Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 320

Chapter 320: It's time for you to open your eyes and see the world

Chapter 320 You should open your eyes and see the world

In the introduction of Crisha before, Kael'thas, Charlemagne and others have initially understood the attitude of the Son of Night.

Elisande herself is more inclined to reconnect with the outside world. She, who maintains the operation of the Nightwell all year round, knows the current situation of the Nightborne best.

Although the Nightwell has a powerful pillar of creation—the Eye of Aman'Thul to provide energy, the ability of this artifact is still limited after all.

For 10,000 years, due to the limited energy supply of the Nightwell, Suramar basically failed to achieve much population growth. As long as the upper limit of the Nightwell was exceeded, the higher-ups could only exile the extra population.

After all this, the residents in Suramar City can only be maintained at about 130,000. Elisande has no choice but to allow the nobles to engage in political struggles and exile the excess population to the city. Otherwise, let them fend for themselves.

However, after tens of thousands of years of enjoyment, the advisers who were born in great aristocrats have long been accustomed to the current system of Suramar. As a class of power, they have no reason to use their current status to fight for a future that does not know the outcome.

Four of Elisande's six advisors opposed opening the barrier and reconnecting with the outside world. Only the chief arcanist Talisa and the astrologer Etraeus, who has been observing the astrology all year round, agreed with her idea.

Although Elisande's own rights are much greater than that of the Sun King and the Silver Moon Council, combined with some of the future she saw in the time flow, the Grand Magister himself is still a little hesitant.

When Elisande was silent and did not express his opinion, a consultant named Fandos first questioned him.

"Your Majesty the Sun King, I would like to know where is the evidence that you said that the Burning Legion invaded? Just relying on the information of the race called orcs submitted by Ke Lisha, the weak evil energy cannot positively prove that they are related to the Burning Legion. After all, the Burning Legion is not the only one in the universe who can use evil energy."

This consultant named Vandos is the most proficient in controlling the magic power of the Nightwell except Elisande. Charlemagne judged from the arcane breath on his body that this person has reached the peak of the 8th ring and is about to break through.

Several other consultants, including Melandus, the first magic swordsman Aluriel, botanist Tel'arn, and astrologer Etraus are also at the peak of the 8th ring, the difference is only in the distance from the 9th ring.

Among the consultants, only the chief arcanist Talisa has stepped into the 9th ring like Elisande, but it is temporarily impossible to judge her specific state.

Osis stood up and replied at this time, "Consultant Fandos, you said that because you didn't see the orc warlock use fel energy with your own eyes."

"Yes, ordinary orcs only have a small amount of evil energy in their bodies due to drinking the blood of demons, but the casters among them can control a large amount of evil energy. Isn't this enough to explain the problem?"

Vandos couldn't speak, and turned his attention to several other colleagues. Melandus took his words and asked, "So where are these orc warlocks now? How can we believe such empty words without actual evidence?"


Charlemagne smiled slightly at this time, and under the dissatisfied gaze of Melandus, he said unhurriedly, "The whereabouts of the orc warlock... In fact, it is not unrelated to Suramar, and then I will invite Ms. Yuejun to come Let me explain."

Crysha gently nodded to Charlemagne and Elisande and said, "Indeed, as Theron's national advisor said, Gul'dan, the most powerful warlock of the orcs, led almost all the warlocks under him to the Broken Isles across great seas." .”


Kelisha's words caused a commotion, the chief arcanist Talisa looked at Elisande's slightly frowned brows, then turned her head and asked, "Klisha, you said they came to the Broken Isles, why don't we have any sense at all?" No, even in the enchantment, we also..."

"Because these warlocks did not enter the main island of the Broken Isles, they headed for the Broken Beach. Under the influence of Gul'dan's spell, part of the city of Suramar that once sunk into the sea was once again raised."

Krisha's words made Elisande finally unable to bear it anymore. She asked a little uneasy, "A part of Suramar City? What's the point of them raising these abandoned cities?"

Charlemagne stood up and explained after receiving Clicia's gaze, "I don't know if the great magister knew about the arrival of Aegwynn, the guardian of Tirisfal?"

Elisande exchanged glances with the surrounding advisors, "Aegwynn? I haven't heard of it."

"Then there is no way, I can only start from the beginning."

Charlemagne shook his head helplessly. "To put it simply, the Tirisfal Council was a secret society led by our high elves to fight against the demons that invaded Azeroth."

"The guardian is a result of several generations of difficult struggles in the parliament. Members of the council will choose a mage with outstanding talent, and concentrate most of their power on this guardian through arcane rituals, so ..."

Talisa answered with interest, "So this guardian has become a powerful mage, and he will fight against the demons that invaded Azeroth?"

"That's right. This guardian system has been in operation for thousands of years. The previous guardian was called Aegwynn. She achieved a feat that the previous guardians never accomplished. She killed the dark titan Sa in Northrend. The embodiment of Sargeras, a wisp of Grasse's soul."


Even Elisande was shocked this time. Back then, she was someone who had experienced the powerful power of demons at close range beside Queen Azshara.

Sargeras hadn't entered Azeroth when Elisande raised the barrier, but Archimonde alone had given them the idea of ​​being invincible. How strong would Sargeras, the master of the Burning Legion, be? the point?

Although he is only an incarnation with a small amount of soul, he is definitely not an existence that ordinary mortals can defeat.

Charlemagne shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's no wonder you are surprised. The guardian Aegwynn who gathered the strength of all the members of the council at the beginning has already possessed demigod-level strength beyond the limit of mortals. In addition, the artifact passed down by the guardians from generation to generation-Eti The Rod of Yash, Aegwynn won in the end, albeit at a heavy price."

Charlemagne then briefly told the Nightborne high-level about Aegwynn, Medivh's entanglement with Sargeras' soul, and finally mentioned the place where Aegwynn sealed the incarnation of Sargeras.

"The place Aegwynn chose to seal was part of the urban area of ​​Suramar that sank into the sea when the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, including the original Moon God Temple Saldanath in Suramar City. Aegwynn renamed this urban area to Sargeras After completing the seal, she sank the tomb into the sea again."

Elisande didn't understand why she heard this, she asked with a surprised expression, "You mean... that orc warlock named Gul'dan raised the tomb of Sargeras from the bottom of the sea again?"

Charlemagne nodded, "That's right, if you don't believe me, you can send someone to the Broken Beach to investigate. Anyway, the tomb that emits green light from evil energy is very conspicuous."josei

Elisande stopped hesitating when he heard this, and directly turned to Aluriel and ordered, "Aluriel, immediately send the flying magic saber knight to find out. This is related to our next choice!"


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