Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 130 Promotions

Chapter 130 Promotions

Friday, August 23, 2013

As the fall semester was in session, the Austin streets were kept busy by local university students commuting to school and work using new AI-driven electric public transportation monorail trains that Future Tech recently extended from the Tech Campus into more city areas.

Paying for parking privileges at university apartments was very expensive for the average student, at around $300 a month, so the young Austin residents appreciated the much cheaper commuter options.

It didn't matter much to people like Hudson, the Chief Operating Officer of Future Tech, while flying above the masses on his corporate-issued CAV.

The Caucasian-American man in his 40s disembarked from the high-class ride after it landed on the Headquarters AV pad above Vince's penthouse.

Hudson usually preferred meeting staff and employees over NetServ video conference, but it was a special occasion today, as two of Future Tech's dutiful employees will receive a big promotion.

Alexis was required in Afghanistan, so she was promoted to Executive Director of Future Education in a hurry. But unfortunately, the celebration would have to wait until she returned stateside from her assignment.

Today, the first one who has been working for Future Studios ever since the APL live broadcasts began is the Taiwanese-American media producer, Oliver.

The second was Mike Krieger, who started developing the Infinity Channel application after Instagram was purchased by Future Tech a year ago.


In a neo-modern furnished conference room, the Hollywood directors, Anthony and Joseph Russo, discussed pre-production of the feature-length Everlife film set for release in 2014.

Oliver reviewed a document on the table and stated, "Our video production studio here at the headquarters is too small for the big set-piece movie sequences you've proposed. So I've spoken to the Tech Campus Overseer to reserve a sizeable plot of land where we'll build a bigger film studio."

Anthony Russo agreed with a nod and politely replied, "Perfect. The storyboards, pre-viz, and complete script should be ready when the new studio is running. I assume the studio will feature the new Infinity Unreal Engine virtual panoramic sets, correct?"

Epic Games had recently developed video production technology that Jon Favreau famously utilized in filming "The Mandalorian" Disney Plus TV show in 2019 but was now available much earlier during Vince's new life.

The virtual sets replaced traditional background methods such as blue, green, and yellow chroma screens with a massive LED wall that could be altered by video production staff in a matter of seconds and filmed in 3D with motion-tracked cameras.

Vince Dalton initially suggested the concept to Tim Sweeney when they originally planned the development path for the Infinity Unreal Engine as more than only a video game engine, but as a complete media production suite.

Oliver amicably said, "You're right, Anthony. You can submit suggestions for other facilities you'll require at the film studio. We can reconvene the Everlife Movie meetings next week. Enjoy your weekends, gentlemen."

They bade farewells, vacated the conference room, and returned to their respective offices.

A few minutes later, Hudson knocked on Oliver's office door before he was allowed to enter and said, "I've heard you've been doing well managing the upcoming Infinity Channel media outline and the APL Season 4 program."

Oliver accepted the praise graciously from one of the most influential executives in Future Tech and replied, "I'm just doing my part for the corp, Hudson. Though I still can't believe how far we've gone since the early days. Remember, we couldn't even fill the vacant offices in the building, and now we have multiple branches in foreign countries."

Both Oliver and Hudson began working for Vince Dalton's rising business during its inception, but they could never have guessed the heights and achievements they would share only a few years after joining Future Tech.

Hudson reminisced for a moment before asking, "Do you have any plans for tonight? Vince wanted me to invite you for dinner at the penthouse."

Oliver didn't have his own family, only a girlfriend, so there wasn't much reason to go home immediately and said, "I can't possibly deny a request from our CEO. You're making this all sound mysterious."

Hudson smiled at Oliver and replied, "All I can say is it's positive news. Let's go. We can't keep Vince waiting for too long."josei


The local Italian-American head cook working for the Dalton Estate, Chef Tony, prepared a grand menu for the private dinner, featuring King Crab topped with the highest quality Caviar as the main course.

Vince Dalton sat at the head of the dining table while Aiya directed the recently arrived Brazilian-American man in his mid-20s to his seat.

Mike Krieger joined Future Tech in November of 2012 after the Instagram acquisition, much later than Hudson and Oliver, so he only had a few opportunities to speak with Vince Dalton directly outside of business meetings.

He was surprised to receive an invitation to attend the lavish dinner but had no reason to reject it and happily engaged in small talk with the young CEO while waiting for the other guests.

Aiya brought over a 30-year-old Macallan Scotch Whiskey bottle as Mike appreciated hard liquor. At the same time, Vince ordered a Vesper Martini for himself before Hudson and Oliver arrived at the dining hall.

"Macallan? Good choice, Mike. How are both your evenings?" Hudson amicably stated.

Vince was satisfied with how well the Infinity Channel initiative had been and cheerfully replied, "It's been great, Hudson. The beta testing phase was completed a week early without a hitch, so I've decided to move the release date to Monday next week."

Mike sat straight on his chair confidently after receiving subtle praise from his CEO and thought, [My work at the software subdivision was instrumental in developing the Infinity Channel within eight months. Though being invited to a private dinner with the higher-ups was unexpected.]

Now that all the relevant guests were present, Vince took the chance to announce significant changes to the corporation's upper management and said, "Thank you for joining us for dinner this evening. Before we begin eating, I'd like to express my gratitude to Oliver and Mike for their exceptional performance in their respective teams. The APL and our auxiliary media properties have been well implemented with our broadcasting platforms in large part to Oliver's great efforts. The Infinity Channel, a media application meant to eclipse all others such as Spotify, Netflix, YouTube, and traditional media, was excellently planned and developed by Mike while maintaining our software services like Instagram, Twitch, and the Infinity electronic device ecosystem."

Both Oliver and Mike felt a storm of emotions from the appreciative and respectful words they received from their young boss and continued to listen attentively.

"Which is why I'm promoting the two of you to Executive Directors of the new major divisions the corporation is introducing soon. Oliver shall lead Future Tech Broadcasting, a division that will oversee all our media-related products. And Mike will head Future Tech Softworks, which shall spearhead software initiatives across our many different departments." Vince explained with a wide smile.

The two reasonably young professionals couldn't believe what they were hearing as they both looked towards Hudson, the staffing manager, for confirmation.

The middle-aged Caucasian man nodded in corroboration and said, "We'd normally promote executives after an annual review, but certain circumstances have moved up our timetable. Mike, you can leave the responsibilities of managing Instagram to your business partner, Kevin Systrom. At the same time, you take over the F-35 Fighter Jet joint project with Lockheed Martin to refine the in-flight control systems. Oliver will head our international media broadcasting initiatives primarily through the Infinity Channel and NetServ. As you can tell, your roles will be integral to Future Tech's success in the coming years, but Vince and I have faith in both your abilities."

Due to hard work, dedication, circumstance, and a dose of luck, both of them achieved the highest honor of becoming executive directors in the rapidly growing corporation, no, megacorporation.

Oliver and Mike were knocked out being dumbstruck when Chef Tony and his team arrived to serve the first course of their dinner.

After drinking his Vesper Martini, Vince ordered another before saying, "You'll be given the highest privileges available to executive directors like a dedicated FS escort, access to our fleet of luxury jets, and a personal CAV of your choosing. Speak with me if there are any requests, and I'll do my best to make it happen."

Mike nodded his head and said, "It's more than enough, Mr. Dalton. However, I do have a few questions regarding the F-35 program."

Vince discussed a few preliminary objectives the Department of Defense outlined for Future Tech's collaboration, such as an independent flight system, not utilizing proprietary Future Tech services and technologies, so other allied nations can purchase the Jet Fighter without many obstacles.

Mike understood the surface-level explanation and replied, "That's doable with the six-month timeline. Do you mind if I take Jessica with me to the Lockheed Martin offices in Maryland?"

Vince chuckled and said, "Of course not. Jessica had expressed her appreciation for working and learning under your wing. It was one of the many reasons why I decided to promote you. I'd love for you to teach her more of the business aspect of software development."

Mike felt a sense of gratitude for his talented protege and replied, "I'll treat her personal growth as one of my primary objectives as Executive Director of FT Softworks, I assure you."

Vince was content with Mike's statement as he treasured his friends a lot for braving the deep waters and deciding to help him start Future Tech from nothing.

Stats last time checked:

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion

15 million BTC (currently trades at $25,000)

$11 Billion cash in Future Tech

105,000+ employees (FT Broadcasting, FT Softworks, FT AI, Future Studios, Future Records, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, FT F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education, Epic Games, 60% of SpaceX, 10% of Tesla, 10% of Koenigsegg)

20,000+ operators under Future Security

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner, The Longhorn, Flyga

Collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E, Disney)

Numerous subsidiaries under Future Tech Holdings (i.e., Instagram, Twitch, Big Hit Entertainment)

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