Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 99 - Starship Engines

Chapter 99 - Starship Engines

(Comment here for anything you want to see on a new YouTube video about this novel and please vote using powerstones and golden tickets to get us within the top 20!)

Announcement: Please check the glossary/characters auxiliary chapter for updated concept art!

After Vince met with the Disney executives, he instructed David to pay the top media companies a visit to negotiate similar deals regarding Future Tech's new online platform.

The original reason for Vince's LA visit was to meet Director Elon at the local Future Tech Branch, the former SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne.

Unlike most places that only provided AV pads for public use, the branch featured both public and private ones for executive use, where Vince's CAV landed.

Elon Musk and Christian Von Koenigsegg greeted Future Tech's CEO as Vince walked into the testing facilities' control room.

"I know we regularly speak over NetServ conference calls, but it's good to see you in person after so long, Christian," Vince said respectfully.

[This guy is a genius for inventing the new standard of aerodyne engines, using only basic Future Tech AI technology, more than a year ago.] So Vince thought while ignoring Elon.

Musk didn't take it to heart because they spoke and saw each other more often than Elon spent time with his children.

"The Raptor engines are ready for testing, Vince. We'll ignite all thirty boosters in quick succession, not simultaneously." Elon explained, skipping the niceties of greetings.

"Based on our Infinity simulations, there is a small chance the entire rocket may explode if the onboard AI system which facilitates the engines' freevalves doesn't fire correctly," Christian commented calmly.

"Okay, I don't even want to think about how expensive it would be if half of the Starship explodes, so just begin the test and pray for the best." Vince plainly stated.

"You heard the man. Commence successive stage ignition." Elon instructed one of his engineers.

Around 500 meters away from the bulletproof glass was a staging area surrounded by water with the Starship rocket right in the center.

SpaceX used the water to cushion the outgoing heat and sound energy produced by the thirty screaming Raptor engines.

Unlike the original engines from Vince's previous life, these were designed in Sweden in collaboration with SpaceX aerospace engineers.

These Koenigsegg-brand Raptors utilized Future Tech's AV jet fuel mixed with liquid oxygen.

Compared to the Merlin engines used in Falcon rockets, these new ones provided almost three times more thrust while maintaining fuel efficiency throughout the voyage.

Each engine ignited in consecutive order within ten seconds without signs of misfires or failures to everyone's relief.

"Yes! Christian, you're engines are works of art, my friend." Elon shouted excitedly.

"Patel's continuous updates for Infi AI made my job much easier designing these monstrous engines," Christian responded humbly.

"I guess our space exploration program could start practical testing now we've assessed the Raptor engine's performance," Vince commented.

"SpaceX should be ready to launch our first crewed mission by the end of the year," Elon replied.

"Will the private Spaceport be ready in time for the mission?" Vince inquired.

"Marcia Kemp finalized the deal with the California State Government months ago. Texas was very interested in hosting the Spaceport at Boca Chica, but California was adamant we build ours here." Elon explained.

"Makes sense. Texas has the Tech Campus in Austin, so building the Spaceport there too would be unacceptable for the two competitive States." Vince stated.

"We have no escape from politics, sadly," Christian commented.

"Speaking of politics, how's the development of Future Security's spy satellites going? We need them as soon as possible, based on everything going on with FS right now." Vince asked seriously.

"I'm not quite sure how I feel about the new type of satellites Director Price and Future Robotics proposed to us. Some of the features seem straight-up illegal, Vince." Elon explained honestly.

"You mean the defense systems which are meant to protect our assets in geosynchronous orbit like the 20 Bitcoin Bank satellites and our future space station, Elon. Nobody would know except us, and you're aware how difficult it is to steal corporate intelligence with Anthony snooping around." Vince stated reassuringly.

"If it were any other client, I wouldn't launch them into orbit, but you're right. We can ask for forgiveness later if needed." Elon reluctantly replied.

"Future Security wants at least five spy satellites up there before we start the Starship missions. I can add to your budget to expedite the launch within the year." Vince offered.

"Space X will need $1.5 billion to complete the five with its remaining armaments. Remember, we can't refuel or resupply them without the space station." Elon reminded the young man.

"No worries. We'll have plenty of options once our astronauts are deployed out there. Of course, performing spacewalks for maintenance will be a piece of cake for Heidi's medium power suits. How's their training going, by the way?" Vince replied curiously.

"They've been spending plenty of time at the Future Med wing, preparing physically and practicing the deep-dive control system in conjunction with the space power suits Future Tech designed," Elon explained.

"Good. The astronauts need to accustom themselves to living as one with their suits. Besides our ventures in SpaceX, how's your Tesla doing lately?" Vince asked.

"The updated and redesigned Model S is being mass-produced by the updated Hive Mind Suites we recently ordered from Austin HQ. So we won't have to worry about production issues for a while. Also, it's the perfect time to introduce the new car because of the recent power grid update." Elon answered.

"I hope the mass consumer market starts adopting electric vehicles, even if it meant lower CAV sales. EVs will be the turning point for humanity's sustainability on Earth." Christian commented.

"We'll need government funding to continue upgrading the power grid throughout North America, or else, only Texas and California residents will be able to take advantage of our recent innovations in EV tech," Elon said dejectedly.

"I feel Sweden will also make the switch from traditional vehicles soon. My staff heard talks about the government planning to sub-contract the country's power grid upgrade entirely to Future Tech. The results here and in Austin have made it clear; better energy infrastructure is vital in combatting climate change." Christian stated confidently.

"Thanks for the heads up. I'll have David send a legal team with you on the way back. The deal should be a boon for Future Tech's cash flow situation, considering how expensive the efforts in Afghanistan had been." Vince replied.

"They'll have to make do with one my Koenigsegg's executives while they're in Sweden because I'll be staying in Austin to open our new factory and dealership at the Tech Campus. Engine manufacturing should be considered a strategic asset for our corporation." Christian responded.

"You should consider relocating your family to Austin. Then I'll be much more at ease with your security. Sweden is too close to Russia, and they've been messing with the corporation recently." Vince explained scornfully.

"It may be difficult to convince my wife to leave Sweden, but Future Tech had been so instrumental with my company's growth that she would at least consider the idea," Christian replied.

"The H-1B2 visas won't be a problem with our corporation's current connections with the federal government. The Future Education Academy should be open when your family eventually moves to Austin. We'll be employing a more refined strategy for educating all the employee's kids there based on results from Kandahar, and it's all free." Vince explained.

"I'll keep it in mind, Vince. If that's all, gentlemen, I'll be heading back to the Tech Campus and oversee the construction of my buildings." Christian responded before bidding farewell to his fellow corporation executives.

"Will you be staying in LA to spend more time with your girlfriend? I watched the music video, Vince. It's playing on every Future Tech audio/video billboard downtown." Elon teased.

"Shut up, dude. I plan on expanding Future Studio's music label while I'm here, for your information. You're just jealous you can't dance as well as I do. Maybe it's the age. I'll need to use one of the meeting rooms, by the way." Vince bantered back.

"Ha! I'm already used to my kids calling me old, so it doesn't affect me at all. Alright, I'll have my secretary prepare a room for you. First, though, which musician did you invite? Is she hot?" Elon curiously replied.

[This guy should avoid dating music artists, or else he'll end up with Grimes releasing a diss track about him.] Vince pondered.

"No, it's a man, not a hot chick. And you've met him at E3 two months, Pharrell Williams." Vince explained.

The stats section is currently being revised in newer chapters. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Stats last time checked:  josei

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion 

15 million BTC (currently trades at $25,000) 

$13 Billion cash in Future Tech 

105,000+ employees (FT AI, Future Studios, Hive Mind Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, Future Tech F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education, Epic Games, 60% of SpaceX, 10% of Tesla, 10% of Koenigsegg) 

20,000+ operators under Future Security 

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner, The Longhorn, Flyga

Collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E, Disney) 

Numerous subsidiaries under Future Tech Holdings (i..e., Instagram, Twitch, Big Hit Entertainment) 

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