Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 98 A Dinning Of Souls For A Start 2...

Chapter 98 A Dinning Of Souls For A Start 2...

>>Host has killed one. Do you want to absorb soul and temporarily mend Dantain wall?<<

'Wait a minute! so I can absorb the souls of the people I kill now?'

Chiron laughed out loud.

This was incredible news to him.

As he remained squatted in a fight-ready position on the ground, he willed the System to absorb the soul of the man that had died.

And just like that, the soul was absorbed into his body like the way he absorbed his mother's soul. It became dust and became a part of him. It felt just like when he was absorbing points from the system. In other words, it was cool and felt very refreshing.

This time around, he did not need to perform a length well-calculated ritual.

The soul went straight for his Dantain. It helped to mend the walls. However, Chiron noticed that it not only mended the walls but his Dantain also absorbed some of it. Thereby making it his own.

Chiron checked his Dantain. The walls were still far from being fully fixed and even though the soul helped a little, most of it was absorbed into the Dantain instead.

It was clear that this was an awful circle.

He needed the soul for the wall of his Dantain and to also increase the quality of his power.

In other words, it also increased his cultivation.

Although it was only a bit, it was still significant to Chiron who was like a leaking bucket.

Chiron raised his head, "This time around, Fate did not come to test me. It sent me a congratulatory gift," he cracked a slight smile, "It sent me dinner."

"Huh!?" Iron stab raised a brow. Chiron was proving to be a bit annoying to kill. This was also the same thing for all the other assassins.

The three Assassins attacked again.

However, so did Chiron.

In his life, since he came to this world, he had never been this excited. Even though he was by far outnumbered, it was still an incredible feeling.

After all, how could a starving man be outnumbered by food?

In his storage space, Devil's touch was already vibrating in anticipation of its master's call. It could sense its master's excitement.

Chiron waved his hand and Devil's touch appeared like it was a hand that had been hidden all along.

Chiron sent his death Aura into Devil's touch body.

It was night, but under the moons light, Devil's touch had never been so beautiful.

Chiron's newfound Aura was made just for this blade to shine in the Dark.

As the first Assassin came in a forward attack, Chiron's sword fell on him.

Behold, the stupidity of the man to think that he could block the attack of such a sword with his daggers.

Like scissors cutting through wet paper, or rather, like a heavy hatchet through a bug, Chiron's sword cut right through the daggers and into the man's head.

But it did not stop there. Devil's touch path this man like Moses did the red sea in a story in Chiron's former world.

Although there was no instrument to measure the precision of the cut, but it was just too perfect to have been anything else than equal on both sides.

Eyes, nose, lips, chest cavity etc. It was so perfectly cut that mother nature herself would have been impressed with Chiron's perfectionism and incredible attention to detail.josei

Like a butcher throwing a slab of meat on a chopping board, the man dropped to the ground on either side. Blood jetted out from the forever-cut wounds, bathing Chiron in a shower of red for his hard work.

Naturally, Chiron also absorbed his soul. But he did not stay in one place as he did. He had already gone for the next person.

A three-sixty turn as he squatted low to the ground. Chiron waved devil's touch all around. Luckily for the next assassin, he saw the blade coming and barely retreated, but Chiron was not going to let him go.

He kicked against the ground with explosive force as he stretched for the man.

The man was too far for the sword to reach and then Chiron could see the man's smile.

Everything happened fast and Chiron was still airborne. From a shadow on the ground. Came an extended arm with a dagger. It was heading straight for Chiron's abdomen.

However, Chiron smiled too, "Devil's touch, you take some."

Unlike before when Chiron needed to feed Devil's touch with his blood, he could now do it with his Aura.

Immediately, Devil's touch greedily drank from the pool that was his Dantain.

Of course, this increased the cracks in the walls of his Dantain.

But no matter, he was about to make up for it with his next attack.

Immediately, two of the Runes on the sword glowed red.

Devil's touch immediately extended which caught the assassin by surprise. But it was too late. It pierced into his neck, and as if on command, it immediately retracted from Chiron's hand and snaked its way to his abdomen.

A part of the sword formed armour to protect his abdomen while the other part pierced into the ground.

Straight into the man's head, it went.

Neither men were given the opportunity to scream before they ended up dead.

"Yes! this is it!" Chiron felt elated.

Now that he had cultivation, he had access to more profound abilities that Devil's touch possessed.

Chiron landed on the ground.

Iron stab watched in horror at this. "What kind of sword is that? is this the thing that Ganja made!? It's practically a monster."

Iron stab with his years of experience had never seen a sword do what he had just seen it do.

The sword moved like it was water through Chiron's body and went back to his hand, resuming back its former crooked shape.

Till this moment, black miasma still oozed out of his body.

As it did, Iron stab watched with wide eyes. The twin moons shone their light from behind Chiron. It almost looked as if they were giving him praise to the destruction.

"Four dead! six to go!" Chiron muttered lowly.

Iron stab had heard him clearly. "How does he know? they are all in hiding?"

However, there was no time to answer his questions. Chiron took a step forward.

As he did, Iron stab subconsciously took a step back...

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