Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 311

Chapter 311: Who is hooked?

Chapter 311 Who is hooked?

By the time Alleria heard the news and brought Lilas over, the situation had calmed down, and the high elf workers were installing new gates.

Sirvanas sat behind his desk and buried his head on the table to pretend to be an ostrich. This oolong made a big fuss.

Katrana was turning her gaze back and forth between Cirvanas and the depressed Charlemagne with a half-smile expression, as if she was very interested in this sudden misunderstanding.

After listening to Charlemagne's grievance description, Alleria walked to the second sister helplessly, and forcibly pulled her up to preach.

After learning the whole story, Lilas laughed so hard that he covered his stomach and leaned against Charlemagne's desk, unable to get up for a long time, "I said brother-in-law, you and your second sister made such a comedy just after I came back, it's not just to welcome me Is it a rehearsal program?"

Charlemagne patted the kid on the head angrily, "Show your size! Get ready for me. Starting tomorrow, you will learn the art of war from Cirvanas in the morning, and learn territory management from me in the afternoon."


Lilas couldn't laugh anymore, "But isn't our family's territory always managed by you, why not keep it as usual?"

After Aurelia taught the second sister a lesson, she immediately walked over and grabbed Rillas' long ears, and when he grinned, he yelled, "Don't you dare to be lazy? As the only boy in the Windrunner family Ding, how can the management of the territory be handed over to others?"

Rillas muttered dissatisfiedly after breaking away from Alleria's punishment, "Brother Charlemagne is not an outsider..."

"You still dare to talk back! In short, you study hard for me, or I will let my mother take you back to Silvermoon City to be disciplined!"


The eldest sister is like a mother. In the past, Li Reza and Beder were busy with military affairs most of the time. The younger brothers and sisters of the Windrunner family were basically brought up by Alleria. Except for the mother, Lilas listened to the elder sister the most. Seeing Aurelia If you get angry, you can only admit it immediately.

Aurelia then apologized to Katrana, but even Charlemagne could hear the meaning between the lines in her words.

Fortunately, Katrana didn't take it seriously. Seeing that it was time to get off work, she tactfully left first, and even cast a subtle wink at Charlemagne from an angle that the Windrunner siblings couldn't see.

'Hey! Sure enough, he is professional, and he really has a way of flirting. '

Poor Princess Black Dragon doesn't know yet, her free time is running out.

That night, Charlemagne called Lor'themar, Sean, Lisson, Lena, and Romans to the mansion he built on the shore of Lake Arendall under the pretext of holding a welcome party for Rillas. Katrana.

Princess Black Dragon has heard about the only male in the Windrunner family for a long time, and she once thought about finding a chance to kill him and blame the upper nobles of Silvermoon City, so as to provoke Theron, Windrunner and other real power in the southern forest The hatred between the lord and the nobles of Silvermoon City, unfortunately, because Lilas was too strictly controlled by his mother in Silvermoon City, he could not find a chance and had to give up.

Now that the kid has been released back into the southern forest, there is a lot of room for maneuver. Katrana has already flashed at least five plans in her mind, but the specific implementation still needs to find time to perfect.

After the meal, Charlemagne winked at Lisson, and the chief administrative officer took out a cylindrical object he had brought knowingly and placed it on the table in the living room.

Under the curious gazes of Lilas and others, Charlemagne explained, "This is a device newly developed by Taronicus. I call it a blood type detector."

"Blood type?"

Most of the people present had never heard of this term. Charlemagne opened the lid of the cylinder and said, "We all know that Holy Light has the effect of stopping bleeding and healing wounds, but it is difficult to replenish the lost blood, so I let Talon Nikos came up with something like this."

This thing is actually the original magic version of the centrifugal blood type detector in Charlemagne's previous life, but it is enough to create centrifugal force. After detecting the blood type, it can better save the lives of soldiers and allow them to recover quickly. fighting power.

But Charlemagne actually has another meaning when he took it out today...

"Everyone, come and try your own blood type. In the future, you can only transfuse blood of the same blood type as yourself, otherwise it will cause serious consequences of blood clotting."

As the proposer, he was the first to pick up the needle handed over by Lisson and **** it on his left index finger without hesitation, dripping the blood into the prepared test tube.

The next step is to put the test tube into the groove of the cylinder, and use the power of magic to make the cylinder rotate at a high speed, and quickly get the final result of the blood type test.

Charlemagne once worried that the blood of elves would be quite different from the blood of humans in previous lives. Facts have proved that he was too worried. Except for some mysterious changes that cannot be explained by science, there is not much difference between the two in essence.

Taronicus had tested him before, and his blood type was type O. At this time, he was just showing it to other people, mainly Katrana.

With the cooperation of several trustee-Windrunner sisters who had been arranged earlier, curious relatives and friends have completed the tests one after another.

When it was Katrana's turn, she pricked her finger like everyone else and dripped blood into the test tube.

'Blood I have already copied the blood of a female elf through comparison, so you won't be able to detect the blood of the dragon. '

Katellana was triumphantly watching the test tube being put into the cylinder, but she didn't notice the secret eye contact between Charlemagne and the others.

Under the operation of the Lisson obscura, a small opening like a pinhole was opened at the lower part of the test tube inserted into the instrument, and a drop of blood dripped onto a necklace placed at the bottom of the barrel.

Katrana's blood type disguised by magic was finally determined to be type B. People who didn't know the truth were not alerted, but Charlemagne and other caring people had already completed all the preparations, and there was only one last step left.

After the meeting, the three Aurelia sisters and Valeira deliberately took Lilas upstairs to look at some of the weapons collected by Charlemagne, and Sean and the others opened the portal after saying goodbye and sent everyone back to their respective mage towers and home.

Charlemagne stopped Princess Black Dragon at this time, "Katrana, please wait a moment. In order to thank you for your help in handling official affairs these past few years, I have something to give you."

There was a flash of surprise in Katrana's eyes, and then she showed a slightly shy smile, "Actually, I didn't do anything, the important work was done by Your Excellency the Duke himself, I just helped you share some chores that anyone can do That's all."

Charlemagne took her hand and said with a smile, "No, no, no, ordinary people can't handle these sundries as quickly and well as you. Let's go, let's go to the garden, chat and enjoy the scenery by the way."

Katerana lowered her head and made a shy look, and made a tiny promise like a mosquito, "Hmm..."

‘This stupid dragon took the bait! '

‘This wooden duke finally took the bait! '

The two with their own ghosts held hands and walked towards the wide garden in the mansion. On the corner of the second floor that Katrana couldn't see, Alleria and Cirvanas showed their heads at the same time, with cold faces. Looking at the hands of the two holding together.

"Be sure to let Charlemagne wash his hands repeatedly after completing the task."


Thank you book friend "Red Comet Mars" for your support.


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