Rakuin no Monshou

Volume 1, 6

Volume 1, 6: Battle of Zaim Fortress

Volume 1, Chapter 6: Battle of Zaim Fortress

Part 1

After that, Mephius and Garbera, who had always been mutual enemies, were completely out of step and could only glare at Zaim fortress before them.

When about five days passed after setting up their camps, the distrust in Prince Gil finally increased in the Mephian camp as well. There were rumours among them that he couldn’t meddle with Ryucown’s cause because he wanted to attract the feelings of his to-be-wife, Princess Vileena.

But as there was absolutely no development in the matter, even Vileena herself felt like she was on a bed of nails.

Speaking of what Orba was doing at that time, he would hang around the camp whenever he had the chance. Although he never gave the important orders to attack, he wandered around making strange requests here and there, and everyone in camp had troubles on how to deal with them. They ranged from the posting of the guards, up to the contents of dinner.

“You shouldn’t stray too far from here, your highness. You never know where the Garberan soldiers may be lurking!”

The Mephian soldiers called out to him in loud voices as Orba was heading down the slopes of the hilled area. They were part of the same team, so surely it was no miracle that there were Garberan soldiers lurking among them.

Then, galloping down the slope, Gowen whispered in Orba’s ear.

“Orba, be a little more careful.”

Gowen and the rest, as his personal guard, were being looked at by the other soldiers with blank stares. Those formers slaves had been appointed as imperial guards by the prince on a whim. Leaving the nobles aside, the gladiators were naturally the target of hatred and jealousy from the conceited soldiers who bragged about risking their lives serving Mephius.

“The other side of these woods?” Orba asked the nearby villagers he had brought along, unconcerned.

They were Garberans, of course. That the one who spoke to them was the Mephian prince, complicated matters for them, but being surrounded by soldiers armed with guns and swords at the moment, understandably didn’t make them want to try to oppose or deceive him.

“There flows a river. The riverbed’s wide but, still, if Lord Ryucown’s soldiers move their numbers over there, they’d be completely visible from this camp.”

Orba stood on his toes. Indeed, in the beginning he had only seen the usual scenery of a riverside. But now he noticed that, if they would focus their soldiers over there, they would probably be spotted right away.

“What’s your command?” Gowen asked, keeping a respectful tone in front of the soldiers. “Basically, it’ll be nearly impossible for us to lay an ambush for Ryucown’s forces here.”

“If it’s Ryucown.”

Giving his enigmatic reply, Orba then went off to yet another location. Here and there some soldiers and commissioned officers bowed their heads, but even though they saluted perfectly upright, there was hardly any respect in their eyes when they saw ‘Prince Gil’. He even heard voices whispering that they’d rather place Prince Gil on a lenient confinement and make General Oubary their commander instead, if it meant they would otherwise let victory slip through their hands.

Letting the soldiers wait behind, Orba headed for the pens where the dragons were being kept. The smaller dragons used for the war were all packed in there together. Among them, he could see the shapes of the Tarkas group’s large- and mid-sized dragons. There were animal trainers in the employ of the military, but Orba called for Hou Ran, who’d become a member of the Imperial Guard, instead.

“Orba, are you done with the mask?”

“Ahh,” a strained smile appeared on his face due to Ran’s direct words. “How are the dragons?”

“The children from the army are always in a bad mood. Almost all of them are being drugged. I can’t come to terms with them here, Orba. Do something about those guys if you’ve gotten so important.”

It looked like Ran was in a bad mood as well. With ‘those guys’, she probably meant the animal trainers.

“I get it. But even as a prince it’s impossible to do it right away. For now I’ll make sure the dragons from the Group won’t be getting any more drugs. I’m being led around here and there, but if the dragons get irritated, I’ll have that trouble to take care of too.”


Concerning the sudden change in environment, it might have been her who had integrated the most successfully. Stretching out her hand between the bars, she brushed the dragons’ snouts like she always did, to the surprise of the other animal trainers.

Then, as Orba and the others looked around the camp here and there, they happened upon some trouble stirring at the edge of camp when the sun was about to set. The person in question was Garbera Kingdom’s Princess Vileena. The hatch to the warship’s hangar was open. There were several high-speed airships used for scouting lined up in a row, but Vileena was being stopped from boarding one by the soldiers.

“Let me go!” Vileena said, as courageous as ever. “Unhand me! It’s useless to try and stop me!”

“But, Your Highness. You’re a guest here in Mephius. Aside from protecting you, we cannot accompany you anywhere without receiving strict orders.”

“That’s why I said I’ll go alone!” Vileena said, worked up, when her eyes met the approaching Orba. “If you want your orders, why don’t you ask the prince over there?”

“It’s fine, step back,” Orba said.

After the soldiers retreated with dissatisfied looks, he and the princess were the only ones in the hangar. Still with her hand on the airship’s seat, Vileena gave him a fleeting glance. The Mephian airships were mainly modelled after wyverns, but other than that there were hardly any differences with the Garberan models.

“What are you trying to do?” he asked.

“What?” the young princess raised an eyebrow. “May I ask you a question in return? What do you want to do, Your Highness? It’s because you’re doing nothing at all, that I can only resort to taking action instead.”

“Oh? Are you telling me you’re going to rally and shed blood with your countrymen?”

“T-That’s not it. Something like that...”

About to fly into a rage, Vileena took in a deep breath, not wanting to be riled up by his comments.

“Without Mephius’s aid, the Garberan forces are only going to be cut through. Blood has been spilt already. I cannot bear to watch it.”

“Even if I launch the attack, it’ll be useless. Besides, I can’t do anything either way.”

Suddenly, he started having a more careless[1] way of speaking. He could keep an act in front of other nobles and generals, but when he was in front of her, he was not at all able to keep up appearances. This princess was much too straightforward, and to him, concealing his social status unconsciously gave him a strange feeling of guilt.

“What do you mean?”

“It means that Ryucown is more than aware that Mephius will go after him.”

“So you’ve set up some sort of trap? But even so, why do you handle it all so indifferently? What if they fear, and merely tremble and watch, not doing a thing?”

“Things have already been put into motion. We’ve surrounded them with ‘Princess Vileena’ as our flag bearer. I’m certain at this time things have already begun, I might even say things will soon come to a close. Even if something does still happen, it won’t change the current situation.”


Realizing what it was the prince pointed out, Vileena lowered her head. With the sun setting at the same time, there was a slight pink glow on her cheeks. As if she’d once again swallowed down all those feelings, like anger and disgrace, she raised her head.

“I certainly acknowledge my shortcomings. The truth is that I was about to meet with Ryucown by myself, although even I don’t think I can make an end to this by myself. However, for this reason, you have to get out of my way. If I can only let my voice come across when I speak with Ryucown in person, for we both consider ourselves Garberans, it should be possible to open his eyes to another conclusion. One other than an honourable death in battle.”

“But above that, if we happen to lose you, we’ll likely completely fall apart. The hands that just managed to join with Garbera’s will be cut loose.”

“You are quite right, I will admit it,” Vileena said sullenly.

Her face, pretty like flowers on a windowsill, soon distorted with the hatred and biting her lips.

Geez... Orba murmured in his head. This princess, she certainly holds pride and dignity in what she says, so why does it sometimes feel like I’m exchanging words with someone from the village?

Having gained the upper hand, Orba was about to chase away the princess, when,

“Why you’re being so calm is nothing short of a mystery to me,” she said. “Tomorrow, Ryucown’s and Garbera’s forces may strike each other again. If that happens, those soldiers will die in vain. Are you able to carry the feelings[2] of all those men? Aren’t you the one who hated wasting their lives for the sakes of the nation and its nobility?”

She’d no doubt said those words just for the irony, but they stabbed Orba’s heart like daggers. Gasping in surprise, this time it was he who lowered his head in shame.

She may be right...

Orba hadn’t considered the soldiers’ feelings concerning the current battle. It was more important to determine the outcome of a battle, than all of the sacrifices made. It was just like the point of view in playing a game of chess. However,

That’s the thinking of nobles that I hate most.

And at the same time.

But I believe that, right now, this is necessary.

When he’d been just a regular boy from a rural village, when he’d been made to kill others as a slave, both the harboured hatred and the intent to kill had been real, but at the same time it was also true that he couldn’t gain victory if he wanted to protect the lives of each and every enlisted soldier.

Under the fiery sky, like oil in flames, Orba was too shocked to move, his heart burning with that contradiction.

“What seems to be troubling you?”

Because he was keeping quiet, and it was clear to any outsider that he seemed to be in a state of shock, Vileena gave a slight frown and changed her tone.

“Nothing...” he said.

“But haven’t you started to look worse?”

Orba opened up the distance, as the princess was edging closer.

“That’s not it,” he said. “Princess, as it is, if the Mephian troops participated with Garbera, the battle would grow more intense, which will only cause a pile of corpses. All the members of Ryucown’s army fight while prepared to die. That’s why we have to wait for time. In this way, I am thinking of the soldiers. Wait... If I will get a victory the way I think...”

The end of his sentence seemed to melt away with the evening breeze, and disappeared. Without realizing it, Orba was clenching his fists so tight that the muscles in his arms swelled.

The next day, the evening of the sixth day since setting up camp, Princess Vileena finished her meal in her room aboard the ship. Although it was unreasonable to think so, considering it was a battlefield, she felt completely restless from dawn to dusk as she spent her days looking outside.

It was to be expected, but she basically had no one to talk to because she hadn’t been able to bring Theresia along with her. There were Mephian pages stationed at the camp, but they kept well away from Vileena unless it was really necessary.

Usually, Theresia was always by her side to quickly take care of things. She would start Vileena’s morning by taking up the time to comb the princess’s hair. Theresia would always be annoyed because Vileena couldn’t be as diligent as her and was never able to sit still, but it was a routine for them ever since Vileena was a child. She believed she could do it by herself for once, but the job took a lot of time that morning and it was sheer boredom. So now she knew that, every morning, Theresia, who had little free time herself, always took the trouble to gather a wide amount of subjects for them to talk about.

Even though she was on her homeland Garbera’s soil, now that Theresia wasn’t here, it was actually for the first time that – whether or not she would admit it herself – she had a sense of loneliness, as if she’d been thrown out and left alone in foreign lands.

Six days...

It had only been that long. But it felt more like six years, as if every second cut away at her. Yesterday, the Garberan forces had attacked the fortress again and, as ever, Mephius only gave them unsympathetic support through bombardments.

Of course, not only Garbera was dissatisfied, but voices were also raised one after another on the Mephian side. Vileena knew that it wasn’t only the officers, but also some of the common soldiers who were criticizing the prince.

Only wasting their forces at this rate, Garbera would have to give up on Mephius’ support and request even more reinforcements from the capital instead. And even if the Mephian troops would end up getting bigger in number, Ende would probably not think to invade Garberan territory. Having taken that in account, this also seemed to be the reason that the Garberan side chose not to publicly criticize Mephius.

Because, if that happened, the war situation would only become fiercer. As the prince had said, Ryucown would not yield before an approach with brute force. However, there were also soldiers who joined up with him. And according to the words of an officer who had an audience at this camp the day before yesterday,

“The family members of those who follow Ryucown – the ones who were too old or too sick to head for the fortress along with him – have all committed suicide.”

Or so she’d heard.

They probably couldn’t bear being on a bed of nails after being exposed as a traitorous family, and if they’d allowed themselves to be caught, they’d be shackled and used as hostages. She wondered which one was actually the real case. But because of this, the soldiers following Ryucown were likely also prepared for anything. Where they were concerned, it just made their bond all the more stronger. They would probably continue to fight with every ounce of strength until the last of them was downed by a bullet.

Vileena stood upright for the umpteenth time that day. She walked along the room’s wall and gazed over at the ropes connecting the airships. She walked several steps forward and then, again for the umpteenth time that day, turned back.

She bit down on her lower lip. It was a bad habit of hers that Theresia always deemed to point out.

“Those of royalty should not reveal their true feelings before others. When everyone annoys you, laugh, and when everyone laughs, show them a serious look. Your highness, your face is the face of your country.”

She knew what she meant by it. She couldn’t be a tomboy princess forever. Because, this time around, her rash actions were liable to influence the country. Without so much as a pause, Vileena again half rose out of her seat. Although her notion of having a direct talk with Ryucown had been dismissed, she couldn’t count on that still being the case. She decided to meet up with Gil Mephius once more.

Although there are also rumours he doesn’t want to move out of camp...

It was said that Mephius, who’d assumed they would have an easier battle, wanted to give up on this fruitless battle as quickly as possible. And the source of these rumours wasn’t from the Garberan, but from the Mephian encampment. Several soldiers had heard, leaked through from the imperial guards, that the moody prince had already grown tired of playing soldier and wanted to hurry back to the palace.

Vileena, her anger flaring up like fire as usual, had been about to storm over to Gil and grill him about the matter in detail. However, Theresia had commented earlier that she couldn’t decide an impression of him yet, and Vileena held the same thoughts. She believed that the reason he hadn’t given orders to sortie wasn’t because he was merely a coward or something, but because he didn’t notice or concern himself to listen to the criticism surrounding him.

He’s thinking about something.

In yesterday’s conversation, Gil had made a remark that hinted at this. First of all, the problem was him. Just like with Ryucown, if she wanted to weigh his true intentions, she would have to get closer to confirm what was going on inside his heart. If she could learn about that ‘something’, and if they could put their heads together in the process, that would be great.

That’s right. I completely forgot!

Vileena suddenly thought back on her own determination in this marriage. Probe out Mephius’ internal affairs and manipulate the ‘foolish’ prince. She unintentionally let a smile slip through.

That’s right, that’s right! The prince and I can think on this together, and if he doesn’t like it, I will just have to kick him until he does.

Coincidentally, while she felt like she was ridiculing herself, there was a light knock on the door just when she was about to stand up.

“Prince Gil?”

Feeling caught, as if her true intentions had been exposed, Vileena uttered his name on the spur of the moment. The door opened and she was blushing red. It looked like it was a page about to retrieve her meal. Vileena formed an unusually rare smile, while her cheeks were burning red with embarrassment, and handed him the tray herself.

Then, as he graciously bowed his head, she noticed he was different from the usual page.


Hearing the tension in his voice, a certain bad feeling crossed her heart.

“Please hear me out calmly, if you wish,” he whispered. “I have come from the Garberan camp. But it’s not because I simply want an audience...”

It was that night.

A man with a sloppy appearance had entered Prince Gil’s room. He was of his personal guard but, regrettably, had slipped into the Garberan camp right before meeting the important Mephian figure – the gladiator known as Iver.

He quickly summoned Gowen and Shique, and they were startled to see that Orba was wearing armour.

“What’s going on, Orba?”

“Have you heard something from Iver? Don’t tell me that the enemy’s not Ryucown, but the Garberan army!”

During these past few days, it was the two of them who’d been most surprised by Orba’s many outrageous actions. Despite the words he said next, it looked like he was wearing a nonchalant look.

“That’s right,” he said, and showed them something in his hand. “They intend to come at us in one go. Hurry up with the preparations. I will take our gift and run for it.”

An iron mask, imitating the face of a tiger, glittered dully under the lights of the room.

Part 2

The sun was about to set.

A small group of people approached the bottom of the hill where Mephius had set up their camp. There was a strict watch on the place, of course, but they easily got through the gate that had been put up there. They came as representatives from the Garberan camp and claimed they had scheduled plans for a war council with the Mephian side.

However... the agreed time was actually supposed to be an hour later.

Having come through the gate, they carefully observed their surroundings. And then, at the right timing, one of their members set fire to the powder house near the end of the hill.

Within a single breath, the camp’s night of sleep was torn to shreds. There was a roaring explosion and the sight of flames spreading everywhere.

Taking advantage of the huge commotion that would surely take place, like after poking at a beehive, the sound of a stampede came heading their way from the opposite side of the explosion. One of the sentries, who first noticed that it was the Garberan dragonrider unit approaching, died as a dragon’s claws tore through him like paper.

Almost at the same time, the front gates of Zaim fortress made a grating noise and opened. A group of elite dragonriders, cavalrymen, and airships burst out with the force of a cannon.

They had only one goal – the Mephian army’s flagship, Dhum.

Due to the sudden attack, Oubary wasn’t able to give a proper response.

“Release ether propulsion up to lever three right away and ascend! Order the dragonriders to protect the flagship!”

He had a feeling that sending a messenger by airship would already be too late.

It looked like the prince had already secluded himself in his room at this time of emergency and wouldn’t come out. Without realizing it himself, Oubary was gnashing his molars.

“Those damn Garberans.”

He slammed his fist down on the controls. Those backstabbing Garberans and the charge of Ryucown’s army could of course not be unrelated. The thought that they might have planned all of this from the start flashed across the minds of the Mephian leaders. They could have tried to lure the Mephian army away from the very beginning, and staged this entire scenario of Ryucown’s army rebelling.

“Reassign the battle formations right away. Start attacking Ryucown’s army up front and the Garberan forces at our flank!”

“We can’t, General Oubary.”

Winged Dragon Commander Rogue immediately voiced his disagreement. It looked like his armour had been put on in a hurry, probably because he had just woken up, having been asleep for the night.

“If we remain in place, we’ll only get caught in a pincer attack. It’s better to immediately prepare to fall back and leave this camp.”

Oubary had been about to shout back at him but just managed to hold it in. Ten years older than him, this general had run all over the battlefield. And they didn’t expect Oubary, who was known for his so-to-speak approach of brute force, to be able to deal with a situation like this. Just like that time with Apta Fortress in the south.


Oubary bit on his thin lips, in contrast to his usual appearance. This unlikely development came just when he thought this would be the perfect opportunity to make a name of himself. Everything was the fault of the prince and his optimistic ‘let’s wait and see’-approach. It looked like they would have to abandon the fortress after all. And if that was the case, it would be nigh impossible to silence the Garberan anti-royalty faction.

“Has the prince still not come out yet?” Simon came yelling onto the bridge from another corridor.

“One page and his personal guardsmen are protecting the door. They won’t let anyone pass on the prince’s life.”

“He came here, and that’s his command!?” Simon unintentionally yelled in front of the soldier. He looked like a man who was so different from his usual self – and he instantly regretted it.

“What about Princess Vileena?”

“Yes. Several of the prince’s personal guard are guarding her as well.”

He had been quick to prepare all of that. While his suspicions about the prince increased all the more, this was still a state of emergency. No matter what, there were other things that needed doing.

“Haven’t you been able to contact the Garberan headquarters?”

Further at the bridge, he could hear Fedom shouting about up to the point that his voice got hoarse.

“We sent out an airship some time ago, but it still hasn’t returned.”


At that time, a strong wind jolted the dragonstone ship. With all of this, they couldn’t even prepare battle formations. A small-sized airship needed to accumulate only a small amount of ether, but its area of activity only covered a few kilometres at best. They needed to increase the distance from this place as quickly as possible.

But will that be quick enough?

With their main force already out of the fort, they couldn’t respond to their attack anymore.

The ship, which was still just starting to move, was being targeted with bombs that fell like rain. Twice, thrice – and Simon’s legs continued to shake.

Meanwhile, at Zaim Fortress.

There was a hall in the upper part of the fort. Surrounded outside by balconies on all four sides, one could see the fires of war raging over the soldiers. Behind the balcony looking out over the area, a single airship was stored away out of sight. It was meant to evacuate the commander if, by any chance, the fortress happened to fall.

However, he – a man who stood stock still and carried the colour of the distant flames in his eyes – had no intention to use it in the least. It was there only because his followers had begged him to prepare one at all costs.

He was clad in armour and armed with a sword slung on his back. He was tall, and although he was young, he had the kind of grandeur that didn’t allow others close. He didn’t move an inch and stood there with a hand to his trimmed beard, looking much like one of the heroes in the paintings that decorated castle corridors.

He was originally a knight from the Kingdom of Garbera, the general of the Second Air Fleet, Ryucown. Once longing for national fame, the man who’d received hatred and disdain from Mephius and was the object of fear stood staring at the fires that showed the feats of his strategy.

It was a surprise attack he had made in sync with the Garberan camp. Having slipped agitators into their midst had borne its fruits. According to their last reports, the number of generals and their soldiers that had decided to rebel, no more than a hundred, would start a surprise attack on this moonless night. It would also cause turmoil at the Garberan headquarters. Likely convinced that Mephius was surrounded by enemies, they might not be able to quickly come to Mephius’ aid.

First you read the lines, then comes the strategy. Before you strike a blow, be sure that you will hit the mark. It could likely be the last move you made.

Just then,


A soldier turned up in the hall, put his heels together, and bowed. Ryucown still held the position of a military guard, but ever since he led an army of a thousand followers, they had all started calling him a ‘lord’. In the end, they were all comrades who had ducked under many blades and run through rains of gunfire together.

There were many people among them who had lost comrades or family members because of Mephius. And, although it was most likely because of Ryucown’s talents, it tightened their bonds like iron.

“Allow me to congratulate you. The soldiers have returned from Dhum just now.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes. Princess Vileena has also been brought along safely.”

There were tears in the soldier’s eyes as he announced this in a loud voice. This was his earnest hope. At the moment, Ryucown’s followers were nothing more than rebels – no matter how much more they suffered for their country or how pure their intentions were. However, in order to anchor their name for the future, no, in order to change the course of Garbera’s future, he needed to have Princess Vileena.

If he was just able to win her over, he could take over the political movement through the Garberan royal lineage. She was highly popular and revered like an idol, allowing him to gain the nation’s support. Moreover, Ryucown was convinced that the princess had the most strong-hearted spirit among those in the royal family.

“She hasn’t been harmed, has she?”


“All right. Bring her in.”

Soon enough, led by a soldier, Vileena stepped into the hall.

Her face was as white as paper, but her eyes at least were filled with life as she stared his way.

His heart was struck by a nostalgic feeling. They had met each other a year ago when they were pledged to engage, but Ryucown was reminded of a time before even that – when Vileena had still been nine years old.

Coming to her aid when she’d been taken hostage during the rebellion that was caused by Bateaux, Ryucown had slipped into the castle with a scouting party in order to defeat Bateaux. The one who had guided them had been none other than the princess herself. Although she was still a child, she had proven to be quick-witted, and Ryucown had admired her courageous actions.

Then, the hero who had taken Bateaux’s head had been invited to kneel before the princess and received a kiss on the cheek.

It had been about four, five years since then. Naturally, her body had matured all this time. She still hadn’t lost her girlishness yet, but within three years, she would be a beauty that would likely cause trouble not only in Garbera or its surrounding countries, but even in the world across the seas.

Ryucown gave her a respectful bow.

“It has been a while, your highness.”

“General Ryucown. You—”

Vileena fired the first shot, as if trying to let the vigour in her words mask the hesitation.

It was as if her heart was in disarray. It looked to him like a small wooden boat with the sails hoisted too high as it rose over tall whitecaps, so that even the helmsman couldn’t predict where it was going.

About ten minutes before they’d opened hostilities, a man in the guise of a page had suddenly arrived at her private quarters in Dhum and called himself a person ‘from the Garberan camp’. He’d said that a part of Garbera, in concert with Ryucown, had planned to make a surprise attack on Dhum.

Princess, I will guide you to Lord Ryucown from here.

Vileena had turned pale and foolishly stood up in order to warn the prince.

Forgive me.

Whether or not he had expected this reaction, the soldier had been quick to respond. Several soldiers who had waited in the back stopped her from making a sound or move, restraining her mouth, arms and legs. While she tried to resist, she slowly felt her consciousness slipping away and figured they’d probably diluted the cloth covering her mouth with a sleeping drug.

When she came to, she was at Zaim Fortress – the flames were rising up over the soldiers below.


“I know full well what you want me to do,” Ryucown gently interrupted Vileena’s words.

The usual vigour wasn’t there in Vileena’s eyes as she stared at him. Her emotions were raging like fire, but for some reason it didn’t come to the outside. Even for her, as had been the case for Ryucown, certain strong emotions were reawakened from over a distance of time.

One year ago, the two had met when they were pledged to engage. In contrast to the many battles he had faced head-on, he didn’t seem able to look her in the eyes even once when he was her fiancé.

Now, his handsome features had gotten a little thin, and he wore exhaustion and sorrow on his face, which might have chafed away at his urban refinement, or maybe he’d just gotten an even wilder taste instead. The ash silver armour he wore had been given to him by the king himself when he’d been bestowed as a full-fledged knight.

“However, I have to stick to my own beliefs. With all due respect, the people no longer follow the current royal family. I agree that lineage is important, but if we rely only on that, the country will be on the way of decline.”

“But a civil war will ruin the country instead. Why would you let such a useless battle drag on?”

“I’m not letting it drag on. Actually, the opening of this battle will end in a major victory for us. And our victory will have a huge, lasting impact. Garbera will fear more rebels rising up against them in their country, and it will become impossible to move a huge force. In order to protect their honour, Mephius too will have no choice but to take to the field. Once they realise that they can’t easily win, they will make it their reason to immediately pull back their forces. And when that happens, only one last thorough strike will be needed to finish things off.”

Outside of the fortress, the battle continued to wage on.

As the fires of war continued to light up all over the place, defying the darkness of the night, Vileena clenched her tender fists. She did not want to see this. It was exactly because of this that she’d steeled herself and decided to marry into Mephius.

“I intend to become a martyr to place the foundations for peace,” Ryucown said, showing her his black mantle with red lining. “Please, I want you to entrust that life to me.”

Further outside, twice, thrice – they could hear the sound of cannon fire.

Part 3

Driving on the momentum, Ryucown’s forces were pressing hard on the Mephian army.

As they were struck by a surprise attack, and hadn’t expected that it would be coordinated with a group of turncloaks from Garbera, the Mephian forces were scattered about all over the place.

There were some soldiers who tried to escape the flames by jumping on the battleship as it was still trying to gain speed and altitude, and there were those who tried to leave the ship and escape on their own. It was the role of the leader to enhance each individual’s strengths and bravery in a war. But the Mephian soldiers that showed such disgraceful behaviour had actually all gone through the ten-year war with Garbera. There should even be many among them who had been heralded with distinguished service.

If they’d been blessed with a good leader, there would probably be ten among every hundred men who would choose this place to die in order to let their leader escape. But unfortunately, the prince who was supposed to bear that duty hadn’t given any orders, and it was clear to all that the ship’s captain, Oubary, had lost his composure, and that panic had infected even the common ranks.

“This won’t do.”

The great general Rogue who came out on deck had grasped the situation and was thinking of whether or not they ought to leave. When he looked at the battle situation calmly, they were still greater in number. However, that such a difference could be swallowed up by the moment in the blink of an eye was part of battle.

Oubary was by no means a bad commander. If he had the momentum at his side, he had a unifying power to him that could turn even the most hesitant soldier into a hero. However, in the exact same sense, if he was under adverse circumstances the people around him became ready to flee the scene.

They needed someone here with a backbone. A person who played an active, vigorous role.

“There’s no way I’m going to have my bones buried in Garberan lands,” Rogue muttered to himself – a grunt that came from the bottom of his heart.

There shouldn’t be any general who wished for a certain place or a certain way to die. But it fell to him to protect the prince in battle, or at least let it be a noble death.

He was reminded of the family that he’d left back in his country. And as he thought this, Mephian soldiers came running over as they turned their backs to the enemy, bullets piercing through their heads before they dropped to the ground. Their armour was painted with blood like on a children’s drawing, and Rogue placed a helmet over his head.

Exposing this miserable figure here, shames me as a general. But to prepare myself for death in this place, is a general’s honour.

He drew his sword with a spark, and started for the tail end of the dragonstone ship, shouting in a loud voice.

“Welcome, thou Garberan traitors! If you want to take another step, you have to step across this man’s – Rogue Saian’s – corpse! But this old croak will not die alone! He will take a hundred, nay, a thousand people along with him! Whoever wishes to take me on, should think of his family one last time!!”

While the enemy’s gunfire showered below without cease, Rogue jumped down from the ship that was just about to gain altitude. Several soldiers who had their fighting spirit invoked, gathered around the old general. The enemy came surging down on them from the front like an avalanche. One bullet grazed Rogue’s left cheek. Another completely dug into the jaw of a soldier to his right, who fell down on his back. Then, just when Rogue was about to charge into them with death’s smile on his face,


A pleasant to hear, loud scream reached his ears.

It didn’t come from the enemy. Rogue realized that the voice came from a hill’s wooded area, which was right next to the approaching Ryucown forces. From that very same place came the continuous sound of rapid gunfire.

In the wake of the leading horse-rider being struck down along with his horse, one after another of men, horses, and dragons collapsed in spurts of blood.

When the gunfire ended, next came the single command,


And swordsmen came jumping out of the bushes. They all took shining swords from either their back or waist, and prepared to cut into the enemy ranks. Those people definitely had dauntless courage. Rogue stared as blood sprayed all over the place, and heads and limbs flew through the air – fading into the darkness of the night.


He stared at the scene, letting a single breath of admiration go as the ground rumbled and dragons came into sight from the back where the enemy forces gathered. They were several medium-sized dragons, guided by dragoons riding on smaller-sized ones.

“Go, go!!”

“Make way! Or else you’ll get trampled!”

Those dragons must have been lying low ever since sunset, biding their time in the grove on the other side of the river. Ryucown’s forces and even Rogue himself hadn’t seen that coming.

It appeared to be a trick the one girl named Hou Ran had taught them that made this possible. It was hard to believe a person on the battlefield could make such a difference as she did.

Having fallen into such a sudden pincer attack, Ryucown’s troops fell into chaos.

Rogue couldn’t bear to wait any longer and also rushed in for the attack. With a single blow, he cut off the arm of one soldier who tried to hoist himself onto the ship, probably because he was in a hurry to get away from the enemy, or maybe because he wanted to put the head of the prince who was aboard the ship on top of a spike.

While the blood dribbled from the point of his blade, the old general hurried over to the warrior who had given those orders earlier.

It was a man with white hair and brown skin. He didn’t look very far apart from Rogue’s own age.

“An ally? But with all due respect, I don’t think I’ve ever seen your face before.”

“Ah, well,” the white-haired commander – Gowen – gave an awkward smile. “We are Prince Gil Mephius-sama’s Imperial Guard. But until recently we’ve held the status of gladiators.”


Rogue was taken aback in all senses of the word. He had heard about the prince having employed mere gladiators as his personal guard. At the time, he had thought nothing more of it than as another one of the ‘fool’ prince’s capricious whims.

However, the men before him had mettle that was worthy of flying colours and marching banners. With a surging spirit, they levelled Ryucown’s forces with a splendid use of swords, axes, spears and guns.

This was exactly the reason Orba had brought them in as a trump card. He didn’t place any trust in their individual characteristics at all. On the contrary, he had known how unprepared the gladiators were. They fully relied on their instincts. But as the prince, Orba had made them a promise. Those who brought back the enemy’s heads at this fight would get a reward the more heads they brought back in, not even excepting their freedom.

Among the rewards they ever got from killing others, this day was the first time that they could win back their own life. For freedom, the kind of freedom where they could earn themselves gold, they wouldn’t miss out on any danger. For them, having to face a thousand enemy blades and a storm of bombs raining down on them was nothing.

“Be that as it may, that’s quite a feat. To lay down an ambush and stall the enemy’s march in this kind of emergency.”

“No, no. This was all the prince’s idea. It wasn’t someone like me[3] at all.”

Gowen unintentionally used an old way of speaking in front of the Mephian military commander, thinking he ought to somehow keep a dignified tone as an imperial guard.

“Realizing there were signs of treachery in the Garberan camp, the prince considered that would also be when Ryucown’s forces would attack and had us place an ambush on their advance route beforehand. He examined this terrain during the day and— artillery, aim for the enemy airship!”

He broke his explanation to give new orders.

“What?” Rogue muttered once more.

As issued, on the other side, the ground shook from the bombardment and a medium-sized Goll dragon roared and fell to its side.

“But, we didn’t receive any orders.”

“Well... The likes of us aren’t able to read Gil-sama’s thoughts at all times,” Gowen said solemnly. “But if the prince read beforehand that there would be a betrayal among the Garberans, in a situation where he didn’t know who was friend or foe, couldn’t he just have been afraid of leaking important information?”

“If you want to deceive your enemy... right?”

He sighed, looking up at the skies, but Rogue soon put back the face of a military commander and gave a long look at the soldiers ahead of him. Even more enemy reinforcements were approaching them.

“General, we still need to retreat for now,” Gowen said. “We need to join the flagship, and put an end to this chase.”


The two of them stood shoulder to shoulder as if they were old comrades in arms and, with matching breaths, they both issued orders to their own troops.

As their soldiers pulled back, Gowen glanced over to see the enemy reinforcements closing in with even more vigour. josei

Their morale won’t fall so easily after all.

Although he didn’t say it out loud, Gowen didn’t have any reason to get excited just because of their short victory a moment ago. To stop the enemy chase, and to assist in the flagship’s evacuation – that wasn’t his purpose right now. He had to keep the main body of Ryucown's forces stationary at all costs.

But it’s good that it has gone as predicted so far, Orba. Otherwise, you’d be the one in the most danger.

At that time, a cold feeling passed through him as a cannonball hit a nearby tree and scattered wood and fire in all directions. He stooped forward to protect himself and continued running for the flagship, Dhum. The old blood in this body that had stood on the battlefield before was being revived.

“The gladiators?”

Simon received the news and was at a loss for words. Of course, it was hard to suddenly believe. But, it was true that the enemy’s pursuit had weakened.

At that time, the page Dinn and several imperial guards entered the bridge.

“I have orders from the prince.”


Oubary bared his teeth, being as much surprised as Simon.

“After all of this, what kind of ‘orders’ does our quivering crown prince have?”

“Please watch your language!” Dinn said, causing the agitation to show on his face. “It was the prince’s decision to invest his own personal guard.”

Oubary glared at the small boy. He was flanked by ruffian-like men to his left and right. But even now, he thought this had to be some kind of joke.

It was then that Dinn conveyed the message from the prince to those on the bridge. The soldiers below had to put in such a formation to meet with Ryucown’s forces, for it wouldn’t be long for the main Garberan force to join into the fray...

“He said, ‘A squad of both the cavalry and the infantry will join up with the imperial guard until there is relief from Garbera, so that they can attack the betrayers from both sides. The main force will centre around the flagship Dhum so that it can fire at the attack forces from the fort.’ ”

The inside of the flagship turned into a strained silence when they realized they weren’t going away from the fray of battle.

Well, Simon thought, stroking his chin. Is the ‘current’ prince the same prince that I’ve come to know?

“Idiocy,” Oubary said in a low growl. “Won’t we only suffer losses if we reposition our troops in the midst of battle?”

“No, the number of enemies isn’t that much.”

“General Rogue!”

The old general Rogue Saian had appeared on the bridge, gasping for breath. His helmet and armour were bathed in enemy blood, rising up like steam. However, the smile on his face had a blood-curdling intensity to it.

“Thanks to the actions of the imperial guard, we have recovered our troops’ morale. At a time like this, Sir Oubary, one must issue forth an appeal.”

But his gaze implied,

Didn’t you say we needed to attack the enemy just a moment ago?

As it was hinted to Oubary like that, there wasn’t much he could say in return.

“Exactly.” This time it was Dinn who pitched in. “The prince too, encourages everybody from atop the bridge... Can’t you hear him?”

Certainly, over the bridge, hoisting the national flag high on a pole, a man was raising a loud voice aimed at the many soldiers surrounding it.

His face entirely covered with a helmet, clad in a silver armour, the ‘prince’ reprimanded the soldiers who continued to escape the turmoil, encouraging them to once more file back into their ranks.

“Please, prince.”

Even though the ‘prince’ raised his voice, he was shaking underneath all that armour. His physique and height were the same as Orba’s – or rather Gil’s, considering the people here – but it was the gladiator Kain instead.

“I have but a poor vocabulary. I can’t just repeat what has been said to me – so go... fight! You are soldiers who carry the pride of Mephius. Got it? Just end this quickly!”

Ryucown and Vileena were still standing face to face with the colours of fire behind them.

“What do you mean, entrusting my life?”

“I want you to become my wife.”

Ryucown’s proposal was straight to the point and Vileena felt as if her breath stopped for a moment. She once more tightened her small hands and immediately regained the strength of her resolve.

“And, what do you plan after that?”

“I’ll declare a new king has ascended the Garberan throne.”

He pulled out the sword slung over his back and made his announcement as if he’d thought of it just then.

“What do you think you can achieve with just one fortress?”

“If we rout the Mephian army today, many officers and men will come to me. Revolts will rise all over Garbera, hastening the preparations for my plans.”

“And all of this is will eventually help out Ende. If you put this through, sooner or later all of Garbera will be subjugated by Ende.”

“I’m not that big of a fool. Ende has put its attention on Mephius. All they want is to grab a foothold to the west. All the better if Garbera is in disorder, so they don’t have to worry about it. That’s why they haven’t come out into the open and sent any men – I wouldn’t either. Even if we don’t pull through here, we will have catered to their plan to raise hostilities with Mephius again. Although it will be difficult to truly rely on such a halfhearted alliance, it is much better than the humiliation of joining hands with Mephius.”

“Both make little difference,” Vileena loudly confessed with all the vigour she’d been holding in. “It makes little difference to our citizens. Just how many thousands of people will become the victim of your single-minded plans, thoughts, and pride?”

Vileena didn’t even realize those were the exact same words Prince Gil had used against her before. Ryucown, on the other hand, showed no quarter.

“Isn’t your royal family raised from a pile of corpses? Let’s end this childish argument. Having the true pride of Garbera, I took action only because I want to make a nation of true knights. Look at the world, princess. This is a conflict that will end a government of treachery, oppression and double-crossing. It’s only pure-minded knights who can truly save this world.”


“Knighthood is a wonderful thing. The elected are imposed with a self-discipline to their duty, always wanting to have a pure spirit. Those are the right kind of people to carry out our politics. It’s good that peasants rely on someone named as king or emperor in troubled times, but the country is only engaged in a bloody war due to simple greed. As it is, Garbera, the country of knights, has lost its ideal of pride. So, first I will have to change Garbera – no, I must return it to its roots. Garbera, as a true country of knights.”

“I commend your patriotism. But if that’s so, what do you need with a body sworn to the Mephian royal family?”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is that this body has already exchanged its wedding vows.”[4]

It was a lie, and obviously Vileena couldn’t help but feel repulsed inside. However, she didn’t hesitate in the least. She wanted to completely crush this Ryucown, who seemed to be utterly possessed by something.

“You lie, your highness. You know the subtleties of a man and woman. Such an act isn’t possible.”

“You only say that because you do not want to accept it. Now, if I’ve lost this purity you speak of, and if I’ve already been held by this ‘filthy existence’ of a Mephian, you should stab me with that sword right now. Isn’t that your ideal?”

Vileena spoke in tears, pinching the point of the sword with her fingers and pressing it against her neck.

Ryucown opened his eyes wide. Further in the distance, the sound of artillery roared again like thunder. The Garberan warrior holding the sword and the princess praised as the flower of Garbera stared at each other.

“Were you that pleased with Mephius?”

“If we simply brand them as barbarians, we can only be accused of being ignorant. Besides, the country doesn’t have any blood ties. It is just like you said. The royal family is not a cornerstone, the sense of pride for their vassals and their people is the same – you can find the same light in that nation. Just who on earth will follow a man that can decide all by himself what this pride is?”

“You’ve thrown away your pride and your country, princess,” Ryucown decided. “Or maybe we can conclude that the young Princess Vileena has grown up. You hold the spirit of a soldier. However... because of that, you will be a hindrance to our cause. If you live and cannot recognize our views—”

He suddenly pulled back his sword. However, he looked quite grand as he placed it on his shoulder.

“—I at least want you to protect the Garberan royal family’s pride by dying.”


“Alas, to retaliate for Garbera’s betrayal of their alliance, our princess Vileena has been killed by the hand of the Mephian prince.”

“If that happens,” Vileena said, sounding hoarse. “Won’t Garbera unite under a single cause?”

“The situation can only improve from here on.”

Vileena shifted her eyes away from the point of the sword. There she saw Ryucown’s eyes, as calm as ever. What was so different about him from the youth that had snuck into a castle with only a few men five years ago? Was it like back then? This was the action of a man who sincerely believed in the burning ideals he had as a youth and hadn’t let those ideals grow old.

“Farewell, princess. The first decoration I’ve ever received in my life, was your childlike kiss.”

His sword drew a glimmering arc. The princess only blinked once during that time. A tear dropped the instant she lowered her eyelids, reflecting the approaching sword.

Vileena was crying. She was frustrated at her own powerlessness while she’d truly believed that she could come to terms with him if they came face to face. This act of violence caused by Ryucown’s ‘purity’ disheartened her. For the first time since she was born, Vileena felt despair, and she was fated to have her life end immediately after.

Then, the glimmer of the sword was dropped down toward Vileena’s slender neck.


An exquisite ring interrupted the sword’s arc just before it reached her. It was a dirk that was suddenly thrown, and Ryucown had changed the trajectory of his sword to intercept it.

“Who are you?”

He turned his gaze towards the entrance where one swordsman stepped out from between the pillars. Although he was clad in Garberan armour, Ryucown didn’t recognize that face. Or rather, he couldn’t discern the man’s face.

The swordsman who stepped forward, carrying a sword in his right hand, had his face covered by an iron mask.

References and Translation Notes

1. ↑ Orba just spoke in the way he normally talks, using おれ (ore) for "I". When he’s with nobles though, he uses 我 (ware) or another more dignified way of saying ‘I’.

2. ↑ This has a double meaning, as "feelings" 思い (omoi) can also mean "weight" 重い (omoi).

3. ↑ Gowen uses それがし 'soregashi' which is an old, very humble way of saying 'this person'.

4. ↑ What she means is that she already has sexual intercourse. The term for 'exchange wedding vows' (夫婦の契り) can also mean 'have sex as a husband and wife'.

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