Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 91 Little Sister Is The Lamb Led To The Slaughter...

Chapter 91 Little Sister Is The Lamb Led To The Slaughter...

Lily paused. She could see the look on the faces of the brother and sister pair. Obviously, she was interrupting their moment together.

Nora had not seen Chiron in about a month. This was something even Lily was aware of. There were many times that Nora came to visit, but she was not allowed entry into Elder Ellen's compound.

And now the two of them wanted to spend time together and she was butting in.

Lily sighed to herself. She suddenly understood that she was the person acting like the bad guy here. After all, it was Nora's birthday, and it was not as if they were leaving the clan area or going to the market or anything of that manner.

lily face palmed, "Okay! I'll let you two be, but please in case of any trouble, make sure to call for me," She turned and walked towards the house, "I'll be inside then."

The moment she left, Chiron smirked a bit.

Chiron knew more than anyone that Nora did not like to share him. And since Chiron was requesting for time alone which was quite rare, the little girl was going to take full advantage of it.

It had been a long time since the both of them hung out together. Chiron knew that if he was the only one that asked, Lily would have not agreed. But Nora's cute pouting helped to mount pressure on her.

Chiron took Nora by the hand and the two of them walked into the forest area.

All the while as they walked, the two talked and laughed with one another. Any body that had seen them would have been jealous of their love. However, no one would suspect that Chiron was actually leading Nora like a lamb to the slaughter.

He was going to use her for his own gain.

Soon, they arrived at Chiron's shed.

This place was new to Nora. She had never gone this deep into the forest area and definitely did not know about this shed.

After all, Chiron had ensured that he kept it a secret from everybody.

"Come here Ra-ra! Big brother is going to show you something beautiful, but you'll have to close your eyes and trust me, okay!?"

Nora nodded.

Chiron had already cleared the place earlier on when he was done with the Rainbow mice experiment. What lay in the shed right now were two table slabs that were arranged side by side.

One was going to be for him, and the second one for her.

Chiron handed her a small knife and instructed that she drew some blood. Nora was a cultivator. using blood was not a new thing in the cultivator world.

She did as he asked.

Chiron used the blood from her palm to draw the necessary symbol on her forehead.

And then he also cut himself and did the same thing for himself.

He used his own blood and drew a symbol on his own head.

All was now set. Chiron could feel his excitement. For far too long he had waited for this moment. For far too long he had dreamt of this day.

And now, it had arrived. he was happy, but he did not show it on his face.

"Ra-ra! do you love your big brother?" Chiron asked her.

Nora nodded her head, "yes! I love big brother with all my heart."

"Ra-ra! do you trust your big brother?" Chiron asked again and she nodded.

"Good! I want to show you something really nice, okay? So you'll remove your clothes and lie down on the slab!"

Nora had always loved her big brother. After all, he had always protected her no matter what. Only about a month ago, he had risked his life for her. At this point, even if Chiron had told her to walk around the street naked, she would do it unconditionally.

Her love for him had literally reached a blinding point.

She immediately took off all her clothes and lay down on the slab.

Chiron came to her side and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Ra-ra! Big brother loves you. For your birthday, I'm going to show you a rainbow."

Nora smiled back at him.josei

Next, Chiron used the straps he had already prepared and held her hands, legs and head in place.

then he went to the slab beside her. He also removed all his clothes and mounted the slab. He waved his hands and the necessary ingredients for the procedure appeared.

Using his paintbrush, he started the chant. As he did, the rainbow just like in his experiments suddenly appeared.

Nora was excited the moment she saw it. Chiron had told her that he was going to show her a rainbow and this was it.

Like any girl her age, regardless of the fact that it was the cultivation world, the attraction of colour was always an allure not to be resisted.

One end of the rainbow led to his forehead while the other one led to hers.

Chiron continued the chanting. The rainbow got deeper in its colours.

Chiron's hand was close to hers and her fingers reached for his. She was starting to feel weird inside.

No! she was starting to hurt. She felt as if something was being drawn out of her body. She did not know what it was, but she could feel that this thing was important.

She could feel that this thing was vital to her existence.

"Big brother!" she whispered lowly, "It... It hurts!!!"

"Don't worry Ra-ra! just bare with it a bit. It would soon be all over," Chiron smiled. His eyes showed a crazy expression, "it will all be over."

Chiron looked to his side. He could clearly see it. Her soul was slowly being drawn out of her body. It moved towards the rainbow.

Chiron was very excited.

However, something happened.

The moment her soul touched upon the rainbow, there was a sudden explosion and Chiron was flung like a ball across the room...

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