had gathered around her.

“Really, Ineli-sama has been able to do anything since she was little.”

“I’ve also been scolded by my father and mother, saying ‘Why can’t you be like Ineli-sama?’ And I would think, ‘There’s no helping it! I’m not Ineli-sama!’”

The girls broke into boisterous laughter. Ineli beamed triumphantly at Vileena, who was made to continue her troubled smile. And,

“Oh, it’s not as if even I can do everything. Doesn’t everyone have their own strengths and weaknesses? Take for example...,“ smoothly changing the conversation, she directed her glowing eyes at Vileena, “For example, I can’t ride airships.”


“Is not knowing how to ride an airship really something to be embarrassed about? Isn’t that something used in the military? I’ve never seen one up close.”

Ineli grinned in enjoyment at the other girls’ confusion.

“I suppose you’re right. That is, in a way, something that doesn’t make you happy. I mean, think about it. Riding such a thing, and using it to fly in the sky—and then ending up scared and fainting. Wouldn’t that embarass you?”

“Ah, you’re right. Such a thing is improper for a lady.”

“Forget about getting angry, we might even be disowned.”

They laughed together. As Ineli showed her approval, she intently watched Vileena, whose eyes were screwed up.

Oh? Could this be...

Vileena could take a guess as to what this was. It was evident without needing this to proceed further. The other girls aside, Ineli was no doubt fully aware of it. This was about the immediate princess who had come from another country and her peerless ability to pilot an airship. And of how, in the battle at Zaim Fortress, she had soared through the battlefield with her own airship.

So that’s what this is. She’s picking a fight.

She forced herself to continue her smile while her mind boiled over repeatedly.

If she’s going to pick a fight, I’ll show her one. Now...how should I go about it—

“Is something wrong?” Ineli smiled sweetly at her. “Elder sister, have you changed your mind? Will you accept a dance?”

Vileena understood it now. Ineli seemed to have great confidence in that area of expertise. Even Vileena held some knowledge of dance. She was the princess of a country after all, and at the very least had a basic education in the etiquettes of being a lady.

Vileena pulled back the sleeves of her dress in confidence and raised her chin.

“If you insist to that extent, while it may be embarrassing, Vileena Owell shall entertain you a dance.”

Oh really now.

Ineli, facing Vileena, chuckled within. Their surroundings also became heated. Noue, in a last ditch effort to help in this situation spoke up,

“Then I shall be the princess’ partner—”

Ineli stopped him from speaking.

“No, I won’t have that. You said you would continue to accompany Ineli as her partner all night long. You had promised so, did you not?

“Ah. Well, that is, but your imperial highness....”

Noue turned sour. In Garbera, he would instead be the one who led women by the nose; the one rumoured to cause tragic scenes to unfold between men and women. But here in the lands of a foreign country as a standing envoy, as expected, he could not refuse this princess.

At this point, a young noble quickly extended his hands towards the royal princess.

“Will her highness allow the unworthy me as her partner?”

The name of this man was Baton Cadmos. He was a man of significant stature, and in terms of appearance, was fit to act as the princess’ partner. Vileena would have been fine with anyone as her partner. As this princess took his hand, she failed to catch sight of Baton winking back at Ineli.

It was Ineli’s plan to have him slightly shame this princess from another country on this one occasion. Up to now in such showy events, she was the leading actress. She was sent for not only by tutors within Mephius, but also from those around the world of different varieties of styles, and was confident in her own sense of style. She was greatly knowledgeable in fashion, theme selection, dance, tea, a bit of esprit, painting, and music. All the girls Ineli’s age strived to be like her. And all the more so when her mother, Melissa, had become the empress and her status had been elevated to that of an imperial princess.

And suddenly intruding into her domain was Vileena. The Mephians were somehow rather weak to expressions of ‘cultural’ origin. Even though Garbera was until recently an enemy country, many Mephians could taste the refined flavour of their culture. Particularly, tales of Garbera’s chivalry, of how men would take up arms for their lady and risk their lives fighting for them, had garnered high popularity amongst the women and children.

During tea talks, the subject of their gossip would shift towards Vileena. And, whilst she stayed in the same country, her situation of being holed up in the women’s chambers was strangely exaggerated. Just today, they passed by each other and exchanged glances, and with the slightest of efforts Vileena caught the attention of her surroundings. The very thought of this sickened her.

I’ll knock her down a peg here.

She would put Vileena to shame, enough to overwhelm her, and then compassionately offer her a hand. If she could also make Garbera’s princess her follower, she could once more grasp the initiative in the women’s chambers as she had until now.

The tune of the Mephian waltz played and the dance began. Ineli and Noue both danced with equally fluid motions. Their breathing gradually synchronized, and sighs leaked out from the observing crowd.

On the other end, the aforementioned Vileena was suddenly swung around full force by Baton. She was perplexed by this dance, which had become one where both her feet were prone to be lifted off the ground. In an attempt to match her partner’s rushed movements, she stepped on Baton’s foot. The two of them both lost their balance.

“Princess, the step here occurs much earlier.”

Hearing the voices from his surroundings, Baton offered some advice. Stealthy giggles sneaked out from the surroundings.

“M-My apologies.”

She accidentally spoke in male speech. Her face turned red in accordance. But she tripped many more times after that. Even as she made attempts to follow after Baton, there were absolutely no indications of him allowing her to do so. This time, he stumbled completely on his own feet and took a large stagger behind.

This man, he’s doing it on purpose.

She met his eyes. There lay an arrogant smile.

Vileena grinned.

“Ah,” Theresia had raised her voice as a warning, but she was too late. Baton once more stuck his feet to obstruct the princess’ steps, and Vileena having preparedly anticipated this kicked his other foot up. And then using the rotation of her hips, she hurled the startled, hopping Baton.

Baton fell face first onto the floor. For a moment, the waltz came to a halt, as people gave out gasps of blameless surprise. Theresia covered her face on reflex.


Vileena cast a challenging glare at the men. And she stretched out her right hand into the empty air.

“Is there anyone out there. This benevolent man is not suited to be my partner. Is there anyone out there, willing to show Garbera’s princess a true Mephian waltz?”

“Ahahahahaha,” Ineli laughed in a shrill voice over and over. Noue was also surprised, but with Ineli as his dance partner before him, he was unable to offer any assistance.

Vileena was surrounded in stares. Everyone cast down their eyes and turned their faces. There were also those who pretended to be actively engaged in idle talk. Even as she cast her eyes through a full turn, there were no signs of reception. As she held back her anger, she could feel the startled reactions.

She had gone too far. With this, she would gain the hostility of the Mephius people. The supporters she had won over were nowhere to be seen. Each and every one of these people offered no response. They were not only afraid of incurring Ineli’s disfavour, but above all, of being the target of Vileena’s burning hostility.

She bit her pink lips. In her chest, she could feel her grandfather reprimand her.

That girl named Ineli. Could she have read my quick temper and predicting such an outcome, provoked me?

If that is so, it is my complete defeat. I acted exactly along her expectations.

But Vileena continued to hold her hand out in spite of that. She could not forgive that girl’s temperament precisely because she had been led by the nose. As more time passed and passed, the realization of her miserable state dawned on her, and each slowly passing second began to feel like an hour. Her shoulder gradually tired, and that very hand that had failed to grasp anything lowered in vain.

Vileena herself lowered her head. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Ineli’s triumphant smirk.


At that time, the figure of a person emerged from the crowd.

Vileena gasped, and also gasping in a difference sense of the meaning was Ineli.

“Princess, if it is fine with you, will you humble me—no, the unworthy me to a dance?”

With a bow, the one who raised his hands up high and donned a mask was the former gladiator.

Vileena, in her apprehensive state, raised her hand a second time and grasped the gladiator—the Imperial Guard’s hand.

Orba’s hand clumsily wrapped around her waist.

The two, mutually inclined towards the other, like a young boy and girl when they first hold hands, and falteringly tread their steps.

The dance flowed. The princess who had only just come from another country and the former gladiator who had defeated the enemy general at Zaim Fortress; attention focused on the two. Passion surrounded them, possibly amplified by the musical performance given by the virtuosos.

Orba paid discreet attention to his feet. He had never experienced this type of dance before. He carved the rhythm of the dance into his mind. A single offbeat, and he feared the whole dance would fall to pieces.

One, two, three....one, two.

Under his mask, a cold sweat firmly suspended itself on his brows. Is this one round? No wait, there’s a delay. Extend your hands, look away—and then again, one, two, three, one...



Made even more startled, Orba’s voice rang out. He was really nervous. Vileena slipped out a giggle and said,

“Thank you.”

Orba did not return any words. He himself wasn’t even sure why he had volunteered himself before the princess.

Passion coloured the night, and in the midst of the melody of the waltz that flowed into the ears, he took the princess’ hand and danced round and round. The night wind felt refreshing against his skin. The branches of the forest rustled and the fountain bathed in an attractive golden under the fire lights, as gentle smiles spread across the faces of the guests watching the scene unfold before them.

This one night. This one scene. Orba did not dream it.

Before long, the music stopped and the two hoisted there fastened hands up into the air. Cheers and applause echoed. The dance was clumsily executed, and yet it somehow touched their hearts. Their fastened hands separated and they each gave the other a courteous bow, during which Orba found himself overwhelmed by a wave of intense emotions.

Part 3

No sooner than when the dance had ended, Orba once again found himself surrounded by people.

“Orba-dono, will you allow us to hear the details of the time you defeated Ryucown?”

“Come here and let us have a drink together.”

“Is it true that mask is the curse of a magician and can’t be taken off?”

“What of the rumour that concealed behind that mask, is a noble of a ruined country?”

There’s no end to them.

Orba resisted the urge to yell out “Shut up!” at them and conducted himself respectfully. Among them, many women tried to touch his body, causing him to jump up in response, which in turn invited their laughter.

Then, he felt a piercing gaze from a group of people on the opposite end. By chance, he glanced upon Ineli and saw an expression that could not be put into words. It wasn’t quite anger or sadness, and although it neared being expressionless, just her gaze alone sent strong feelings of hostility.

When Orba’s eyes met her own, Ineli’s face dyed red, and then slowly paled, after which, she defiantly turned her back and immediately walked away. He caught sight of Baton chasing after her in a flurry out of the corner of his eye.

At long last, the end of the party arrived and Orba was freed from the persistent meddlesome guests. The couples that dispersed as fast as they formed, those that were headed to a different party, those who had drunk themselves unconscious and were being nursed by their servants, those discussing how they wanted to go sightsee the town festival, and—amongst these many people present, the target Noue had long left.

Tch. What was the point in coming here then?!

As he thought of returning, a woman in her older years emerged from the garden and called him to a stop. He thought it was another someone claiming to be the gladiator’s fan, but on closer inspection, found the one bowing before him to be Vileena’s head maid, Theresia.

“For helping to save the princess, I offer my most humble gratitude.”

“....What do you mean?”

“Hoho. I see Orba-dono here is the type to save a maiden in distress. You seem well versed with the code of a Garberan knight.”

“I’m a gladiator.” Somewhat puzzled, Orba shook his head. “Lumping a gladiator together with a Garberan knight, you’ll definitely invite resentment. Being a former slave and yet still having taken the princess’ hand, instead, I should be the one begging for forgiveness.”

Half of what he had said was self-derision, and the other half out of cynicism. It was possible for a person of high standing and a slave to talk as equals and hold hands together. However, the difference between that and reality was as big as the sky and the earth.

The whole time, Theresia raised the corner of her eye.

“The princess is not someone who would concern herself about whether or not a person is a slave. Of course, I as well. The princess would even scorn you for your self-abasement. Please bear this in mind.”

That’s because you don’t know a slave.

He was about to begin his rebuke, but noticed the bunch of knocked over, empty wine cups on the table Theresia sat at. For the meantime, he sighed and courteously lowered his head. Then a sudden worry came to mind.

“Have you seen the princess?”

“Oh...” Theresia shrugged her shoulders with a troubled expression. “She firmly stated she wanted to take a stroll in the garden alone. Well, the security here is strict enough that she would be fine even if she was alone, but as you see she still hasn’t returned and I’ve been waiting here all this time.”

She presented him a glass, as if to ask, “would you join me?” but he refused with his hand.

“Did you forget something?”

Theresia asked, prompted by Orba who had proceeded to walk towards the garden.


Orba left after saying that one word.

He wandered about in the garden, and then made out the figure of someone perched on a slightly elevated hill and marched towards it.

It was a spot that oversaw the forest placed between the palace. The illuminated palace and on the opposite end in a partially depressed area of land, the town lights could be seen. The still expanding crowds of people flooded the festival uproar, and if he listened carefully, he could hear the town’s bustling tumult carried by the winds.

Vileena was there. On the hilltop, her hands clung to a fence her height as she looked down at the townscape. Orba tried to call out her name, but why was it that his voice would not come out.

So small.

That was how he saw her. The face of this young girl faintly lit against the town lights was beautiful enough to immediately snap a person’s head to attention, and yet currently displayed an unusual immaturity. The princess was fourteen years old. It was to be expected that she appeared small, but it was the first time Orba had viewed her this way.

A faint humming could be heard. It wasn’t the same as the sound made from the Mephian waltz from before. It sounded like a Garberan tune. Even flying with an airship on end, how many days would it take to get to that distant, cut-off land from here.

The humming continued for some time, when Vileena suddenly stopped and turned around.

A swordsmen in silence in the dead of the night, his face concealed by a mask and standing behind her—it was certainly eerie, but Vileena did not utter a single sound, only staring slightly in surprise.

“About before...”

“It was nothing.”

Again, he cut her off before she could offer her thanks. She was now at a loss as to what else to talk to him about. And possibly having found it, she smiled.

“You’ve been one since what happened at Zaim Fortress, haven’t you? For one as a hero to be in such a place by himself isn’t right. Why don’t you go over there and have a toast with everyone?”

“The same goes for the princess. Being alone here is dangerous. Theresia-dono has been waiting for you. Let’s go back together.”

“Me? I am...that’s right, I will be attending a date from hereon forth. With a fine gentleman might I add.”

Vileena giggled at the startled expression Orba made.


For some reason, Orba could feel his face flush behind his mask.

“It would be good if that were the case, but...” Vileena caught her hair that flickered in the night wind, and once more looked off into the distance.

“What kind of a person is the crown prince? Has he ever found someone he loves, and were they able to find happiness? I’ve never fallen in love. I’ve come to meet many people in Garbera; there are those that I’ve gotten close to, and those that are strict with me and yet guide me along, but of them, those I feel I can call true friends in the very sense of its meaning are fewer than I can count. That’s how it is, even in the home town I was born and raised in. And as for Mephius...”

Vileena was unusually talkative, possibly owing to the night’s darkness. Because her face could not be seen, she might have felt it permissible to lower her guard for now.

“No matter what kind of place it is, I thought I could continue as I always have. Grandfather also told me the same thing. I am unquestionably Vileena Owell. And it’s not as if I’ve changed from how I was in the past. However...”

Vileena spoke in a far-off voice that could not be clearly made out. For a short time, there was silence.

“Orba. Have you ever spoken with the prince?” she asked him.

He gave it some thought and replied, “Yes.” It would have seemed strange if he were not acquainted with the prince. Having done so, Vileena asked him a question that left him even more hard-pressed.

“For you, what kind of person do you see Prince Gil as?”

“Even if you ask me what kind of person he is...”

“It might be slightly shameful, but despite him being my fiancé, the times I have spoken with that man are fewer than I can count. Even now, there are too many things I don’t know about him. If I could get to understand him ever slightly more, I could better fight my own battle here in the lands of this country.”


What Orba fought every day. Here in these lands, Vileena Owell was also fighting. Her extremely discouraged state was naturally, but not solely caused by Ineli and the others’ ridicule. How she was fighting, the extent of her efforts, even this much wasn’t beyond Orba’s imagination. He himself was like that.

“I take it back. I asked something stupid. Forget I—“

“That prince is,” Orba said as he hung his head. “....That prince is childish. Far more so than you. Extremely more so. Extremely.”


“Even if he acts like he knows everything, really, there are lots of things he doesn’t understand. That’s why...you can probably guess this without me saying it, things of these sorts, it’s better not to expect anything from him. All of his thoughts, he speaks them out regardless. And for what he doesn’t know, if you don’t teach it to him, he’ll remain forever ignorant.”

After his fast-talking ended, Orba grunted out, “That’s all.”

“Please excuse me. I’m a bad speaker. As for what I want to say, even I...”

“No, it’s fine.....Ok, I get it now.”

Vileena nodded her head.

“Then I shall try to put it in my own words. True, certainly, once the topic strays from himself, he knows almost nothing of others. This includes the people of Mephius.”


“And—” Vileena’s lips spread open. “I agree that the prince is childish. He follows a seemingly honest train of thought rivalled by his seemingly prudent simplicity. Occasionally, I can almost picture him as a newborn infant.”



“Ah, no, from far away, I thought I heard some jeers directed towards me.“

He set off from the railing and cleared his throat, as he looked off into the distance.

“It’s about time we go back. Theresia-dono is drinking way too much.”

“I’m sure Theresia is rather happy to have a reason to drink,” Vileena held back a chuckle.

“Well then, let us go. Theresia gets scary when drunk.”

She hid her embarrassment at her base choice of words.

The two descended the slope and returned to the garden. Theresia hoisted her empty wine cup up into the air. The one who should have followed her lead, the page sitting at the table, lay head down fast asleep.

“Now then. Princess, shall we return to the women’s chambers?”

“No—sorry Theresia, but there’s a place I want to visit.”

“Hm? The princess had hoped to covet much more of the festival to come, because I would buy and give you the many coloured balloons the next day. You would carry a whole bunch of them and most of all, enjoy running about with them outside, did you not?”

“Th-That was when I was a child.” Vileena’s face reddened. “I was thinking we should go and pay the sick prince a visit now.”


Theresia and Orba both said aloud.

“But Princess. The night is almost past. Even normally, the prince is not one who would kindly take to meeting you.”

“Even if at some point in time it may be impossible, right now, here at this very moment, it is not. No matter if he continues to refuse me. Until I pluck him from his roots, I plan to show up no matter how many times it will take.”


Theresia said deeply moved, and beside her,

“T-Then, I’ll take my leave. I just remembered an urgent matter. Ahh, I can’t leave it like this,”

Muttering some half-baked excuse, Orba hurriedly made his leave before the two.

Even out on the roads, in the midst of the festival commotion, the horse-drawn carriages were by no means easily accessible. Left with no alternative, Orba ran and ran all the way back to the palace.

Shit! What does she want with the prince this time?

She might be coming to utter some sort of complaint again.

He hurried Dinn to quickly help him change his clothes, and just as he slipped into his bed, the sound of the bell resounded.

“Let them in.”

Surprised by Orba’s command, Dinn answered the door and let Vileena and Theresia enter the room.

“How might you be faring today?” Vileena questioned.

She looked somewhat disappointed. All the more so as she had stubbornly insisted on coming here without any notice.

“I seem to be feeling a little better.”

Orba said, pretended to have a coughing fit. Theresia carefully examined his face.

“You’re sweating so much. Your breathing is heavy; I can see you are absolutely not in good health. Princess, we should cut our visit short for today.”

“N-No, it’s fine. I’ll only be here for a while.”

She sat on the chair Dinn offered her, and stared at the prince who lay in bed.

Feeling the atmosphere somewhat unbearable,

“Is there something you want to say?”

“Well, why do you think so?”

“That’s the impression I got.”

“I only came here to see you. I was thinking you might be bored, being all alone during the festival and whatnot.”

Orba drew a blank at her somewhat bizarre behaviour. He could not see her usual aggressive behaviour that would appear outwardly polite while she waited for the opportunity to strike. He remembered the intimidating air that, normally, was brought about the moment she confronted him that made even he square off.

Either the princess changed or....

“Today was quite arduous for the princess. That person called Ineli, it would do good for the prince to exercise some caution against her....”

“Theresia. Stop it.”

In the end, with only two or three harmless exchanges, Vileena immediately stood up from her seat.

“Well then. Please rest up. If you were to happen to have some appetite tomorrow, I will bring something over from the festival.”

“And some of the princess’ favourite balloons as well.”

“The-re-si-a! You talk too much!”

While he ascertained her leaving back, he gave thought to his impressions.

It’s not her.

He had chosen not to go to where Oubary or Zaat was, but to the Moonlight Palace. It was undeniable he had gone to meet with Noue face-to-face, but more than that, he wanted to meet with Vileena and ascertain her feelings.

The messenger dispatched by Noue had said they were indifferent to her life, but that may also have been a ploy designed to win Oubary over, or perhaps Vileena herself was made to participate in Garbera’s plans, unaware her life was being targeted, but...

She’s not taking part in it. She’s too determined to pursue her own battle in Mephius.

She had raised the issue about Kaiser that time when he returned from the Saian residence, and absolutely would not approve of it. All the more proof she had established Mephius as her second home.

If it’s not the princess', it’s hard to imagine Garbera to be the one pulling the strings. Is it all Noue and Oubary’s scheme?

Not realizing his own strange feelings of relief, new feelings sprang forth that Noue’s plans must not come into fruition

If his motives were to be expressed into words, some things immediately came to mind. There were his feelings that did not want things to go Oubary’s way, and also with the line provided by War, he had finally now caught hold of some clues related to Apta Fortress. And yet, if this country were to fall into chaos right here and now, he held apprehensions that he might lose hold of these clues. And, if Mephius were to collapse into ruins, he would lose the authority vested in the prince, whose role he had continued to work so hard to play, and in the end, return to being a gladiator with no power. Then he would not be able to realize a single one of his goals.

However, right now, far outweighing all those reasons,

To so easily throw away the life of a princess who so desperately threw herself into an unfamiliar country and is fighting her battle....what are they scheming?


Anger towards those who unconcernedly attempt to manipulate the lives, the fates of others. The very anger he harboured when his village was burned down, that gave form to dark, viscous emotions.

Like I’ll fuckin’ let them.

Like I’ll let a single fuckin’ thing go according to those bastards’ wishes.

Orba rose up from his bed like never before.

Away from the main building of the Mephian palace, in the outer palace stood a similarly small tower situated near ground level. There lay the allotted quarters for the foreign ambassadors to stay.

Looking up from the windows of one of these rooms at the palace, now illuminated in commemoration of the founding festival, was the Garberan envoy Noue Salzantes. Compared to his country’s own buildings, the Mephian palace seemed almost rustic. But he was used to it. He had passed an upwards of five years charged as acting Deputy Chief in the Apta Fortress he had plundered from Mephius.

That fortress was currently undergoing salvage operations in preparation for its transfer to Mephius. He was here under the pretence of offering wedding congratulations to Mephius’ prince and Garbera’s princess. During this hectic period of time, he had gone out of his way to volunteer as an envoy for Mephius’ founding anniversary. His country had also agreed it. He had charged past the others to be the first in following up on the discussion of the assignment for the congratulatory envoy.

“For the present, I’ve laid out my hand.”

Noue had said in his room absent of people while fully in reign of his emotions. The smiling countenance he had shown in front of Ineli and Orba had been flung off. Although expressionless, that face was terrifyingly beautiful.

A fair-skinned and slim body. On top of his loosely fitted robe, his long hair flowed. No doubt his appearance bore that of a prodigal noble. And his feminine gestures—both were things he had personally taken a liking to. By Garberan standards, he was a dandy, and to go even further, simply sloven and a man unfit for a country of knights.

His behaviour aside, Noue was recognized by everyone throughout the country for his genius. The Salzantes House had ruled the lands of Rhodes generation after generation as its feudal lords. They also held vast portions of territories and strong political influence in Garbera. But Noue quickly surrendered the seat as head of the family to his younger brother and resigned from the seat of elected deputy governor of the royal capital. “That way I can rest easy,” he had claimed as the reason for his actions, but his real motive differed slightly. With the territory in his possession, he was forced to tediously perform day after day of miscellaneous duties and he wanted time to do as he pleased; time to do the work he enjoyed. Namely,

Strategy, resourceful warfare, and conquest.

In the past, he was the one who devised the stratagem on the attack on Apta Fortress where General Oubary was present. At first he only made use of the cavalry, and tirelessly repeated this method of assault. His employment of such a shoddy strategy had invited complaints from his own army and allowed the situation at Apta to turn completely against them. And Noue, as if evident to say, “Oh no it’s all over,” had his main force retreat.

But in actuality, they lay concealed near the fortress. At the same time, a pre-arranged, separate force deployed to a nearby forest in the Mephius territory moved out. They purposely allowed themselves to be discovered by a scouting party, at which time the main force mobilised, suggestively hinting their target to be the capital.

And in accordance with his predictions, the enemy forces met at Apta were successfully split. Noue, accurately gauging this timing, immediately returned with the main forces and launched an all-out offensive attack. However, the forces situated at Apta who had repelled the previously fierce cavalry assault had grown conceited, and for this very reason, had called back for reinforcements too late. Noue deployed the unscathed airship unit, which until then had been held in reserve, and made the soldiers encamping the fortress fall in the blink of an eye, thereafter laying siege on the castle. He had successfully seized the fortress in under a month.

Six years ago.

Right. At that time, I had met Ryucown.

As he thought of that man's name, Noue looked up unimpressed at the palace, his eyes bearing only the slightest of sentiments.

Ryucown was still only a knight apprentice then. But even in those days he enthused towards his dream. He had not strived to become the ideal knight. No, he wanted Garbera to become the ideal country of knights. Having first heard that he held such a grand ambition,

What a fool.

Noue had sneered. Ryucown was no more than five years apart from him, but he still believed in such completely childish dreams. Noue was a realist. While he thought the resourcefulness of battles to be interesting, he knew that neither whole countries nor the world could so easily be swayed by them. Noue was physically weak by nature and detested those who relied only on their own armed might and bragged about it.

It was only the face and name of Ryucown who displayed his daring valour at the Battle of Apta that he remembered.

After roughly one year had come to pass, Ryucown became an official knight for defeating the rebel Bateaux. From that point on, he performed his numerous and even now praise-worthy services in the war against Mephius. Several of these had involved Noue.

Before he went into battle, Ryucown, who had made his way to Apta, sent a messenger by airship in his place. —Noue had awarded a written proposal to the pleading man. Ryucown had already begun to win acclaim as a hero. Even though he was a man of high popularity throughout the country, he was after all first and foremost a warrior surprised by Noue’s knowledge, which played to Noue’s ill pleasantry. And each time,

“Simply fascinating,” Ryucown would candidly praise him, his eyes full of wonder. “Being here in Apta, how are you able to analyze the movements of the battlefield and the men, who like me, are moving about through the battlefield in such great detail? It’s as if you possess clairvoyance.”

“The power of imagination.” Noue pointed towards his own head. “Those unable to even learn, to experience, are no more than brutes, Ryucown. Men, at times, are able to draw upon their own accumulated knowledge, and the teachings handed down by their ancestors to procure their desires within this expanse world.”

“I see. You are literally fighting with your head. Like this, against Arion, against Ende, no matter what country you may be facing against, it will possible to do so with your powers of simulation. Pray tell me, what it is that Garbera now needs so that I may fulfil my dream in making Garbera a world power.

“Ahahaha. You are simple-minded, Ryucown. Surely even I have not thought that far. But that does not mean it is completely out of reach. There is no need for a full picture. With enough assembled fragments of information, it will be possible to draw out the big picture.”

On reciprocating his thoughts, to Noue’s embarrassment, he found himself to also be simple-minded. The man known as Ryucown was simplistically straightforward and held a peculiar charm. Even men in opposition would naturally become charmed by it.

“Then I shall act as Lord Noue’s eyes and ears. Be it by horse, be it by air carrier, I shall go around the world and collect Lord Noue’s desired fragments. So that we, together, may make Garbera rise above all others as a gallant country.”

Even as Noue laughed aloud,

If it’s this man, it may be possible.

He could feel this thought welling up within him. Large dreams gave way to men’s setbacks. Those setbacks would return them to reality. But for Ryucown, that dream might possibly be granted. Those eyes that looked straight forward, free of distraction, might come to obtain the said fragments.

Precisely because Ryucown held such thoughts, Noue had proposed the betrothal of Princess Vileena to Ryucown. There were sure signs of things beginning to stir. Together with Ryucown as they strived towards their dream day after day, Noue would undoubtedly come across new, never before experienced fragments.


A dream was but a dream.

Noue’s methodology and Ryucown’s ideals were unmatched by all others. They were unable to give birth to their dreams.

In the course of advancing peace negotiations with Mephius, the princess Vileena had also been married off to Mephius. Having only looked towards his dream, Ryucown was struck far harder than Noue. Even that fortitudinous man had little choice but to return to reality. That was the one thing Noue found most vexing.


Damn you, Ryucown. Why did you not call out to me even once?

That man who had always adopted the mindset of a youthful boy was not one who could be brought down to his knees when faced with reality. Unable to agree with his own country’s way of handling things, he had even risen up against it. When Noue received notice of this, he was unable to do anything. No matter how much he relied on his powers of imagination, Ryucown’s bright future could not be conjured. And yet another happening occurred outside his field of imagination.

Ryucown was defeated.

However—that name that was not in my predictions now is.

He was the prince of Mephius, Gil Mephius. The one deemed by rumours as an imbecile.

This man, aside for the difference in the size of their forces, managed to tear apart a fortress Ryucown occupied, and moreover, on his first campaign?...

He wanted it. The fragments of information related to this incident. Namely, the parts for him to come to terms with this fact, at the very least. If not, there was no way he could repay Ryucown for being unable to ascertain his dream.

That was why he had come here. The wind entering from the window blew against Noue’s long hair. It was a breath-taking sight.

Of course, I won’t be settling with only this information as a souvenir. I am not so modest. There are several things I desire; preparations towards Ende, chaos in Mephius, and the crown prince who slayed Ryucown.

Even if Noue was unable to predict everything, whilst Noue stayed at Apta, he advanced his preparations so that he could drive a wedge into a Mephius at any time. The time to use it had arrived.

I shall bring all out of it back with me.

As his black hair swayed to and fro, it glimmered with the shine of a naked blade.

Translator's Notes and References

1. ↑ A traditional Japanese restaurant, commonly used to hold discreet talks and catered to the higher class.

2. ↑ As with Gil, it is written as お義姉さま, meaning stepsister but pronounced onee-sama. Note: Ineli is actually older than Vileena. However, she addresses her as onee-sama as a form of respect, rather than one of seniority, so I will be using ‘elder sister’ henceforth.

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