Rakuin no Monshou

Volume 3, Afterword

Volume 3, Afterword

Volume 3, Afterword

Somehow or another, “Rakuin no Monshou” has reached its third volume.

This is all thanks to the untiring efforts of the author, who works for two days then rests for three, to the editor’s shrewd carrot-and-stick tactics, and to you, my fellow readers, and your strange tastes in reading (pardon the rudeness).

And of course, we cannot forget the sterling contributions of the illustrator, 3. This story tends to be plain and easily veers towards gloomy, but every time, he provides beautiful and dignified illustrations. Especially that contrast in Vileena and Ineli’s illustrations for the frontpieces of volume 2. By putting them both into clothes that leave the chest area exposed and highlighting a certain difference, it does leave one wondering about the unkind (from Vileena’s perspective) point that he was making.

I look forward to seeing more for here on.

Although it’s fatal in a novelist, my reading speed is actually very slow. When I come across a passage or piece of dialogue that I enjoy, even if just a bit, I re-read the entire process that led to it to savour it all over again, so I deliberately go back several pages and end up reading the same book several times over.

It’s been the same since I went pro, or rather, I’ve been reading even more slowly since my professional debut. Because it’s no longer just about enjoying it. “That’s really good... I wish I could write like that too...” and it’s with those kinds of thoughts that I read, savouring every word. Putting it nicely, I put great effort into stealing even just a little of the skill of those masters. Putting it unkindly, it’s a twisted love born from jealousy.

Of course, this is probably a rare case, but... if, for whatever reason, you enjoy yourself once, or twice, or three times while reading this book... josei

I’d be really happy.

-- Sugihara Tomonori

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