Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 84 - Racing Sim Concept

Chapter 84 - Racing Sim Concept

(Comment here for anything you want to see on a new YouTube video about this novel and please vote using powerstones and golden tickets to get us within the top 200!)

(New video out on YouTube!)

Meanwhile, Enigma was present for a high-level Anarchy video conference meeting hosted on their private network servers. Inside a base hidden somewhere on the Andes Mountain Range in South America. 

A man speaking in a Russian accent was explaining the status of Anarchy's current plans. 

"Mr. Putin was very impressed with the aerodyne vehicle technologies Anarchy has put up for sale recently. So he asked if the Russian Federation could purchase both the AV tech and hacking support for a discounted price." the mysterious Russian oligarch stated. 

"Negotiable. When does our client require Anarchy's hacking service? We can't be on stand-by for long periods just for one customer." Enigma asked in annoyance. 

"My contacts mentioned a few things about Crimea and the risks of Ukraine joining the European Union. The invasion is currently scheduled for early 2014, based on the country's military actions I've observed." the Russian man replied. 

"Tell Putin we have a deal if his men can assist us with a business matter, one requested by a few powerful men in Syria and the Middle East. He gets the AV tech and hacking services in exchange for cash and unmarked professional operators tasked with rescuing a fellow named Ashkan from a very dark prison in South America." Enigma demanded calmly. 

"Understood, Enigma. Are the clients the same ones attempting to start their own caliphate?" the Russian man asked. 

"Correct. Though, we have a team in Syria masquerading as hacker extremists selling some of our available tech and services in exchange for cash and authority within the extremist groups. I feel like this avenue of our business could be quite financially and influentially lucrative." Enigma stated with a wide grin. 

Another man who looked like a stereotypical silicon valley suit interjected in the conversation to notify Engima about business in the United States. 

"Our recent development of the first-generation AIM processors has been a hit with many Silicon Valley executives. They've been clamoring for new tech that could give them a fighting chance against Future Tech, even if they acquired it from unsavory sources." the mysterious American explained. 

"I became aware of our successful business in the US after seeing the $20 billion in our Cayman Islands bank accounts. Continue doing good work at our US branch, and you'll be promoted within Anarchy soon enough." Enigma stated before dismissing his underlings. 

[It's been a few months since the CIA and Interpol have been on our tails, but they still haven't figured us out. Amateurs.] Enigma pondered while continuing reverse-engineering tech Anarchy recently stole from a subsidiary of Reliance Industries. The largest conglomerate in India. 


At Future Tech Austin Headquarters, Vince discussed his plans with Kyle, John Carmack, and Palmer Luckey the same day. 

"Aiya, please have Dr. Taylor Miller attend our meeting as a representative from Future Tech VR. Thanks." Vince instructed. 

After a few minutes, a Caucasian lady in her late 20s arrived at the penthouse living room. 

"Thank you for freeing some time for this meeting. I understand you've been busy collaborating with Heidi and Alexis amidst the armor program." Vince told her before introducing John and Palmer. 

"Welcome aboard, Mr. Carmack! My team would love to have you. Most of my staff will freak out when they hear John Carmack himself is joining us as a consulting officer." Dr. Miller stated sincerely.

"Please kindly stop. Future Tech has been showering me with praises since I got here. Feel free to use my expertise in any way your department requires. I'm always hungry to learn and innovate!" John replied passionately. 

"You and Dr. Miller can discuss Future Tech's more classified VR information after our meeting. But, for now, I'd like to know more about our new consulting officer. I remember reading about how you and id Software started the esports industry in the late '90s with Quake. Id awarded Thresh with your Ferrari 328 as the grand prize. Epic!" Vince stated reverently. 

"I loved that Ferrari, but Dennis Fong deserved it after playing such a phenomenal tournament. However, our events back in the day pale in comparison to the APL and its bi-annual finals that Future Studios started hosting in 2012." John replied genuinely. 

"The APL can't take away the fact that id Software pioneered the competitive video game industry. You guys were a huge inspiration for us at Future Studios." Kyle commented with his point of view. 

"Side note, many of us here at Future Tech are into high-precision and performance engineering, so we own traditional vehicles you might be interested in, like Heidi's LaFerrari," Vince stated in a playful tone. 

"What?! I heard those only came out last week. The Ferrari waiting list is insanely long, and I wonder if any of those listed are even real." John replied in surprise. 

"Heidi's LaFerrari is the first and currently the only one in the United States. She paid for an FT Super Galaxy aircraft out of pocket to transport the car from Maranello to Austin. Our resident robotics expert loved the car after tearing up COTA on a track day." Vince explained. 

"I can imagine cause I felt the same way with the Ferrari Testarossa back in the 90s. The aerodyne vehicles that Future Tech introduced earlier this year have also been an interest of mine." John replied. 

"Hang on; you own a Formula 1 team, right?" John inquired suddenly. 

"Yes, they've been doing well this season. What's up?" Vince replied curiously. 

"I've been thinking of a new video game that id Software could start developing while I consult with Future Tech. Your Formula 1 team already has a working physically realistic driving simulator; wouldn't it be natural to refine the application and sell it on the Infinity store for regular display and VR players." John suggested. 

"Oh! You're onto something, John. What if we could implement a league ladder system like real life to make it more legit. I can even speak to Jean Todt for a partnership with the FIA as the official racing simulator for their entire auto sports portfolio." Vince brainstormed out loud. 

"Whoa! I can see why you're so successful, Vince. Your ambition speaks for itself. Those are fantastic ideas. However, we'd have to sell sim racing hardware for players who want a more immersive and authentic experience." John stated. 

"Future Tech has reliable peripheral partners like Logitech, but they may not be up to the task for manufacturing sim racing equipment. So we can worry about that further into the development stage. Though I'm uneasy about Zenimax's involvement as id Software's publisher and parent company." Vince said as he brought up the elephant in the room. 

"That may be a problem. How about I negotiate a buyout deal with Zenimax? My staff can support expanding the Infinity Console game library with new intellectual property based on our experience." John suggested. 

[War Online and Everlife has taken most of Future Studio's attention while Epic is busy with the Infinity Unreal Engine. It may be worth purchasing id Software outright to bolster my video game portfolio.] Vince pondered. 

"These are all great ideas, John. I hope Zenimax and Future Studios can reach an amicable agreement. Our Infinity platform sorely needs more signature exclusive video game titles." Vince replied honestly.  While brainstorming about the new racing simulator game concept, Aiya whispered to Kyle regarding another guest meeting in ten minutes.  josei

"Brendan Greene, also known as PlayerUnknown, is waiting at the lobby for the office tour and to accept his reward for Best Infinity Community Mod," Aiya explained. 

"Thanks, Aiya. I almost forgot because of all the excitement from speaking with Mr. Carmack. I'll welcome our guest shortly." Kyle stated before bidding farewell to the others in the living room. 


An Irish man in his late 20s with brown hair sat patiently at the Future Tech headquarters lobby. 

[This building, no, this city is drastically different from what I expected. But, on the other hand, Modding Everlife might be the best decision I've made in my life based on how prosperous everybody here seems to be.] So Brendan thought while drinking tea served by a Future Tech employee. 

Kyle emerged from the private elevator and introduced himself to his guest. 

"My name is Kyle, the junior executive director of Future Studios. Welcome to our headquarters, Brendan. I can begin showing you around if you don't mind starting earlier than our scheduled meeting." Kyle stated. 

"Of course. Thank you for inviting me. I recall you speaking at the E3 announcement about two weeks ago. It was a great show and inspired me into modding Everlife during my free time working as a photographer and web designer in Brazil." Brendan said while they were walking around the Future Studios offices. 

"I'm glad to hear about your interest in modding Everlife. We designed Everlife and Infinity Unreal Engine to allow modders of all skill levels to contribute ideas on our platform, ensuring the longevity and variety of our new triple-a game." Kyle explained. 

[Good thing I watched the E3 announcement, or else I'd still be stuck in Brazil eating ramen noodles and working shitty gigs.] Brendan pondered while the Future Studios offices amazed him at every glance. 


Stats last time checked: 

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion 

15 million BTC (currently trades at $25,000) 

$16 Billion cash in Future Tech 

105,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education, Epic Games, 60% of SpaceX, 10% of Tesla, 10% of Koenigsegg) 

20,000+ operators under Future Security 

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner, The Longhorn 

Five company collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E) 

Dozens of investments under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram, Twitch) 

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