Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 82 - The Digital Den

Chapter 82 - The Digital Den

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Future Tech executives enjoyed drinks and snacks at the Digital Den's VIP lounge while most clientele focused on watching the Arena Collegiate League match.

"Future Studios will be incorporating the Battle Pass feature Vince suggested for War Online a year ago into Everlife Online, but I can't seem to decide on a new major game mechanic," Kyle explained.

"I feel like the Infinity Development Kit is enough for the community to create new game modes, and Future Studios should focus on features only you can implement within Everlife Online. While working at Kandahar, I felt the most compelling aspect of the MVR Visor was its potential in promoting a communal experience." Alexis replied honestly.

"You're right. Everlife Online doesn't have to be only a video game. Oh, I know! Future Tech owns Instagram, so I'll integrate social media hangouts into virtual reality as an optional experience for our users. Thanks for the suggestion, Alexis!" Kyle stated proudly.

"Yeah! Like a virtual reality lounge where users can chat and meet with their social media friends within Everlife Online during their downtime. We can even implement body scanning using Infinity Unreal Engine's Photogrammetry tools." Sarah commented excitedly.

While they were talking, a young Korean-American woman holding a paper bag full of ice cream arrived at the table.

"Thanks, Jessica! I've been craving Gelato for the entire week. Where's Rick?" Kyle stated.

"He joined a gang of UT frat boys watching the ACL match downstairs. Rick said he'll follow after the first game." Jessica replied in an unamused tone.

"Sorry about that, Jessica. His attention span is as short as a small animal sometimes. I'm sure he'll spend some time with you tomorrow or on Sunday." Sarah stated reassuringly.

"I hope so. Hey, Heidi and Alexis, it's good to see you two!" Jessica said, acknowledging the newcomers.

"Our friend here is called Felix. He's an FS officer usually stationed at the Dehdadi Base. He's doing tests and trials for the in-development armor program." Heidi explained.

"Nice to meet you, Felix. Vince and Alexis don't speak much about our presence in Afghanistan. Do you mind sharing how life is there?" Jessica inquired curiously.

"Aside from a few battles, Future Security primarily focuses on peacekeeping alongside the US military. However, Future Tech itself is heavily involved in the local economy like energy, education, and food infrastructure." Felix explained.

"Most of the massive solar arrays we've manufactured are sent directly to Kandahar City. Our office there orders the most equipment out of all the Future Tech branches worldwide." Andreas commented.

"I'm not privy to executive meetings but am curious when our maritime division will be ready to produce sea vessels for the FS Navy units," Felix stated.

"Our zone at the Port of Houston requires further modifications to allow the manufacturing of advanced navy vessels and should take a month more of construction. But our Hyundai partners agreed to build cargo freight ships included with their lawsuit reparations, at least." Andreas explained.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the East Asia debacle that happened back in March. Since the attempted corporate espionage occurred, Vince had been on edge and only started to relax after our summer vacation a week ago." Sarah commented worriedly.

"Don't worry about it. The CIA and Interpol are collaborating with Future Security with the investigation. Vince has heavily invested in Future Tech's physical and cyber security wisely, so we're luckier than most." Felix stated comfortingly.

"Do you know any of the FS Nethunters that work at headquarters? They're so mysterious, and we rarely interact with them." Kyle inquired.

"Anthony, the Director of Cyber Security, has always been secretive with his work. So it's natural for him to extend his paranoia throughout the department. Anthony, Price, and I share a long history serving in the US military together." Felix explained in nostalgia.

While they were conversing, a blonde young man sat down beside Jessica.

"Who won the first game?" Kyle asked curiously.

"It was close, but the University of Houston team edged them out during the late game. I expect a close best of five matches from both teams." Rick explained.

Heidi introduced Rick to Felix because they hadn't met before and ordered additional food and drinks from a waitress on stand-by.josei

"What's up with this War Online Arena thing, anyway? Marco has been telling me to play with him, but it's a hassle to find free time at the Dehdadi Base, especially with the massive time zone difference." Felix asked inquisitively.

"Oh, you know Marco? We spent an entire week together out at sea on The Longhorn. He has a knack for playing initiator archetypes in Arena Mode. But, a simple answer to your question is digital sports. Think professional football, but it's a video game instead." Rick explained.

"The APL is currently the most prominent sports spectacle in the world, considering Vince invested heavily in plenty of media outlets for promotion and providing large sums of cash for the prize pools," Kyle added.

[Boomer moment. It's not my fault the FS veterans aren't interested much in new school sports like the APL.] Felix pondered.

"Marco is training the previously disabled soldiers at the FS Barracks' rehabilitation center. So let's play some unranked matches whenever y'all are free." Sarah suggested.

"Oh! You should try playing Everlife, which was just released a week and a half ago. I'm confident you've never played a video game as next-gen as Everlife." Kyle stated proudly.

"Alright, I believe you. Does it play similarly to War Online?" Felix inquired.

"Completely different. War Online is played in isometric view while Everlife is played either through third-person perspective or, preferably, first-person view in the Hypervisor. You can use the HV Game Controller, mouse & keyboard, Hand Gestures, or third-party controllers for inputs." Kyle explained in detail.

"Playing in first-person VR could easily give you motion sickness cause you're not moving in real life, so be careful. You'll see the enormous warning when switching to VR mode while playing Everlife on the Hypervisor. Oh, There's a new mod called Playerunknown's Battle Royale you should try created by a talented community modder." Rick stated passionately.

[These guys are really into video games, huh?] Felix thought in amusement.

"As a badass paratrooper, you'll love it! Let me explain. One hundred random players are dropped from a Super Galaxy flying above an unpopulated Everlife City. Practically naked warriors attempt to find weapons, armor, and medicine to survive attacks from other players and the dangerous gas that entirely covers the map in forty-five minutes—that shit's crazy, man. Future Studios invited Playerunknown for an office tour next week to award him an Infinity Modding Community prize." Kyle stated excitedly.

[That sounds more fun than getting shot by armor-piercing rounds in real life.] Felix thought.

The Digital Den's VIP lounge also included private gaming booths like those on the first floor. Kyle and Rick invited Felix and Andreas for a quick Battle Royale match while the ladies continued eating and drinking at the table.

"Jessica, Sarah, Both of you were students of Dr. Taylor Miller, correct?" Heidi inquired.

"Yes! She's a brilliant teacher and mathematician. Unfortunately, I haven't seen her for some time, but I know she works at Future Tech VR." Sarah replied honestly.

"Ms. Miller has been busy collaborating with Robotics and SpaceX with our current armor and spacesuit programs. I agree she is quite the intelligent woman." Heidi stated.

"She even raises her six-year-old son by herself. So I asked her to hang out with us more often but quickly realized she had more responsibilities than Heidi and I," Alexis commented.

"What has her department contributed to the armor program? I'm aware of her work with VR, but what does that have to do with spacesuits?" Jessica asked inquisitively.

"It's primarily confidential information, but what I can say is that we've applied her initial progress in deep-dive VR into new in-development armor products," Heidi explained.

"Ms. Miller mentioned how difficult it was for deep-dive users to interact with a completely digital world seamlessly. I wonder how her technology is utilized in non-gaming situations." Jessica replied curiously.

"You won't have to wonder about it for too long. Testing the SpaceX spacesuit will take us a week tops, and then we'll proceed with production for our astronauts." Alexis commented.

Half an hour later, the group of four emerged from the booth full of excitement from almost winning a group battle royale match and reaching the top three teams.

"Playing that game in VR mode was insanely thrilling. The only thing that could improve the experience is using my body as the input instead of a controller or relatively simple hand gestures." Felix stated.

While talking, they heard the crowd on the lower floors cheering wildly because the University of Texas ACL team won the historical first match 3-2 against UH. 

[Video games are more entertaining than I gave it credit. Interesting.] Felix pondered while watching UT students celebrating their school's victory.


Stats last time checked: 

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion 

15 million BTC (currently trades at $25,000) 

$16 Billion cash in Future Tech 

105,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education, Epic Games, 60% of SpaceX, 10% of Tesla, 10% of Koenigsegg)

20,000+ operators under Future Security 

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner, The Longhorn 

Five company collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E) 

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram, Twitch) 

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