Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 342 Claudia is my woman

Chapter 342 Claudia is my woman

Chapter 342 Claudia is my woman

Beneath the vast canopy of the sky, where the sun's golden fingers caressed the rugged peaks of the mountains, Chiron's village stood like a jewel at the foot of the highest summit. 

The air, crisp and invigorating, carried the scent of pine and wildflowers, intermingled with the earthy aroma of ancient rocks. The mountains, their craggy faces weathered by centuries of storms and sunshine, loomed protectively around the village, their rocky spires reaching for the heavens.

On this extraordinary day, nature itself seemed to rejoice. The sun, a radiant orb in the clear azure sky, bathed the land in a warm, golden glow. 

Every blade of grass, every petal, and every stone seemed to glisten with a touch of magic, as if the very essence of the mountains infused the landscape with an ethereal brilliance. The sky above, a canvas of endless blue, stretched wide and limitless, mirroring the boundless joy that filled the hearts of the villagers.

Barbara, of the Red Aura tribe, possessing a stature as imposing as the mountains themselves sat on her Core beast a Fiery Creature like the mix of a Chicken and a celestial bird. This was a Red core Beast. 

Barbara's fiery hair, like the hue of autumn leaves ablaze, cascaded down her back like a molten waterfall. Her eyes, a shade of deep amber, held the wisdom of ancient forests, and her skin, bronzed by the sun and wind, spoke of countless battles and triumphant conquests.

 Beside her, Mani, the stoic warrior of the Purple Aura tribe that had now earned a lot of names for himself as a result of his valiant but incredible boldness and killing methods, sat tall and resolute on his own core beast. A mountain goat that was Bluecored, a gift from Barbara. Mani's eyes, the color of twilight shadows, surveyed the festivities with a quiet intensity, his every movement imbued with the grace of a stalking panther.

"There are celebrating!" he muttered. One look and he could tell what it was. there were only a handful of occasions that were celebrated like this in the Aura tribes, and even lesser that could be celebrated by the entire village that was unless the chief of the village or a his relative was the cause.

"It's a marriage!" he muttered, as memories of his own danced in his head. It was only not too long ago that he had come to the tragedy that befell him.

As they entered Chiron's village, they were greeted by an explosion of colors and melodies. Banners of saffron and amber, the emblematic hues of the Yellow Aura tribe, fluttered in the gentle breeze, creating a vibrant tapestry against the backdrop of the mountains.

 The villagers, dressed in rich yellows and deep purples, moved with a natural rhythm, their laughter echoing through the valleys like the song of mountain streams. josei

The celebration was an orchestra of sensations. The air hummed with the melodic tunes of flutes and drums, the music intertwining with the fragrant breeze that carried hints of blooming jasmine and wild mint. 

The villagers, their faces adorned with intricate patterns made from crushed petals, exuded the sweet scent of herbal oils and incense. Everywhere, there was movement and life: the swift flicker of fire dancers, the mesmerizing whirl of dancers clad in silken garments, and the rhythmic beat of tambourines that resonated with the very heartbeat of the mountains.

Chiron, known here as Igbi, the groom of the day, was a vision of happiness and grace. His eyes, the color of sunlit wheat fields, shone with a radiant love as he stood beside his bride, Claudia, the most beautiful girl in the village. Her dress, a tapestry of embroidered sunflowers and mountain lilies, seemed to capture the very essence of the land. Her laughter, like the trill of a mountain songbird, blended seamlessly with the music and the laughter of the villagers.

The mountains themselves seemed to partake in the celebration. Core beasts, usually elusive and mysterious, ventured closer to the village, their majestic forms silhouetted against the golden hues of the evening sky. 

The very rocks, weathered by eons, appeared to shimmer with an unspoken joy, as if the ancient spirits of the mountains smiled upon the union of hearts.

In this vibrant panorama, Barbara and Mani found themselves swept away by the sheer beauty of the moment. They did not join in the moment, neither did they interrupt it. Only observing the happenings like passerbys. 

The taste of roasted Core beast meats, infused with mountain herbs and spices, tantalized their senses, while the touch of the cool mountain breeze against their skin was a gentle caress from nature herself.

As night fell, the village came alive with the soft glow of lanterns, casting a warm, golden light upon the faces of the celebrants. The stars above, like scattered diamonds against the deep velvet of the night, watched over the union with a celestial benediction.

Marriages in the Yellow tribe were slightly different from other tribes. As the tribe that ruled with fear, it was believed that the scare of the night was a blessing. And every marriage required this blessing.

Celebrations came first and then at night came the exchange of vows. 

Chiron kneeled before the Village chief and by his side was Claudia, both of them dressed in the Yellow attire with beautiful patterns on them. 

Old magu stood not so far away by the side. She was the proudest person in this occasion. After all, she was the grooms mother, the most powerful man in this village. 

Rumours had it that her clothes were as expensive as that of the bride's if not more. Her smile filled her face brightly. 

"It is time for the vows!" The chief announced as he tied the Yellow ribbon around the hand of Chiron and Claudia. 

"As it is tradition, the bride will go first!" 

However, the moment Claudia opened her mouth to speak her vows, a loud sound of a sword smacking the ground was heard. "I object. Claudia is my woman..." 

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