Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 138 Sick

Chapter 138 Sick

Thank you for voting and gifting my novel, Spcn, and Binrasas!


The instructors who had been with Mr. Fury for years noticed Vince's spar with Marco and attentively watched to learn how the kid was showing dominance with his top game.

Though they weren't aware of Vince's seemingly inhuman strength that allowed him to execute the techniques surprisingly well through brute force, the instructors were still astounded as the kid didn't have much experience sparring in an octagon.

Vince and Marco shared some pointers and sparred for another hour with a few other gym members willing to practice cage fighting before taking a shower.

The veteran instructors took note of the techniques displayed during the sparring session to discuss with Mr. Fury the next time he was around the gym.

Marco met up with the CEO before leaving the building and said, "Good session today, Vince. When you're free, you should share some of those moves with Tom and the other prizefighter members. I'm sure they'd appreciate a new angle they could develop their cage offense."

Vince wasn't going to be stingy and replied, "Of course, I'll help our brothers and sisters here as much as I can. See you around, Marco."

They bade farewells, then Vince left with his two FS operators and boarded the Flyga to fly towards Future Med Hospital, located near the headquarters building.

Vince turned on AVs integrated infotainment system and opened the Infinity Channel app recently added to all NetServ-capable vehicles under Tesla Koenegisegg and other partner companies.

A blonde woman dressed in her Future Couture professional attire, Diana Strong, hosted the Sunday Infinity Channel News and stated, "Good day, everyone! Thank you for tuning into the always current and unbiased IC News! Firstly, we'll discuss international headlines beginning with the Syrian conflict rising as our federal government sources noting plans of a US military intervention in the region."

The show producer showed images of the civil war safe for a public news broadcast. Diana continued, "Due to the tensions in the Middle East, the price of oil sharply increased by 8% per barrel, as the belligerent nations begin to stockpile and prepare for the future. Though this issue may be relieved by a renewed oil extraction deal between Future Tech and the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation with a recent press conference announcement held by Li Fanrong, the CNPC's CEO, outlining plans of increasing oil production in newly prospected reserves."

Oil prices were always a tentpole topic in US news channels, considering its social effects on laborers such as long-haul drivers and other transportation-oriented jobs and businesses.

Diana Strong presented a few more international and domestic stories before cutting to a commercial break featuring Future Tech partners and brands willing to pay for advertising.

Vince felt reassured with the CNPC deal as the Flyga arrived at its destination and slowly landed on an AV pad.


A few hours earlier, Hailee wasn't feeling well and decided to visit Dr. Sera to ask for advice and a quick check-up instead of joining her boyfriend at the Fury Gym.

She'd been struggling with muscle spasms on her lower stomach since she awoke the same morning and immediately requested Aiya to schedule a doctor's appointment.

Dr. Sera usually took Sundays off but was willing to assist with Hailee's diagnosis personally instead of passing her off to other doctors. However, they were more than qualified for the task.

The good doctor had formed a positive relationship with Leah and treated the Dalton family as her own, and Hailee, by extension.

A nurse welcomed the young actor and led her to Dr. Sera's patient room, a few floors down from her office.

The Future Med Executive Director rarely utilized her patient room, focusing primarily on research and development.

Hailee greeted the stunningly beautiful Israeli-American doctor and said, "The nurse told me you came to work just for me. I appreciate it a lot because I don't feel too comfortable with strangers."

Dr. Sera gave her a caring smile and replied, "Don't worry about it, Hailee. I'm here to help. So how are you feeling? Aiya mentioned cramping in your lower stomach."

Hailee gave her a brief explanation of what she'd been experiencing since the morning until Dr. Sera swiped on her Infinity Tablet to retrieve the young lady's medical history via the US Department of Health and Human Services federal database.

She reviewed the documents carefully before performing any testing and scanning and found a recent file that may be the cause of Hailee's discomfort.

Dr. Sera calmly explained, "It looks like you received a copper IUD implant a few months ago. It's highly effective in preventing pregnancy and lasts much longer than its alternatives, but the device can move on rare occasions, causing fevers and muscle spasms."

Hailee breathed deeply in relief and seriously asked, "So I'm not pregnant? I wouldn't know how to tell Vince if I were."

Dr. Sera chuckled and replied, "No, sweetie. I'm sure the IUD has been working fine until you began experiencing discomfort this morning. Though, I suggest switching to a rod implant soon to avoid this situation in the future."

Returning the IUD to its proper position was fairly easy, but doctors would suggest seeking a professional to perform the minor operation.

Dr. Sera instructed Hailee to take Tylenol a few times a day until the discomfort ceased and talked about eating dinner together with Leah for a few minutes.

Hailee thanked Dr. Sera for her time before boarding a CAV and returning to the penthouse for a bit of rest.


Dr. Sera was gathering her belongings until receiving a notification from her secretary regarding Vince Dalton's impromptu medical appointment.

She decided to remain at the hospital to perform her duty and assist the corporation's CEO.

A nurse welcomed Vince and his FS escort before leading them to the patient room, where Dr. Sera and Hailee had met earlier.

The beautiful doctor greeted Vince and said, "It's good to see you, Vince. Your corporate-mandated annual physical isn't scheduled until November, so what's going on?"

Vince sat down comfortably and honestly replied, "I'm not sure myself, but Marco told me I was exerting more strength than usual while pinning him by the cage during our spar earlier. I know it's weird, but I've been feeling different the past week. Like I'm stronger or more mentally focused than ever."

Dr. Sera didn't brush off Vince's explanation and professionally considered the possibilities, then replied, "Okay. We'll perform a few blood tests and scans to understand better what's going on with your body. It may take a while, so clear your afternoon schedule if necessary."

The medical case involved Vince, arguably the most important person in the business, so it was natural for Dr. Sera to handle the issue seriously.

The doctor pulled out all the stops and utilized every resource available in Future Med to diagnose Vince's mysterious affliction.

An hour later, Dr. Sera reviewed the results of the blood tests and scans; then, her cheerful disposition suddenly turned severe.

She cross-checked all the data with a few other doctors working the weekend shifts and returned to the patient room to deliver the news.

Vince felt completely fine and only searched for a professional opinion because it wasn't in Marco's nature to lie about something involving his interests.

He didn't expect the appointment's importance to his well-being until Dr. Sera explained, "I'm sorry to say this, Vince, but you're sick. We found the same mutation forming in your red blood cells similar to your mother's condition. It's very rare, and my research team accidentally discovered it a few years ago. We call it "Glucolysis". However, we aren't sure why you're experiencing the opposite effects. So we'll need to perform more tests to figure that out first before going further with the treatment."

Vince couldn't believe he was sick as he didn't feel any discomfort or pain, unlike the weak and frail Leah he remembered on her deathbed during his senior year of high school.

Dr. Sera noticed the young man's silence and said, "We already cured your mother, so you don't have to worry too much. Your tests last year couldn't detect the minuscule changes in your red blood cells, but we can tackle the problem now that it has revealed itself. Your condition is in its first stage and only becomes fatal when the red blood cells completely refuse to deliver glucose to your muscles. "

Vince nodded in agreement but remained silent and thought, [Mom died at the age of 41 in my previous life, so if I didn't find myself back in time, I would have also died eventually if no one sponsored Dr. Sera's team to advance treatment research for Glycolysis.]

The young man feared death as a person who had lived two completely different lives and thanked the heavens for saving him from the same fate his dear mother suffered.

He cooperated with Dr. Sera and allowed for more tests to be taken before he was cleared to return home for the night, with a follow-up appointment scheduled the following day.


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